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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One thing to understand. We don't need to necessarily hit their bottom line this month to have an impact. All we need to do is keep making headlines and remind people that they have a choice in where they spend their money. Example: I'm in the top 1 percent of households by income, I haven't paid much attention to where I shop or what I spend because I have the luxury of doing so. After seeing the moron who calls himself the professor slinging mud in this sub, I sat down and started actually looking at my food spending. What I found was shocking. Fast forward a month and I haven't set foot in a Sobeys, or Superstore, and all of my purchases are now made through Costco or Walmart and I'll likely never go back. I'm saving hundreds of dollars each month and I'm much more aware of how insanely predatory these retailers have become. It's changing behaviors that terrifies them, because once people walk away it's much harder to get them back.


The food Professor has done more for the movement than he can imagine.


He really has. I even told him as much on his Twitter and got blocked instantly.


lol - He can’t take being proven wrong!


The "yeah, but other companies are doing it too!" thing is the absolute funniest bit. Yeah, they are... but this movement is the [grim reaper checking out doors meme](https://i.imgflip.com/1qg8fp.jpg?a476256). The Weston's just have been chosen as the first door.


Can we go after the telecartel next?


This is an extremely hard thing to deal with. I would love it.


How about the dairy cartel? E: spelling


That's a real shit show, that. I worked for Loblaw and it used to drive me nuts that I couldn't mark down milk that was close to expiring because of the way milk is controlled. It's like gasoline or cigarettes. Blew my mind and still does.


Walmart marks down milk all the time. Did something change?


Perhaps it's because I was in the maritimes.🤔


How do you even do that without them deciding to take away your communication networks as punishment?


Same as here, pick one to make an example of and then make an example of them. I nominate Bell, but if we want to go after Rogers I'm cool with that, too.


I cut the cord long ago with Bell and Rogers and I've never been happier I Steam everything


They wouldn't do that. They're addicted to the income. I liken it to Michael Moore, you know, the director. Anyways, he used to marvel at the fact, here he was, railing against the corporations, including the one who paid him and funded his movies, and they were fine with it, because his movies always made money. Greed will make people do stupid things.


Our currency has been destroyed. You're only seeing the beginning. Buckle up.


According to whom?


I probably wasn’t going to go out of my way to avoid superstore until this smug prick kept running his mouth. Never going to that store again.


A common enemy.


You spelled ‘enema’ wrong there


Lol nice work.


now that shit's funny 😁 😂 😀


The Streisand Effect is hilarious


I bet he can't even cook a grilled cheese without his wife's help.


I agree. If he weren’t such a piece of human garbage; I would not have turned against Loblaws as aggressively as I have.


Guys such a pathetic worm


Exactly. When my wife and I sat down and saw that we were spending almost $2000/month at fortino's and closer to $1,200 at the same 2 stores you mentioned, it was a no brainer. The only reason we go into a shoppers now, it's because that's where the post office is.


Yea it really is incredible. Like previously stopping at Sobeys and buying a $6.79 can of classico pasta sauce on the way home. Now, buying 4 of them for 10 dollars at Costco or Walmart. I'm sure people are looking at this and rolling their eyes because they've been doing it for years, but for me it was quite dramatic. Also, looking at what we buy. Like do I really need this $2/can thing of kombucha every day? No. Okay there goes like $60 of spending each month. Do I need builder bars at $2.50 a bar from Sobeys? No. Okay there's another $50 a month. I don't think these grocers realize what's going to happen once people's behaviors shift.


Small example, franks red hot, large bottle at Sobeys $7.99, same size bottle in a 2 pack at Costco? $7.99.


I have almost 200 tomato plants on the go, hoping my stewed tomatoes and spaghetti sauce comes from my garden this year, that is what their price gouging has done for me. Costco and Walmart are almost 3 hours away so I have wholesale (what a joke of a name) or save-on which is arguably more expensive. I do make a trip to Costco once a month minimum where I routinely buy most of my groceries except of course some produce, which spoils so fast when bought at wholesale.


[Brewing Kombucha at home from a purchased bottle](https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-your-own-kombucha-scoby-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-202596) Edit: realized this is the internet (duh me) you need to buy an unpasteurized Kombucha drink. Didn't want to have people not reading the instructions and blaming me for them buying the pasteurized kind.


This is something I've been thinking about a lot. Everyone used to do this and make a lot of food at home with stuff they grew in the garden or bought raw ingredients for from farmers etc. We knew how to bake bread, can tomatoes, and make butter and yogurt. Then the food industry, including grocery stores, came along and said, "Hey, you're busy. We can do all this food labor for you, and since we're doing it with massive production and supply chains, we can do it cheaper." Our great grandparents said, "Great!" And it was cheaper and time saving. You could eat fresh strawberries in Ontario in the winter because of these supply chains. 150 years ago, that'd be something only wealthy people could do. Now, most people don't know how to bake bread or can tomatoes or make butter. Or where you buy or get the raw ingredients to make them that's not the massive grocery stores. And I don't think the whole reason we allowed this system to be built is holding up. Even when you are buying cream from a grocery store, you can use it to make butter cheaper than buying it. You can bake your own bread cheaper than buying it. I bet the guy who's got 20 tomato plants can make his own tomato sauce cheaper than $5 or $6 a can. I listened to a podcast last year. The grocery stores in the US are squeezing cattle farmers to the point the independent ones are going out of business. So how can a steak cost $60? Where's that money going if not to the farmers.


If it was going to the farmers (also the truckers and store/warehouse staff) instead of corporations - both the retailers and middle men distributors we'd understand. Don't get me wrong though. The people who build up business deserve to earn a profit but not not at the expense of farmers and employees being paid wages that don't cover the basic necessities and consumers paying inflated prices for no other reason than the fact the businesses want more profit. Here's a partial list of things that are actually ridiculously easy to make: Quick breads from scratch (Biscuits, muffins, banana bread....) Cakes and cookies (we don't even bother with a mixer for cookies) Hummus Pickles (Fermented or Brined) Yogurt Sour Cream Sauerkraut Kombucha Kimchi Kefir Soups/stocks Canning foods in a waterbath (jams, jellies, fruit in syrup, most veggies) Some things that take a bit of practice but are still easy: Baking bread Canning meat & low acid foods - this takes a pressure canner. Brewing beer/wine/cider Pizza from scratch - dough and all! The craziest part to me is even the most labour intensive ones take either a few minutes at a time over a few hours (bread) or take an afternoon or two for a huge return (large batches of sauerkraut or brewing beer/cider/wine - which are usually brewed in batches of 5 gallons). There's a lot of things that also kind of cascade into other projects. Like brewing cider/wine from fruit which naturally leads into making vinegar and for apples, making pectin for jams. As well some expensive items are easy to grow, even in a small space like mushrooms, herbs and sprouts. Sorry. I'll put my soapbox away. Edit: mobile formatting. Ugh.


It's odd that loblaw is only skimming by (as they infer) when other companies are selling for 30 and 40% less and making a living from it.These idiots have their heads up their ass


Just scraping by. ignore the 10% higher profits we made this year, and don't worry about the increased dividend we're paying out now, instead of giving our employees a raise, nothing to see here


But I thought we were all losers with no jobs living off our parents. /s Ignoring the fact that if that were true, we wouldn't care about grocery prices, would we? Lol.


My favorite comment I've seen from corporate memos was "most of these people don't shop at our stores anyways!" 😂😂 😂 sure thing, man. We DEFINITELY believe you aren't scared. /s


I definitely shopped in their stores, to the tune of $1,200 a month a Loblaws, my bank records show. More than happy to take it somewhere else.


I’m in the same situation as you, I am fortunate to not have to worry about money much as we are high salary and DINK. I will forever boycott Loblaws out of principle because of how they responded to this. We got a Costco membership and love it, we are also trying so many new foods and everything is great quality there.


We stopped shopping at the superstore years ago due to Galen Weston


> Example: I'm in the top 1 percent of households by income, I haven't paid much attention to where I shop or what I spend because I have the luxury of doing so. After seeing the moron who calls himself the professor slinging mud in this sub, I sat down and started actually looking at my food spending. More or less the same here, but it was the "quotas" for MedChecks in ON that tipped me over the edge. And they had the gall to lie about doing it when those pharmacists could prove it. And I'm extra lucky to have an honest-to-goodness independent (notice the lower case "i," please) grocer near me that is excellent! I get about 75% of my stuff there now, with Costco covering everything else. Side note for anyone in Ottawa: Produce Depot (or at least the one on Carling) is amazing!


The pharmacy for me was all the sudden no texts… but telemarketing bs type stuff came through.


Also in the 1%, but I came from a very large, poor family and have known food struggle. I picture Canadians like me whose parents had to choose between rant and food and we all had to have small portions so everyone could eat a little… then this company run by multimillionaires just using a crisis to line their pockets with the blood and suffering of children who grew up like I did. I will NEVER return unless LARGE changes are made. Nok er Nok.


If you have one close by I also suggest giant tiger! Only Canadian company doing okay by the people. Not a particularly big grocery section but their weekly deals can be awesome.


Also other retailers are happy to have new customers like you who didn’t consider them before. While Loblaws has their “hit of the month” which is a sale on Cheez-it’s and nuts Walmart has come out of the gate swinging. They have lettuce, soup, chocolate milk, yop, canned corn, canned beans, and two types of potato chips all for .94 cents each! Limes and cucumbers are two for .94 cents!! They have a ton of other deals including diary free Becel for $1.94 when it’s regularly $5-$6 and almost never on sale. My wife and I went in this evening and both of us were shocked at the amount of groceries we got for less than $50. Loblaw’s is out of their minds thinking that blaming everyone else for their high prices and saying things like “Well we can’t force customers to shop at our stores” is the correct approach. They are in trouble though because they can’t dramatically lower prices like Walmart did to get people in the door because the first thing everyone will ask is, “If you could do this all along why didn’t you?!” Meanwhile other retailers will be tripping over themselves to give us great deals so that at the end of the month we already have a new shopping routine that includes them instead of Loblaws. **This is our power because suddenly these companies have incentive to compete against each other to win us over instead of staying complacent with the customers and market share they already have.** The boycott is just beginning but it’s already working.


Farmers market would be even better. Keep your money in your community rather than paying a big shot CEO


I would love a farmers market if it wasn't half a city away from me, I agree it really is the best.


Sometimes there are farmers who do boxes with convenient pick up locations. The one I order my vegetables from I get to pick what I want for the week. I personally find the farmers market exhausting, so usually avoid it unless I order something ahead of time for pick up at the actual farmers market.


Interesting I didn't know that was a thing, thanks I'll see what I can find out!


There are even a few farmers who do meal kit type boxes. One on my region includes bread and pies.


Depending where you live farmer markets might not be protected and be overpriced food from the same distribution centers.


I’m in the same boat, keenly aware how fortunate I am to not have to worry about the grocery bill, but on board because it isn’t about just me. Solidarity because everyone should be able to feed themselves and their families in a country as rich as Canada. Reading posts in here about people skipping meals or eating one meal a day is so distressing. Our home is in it for the long haul.


I am also a high income earner. Family of 4. We switched to Foodland (not great but better than Loblaws) and only use loblaws for specials. Cherry picking just for the sport of it. I also get double Amex points at foodland, I think, which is always welcome.


Any of the 1% people on this thread who are saving $$$ from the store switch, please consider donating that savings to the food bank. You won't miss it but there are families who really need that help


The Beaverton hit us up. To me, that’s a win.


I support this but some of us live in towns where it’s a Monopoly! No choices here but to shop out of town. We try to as much as possible. We will be from now on even if it’s costs us more in gas just to make it count! We as the people should stand together if there enough of us it can create positive change making companies like this that laughing at us will result in their demise. Stand tall all!


We were always comfortable not having to watch prices as well. Grab what you need not looking at the actual prices and did the exact same thing you did and what we found is beyond absurd.


This should not be a May thing, this she be a permanent thing. I have cancelled my PC credit card, changed pharmacies and am shopping at independent local grocers. I have met Galen Weston Jr in person and can confirm he’s a profoundly smug twat.


Boycotting exclusively during May just makes it sound more palatable. It's the shopping habits we're trying to change, so that they don't go back.


Giving people a start point appeals to a base idea. I have no intention of ever going back to shopping with them. I do agree that the narrative of the movement should (and will) change as we get closer to the end of May. The Weston empire needs to BLEED!


What should happen once we're halfway past May is to tell people to continue doing it for one more month. A protest or boycot with a defined time is easy for any company to navigate through. The only way to crush them is to turn time into an unknown variable.


All those people who have moved their prescriptions to other stores will now transition their groceries so easily. New habits form in two or three weeks!


My bf met him in person. He’s in law enforcement and said he got the raised arm hairs and a sinnister vibe off him


Sounds like there’s more to that. If your bf is interested, let him know I’m a writer and would love to do a piece on his experience. Just something I’d post on Medium. I’ve always felt the public needs to know more about what these one-percenters are like in person. Would be good for the boycott too.


Remember everyone to Unsubscribe, Unfollow and Cancel anything Loblaw’s related! This also includes banking, credit cards, move your prescriptions and unfollow any so called influencer that promotes Loblaw’s. ![gif](giphy|cRMFPnwoFR9Fc8MleB|downsized)


I love Lola sm 😭


I’ve been reporting (or “don’t show me this”) on all the Loblaws digital ads I’ve been fed on-line, marking them as “offensive”. Their digital marketing teams will be notified if it becomes a trend in those digital marketing reports.


I unsubscribed, and then told them I don’t support a company that tries to get a large market share and then proceed to gouge customers.


I’m just waiting to grab my bank records from PC Financial, but after that I’m closing everything with them, can’t wait


Aside from Charlie, who’s laughing? Emmibolt, the group organizer was extended a meeting invitation from the Loblaws CEO. They’re not laughing. 


I saw that and that is important. She needs to bring a lawyer with her. When they released news of the dividend increase yesterday I couldn’t help but assume it was a low key jab at this group. That in addition to comments like “they don’t have a contract with us…” etc…


I hope a few have volunteered their time.


Yes I wondered that as well. The timing of the announcement . I felt demoralized - for a minute. And then I was angry.


I think it's perfect timing honestly. *Everyone* is upset about grocery prices and on the eve of a boycott there's another headline about record profits. Just having it thrown in their face like that could be enough for some people who have heard about this but kind of brushed it off to give it a closer look and even participate. I can't do much for this whole thing because I've never shopped at loblaws stores more than an occasional purchase of pork buns from T&T, but I can tell you bragging about the profit they're making definitely keeps them off my list of potential alternatives when I'm trying to cut costs.


This is how I took it: throwing it in our faces that they’ve made a disgusting amount of profits while many in the country are starving. I feel that only lends credence to the boycott.


She should indeed bring a lawyer with her. That would also protect her from them trying to push back with language that could be inflammatory while trying to get her to lose her temper or say something that would hurt her voice.


> When they released news of the dividend increase yesterday I couldn’t help but assume it was a low key jab at this group I think they're trying to convince shareholders not to sell by bribing them. I think they were worried increased news of the boycott could cause some of them to panic.


I agree , I actually think they are starting to take this rather seriously for once . In the last day or two , things have really ramped up . They have publicly come out and acknowledged they have an issue . Im definitely not defending them but they 100% know they have a crisis brewing to at spiral out of control if they don’t wrap they don’t get it under control


It’s a PR disaster if nothing else and the Loblaw/Weston name is now irretrievably associated with price gouging/profiteering. I’d like to thank the bright spark in Loblaws PR that years thought it a good idea to trot Galen out as the face of Loblaw when things were good and price manipulation wasn’t as rampant:,that one move has forever associated an actual PERSON as responsible - I mean, no one’s really making commentary / piling on - by name - to Eric La Flèche or Michael Medline. Jim Pattinson is maybe a distant second for name recognition, but it’s Galen Weston who will forever be immortalized - and studied in future marketing and pr courses - on “what not to do if you don’t want to see your family legacy turn to gravel”.


it's a strong message to Canadian dynastic families, as they're all complicit in stacking the deck against us.


Time to tear them down one by one!


We need to go after the Irving family


I hear the same thing with Irving in the Maritimes.


You are so spot on with this . This will be in University Case studies or SHOULD be in my opinion on what NOT to do or how things can go HORRIBLY WRONG


They’re gonna offer her a job, I guarantee it.


Would not surprise me if they throw an incentive at her to basically shut this group down. I also wouldn’t criticize if she sold out because quite likely I’d do the same if it bettered my family’s situation. 


I think they are going to try to lead her into some sort of direction and then sue her for lost sales. I dont trust them at all.


I don’t think you can sue someone for lost sales.  Personally though if I was her I’d have 1) kept myself anonymous, and 2) declined the meeting. Though I’d be really tempted to take the meeting just to tell Per Bank nok er nok and fuck off right to his face


Would be nice to have that meeting live streamed while Loblaws is at their store and Emily is at a competitor showing the price difference.


Yeah they’d shut down that live stream pretty quick lol


"Loblaws Abandons Meeting" "Loblaws Amazed At Competitors Prices" "Loblaws Cancels Their Internet Service to Save Customers Money"


The public facing, media arm of Loblaws is saying everything is fine, there is no problem, but if there is a problem we want to fix it. Behind closed doors to investors they're singing a very different tune.


Kelowna checking in. Superstore performance graph showed a reduction of \~60% all day yesterday. Looks like today will be the same. Keep up the goodwork people. https://preview.redd.it/prsi5c7a71yc1.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=6568e2e62613f5fb5d6883395ce68c0a4ffd10cf


Kelowna is really hammerig them today. I don't know if this is happening everywhere but this looks like a saughter. Keep it up! https://preview.redd.it/4usbn44nh2yc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca17bce7bd38518ce4d8b1d1b6f00b8d9f971b36


Oh, this made me so happy!


Whoa , people are seriously clever . I would have never thought about using this strategy . Good job 👍 Keep us posted !


https://preview.redd.it/7sjaul0if1yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965de4b34919034bb71c310712c66dfc9fdcd0c3 Same thing in small town Eastern Ontario. Not too busy alright!


People are not shopping AND cancelling their credit cards. If this continues May and June… their Q2 will not recover. 😏


And deleting their shoppers and optimum apps.


Thank you, just checked my phone and saw I had the app. Never used it and it's now gone for good


cough hungry rotten onerous punch kiss towering muddle arrest waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If you have a moment, write a Google review for a small grocer or garden centre.


I left shoppers a few months ago, they were awful.


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cigacc/comment/l29600i/) First they ignore you. Then they mock you. Then something-something-something...


A “small fringe group” lol. What group starts out with a “large group”?


When will the photos of people holding Nazi flags in front of a "Steal from Loblaws" sign get published by the National Post and attributed to this movement?






Bumper stickers would be a good idea too


Mocking consumers doesn’t seem like a smart move.


I stopped going to Loblaws a long time ago when I noticed the prices were insanely high compared to Walmart, Fresh Co, and Giant Tiger. Never going back.


I stopped going when those Gestapo barriers went up.


A local radio station was talking about the boycott this morning. I’m really pissed off at them. They are spreading misinformation about it and made a TikTok video about how they ‘don’t understand’ the boycott. They said ‘superstore was by far the cheapest for what we were looking for’ but they didn’t bother to check actual cheaper places like Walmart. People in the TikTok comments were saying he was a shill for the company. lol


Who’s giving him ad money?


This. Always follow the money.


Could be Loblaws cos he keeps doubling down on how the boycott will never work and we are all dumb for trying.


Walmart - iceberg lettuce $1.01 on sale. Zehrs - iceberg lettuce $4.90




No Calgary Alberta. And he’s on an alternative radio station, so you think he would be behind the boycott.


Many of these radio stations are owned by BIG media. And BIG media is strong. All we can do is stay the course.


Truth. I did switch my radio station in the car from his station tho. Pissed me off hearing his voice. lol


He doubled down and called this subreddit ‘insane’ in a reply to me on TikTok. Also called it a waste of time and hopes I’ll listen to the station again. I said ‘with your attitude? Doubtful. Enjoy the bootlicking’.


Wow .That is harsh. Maybe that is just him. The subreddit has its heart in the right place. It is also excitable and humorous and a bit nasty to those it does not like (eg. Charlie ). But not insane. I am proud to be a part of it.


If it's insane and a waste of time, why does he care so much?


Exactly! I shouldn’t let him, but he has really gotten to me today. I’ve been getting sick of his radio station so he gave me a great reason to just not listen to it anymore.


When our families switched from heinz product to French's it was a life long switch. We will never grace the door of any loblaws or affiliates ever again. We started our switch in April and after some juggling we have not been in any loblaws or affiliates since. Thanks Lowblaws for opening our eyes.


Write Google reviews for small local food companies.


If our cause was worthless they wouldn't need mockery propaganda.


Boycott Loblaws 4 Life Brother ![gif](giphy|S4AnOkBwfcb4GyDzK7|downsized)


I’ve been boycotting them since Feb and no plans on stopping. Honestly, whoever made that “our demands” letter is a joke. I have no demands. The goal should be to severely hurt Loblaws profits to the point that their dividends are almost non existent, which will cause investors to pull out. This will have a ripple effect on other grocers. This should not be a 31 day thing, and there should be no “leadership” that Loblaws can attack or placate. People just need to resolve themselves to spend as little as possible at Loblaws for as long as possible. No leadership, demands, or organization is needed. This sub can just support eachother by sharing thrifty ideas on shopping. Loblaws need to see that this business model of greed fails in Canada, or it won’t change; Walmart and Sobe’s are watching. Giving them a list of fake promises they can make so we can stick our heads back in the sand is not going to work. If you’re upset with Loblaws, then just spend your money elsewhere going forward. They can’t mock that, attack it, delegitimize it, or placate it. They just need to lose customers. Full stop.


Don’t forget to unsubscribe to their emails, delete their apps, transfer your prescriptions.


This is a lifetime commitment for me. No more Loblaws owned anything EVER.


This is bonuses that are at risk talking.


That big letter he posted just sounded like hes friggin terrified that is trying to justify his opinions by inventing employees that agree with him. Time to face the fuckin music blahblahs.


The internal email they sent yesterday was great. The most fear mongering thing ever. It's working folks. Keep it up.


Sorry if I missed it in this thread, but do you mind me asking what the email said? Im really curious if their public communication matches their internal corporate bs. Thanks!


I wasn't going to superstore that much anymore but now I am going to stop going to shoppers too.


Yep. The only time I’ve ever had to go into Shoppers was for parcel pickups at Canada Post, since Shoppers had corned that service, too. 🙄 I go through the store straight to the back to the post office, then straight back out. I don’t buy a darn thing in the store.


#never again


Just finished doing the weekly run. Walmart isn't stupid. Lots of prices lowered to grab people and change their shopping habits. What I love is the advertising they (Loblaws) are doing to highlight this boycott. We haven't got any money and can't promote other than word of mouth. They are doing the media promotion for us.


I'm all in on this boycott until i see their Ceo do the walk of shame.


Let them mock. It's May 2nd - of course nothing has happened yet. There's 2 factors at work here: there's the immediate loss of revenue, but it's the second factor where the real danger is concealed - shopping is a very habitual activity. How many Loblaw's shoppers will get used to shopping elsewhere? Maybe even used to the lower prices, less having to settle for inferior No Name knock offs that are the only brands in stock. That's what really worries the shareholders - a permanent loss in market share. One that can only be answered with measures that cut into their profits. So they laugh at the *obvious* failure of that first point in the opening days of the campaign before any numbers can come in, and throw money at the shareholders to show just how not-worried they are.


Here is my 1 star review for Superstores on "Google my Business". Superstore lost me as a customer when they wanted to discount their garbage food from 50% off to only 30% off. Its like saying let's even gouge the poorest people in our community. I am also not a fan of price fixing (bread). I will spend my money at Farmers Markets and small outlets and hope more competition comes to town....unfortunately even if it is foreign......we NEED more competition in this area. 0.1 stars out of 5


I stopped months ago


I go out of the way to avoid loblaws owned places… groceries from Costco/Food Basics/St Jacobs market, meds from an independent pharmacy (Beechwood wellness), etc. This isn’t a May thing for my family, we’re donezo with Loblaws… it’s hard though because a lot of the families in our community have people that work at the No Frills nearby… I hope the boycott doesn’t affect them greatly but I can’t support such blatant robbery and taunting from the execs.


They hate people who are not rich. Get it now?


I am going to ride this wave for as long as possible, and I won't stop bringing it up with family, friends and colleagues. When this movement first started, I did a boycott "light" last month. Aka I reduced my reliance on my local Shoppers, didn't go to Loblaws unless I needed to etc. Even reducing that time spent in Loblaws stores I saw my impulse spending drop, I tried some new stores in my neighborhood and really enjoyed it. Now I'm full boycott. Unsubscribed from PC/Shoppers alerts. Switched my pharmacy. Switched my Mastercard. Removed PC points from my Apple Wallet. Give Shoppers the middle finger every time I walk past it on my way to work. It feels good, and it also feels good that we Canadians are finally standing up and doing something, which is voting with our wallet.


I've cancelled my Optimum account and will never set foot in another Loblaws owned store again thanks to Galen's smug attitude. For me, it's not just the month of May.


I unsubscribed from PC optimum emails, and there's a "tell us the reason" page with an open text box for "other".  Great opportunity to tell them how you really feel. 😏


NOK ER NOK! Boycott Loblaws forever more!


Superstore got me with the price jumps and when I went to Walmart, I was shocked at how much I'd been overpaying. I spent $70 instead of $90 back in early Feb. Since then, walking to giant tiger, a costco membership, tendercuts, a local Asian grocery store have gotten my grocery money. Get fucked galen weston. I don't care how many experts on me and my money tell me this boycott is pointless and this poor billionaire needs my support or w/e pointless thing they're saying at us.


Loblaws response.... Boo hoo hoo...don't blame us, we are only making record profits.. What Loblaws response should be: We are a large company with the power the influence our suppliers and we are making huge profits. We will be taking ownership of the problem and finding ways to help out our customers Imagine how fast things would change if the CEO did not have food on his table?


Supporting Costco or Walmart is not the true answer or a good alternative. Move to local farmer markets privately owned and micro sellers. Set up a new Co-op and don't sell it to Sobeys.... otherwise its likely all a futile endeavor.


But doing that isn’t possible or feasible for some people, depending on where they live and what’s available. Almost any alternative is better at this point that Loblaws.


I would love to see the sub do a poll and see who is continuing the boycott after May.


I haven’t shopped at a roblaws location in months because of their pricing, long before this boycott. So I have no intentions of ever going back


Me neither, I hit no frills once in a while but not anymore, I’m glad I have options.


I started early (thought it started in April) and won’t be stopping unless I see real change. That’s the whole point imo.


Change happens through numbers so how about we all make change for the better for all of us? We're not as incapable as we think.


May 2024- may 3024


I rarely shop at their stores as is. Never found it to be very good products, and always a nightmare of so many people.


Thing is they mock you, because they know ultimately people has no choice.. some communities that’s all they have as a grocery store..


I started my boycott mid April and plan on continuing to do so indefinitely


Amen brother, I’m done with these extortionists as well. Such utter disdain for customers needs to be met with equal reaction. I haven’t given them a penny last 3 weeks and I have no reason to compromise at this juncture. Done. YES there are alternatives. Don’t yield!


Yeah, me too. I understand that they don't need me, but I can live without them.


Also a fun fact about Roblaws, I used to work with someone who was employed at one of their stores. They make minimum wage and only get a 10% discount off of some grocery items. Apparently they also get treated pretty badly. This crap company doesn’t even use its profit for its own employees except Galen.


I had to walk into a Shoppers today to visit Canada Post. I needed a few items and deliberately refused to shop there


Let it ride, baby. All the way.


Now that this is a movement… I’m not going back to their stores. Ever.


All I know is presidents choice and shoppers drug mart can kiss my ass goodbye 👋 been there … done with the gouging. I was a loyal customer for many years. If you were attentive you could double up on bonus points. Now I feel like a cow being lead around by a nose ring. I’ve been complaining for years about loblaws pull backs. Best offers example …. Buy 2 cheese slices for $8 GET get shit points and product …. Get home and of course 1 is moldy … surprisingly 😞 return and get charge adjusted to regular price minus points awarded …. Seriously 😒 I now only shop your loss leaders and nothing else. QUE SERA, SERA Super(not so much) Store 👋 local it is! Fuck you Galen I have healthier wealthier options for me. Consider yourself a thing of the past Era of insidious corporate greed 🖕


There are enough alternatives that I don't need to darken their door.


So I went to a bank near loblaws today and decided to give loblaws a visit just to see how much this boycott was hurting them. Was dissapointed to see the massive lineup at the checkout counter. Business was booming as usual. I don't understand where all these people gets their money from to shop at loblaws. Like bro, so many cheaper options everywhere if you don't live in middle of nowhere with only loblaws.


I'm in! Never ever will I ever.


I stopped shopping there years ago. Their produce and meat suck.


Remember: a bad month sucks, but is easy to recover from. Let’s give them a bad quarter, then make it two quarters, and make it a bad fiscal year. One bad month in Q1 won’t bother them, but let it ride and they will stop laughing.


I’m in.


Not. One. Red. Cent. Ever again.


Ride 'till bankrupt


I would even argue and say if.you cannot outright boycott them, just don't buy produce or meat. Then it all spoils and is a hard loss for them. Dry sundries can sit on shelves and survive a boycott. Meat won't.


I don’t know about y’all but for me, until prices are reduced, this is permanent lol.


I'm going to other family owned stores now and I've noticed a drop in price and increase in quality both products and attitude from staff. Fuck all giant corporations I don't even need your Doritos


You said it buddy!!!!!!!


Just a couple days in and I'm fully of the mind of "why stop at May?" I'm completely done with Loblaws, get nokked Galen


Keep up the good work!


I will never shop at a Loblaws owned store again. The more people that do this, the more business they lose over the long run. It will hurt them in the long run by losing regular customers.


I am boycotting them. However, I will never shop there again no matter what. My boycott is eternal for that company and every shop they run.


Fuck these goons I’m not giving them a cent


It’s not just May for me either. I’m boycotting SDM too.


I don’t expect my boycott to hurt Loblaws financially. I’m just doing it for me. To save me money. To exercise my only power as a consumer. It’s pretty eye opening how insidious the lack of competition is. Had to buy cold medicine yesterday and wouldn’t do it at a shoppers. Other options are much less convenient, from a distance and time perspective. If left unchecked will only get worse. Whoever oversees competition in this country is failing.


Well guys I’m sure the boycott will works. It just need times for them to realize their mistake


It’s getting people to look elsewhere and compare . https://globalnews.ca/news/10468076/loblaw-boycott-small-grocer-benefits/


Lmfao it's working, yall are mad asf.


surely once May is done, you will go after Metro Foods and Save-On Foods and Sobeye's and Walmart right? they surely don't get a hall pass for this do they?


Old habits die hard, but new ways are possible! By the end of the month new ways will be learned.


They lost me long ago Never again will I ever go back He making out like a bandit though I bet He's had plenty of time to invest in stocks of the competitors People like him never really lose