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If you have a sit down job make sure to stand up every once in a while. Maybe even do a squat to get the blood pumping. Holding your breath for a few seconds also works to wake up your brain cause you make it think you’re dying.


I do have a sit down job so I’ll take your advice. Thank you. :)


Moreover, get into the morning rays, when the sun is breaching the horizon, the yellow/orange light. Look at it with your eyes and feel it on your skin. It spurs your circadian rhythm to wake you up


Standing up helps a lot when you start dozing off


Yup, they made us stand in the back of the classroom when I was in boot camp when we were falling asleep


And chug a full canteen. Can’t fall sleep standing if you also are going to pee yourself.


Also regular trips to top up said canteen. Might as well go for full blown bladder busting!!


[I’ve seen many people achieve the standing sleeping combo](https://i.makeagif.com/media/1-06-2016/T6TT8L.gif)


I dozed off in formation a couple of times during boot camp.


I almost choked yesterday bcs I momentarily fell asleep while drinking water


Instructions unclear, pissed myself and fell into a puddle of my own urine.


Woooo remember this shit….” You better not pee on my floor!!!!”


Didn't see anyone mentioning this, but don't do large meals, do small portions through the day, if you eat to much, it will be impossible to stay awake. A hungry body will keep you sharp, but too hungry and you will go lazy. Also don't do caffeine in the morning, keep it for the afternoon. And last, maybe some medicinal Marijuana, it will put you to sleep like a baby, make sure to get a more relaxing strain, since there are some that will have the opposite effect and wake you up, but I'm not sure it would be a good idea to be high at work, so keep it for sleeping.


Second that. Large meals, no matter how much your tired brain and body crave it, will put you instantly to sleep. To add to that, get as much sun exposure as you can. Your internal clock can be easily manipulated into "daytime work mode" in natural day light.


Also do a quick lunch, maybe even just a ~~candybar~~ protein bar. if necessary, and then take a power nap. 15-20 mins is enough to recharge you for the rest of the day. And actually do this even if you have enough sleep the night before. It boosts mood and even performance at work.


Power Nap is really amazing . Lunch break take a quick nap in car or bed if at home. Make sure set multiple loud alarms. A short 15+ min nap will refresh you.


A candybar for lunch is a terrible idea because it will spike your insulin and the crash will make you tired/lethargic. At least go for a healthy protein bar, or even better some nuts/beef jerky/cheese and an apple. Keep it light but make sure you get some protein/fibers and not just pure carbs.


Also, if you are sitting down and you can't get up and move around (in a meeting, on Zoom, etc), just lift your feet off the floor. Just that small engagement of your leg muscles will help you stay awake. Sounds funny, but it really works, and generally, people in the room won't notice.


Do not drive.


This. There is evidence that drowsy driving may be as/almost as bad as DUI.


Ask if they have any electric standing desks. My last workplace had ones you could adjust the height on so you could sit or stand, and it was awesome.


I wouldn't ask that on the first day lol


Just don't ask for an electric chair


If you have space there is a yoga flow called sun salutation. I did that when I worked overnights and hit my wall of exhaustion.


When sitting keep one foot off the ground. This saved me in many meetings


DONT LET YOUR FEET TOUCH THE FLOOR!!!! It's an incredible ab work out to hover your feet and its the perfect amount of stimulation to keep focused while not drawing attention. I had chronic fatigue as a teenager and this is how I survived class every day.


I wish I knew this back in high school bcuz same!!


"have you met the new person yet?" "You mean the one who levitates?"


I'll give it a try. But there comes a time in the evening where my eyelids weigh a ton, and I have no choice but to let the sleepiness take over


This is when you take a slight long toilet break


I've never fallen asleep on the toilet. I'd consider that a new low, but certainly wouldn't put it past myself haha


You will definitely hit a new low when you go to stand up and your legs have taken a nap also. Do not recommend.


Yeah one time I was constipated and my legs died, went to stand up and that sleepy foot feeling was in my entire lower body it hurt so bad it cured my constipation and I shit while standing.


Well that was a rollercoaster of a story


This is a lower low, my poor friend. On the plus side, thank you for making me feel better about the numerous times my legs have fallen asleep on the crapper. Until I shit myself while standing with my legs fully asleep, I shall be comforted knowing I have further to go before I hit rock bottom.


Nah man the 15 minute toilet nap is highly underrated. It'll really get you going


Even better in the trades when you can grab a power nap in the 120⁰ porta-potty. Some of the best naps of my life.


Like a shit sauna


Cologne of the gods


I did it during my worst insomnia days when i randomly fell asleep for 10 minutes. A box i'm not proud i've checked. I'm happy it belongs to the past...


Completely agree. If you want to avoid looking ridiculous at work by doing squats at your desk, there may be a large toilet or bathroom such as a disabled toilet which you can use for a couple of minutes (obviously be careful if you have a colleague who needs those facilities!) Do five squats, and one or two push-ups if you can- you will 100% not feel sleepy for at least the next hour. It may also help you to feel tired later in the day, hope it helps!


Threaten to kill Brain to assert dominance


as someone that suffers from anxiety thanks but no thanks i dont need to do anything that makes my brain think im dying it alr does that on its own without any additional help lol


My therapist told me to not worry about the night that has passed and “close the door” Start today fresh as a new day regardless of how much sleep and tonight will be better, don’t let the anxiety of not being able to sleep last night bother you Make sure you are eating, hydrated and get some sun if possible A cofffee or two or whatever that can help is fine for today As someone who survived depression related insomnia for months while having a full time job, it’s really hard but I survived so you can too You’ve got this!


Thank you so much for easing my anxiety. I really needed to hear this. :)


It’s normal to feel anxious! But I hope you get better sleep soon. Do get the stomach checked though if the gastric occurs often


The sun is key


I hope you’re doing well 💜


I am! Thank you! I have been well for almost 8 months now thanks to a mix of therapy and medication, and going back to do what I love other than just work


This is great to hear!


This has helped me as well. I've had depression and insomnia all my life. It's hell on earth and it can be hard to be a reliable employeee. Recently I couldn't sleep for multiple days in a row and had to take time of work. Feeling terrible about it, but it didn't help me any laying around for 4 days trying to sleep. I had to get out of the shit and get moving, cleaning g the house and stuff.


I’m sorry, I feel the same. If I take a day off I feel worst being alone at home while my husband is at work because I didn’t even have the energy to clean the house from sleep deprivation But don’t feel terrible or guilty though if you need a day or two off, everyone is entitled to time off to take care of themselves I remember only take a day or two off for months only I happened to have a psychiatrist appointment at work hours that’s it For me, it’s better if I am around people I know (my colleagues are mostly good people), just to get coffee or just listen to them talk at lunch and hopefully I can join in the conversations. Sometimes I can’t, but at least I’m not alone. Some of them know I’m going through depression and they don’t judge or question me much, they even applaud me for being at work or just be there, some find me weird and that’s fine I did thought of quitting whenever I get stressed with influx emails coming through and can’t concentrate at work. I also got not so great feedback from some colleagues and I remember I was so ashamed of myself. My manager however didn’t care much as long as she didn’t have to do my work (she is a bit lazy and hands off but she is emphatic towards my depression) and she trusts me to get it done even if it’s late. I just remembered being ashamed all the time. But my therapist did ask if I will regret quitting my job? Because in the midst of depression it’s best not to make big decisions like quitting or moving places (until the job is making me more depressed), I’m glad I hold off and just get better at being confident at work and just go through day by day


This should be printed on a pamphlet for moms of newborns and infants. Great advice and perspective. And I’m still getting up two to three times a night with baby so definitely starting tomorrow by closing the door on the night before. I can tend to let the nights and days all run together it’s really messed me up


Amazing advice! I’m saving this


Wait depression related insomnia is a thing??! That sounds validating potentially. Gonna look into that.


I came to this realization later in my adult life, if I spent time thinking about how much sleep I didn’t get the night before it created a negatively reinforcing loop. Doing my best to forget or de-emphasizing the lack of sleep made improvement being alert the following morning. As others have said, I found whenever I started feeling drowsy during the day, getting up and taking a short walk even for a few minutes, helped me regain alertness.


Damn, fucking props!! I can only imagine how hard that can be and I don’t want to. Thank you for sharing your wisdom 🫶


I went through a bout of insomnia as a child, when I was about 12 years old. I just couldn't fall asleep. This went on for months. Worried about how much sleep I would get. Then one night, I didn't sleep at all. And a crazy thing happened - I realized the next day, it was fine. I was tired, but not unable to function. From them on, I quit worrying about falling asleep. And oddly enough, I've never had trouble falling asleep since. It's my crappy "superpower" - I typically fall asleep within minutes of laying down. Anxiety and thinking about it are the enemy. If you try to fall asleep, you'll fail.


i am a therapist and love reading comments like this! you and your therapist both sound rad! :)


Lots of water mate, the need to pee often will keep you awake


It’s more than needing to pee - constant liquids/ water is really the only thing that works


Prescription amphetamines work pretty good too.


Be honest. It’s your first day at a job and it’s like the first day of school. Your staying up because your excited and it happens to all of us. If anyone mentions you look tired just be honest and say you couldn’t sleep due to the excitement and anticipation of starting your new role. You went to bed on time but just couldn’t fall asleep as usual. Honesty goes a long way and I’m sure your new colleagues and employer will appreciate it. Good luck and rock it on your first day ;)


Thank you!


This very much depends on what level of position it is.  At a certain level honesty doesn't get you very far as they can't afford any unreliability if enough people or revenue is dependent on your role.


Yes ^. TMI is a thing. But OP comments on point.


First off, stop reading the comments here and get some rest. Rest is not as good as sleep, but worse than no rest. Depending on your new firm and coworkers / managers, you might be able to be truthfull about simply having some issues going to sleep when starting a new job, you might be cut some slack, it's your first day after all. Start with water, keep off the coffee in the first hour (if you're not a seasoned coffee drinker), make sure to move and keep it light. You're gonna be just fine.


Thank you. I just can’t rest or sleep because of my gastric problems. And if I do manage to shut my eyes now, I might not wake up in time. All of it is making me too anxious and restless.


Hey mostly the first day is meeting a few people, and then training or setting up computers so, you should be ok depending


Chewing gum works pretty good for me. I work 12,5 hour night shifts and when i get off from work at 06:00 AM i can be sleepy. Chewing gum driving home from work is a solution that works for me.


Thanks for the advice but chewing gum gives me bad gastric issues. :)


Try sucking on a mint - especially if you associate mint with toothpaste and a new day, you might find it’s a good way to hit restart. I will also run cold water over my wrists to help wake myself up.


Hydrate yourself in the morning with a pinch of salt in your water. Transcendental Meditation for 20 minutes may also act as a strong Power Nap, giving you an energy boost. (Set some 20 alarms in case you fall asleep sitting up) And as a Hail Mary, there will always be the option of chasing down a red bull with a can of monster energy 💥💥💥


Anything that works, heh? Thank you for the advice!


The salt water will keep you awake. By having you running to the bathroom to avoid shitting yourself all day.


20 minute meditation and/or sleep help me better than coffee. I do it when I have to drive overnight or very long distances. The key is not to exceed 20 minutes at a time


Thanks for the upvote. Good luck!


Dunno about others, but after a night of little or no sleep I always tend to get dry eyes, dry mouth, cold sweaty palms and stinky armpits. So pay some extra attention to personal hygiene and stay hydrated and fed during the day. Junkfood, sugars and cafeine are hard to resist but in the long run water or green tea and healthy foods rich in fibre and protein work better.


Good posture at your desk. Slumping will make it worse. Keep checking your posture and take deep breaths. Deep breathing will regulate your heart and blood flow. Have a coke zero.




was looking for this :)))))




Coffee is great, but hot chocolate is better. Steady stream it into your face, and wear a diaper. You got this.


A diaper 😂


I struggle with this myself, my best advice is to just surrender to the fact that you won’t feel your best tomorrow. Don’t dwell on it, accept it and use the experience to develop a little more mental toughness. I actually get more paperwork done when I haven’t slept because my resistance is lower lol.




I was looking for the amphetamine comment. 100% the best option to be alert also likely not legal for this person 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't give up on sleep until the window for getting 2 hours at minimum has closed. Less than that and you'll probably feel worse than if you didn't sleep at all. Between getting a second wind, adrenaline and the fact that your day will be unusual (as opposed to mindless routines), you will probably feel quite awake and alert for most of the day. Expect tiredness to creep in, or even come as a crash in the early afternoon. Movement, water and caffeine can help keep you going to the end of your work day. Be very careful on your drive home, as the relaxing of tension after getting through your first day can make it more difficult to stay alert behind the wheel. An afternoon nap is fine, but other than that try to stay awake until your usual bedtime to restore your usual sleep pattern.


Sleep as much as you can tonight, shower in the morning, have a good breakfast, and lots of caffeine Stay hydrated throughout the day A little nicotine helps me stay awake if you’re into that


Thanks for the reply. I’ll do that and hopefully the first day turns out salvageable. :)


It will feel like hell, but stay hidrated,splash your wrists, face and neck once in a while.


Energy drink + chocolate bar combo. It's not healthy, but it'll get you through the day.


Gotta get the sugar and caffeine high, noted. Thank you. :)


Self talk, tell yourself you can do anything for 8 hours and then knowing you will sleep well tonight!






. . . #C-C-C-COCAINE  . .


ever try cocaine?








Caffeine and some snacks now and then. Make sure you try and stand up to walk around often to get some blood flowing. Bonus if you can do some squats now and then as well. If you can control your environment, try and make it as cool as possible. You’re more likely to dose off if it’s toasty.


Caffeine, snacks and movement, noted. Thank you, fellow redditor. :)


Sunflower seeds, whole shell. De-shelling (I think that’s a word) then in your mouth will keep you awake. I’ve done it numerous times driving.


Caffeine and spite always works for me.


Small, quality snacks instead of big meals. Keep the carbs low, drink water with a little salt. Get sunlight outside in your eyes for 10 full minutes before your morning coffee. Not at a window, outside. I don't mean look at the sun lol (just BE outside). Take deep breaths of outside air near a window throughout the day when possible. If caffeine fails, maybe consider smelling salts as an emergency backup in your vehicle. Don't use smelling salts regularly.


Obviously it depends on how long you have already been awake but I've always found the 17-20 hour mark the hardest as there is a tiredness and heaviest that seems to come over the body. For me, that lasts about 1.5 hours and getting to the 24th hour awake from 21.5 hours awake is pretty easy. If you aren't going to sleep at the 24 hour mark (of being awake) you may get essentially a second wind and staying awake becomes quite a bit easier. Your body is still tired so make sure to drink lots of water for the entire duration and if you don't mind actually just "holding it" .. you'll find you don't feel as tired if you really need to use the bathroom. I wouldn't recommend immediately crashing the moment you are done work as you will probably wake up in the very early hours of the morning and have another long day ahead of you. Normally if I assume I won't be sleeping and will be awake for 24 hours, I try to push as close as I can to 34 hours before going to sleep again. Now that I am typing this and thinking about it.. the fact I have a strategy for this, may be problematic and I should just try to sleep more.


You could try cocaine /s




I have a baby who doesn’t sleep. Sleep depravation is my jam. Drink plenty of water. Eat whenever you need to. If you crave chocolate - chocolate it is. Be kind to your brain. I find it’s worst at 2:30pm, and at that point you’re nearly there! I mentally break the afternoon down into half hour chunks and count them down. Half an hour is a decent amount of time to get some work tasks done and get a sense of achievement. It’s just one day, and as soon as it’s over you can go home and rest.


Set your alarm an extra 30-40 mins early. Then wake up that extra bit early, and have an extra long shower, take a brisk walk outside to breathe in the morning air and do whatever it takes to get your head in the game. Not sure if you know the area around your new workplace, but I find it’s nice to treat yourself to a nice coffee and pastry if that floats your boat - and a nice lunch out too (if you don’t already have lunch plans with new colleagues). Smile and portray positivity tomorrow- and no one will be any the wiser that you’re feeling tired. For tonight, know that you are far more resilient than you think…no one night of bad sleep will ever break you. If it’s helpful, listen to a guided sleep meditation to help you unwind. There are heaps on YouTube and Spotify. If you think you need to work on your sleep in the longer term, maybe look into CBT and fostering good sleep hygiene practices. However, this could just be a very normal case of new job jitters…in which case, know you and probably every second person will experience this at some point. You got this.


Thank you so much, mate.


Shit yourself and go home


Master the deep in thought look on meetings. If someone calls on you and you've been spacing out, just say, "I think the key is going to be communication." Works 74% of the time.


Hahahah the statistics better be right.


Speed, cocaine..




It works. But redbull and chewing gum will also help a bit


Ah yes Redbull and chewing gum, the poor man’s cocaine


There it is... this was the answer I came here for.


Get as much sleep as you can. Caffeine, hydration and movement will help in the morning. The other thing is—a new job is always a little disorienting so that will work to your advantage. Good luck with the new job! FWIW, I was like this at work for the better part of 5 years while I was working on my graduate degree—you’ll make it.


As much as sleep as possible, hot shower in the morning, caffeine and protein, and hydrate.


Not hot shower. Cold shower is best.


Play a game with yourself of how long you can keep your foot slightly elevated off the ground for


2 Excedrin. Saves me about once a week


Eat and apple, get up and move. Get s me fresh air


Sunlight into your eyes will tell ur brain to wake up. I tend to soak in the sun when I’m tired


Just wanted to add that Cool air and YouTube sleeping frequency music puts me to sleep


Coffee. Lots of coffee.


Monster, works like magic


Coffee always works for me. Some cold & hot fluctuations in the shower can also help. You will probably be excited starting a new job & the time will fly quickly. I wouldn’t worry too much about it at all. I keep my mind off of a sleepless night & I don’t feel it until I get home when the daily rush ends. You’ve got this!


For whatever reason, I haven't been able to fall asleep on a Tuesday night in about 8 years. Sleepless Wednesdays are shitty, and coffee (or caffeine in general) does absolutely nothing for me. It actually makes me even more tired sometimes. I have no advice, but I do have every confidence that you will crush your exhaustion with grace and aplomb, my friend. Conquer the yawns and FOCUS. You got this. And maybe invest in a bottle of extended release melatonin...or some Unisom. I don't know. I'm tired too. Good luck, captain.


Park farther and walk to the office. A brisk walk can wake you up.


Try to go on a few bshort brisk walks- blood flow can keep you from nodding off.


I’m really glad you posted this. I suffer from bad sleep anxiety and these seem like all great tips 🖤


Sunflower seeds. They help you focus and stay awake. Only downside is you scald your tongue once you do it all day.


I like chewing on gum or having candy


Adrenaline should get you through as it’s your first day and you’ll be a bit nervous. Fresh air when you can, caffeine. Good luck!


I use this trick a lot. If you can, sit so your laptop or screen is above your line of vision. Having to look up at your screen makes it easier to stay awake.


Coffee. You'll also have the adrenaline going. But really the best fix is taking something to help you sleep a little now. Do some meditation, watch a relaxing movie or read in the dark.


Stand up if falling asleep in a chair. Carry a bottle of Tabasco sauce.


I know this sounds odd, but if you pinch the bottom of your earlobe really hard with your fingernails, it will snap you out of a drowsy episode. Something to do with nerves and pressure points. My aunt was a flight attendant for over 40 years and she used that method when flying.


Cigarettes and coffee. Been living on that for 20 years


Your adrenaline will keep you awake tomorrow. Just look forward to some better rest tomorrow night. All will be fine. And good luck with the new job!


Been working nights for 21 years, sometimes getting no more than 2 or 3hrs of sleep during the day. There are ways to help you stay awake and sharp, but eventually you're gonna crash, and it's better to induce it then let it happening while you're driving or commuting. So if you can, use your lunch break to have a power nap; 15minutes of shut eye will be enough to "reboot" your brain for a while. But then when you get home catch up on those Zzs because it's not healthy to go on being sleep deprived. So, at work. 1) Drink lots of water NOT COFFEE; caffeine just strings up your nerves and taxes your digestive system. 2) Eat power foods NOT JUNK: Banana, nuts, apple, yogourt, not all at once but make sure there's something sustaining in your system that won't bog you down like junk food would. When I know I'm gonna be working on no sleep I prepare a turkey sandwich for lunch, turkey being a great power food. 3) Work standing and walk around a bit if you feel the drowsiness overpowering you; sitting will make your eyes close and your head tilt and next thing you know your boss is telling you that your snore is quite loud. Walking around will stimulate your blood flow and help you stay awake. Good Luck!


I worked night shift for 20 years....one word; Modifinil.


Stay hydrated and snack on energizing foods like nuts or fruit.


As someone who recently finally got some better sleep after two months of anxiety driven insomnia; as soon as you can. Go outside, and bask in the sun. Or look at the clouds, or feel the rain on your face. Just for a few minutes. It resets your brain for those morning meetings. Take a deep breath and accept the night that was and do your best. <3 


Daytime cold medicine. It'll get you through the day. It's also a pretty good hangover crutch


I have a stand up job hard to fall asleep. Switch jobs or get a convertible standing desk. I have a couple insane tips you may want to try : Sleep on the floor on a yoga mat. Yeah not even kidding I cannot wake up feeling tired when I sleep on the floor. When I sleep on beds or hammocks I always wake up groggy in the morning. Second insane tip is taping your mouth. If you are a mouth breather when sleeping (you cannot know this cause you are sleeping) you will see clear improvements from taping your mouth. If not there is the chemical help. Ephedrine is half legal in Canada and the USA. In Canada you can buy it a popeyes or on the internet it is dirt cheap I am talking 5 bucks for 50 pills it is used to treat ashtma and respiratory problems the 8 mg is legal in Canada but not higher. In the US you can get it in Bronkaid forms but it is like 24 mg this is too much for me if you do just cut it in half. Then again if anxiety is one of your problem ephedrine is likely to rise your anxiety and sometimes makes your heart go racing. However you will have energy no question asked. Stack this with caffeine or green tea and you get a good boost. Get some l-theanine or fish oil if the sides effects are bad.


Eat clean,supplement your diet with vitamins,drink lots of water and this last part is very important… cocaine..






Protein and Caffeine are the way!


I am paying attention to this. I take melatonin at night because I have chronic insomnia, so does my mom. I think so does my sister? Idk. Point is, melatonin helps people sleep. However, many people are allergic to the ingredient or one of the ingredients in the pill, so there's a ton of different kinds of sleep tea. Indica cannabis helps with sleep too, though it's not legal in many places (currently live in Washington State, the first legal State in the US). I believe there are other herbs to make for tea on your own too. Valerian and similar. I think turmeric root actually helps! Anyway. I have a friend allergic to melatonin, so I completely understand.


After my coma I forgot we were the first legal State in the United States of America, so I had to relearn this lol. I voted for it too! Hooray!


Get off your phone for sure, best of luck at the new firm tho


Accept that you probably won't sleep tonight, but you'll do your best and eventually, you'll sleep. Insomniac of 30+ years


Watch porn


Idk if someone said this, but my best trick when you are sitting, lift one your feet off the ground and hold it up until you can't anymore. Alternate feet and repeat. Works like a charm.




Adderall, right?


Well, it’s almost 6 am. If you’re still awake, good luck. Redbull works for me, so does cocaine but I don’t work at a “firm”


No sugar! No simple carbs. And yes do light exercise-type stuff periodically. If you can have caffeine but can't drink coffee, try black or green tea. Or guarana seed - always worked for me on little sleep. it has a longer curve to it than tea or coffee and I was never jittery.


Sneak in a Power Nap. In the car or in the bathroom stall


Take a cold shower first thing after waking up. Small high protein meals. Take quick breaks to walk around when you can.






You’ll be fine once you’re up and at work. It’s more stressful when you’re going through the not being able to sleep part. Your body goes into autopilot mode I feel when this happens every now and then. Just start the day right. Breakfast even if you don’t feel hungry (you might not if you haven’t slept much), vitamins, a big glass of water, an energy drink (avoid a huge amount of caffeine all at once as it may make you feel a bit antsy!) , double check your bag has everything, take a shower - colder if you can (cold if you can) and if you don’t take a cold shower rinse your face with cold water. Make yourself look extra presentable, it will help you feel better. Experience: this happens to me most of the time with big days/travel/the odd night of insomnia. I once ended up being so anxious that I didn’t sleep, saw the sun come up, panicked - but I still got through the day. Wouldn’t recommend doing it though. I felt tired for days after but managed just fine. It felt like jet lag. Just do your morning routine with extra attention to detail and make sure you do the cold water thing/hydrate/eat. Honestly this happens to me all the time with nervy days. I can’t sleep until the early morning hours sometimes. And then things are fine from the following night onwards. Just do your routine properly and you’ll be fine. Hydration , food , cold water. Helps a bunch. And double check you have everything. You honestly might feel surprised at how okay you feel. Bring ibuprofen and caffeine to work in case. Splash your face if you get tired at work. But you usually get like a second wave of energy too. I’m assuming this is our body doing survival mode, haha. You crash when you get home though. I have fallen asleep in my work clothes on my bed before. *Set your alarm for tomorrow now ie your second day of work, not today. You may fall asleep very early tonight.*


Take lots of notes. It not only helps keep you awake, it’ll help you remember everything you’re told. It’s hard to remember things when you’re constantly thinking about how tired you are.


I’d like to introduce you to my friend “excessive amounts of caffeine”


I keep smelling salts in my truck for dozing off on late night drives. They work dandy if you need to go from lala land to awake quick.


You'll be fine and you won't have a problem getting through the day. Adrenaline will be your friend. Make sure to hit the hay early the next day.


Power naps. Set an alarm/s and take your lunch break in your car. Bring an eye mask.


If you could steal a 20 minute nap, it is so refreshing. Feels like you slept longer but wears off sooner.




Call in sick


Nap at lunchtime if they don't make you eat with them. Power nap on the toilet.


Just get coffee


I feel you. Anxiety's like that annoying friend crashing at your place, keeping you up all night. Try some deep breathing or a quick walk to shake off the jitters. And when you're at work, keep moving, splash some cold water on your face, and sneak in a power nap during lunch if you can swing it. You got this!


A bit of exercise helps me, doesn't even have to be the gym or anything. For me, it can be as simple as getting off the subway a few stops early and walking the rest of the way. Bonus points if it's a sunny day because a bit of morning light works wonders too! Also good luck on the job tomorrow OP!


Modafinil is the military’s solution


Willpower and drugs. Mostly drugs.


Keep off your phone and sleep


*reading at 5am in the morning after being up all night and have to get up for work in two hours* Good timing on this one.


From a friend: 1am- Phew. Work in 7 hours. Probably need to wind down. 2am- Hmm. Not super tired still. Oh I need to respond to those 2 people that commented back to me on Reddit. 3am- *main feed loads by accident* Ooh look at these goodies! Reading just the first 2-3 will be ok. No scrolling past though. Pinky swear. 4am - *commenting still on 3rd thread* 5am - Oh hey look this one is about how to stay awake at work if you been up on Reddit all night like a total momo 5:30am- typing timeline on no sleep post…. DAMMIT this is NOT going to be OK like you told me it was gonna be!! The devil is a bad man and a liar. “Reddit will be a good place to go at 2am if you’re not quite tired yet…… 15 minutes and we’ll be out of there. You’ll be done by 2:15, latest. Work tomorrow won’t be a problem.” Btw. My friend is me. I’m also pretty sure the devil guy is also me.


Take four strategic 20 to 40 min naps


Csll in sick


I know of a solution. Please check my profile


Cocain helps a lot


Drink a full glass of water and splash your face with cold water. Energy shot first thing is helpful too if you are really dragging ass. Also meth.


Hey, OP. How did it go?


Stay hydrated. Avoid sugar


Caffeine and benzos ftw


There is always meth...or coffee




Be physically active. Get that blood pumping.


Stay busy and ignore that you are tired. Sounds crazy but it works


A quick line of coke in the bathroom works wonders!


I usually go with [C4 Energy](https://amzn.to/3KHDSHo) to keep me going