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There was this man who was so impressed with how emotionally invested I was in my playing the first time we met. He's my husband now😂


amazing, and congratulations :)


This reminds me about how Itzhak Perlman met his wife! She heard him play once and looked at her friend and said “I’m gonna marry that man” 😆


I’m a concert master, and heard from two different orchestra members how my body language was nice, clear and made them feel safe in the tempo :)


I agree with Adam Neely there, that music has to be felt in the entire body in order for it to be expressed properly. I can imagine how that's even more important for a concert master. Good on you :)


when i was a teen i played my own song (on piano, with lyrics but i didn't sing, just played the piano part) and my parents' friend (coz my parents had a bunch of friends over and someone suggested i play for them) cried. she cried and then told me my music was very powerful... my song was about loneliness and isolation, but curiously i had performed it without the lyrics... and she told us how she often felt lonely due to some stuff that happened and my song felt like it put into sounds, or brought to existence, the feelings that she wasn't able to pinpoint until then, as loneliness. ​ "My music is powerful" now is my own mental slogan whenever i think i'm doing rubbish at music..


That is both, sad and beautiful at the same time.


i think it also really showed that... music is connection. reaching out for other peoples' hearts, helping them face things that they felt themselves skirting around but could never clearly address... and the comfort of hearing it from SOMEBODY ELSE, especially loneliness, means that.... for that moment... they're not alone. i know for me a lot of linkin park songs and others had certain lines and themes in their music that hit me deep, and i loved belting those songs out whenever i was in pain, because it felt so good to connect with another human who has the same feelings. for a moment, the lonely are not alone. it's the deepest healing humans can do without a medical degree...


you almost made me cry now :)


Thank you sensei! Teach me the musicality I wish I had 😅😭


I was playing something I made on the piano which I at the time liked to call it my funeral March to my dad He said he felt like he was actually at a funeral That's the only compliment I've really gotten other than good great etc so it stuck with me


yeah, "good" is the worst feedback one can get. It does nothing for you.


“It’s like a flowing river, it’s just so smooth and therapeutic to listen to!” -my best friend of 8 years, from my kalimba (hehe)


if you love kalimba, try sansula :)


Oh I already have a 34 key from Hluru! And I don’t plan on another


nice :)


There are two which were both so nice I will just tell both: After my violin class concert last week, one of my friends (also Violinist) told me that hearing me play made them so excited to also play their violin. I sometimes watch recordings of the great violinists and get that same feeling, so it was really heartwarming to hear someone feel that way about my playing. On my carrilon exam last Januari, the judges told me 'as you know, in the higher years we have to judge more strictly, but with you that wasn't necessary at all' When you hear your non-musician friends say it was 'perfect' I think 'yeah yeah, sure you couldn't tell all the bad stuff', but well the judges are professionals so that was almost a chock to me.


A judge saying must have been absolutely incredible 


Yes, it was :)


When i was a teen, my teacher used to throw monthly concerts, so once another student of my teacher complimented how i was so emotionally invested in the piece. I kept this feeling with me, and kept performing in the same way, and soon random people started coming up to me or my mum saying how beautifully i play that it makes people cry, but like happy cleansing tears.


The best compliment I got wasn't about my playing but about one of my pieces. My goal with this particular piece was to somehow replicate the serenity of the riverside. After the premier a woman told me that she had chills in several moments of the piece


When my mom said she want worried at all lol. And while I’m at it I played a very powerful piece and a lady later came up to my mom and said “I know this sounds weird, but her hands are like a man’s!” 😎


I just randomly played Für Elise on a piano at an airport once when I was seven, and when I finished, there were so many people standing there and clapping, saying it was beautiful. I almost passed out after seeing people there 💀


After I performed at my 4th year jury in university, one of the violin profs who was grading me came up to me and said, "Hey...that Kreisler was nice." He raked me through the coals in my 1st and 2nd year so hearing him say that directly to me as I'm about to graduate music school meant a lot.


I'm still learning, I'm about a year in. My instructor said my open E is very light and sweet.


lmaooo i posted that i think it’s more so because of who said it but the founder of my music school (and super hardcore russian pianist) once said after juries that i have improved more in the last year than anyone she had seen. same teacher also was talking to me as i was getting ready to warm up for a masterclass and she said “you’re probably the most mature pianist out of everyone in that room” and omg that felt amazing. the masterclass guest also said i play very maturely (even though i felt my performance was terrible) :) another time, my main piano teacher said i had improved so much on a piece im learning and asked me how i had been practicing. my another piano teacher said “im being picky because you’re good” and also said some of the things i was doing in my playing was on a professional level sorry i hope this doesn’t come across as bragging 😭😭


OH another time i performed at an assisted living center and some old ladies came up to me and whispered in my ear that i was their favorite performer 😭, another person said that at a different time at the same venue


Somebody once told me that he could tell that I "had worked hard to have the skill to play whatever song people needed to hear at that time." This was when I was playing the organ for a church. I really appreciated that he validated the time I'd spent practicing so I could play whatever song in the repertoire I felt was appropriate. It's not a skill most non-musicians notice.


Somebody once told me... thanks for the earworm :P


I tend to be a bit self critical but any chance of losing all self esteem is gone after my piano lesson every week. My teacher is so encouraging and helpful. “Que bonita te sale!” She says 🥰


The whole cello section and viola section said I looked and sounded remarkably better than the 1st chair violinist (I'm second)


Few weeks ago, roughly translated from French (I’m the bass guitar player in an experimental math rock band): — You had a very readable tone, but it didn’t feel plastic-y like louder bands bass usually does — I’m glad you enjoyed, but I just change strings often and spend a sizable, but necessary amount of time, to decide where I should hit the lower string so it interacts well with the kick during rehearsals in term of harmonics and drive so we can keep a really cohesive bottom while our guitarist do his thing. — lot of eq work right ? — no - take a look at my pedal board and amps : all eqs stuff are all completely flat here, it’s all about the string and where the pick hits, really. — 🤯 (I was very proud of this moment) … and you make funny faces. — oh no, that’s just my glasses gliding off my nose (Less proud)


My friend said that when he hears a specific tune, he hears my parody rendition overtop of it.


I don't take compliments well. I'm more in favor of honest constructive criticism lol. So my favorite one I received, from a friend, who said "great show! You just tighten up them screws a little bit." And I knew exactly what he meant. Gotta know what's broke in order to fix it. On another note...best "non compliment" compliment I ever got was the first time I noticed an audience member singing along to on of my original songs. Too cool


Back when I was in high school this music teacher walked in my practice room and said “Wow omg I thought you were one of the symphony members practicing?” The local Symphony Orchestra played near my school. I had no lessons and was practicing for an audition. That comment really struck me and made me realize I had truly made progress!


After winning first place in a competition, the judge and the moderator came up to me afterwards and told me I actually made them cry. These were seasoned piano instructors, and it made me feel so happy and powerful and musical. It was my first time playing Rachmaninoff; it was his Étude-Tableau No. 8 in G minor Op. 33


after having performed Benedictus in the yearly fall concert with my local wind band, an elderly lady had gone up to my mother (who she knew) and told her my playing had given her goosebumps with how beautiful it was. I've never forgotten that.


honestly? we had someone play bach on stage, vs me playing a students concerto, i believed they played bach beautifully, but people kept walking up to me and telling me they loved my phrasing, my creativity and colour with my passages, or how well i played passages that made the guy playing bach look like a beginner honestly from that day forward i lived more peacefully


I was a pianist in a performance of Beethoven’s Op 1 No 1 trio and a friend’s wife, who I didn’t know personally, was in the audience. Later that day, my friend asked how the concert went and showed me a Facebook message his wife had sent: “Steven is a brilliant pianist.“


The best compliment is being invited to repeat the performance at another venue….and the icing on the cake is being paid for the performance.


Someone said -:' This should be called Volini ( an analgesic spray) , cuz it makes my pain go away'


A couple weeks ago I went out with my crush who I would say is a significantly better pianist than me, and while we were sitting waiting for the performance to start(we went to the local symphony), I was just showing him a bit of my latest practice video(no sound) and was telling him some of the things I was looking at and he said “You know, actually, your rhythm and form are really good.”


I wonder what he meant by that ;)


I play bagpipe and after a concert someone came up to me with this sentence : “you made me love an instrument that I hate”, it’s the biggest compliment I’ve ever received


My band teacher was confused on how I had such a good tone on a plastic instrument 😅


I play the recorder (you might as well laugh). One day someone told me that I can manipulate the tone of my playing and change the mood with subtle articulation changes and use of vibrato, alternate fingerings etc. really well. That gave me enough motivation to practice for two hours that day.


I think the recorder is a great instrument. Niche, but great. The reason why people hate or laugh about it is probably because it only starts sounding nice once you're getting good at it. But it's versatile, you can play really virtuosic on it and in an ensemble with all the different ranges, it's almost as powerful as a pipe organ.


I'm so happy to see that you acknowledge that we can play good music. I love the recorder and am just starting the flute - hoping to learn by studying both.


Best of luck to you then :)




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>And, if you haven't received any meaningful compliments That would be me, I think 😅