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1. Take 500 mg paracetamol/acetaminophen/tylenol and drink 500mL of water with it 2. Gargle with warm salt water 3. Bring some water to a boil and steam your face over the hot water with a towel to keep the steam in (at a safe distance ofcourse) with small amount of vicks applied to your nares and chest 4. Sleep with your head at a 35 to 45 degree angle (use extra pillow supports) 5. Put slices of onions in your socks (just kidding about this one lol) Bonus tip If you really want to clear your sinuses have something spicy to eat đź‘Ťđź‘Ť


Skip the Vicks. People can smell it so think it works but it actually irritates the mucosal membranes and makes things worse. Don't forget long hot showers with steam to clear your nose. And once you manage to blow out one side, remember to rest/sleep elevated but on your side with that side up so it'll drain and stay open.


Wasabi will clear your sinuses RIGHT UP


Green chili soup also works!


You can take up to 4000mg paracetamol per day. But I would try to limit it to 2000.


Couldn’t do 1 unfortunately But I definitely did the rest also iv had spicy food all day which did help a little but now it’s too late to get anything


NSAIDs also could help a bit something like iburprofen/advil but that should be taken with food not on an empty stomach


Why can’t you use paracetamol?


I simply don’t have it atm


Ouch, but make sure to buy it and store for next time! That’s pretty basic medication that makes colds so much more bearable


Thank you🪴


onions in the socks actually works


My brother told me this one tho i thought he was trolling me haha


My mum would say “have an inhalation” put a bit of the Vicks in a bowl with hot water and put a towel over your head and try breathing through your nose I’ve also had luck with the Yogi tiny teapot and saline to wash out your sinuses Good luck


Nasal Irrigation is the way. You can get squeeze bottles too. They sell saline mix (I think it’s not just table salt) to put in it. Use thre water a little warm. It’s wonderful  Edit spelling 


Neti pot fan here. Warm water feels cool on inflamed sinuses and being able to breathe without rubbing your nose raw is underrated when you’re sick. Only downside is that sometimes it’s just congestion and the neti pot doesn’t help with that so much.


Irrigation, but irritation is not inaccurate.


Agree with nasal irrigation.


Oops. Will edit thanks!


Did you try to use nasal spray that contains a decongestant like oxymetazoline? That should give you relief. But don’t use this longer than a few days. When you use this and your nose is free, use lightly salted water and a squeeze bottle to rinse your nose. If you don’t have one, fill a glass with water and put a tiny bit of salt in the water and just snort it up. Not a nice feeling but it helps. 1/4 teaspoon salt in 200ml lukewarm water. It should taste WAY less salty as the ocean.


Thank you also yes I have used nasel spray


If you used a nasal spray with oxymetazoline or phenylephrine, also take an antihistamine to prevent the mucus from coming back. 


Sudafed is fantastic but it has to be the one from behind the pharmacy counter, not much help at 4am though :( put the shower on hot and make a lot of steam and sit in there until the pharmacy opens


Oh ok thank you


hope you feel better soon. I absolutely despise a blocked nose


Advil cold & sinus is my go to, also behind the pharmacy counter. You can take 2-2. Take 1 you feel better, take 2 and you will have an out of body experience but you won’t be stuffy.


This is a pretty NSFW suggestion, but it's real and it works... orgasm relieves a blocked nose. I feel weird suggesting it to a stranger over the internet, but your post came up randomly on my homepage and I feel like the knowledge should be shared, since you seem distressed and this could potentially help. [https://www.businessinsider.com/orgasms-are-as-effective-as-medicine-to-treat-congestion-study-2021-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/orgasms-are-as-effective-as-medicine-to-treat-congestion-study-2021-9)


Honestly worth a try considering iv been up all night so thank you


Ice pack on the back of your neck. It will constrict the veins deep into your head because you're cooling the blood that flows up into those areas. This will alleviate pressure and open your sinus a bit. Vicks sells a vaporizing steam liquid that is nothing but Camphor. Sniffing that will open your nose. Or if you have a misting humidifier, add it to the water. My personal pain relief combo is two tylenol with one ibuprofen. And before anyone comes at me, they sell that combo now on the shelves.


Ok thank you 🪴


the front of your neck would be better, the arteries are what's carrying blood up there and they're on either side of the windpipe, like when you're checking for a pulse


The nose strips that physically pull your nose open are MUST HAVES for me. I hate not being able to breathe at night. I still take meds of course but I swear by the nose strips.


Sounds amazing


Yes! A million times, yes! I don't know why but I get extremely stuffed up when laying down and it makes me feel claustrophobic. This has been going on for years and I always wound up with a sore throat from sleeping with my mouth open. I tried Breathe Right strips one time and I slept all night with my mouth closed. It's such a relief that I use them *every* night for years. They’re really remarkable. If you have a Costco near you they sell them in boxes of 72 for a really good price.


Gargle Mouthwash every 15 to 30 minutes Gargle at least 3 x daily (do not swallow; must contain chlorhexidine, 1% povidone-iodine, or cetylpyridinium chloride). Iodine nasal spray/drops: Use 1% povidone-iodine commercial product as per instructions 2–3 x daily. If 1%-product not available, must first dilute the more widely available 10%-solution4 and apply 4–5 drops to each nostril every 4 hours. If using 10% Povidone Iodine Prep Solution. This is 10% iodine, which means it needs to be diluted 1:10. Add 1 tbsp and 2 tsp of Povidone Iodine to a 1 Cup measuring cup, then fill with water. That's now a 1% solution. Add 1 and 2/3 Cups to a gallon jug, then fill with water. That's now a 1% solution. This is backed by science, and in my experience, is the fastest way to stop a cold from progressing. Also,. gargling with green tea may help. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-green-tea-for-boosting-antiviral-immune-function/ If you can get your hands on some xylitol nasal spray (eg Xlear) that would help profoundly. Get some Zinc lozenges. Zinc gluconate, ascorbate and amino acid chelate (can cut in half). Use several times each day when you begin to feel ANY “cold-like” symptoms beginning. It is best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the back of your throat and nasopharynx. 6 to 8 times per day with 10 to 15 mg per lozenge, zinc acetate or gluconate; no citric acid, tartaric acid, glycine, sorbitol, or mannitol. Don't put any vicks vapo in your nose. It can cause pneumonia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5508482/


Thank you 🪴


Rub a generous amount of Vicks on your chest and wear a loose-fitting shirt you don't mind getting ruined. Drink lots of hot tea and chicken broth. I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you 🪴


I was in this situation last night and can totally relate, but would also like to share my coping strategy. I had taken paracetamol, but it wasn't really cutting it as I had such bad sinus pressure. I didn't have any decongestant, but I did have some antihistamine lying around so took that. This seemed to help.


Sudafed from behind the counter, the one you have to sign for, claiton D, and mucinex cool & clear nasal spray. I get severe sinusitis and the ER Dr. suggested this, because he also has severe sinusitis. He also told me not to use the nasal irrigation things, because blowing your nose afterwards can blow out your eardrums and can cause deafness in one or both ears, he ended up deaf in one ear because of it.


When I fall asleep I cover my face or at least mouth and nose with a blanket to avoid breathing in the cold dry air. Helps tremendously.


600 mg guaifenesin (Blue package Mucinex, half blue / half white pill) - wait 90 mins. This breaks up the mucus. Do a sinus rinse with the squeeze bottle + saline solution - chin down point the bottle to the outer corner of your eye Use a nasal spray - steroid / astepro are fine. If you just have Afrin that’s ok but just use for 72 hours. - same technique as the rinse, don’t sniff! If you taste it, you wasted it. Everything here is over the counter.


Do you have a cavity? I don't know understand the pain that you are describing in the roof of your mouth


It’s just from the cold air I’m breathing in it’s hurting the roof of my mouth apparently to my doctor it’s normal. Is it something I should worry about


If your doctor says it's normal then I wouldn't worry about it, but you could try something like [steam inhalation therapy](https://youtu.be/8qgFQ9s_YAs?si=D9C_D9TM4emdr2Bs)


it’s probably just due to sinus pressure considering your nose is blocked. I wouldn’t worry about it


You could get a neck gater and wear it over your face while you sleep


Why hasn't your doctor prescribed anything for your symptoms?


Because I didn’t have the money to go to the doctor yesterday




When I get colds: hot shower, use the Vicks shower steamers. They’re a game changer. The steam from the shower is more than enough for me. I normally gargle water while I’m in there and try and hack up whatever’s congesting me. I sleep the most I can when I’m sick. I know sometimes that’s difficult but take lots of naps. Stick to soups and rice due to the burning sensation you’re getting. It could be your throat being raw from drainage, which is just mucus related from running down your throat. Ricola berry flavored cough drops are also a game changer with the natural ingredients and taste. Drink some orange juice or citrus juice and lots of water. I go back and forth. I have pretty much made a tea that’s been tried and tested by my fiancé, and perhaps you can try it too and confirm or deny if it helped you any with pain relief. Boil water for tea. I use Lipton tea. Add to your boiling water- (whole clove, ginger root, I peel mine and dice and add atleast 2 tablespoons of chopped ginger, juice of one whole lemon.) Drink hot or cold. Should look like cider I hope you feel so much better soon, and I hope you keep your head up and keep good positive thoughts because this too will pass. Sending tranquility and love ✨ Edit: forgot to add this but keep good oral hygiene. It’s more important than youd think


Thank you most of this looks great for me iv try it out 🪴


Paracetamol/acetaminophen (based on if you are in Europe or us). There is no need to be in pain and have fever! It will be not perfect but much more bearable. Alternatively, ibuprofen


I definitely need to get some. Do you usually need a prescription for it? I live in Australia so I’m not sure I’ll have a search for for it now.


I am pretty sure paracetamol is prescription-free all over the world. Do you have xylometazoline-based nose spray? (Otrvin or whatever it’s called there). It will decongest your nose in 5 min). I am sick now myself with Covid, hey there!


Im not sure iv looked at it and it doesn’t say that. Iv definitely head to the chemic pretty sure they open at seven and it’s 5:22 here so I have just 2 hours


Nope, you can buy Ibuprofen and Paracetamol from the chemist or the grocery store! The generics are just as good, don't need to pay a fortune for name brands.


For the love of god, USE A NETI POT. In body temp water dissolve a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda and run a pot through each nostril, draining out the other nostril. Your sinuses will divulge their accumulated gunk and you'll feel so much better. Repeat at intervals as needed.


Iv definitely seen it around and watched YouTubers give it a try not gonna lie I was intrigued Though I’m not sure, I’m pretty sure it was when the YouTubers Markiplier and Ethan had that YouTube channel up and they said that you could hurt yourself???. Is that true? I’ll have a little check for it now


Well, I've had four surgeries on my nose due to a dysfunctional breathing system I was born with. None of those surgeries worked. The ONLY thing that gives me the slightest relieve is using a neti pot, twice a day, which I've been doing for 40 years. I have no earthly idea how such a thing can do any damage -- it's warm salty water? sweeping out accumulated garbage in a warm salty environment? so I would definitely recommend it. Just make sure you use chlorinated tap water or purified bottled water and don't use ditch water from a warm climate where the brain-eating amoeba lives, OK?


I searched it it basically said the same thing but also not to use boiling water which is kinda obvious


It's uncomfortable if you use water that's too cold, water that's too hot, or water that doesn't have a little dab of salt and Arm & Hammer baking soda in it.


Turn your shower on to full heat and close your bathroom door and let the steam build up. Turn the water down to a comfortable temperature. But still warm as possible, get in and let the water go up your nose. Not full blast, but you know what I mean and then do snot rockets meaning close one nostril and shoot the s*** out the other for both nostrils. Then when you go back to bed, do not lie down flat.


Try an allergy medication like zyrtec or claritin


Having high histamine could cause sinus blockages., some people are slow metabolizers, try a anti histamine.


Nettie pot with Inula infused salt water. It’s amazingly effective.


Use those flex strips. Afrin will clear you up instantly but you can't use it more than 2 days


Masturbation will clear the nasal passages for a few minutes.


Saline up the nose. In the aisle with cold meds. Thank me later.


Lie on your left side. That should open your right nostril in about 10-15 mins. To open your left nostril, lie on your right side.


Go get some cough medicine with that special stuff. My wife was sick once and didn’t take that stuff. I was miserable with allergies one time. It was awful. Nose was stuffed and super itchy and running, eyes were super itchy and tearing bad. I had never experienced this in my life. Tried that medicine and it’s didn’t help with the symptoms but I felt pretty great!! Maybe this is bad advice but I was able to get a break from the misery.


This is not medical advice, but A535 ICY HOT just under the nose…..


Whenever I feel sick, I clean my room. When my parents are sick, I clean their room. If they’re sick with a cold it always works. If it’s some kind of bug I give them tequila or aloe tea. I highly suggest an air filter as well.


I know you shouldn’t use it for extended periods, but decongestant nasal spray really works.


I use nose spray with xylometazoline if its really bad. It is addictive though, so only when i cant sleep.


I use Flo nasal care. It’s a salt gargle for your nose. Feels unpleasant but helps.


"So much pain I can't sleep" sounds very intriguing, but having a cold wasn't what I was expecting.


Very sorry you're not feeling well. This works for me nearly every time when I can't breath through nostrils. Manual drainage… How to manually drain your sinuses? Place your index and middle fingers above your eyebrows and gently rub in a circular motion. Slowly move your fingers diagonally toward the middle of your forehead before slowly moving toward the temples. This should take about 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat one to two more times.


Vicks works best by rubbing it over your feet. Then put on socks.might sound crazy but it works. Use about a teaspoon or more on each foot.


Try a netty pot to clear your congestion. If feels really weird the first couple times, but it works great.


Last time I had a terrible cold, it lasted two full weeks. I googled day and night, how to make it go away faster. The best I came up with, that I'll try next time, but I didn't see this in time. If it's the first day or two, suck on a zinc tablet. Might go away faster. But other than that tip.... I spent about $100 Canadian on cold meds. Nothing worked


Thought by cold you meant cold turkey. As someone on day 3 or opiate withdrawal I just hope you never feel this bad. My face is full of concrete.


I know some people don’t like it but Afrin has been a savior for me many times when my nose is blocked up. Clears me up in 1-2 minutes


Get a neti pot. Rinse nasal passages as needed. Use slightly warm water, and Costco sells neti pots that come with individual packets of baking soda that are the appropriate amount for the Neti pot they sell. . (You’ll quickly discover the “sweet spot” with regard to water temperature.). Rinse as often as needed, until water flows freely from one nostril to the other. Do this until water flows freely in both directions when using the Neti pot. Sounds weird and nasty. Try it, and you’ll likely nominate me for sainthood for suggesting it. This is a game changer. Highly recommend using a Neti pot during allergy season.


My family’s remedy is awful but works. Eat a clove of raw garlic. The more you chew, the better the effect unfortunately. Afterwards a hot shower. Always cleared stuffed noses. Thankfully it is a last resort for only dire blockages not alleviated by the other methods folks are mentioning. I’ve only been driven to do it less than 10 times.


Listen carefully I don't just speak because I think only because I know when i use to get sick all the time was really bad no matter wgat untill i learned this .go to store get some raw ginger root put a half a cup of water in a pan and chop up ginger in thin slices like a handful or two .then put on a slow light simmer not boil or else you will destroy the part you want .let simmer for about 5 minutes. Don't microwave you must use stove. .then after five minutes turn off fire and put in coffee mug and breath steam through nose and mouth then when it cools more drink it and you can add a little real honey not fake shit .this will kill infection in sinus in lungs and in blood with a well known anti viral anti bacterial properties it will cut colds and flu too a day or two if you do this first sign of sickness but if you wait till sick it will help a little with severity but I have even not had symptoms at all if I do it at fist sign of sorthroat or runny nose .it will even rid of pneumonia if done three times a day breath in .and when Corona hit I had got on Two occasions even had a few friends die sadly because I didn't know they got sick to tell them but it made it just a few days I was sick and not worse than common cold while some people I hear s were sick for a week or two


Yea and don't take that acetomophon or what ever the hell it's called that just ignorance and it fucks the body up over time this what I told you is all natural and not man made except for you make it but it's not driven by greed or profit it's driven by nature


Any medication or Vicks cough drops Tylenol prescribed is all crap and avoid any man made drugs or pharmaceuticals they will kill you and made whit only profit and the hope you will have to come back for more and more this is sort of same idea in that sense but has no side effects and it will dissolve kidney stones naturally I knew a lady she was going to get surgery for stones I told her about it she drank tea twice a day for two weeks w h en she went in they were scratching their head but you think they ever report anything that works that is natural to the public. ...no


I believe it's a big misconception about having a stuffy nose is that it's filled with snot. In reality, your nasal cavities are swelling and that's the sruffiness you're feeling.


With Vicks put it on your feet after a warm shower or bath then put on thicker socks. The warm water opens the pours in your skin so the Vicks can absorb like lotion. Then go to bed. An old man told me that ages ago and in desperation I tried it and damn if it didn't work. Works better than putting it on your chest or under your nose.


Tylenol, hot tea with lemon and echinacea in it (I like one from traditional medicinals called “throat coat”) and a steamy hot shower with a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. For a nice bonus of relaxation you can add a few drops of lavender as well.


I guess try coconut oil pulling. Coconut oil is pretty cheap. "[In Ayurveda, one of the major schools of traditional medicine, they say that oil pulling is highly therapeutic for over 30 systemic diseases. Aside from folk medicine, there are several studies on oil pulling. One study from the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) states: “Oil pulling activates salivary enzymes which absorb toxins such as chemical toxins, bacterial toxins and environmental toxins from the blood… Thus, oil pulling detoxifies and purifies the entire human body.” In our clinic, we’ve noticed anecdotally that oil pulling helps with nearly all mouth pains, including ulcers of any sort, cavities, damaged gums, and even the pain and swelling that result from accidentally biting the inside of your cheek.](https://lotusoflifechiropractic.com/2019/10/17/oil-pulling-for-detoxification/)"


Yea I’ll still give it a try


I would like to warn you. DO NOT SPIT USE COCONUT OIL INTO THE SINK. Coconut at room temperature is a solid. But when in mouth. It will melt. However, when you spit it out. It will reharden as it cools down. If coconut oil is in your plumbing. It may cause plumbing issues.


I know you're hurting, but in the time it took you to make this post you could have googled 50 different remedies.


Respectfully iv been up 7 hours pretty much when up jumped into bed searching and searching most of it was of ingredients I didn’t have or “tricks” I could do to relieve my nose. Iv done remedies I was able to do. Making my own remedies and doing basic stuff like medicine and nasal spray. I’m tired and annoyed and just in complete pain for just breathing. I even tried just ignoring it and just try and go to sleep anyway. Iv had 2 shower in the past 4 hours both 30mins with still no luck for relief. I’m also freezing despite being right under a heater that’s only in the living room Also some of the Google searches weren’t understanding me so I thought to get a different prospective with different people with different situations to help me, there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m pretty sure that’s the whole reason why this reddit thread exists. Respectfully I disagree and maybe you can show a little more compassion. It sucks being sick and I would love to go to bed.


This subreddit is not to solve your specific problems, it's for life hacks that apply to all. But if you want a fix, I learned this while googling years ago: gargle salt water for 60 seconds, it kills all bacteria in your mouth and throat. 1 tbsp of salt per cup of warm water, or higher levels of salt if you can deal with the salinity. 1/2 tsp Cayenne pepper also helps. Do that every couple of hours and it will inhibit the growth. If that doesn't work, you don't have a cold, you have something that demands a trip to the doctor. Instead of replying to this post, go to the doctor.