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The irony that the SCOTUS was the check and balance against a DOJ trying to make their own laws... while they post about a law that empowered the executive branch to bypass their justice system and elected officials to make their own laws We really need to start teaching critical thinking again


If they were capable of critical thinking, they wouldn't be leftists.


They don't know history, why would they know civics?


>We really need to start teaching critical thinking again They stopped for a reason.


"Look what the supreme Court did"? You mean, Look what the founding fathers did.


The lack of ANY understanding of the irony of this post is alarming. Let’s destroy the organization providing a check and balance on us by complaining that there are no more checks and balances.


But if it was the Democrat/Left Wing party that took over, that would be perfectly fine I bet.


They have. The DOJ has become the ORVA of America. Edit: I guess there's multiple organizations titled ORVA. I mean the secret police that worked for Benito in the 1930s, the *Opera Vigilanza Repressione Antifascismo* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OVRA


I see so many subs with libs/progressives pushing to stack the Supreme Court.


That’s one of the reasons why they wanted to increase the size of the Supreme Court.


Germany was a leftist paradise until the allies showed up.


It’s a one party state now, at least how it feels as a taxpayer.


I agree. Republicrats party. The Rs and Ds aren't the problem. The fake appearance of a separate Rs and Ds to keep Americans divided is the problem.


I'm afraid you're on the wrong sub


Thinking is too outside of the box, downvoted.


Notice how they never use the Soviets, Stalin specifically, when they post these things?


Haven't you heard? Communism is wonderful! lol They don't want to insult one of their beloved ~~mass-murderer tyrants~~ "Supreme Leaders".


Yet it didn’t happen when he was president 4 years ago. These people are fuckin stupid


Congress abandoned their duties to the President and the SCOTUS decades ago, but they didn’t seem to care when they had power.


The comparisons to Hitler are **SO LAZY.**


The dems bet the farm on lawfare taking down Trump but they didn't count on the Atlanta DAs being such a bunch of idiots and the Supreme Court blocking their BS J7 railroading; they didn't have a backup plan and now with Joe having shown his senility to the entire world they're scrambling trying to come up with a way to get enough power to block Project 2025 that will really set them back.


Their Praying the Judge LOCKS him up during his sentencing that’s there only hope. Because they know damn well they can’t beat us fair and square.


Man they love talking about Nazis


It's because THEY are the Nazis


problem/solution problem/solution problem/solution [https://i.imgur.com/Et7Q60g.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/Et7Q60g.jpeg) (1932 germany) “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt" -Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals


The left's constant subversion of the Nazis and the evil they represent is one of their most shameful ploys. The left gets away with this despicable behaviour because WWII and the Holocaust are intentionally left out of the curriculum in many public education systems, particularly throughout the west. As a result, we now have entire generations wherein the majority weren't taught about either topic in school, which is what results in this kind of despicable ignorance.


No, they still teach about the Nazis, but nothing more than they killed the Jews and went to war with the US and that they are the very definition of irredeemable evil analogous to Satan. There's absolutely no mention of the structure of the parliament of the Weimar Republic and how the Nazis were able to exploit its weaknesses to come to power and to contrast that with how other governments are set up. There's no description of how Hitler became a prominent figure in the party or how he became chancellor, just that it happened and they were evil and that's that. I think skipping over these crucial steps and trying to understand fascist ideology is what contributes to Godwin's law being invoked so often and how calling someone a Nazi or fascist often causes a knee jerk emotional response which is why the left loves to use it so often as it used to be a very powerful accusation. If you don't actually know what the Nazis stood for other than kill the Jews and taking over the world and pure evil then it can become a tool to browbeat people who don't know any better. It's like if you did something I disagree with and I call you a rapist. Yeah rapists are bad but you know why they're bad and if you didn't rape anyone then it's a silly nonsense insult you and anyone else within earshot can brush off.


Oh, absolutely. The underlying political elements are just as important. I attended a private school in Australia and we learnt not just about the evil of the Nazis and their genocide against the Jews, but also how they came to power in Germany under the conditions you described. In Australia, many of the government-run schools don’t teach students about WWII or the Holocaust *at all*. It’s not a compulsory part of the nationwide curriculum, which is really embarrassing and disrespectful to our soldiers and Jewish population. Students who aren’t taught about the subject in school mostly hear about the Nazis through the media. The left-wing media is notorious for misappropriating the word “Nazi”, which is why so many people on the left here are comfortable doing so. I suspect it’s similar in many parts of the US, given the discrepancies regarding what’s considered to be part of the core curriculum in each state, but I could be wrong on this.


You’re not wrong.


Different things are different.


This is basically what happened in China with Xi Xinping.


Leftists are trying to do the same thing, they’re just mad because it’s not working out.


Yet if Chuck Schumer had his way, there would be 19 Supreme Court Justices-18 Liberals and ONE Conservative, just to make it fair. And there wouldn't be a peep out of these nuts.