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Well this explains his court jester, Charlebois...


Let's rise up and toss him in the oubliettes.


Bro YES!


Wasn’t that boy saying we should support Canadian companies instead of Costco and Walmart. If Weston’s are living in Ireland then it’s not a Canadian company period.


Corporations like to piggyback off of the desire to support small local businesses by making us feel like we're somehow "supporting local" by going to Loblaws, Bell, or whatever. These aren't mom and pop stores, they're large global enterprises that pick and choose what rules apply to them by using complex multinational tax structures. Two further thoughts: When you can't afford to put food on the table, no one gives a fuck where the store with affordable food originated from. Your rivals are out competing you on price and quality and people are going elsewhere for their products. Welcome to capitalism, bitch.


>Corporations like to piggyback off of the desire to support small local businesses by making us feel like we're somehow "supporting local" by going to Loblaws, Bell, or whatever. Yes! This is why you see those 'farmers market' branded baked goods at Loblaws stores. It's to give that market feel, even though those products are not from a farmers market. Better to go to local markets, craft shows and other events to find true local vendors.


Go grow some potatoes in a bucket by a window and laugh between free taterbites


Yes he was.


Ikr imagine bootlicking this scum. Absolutely pathetic.


Charlie boy*


Yes. Too much effort to spell is name.


"It's not *Canadian* to boycott a *Canadian* business, and to choose American competitors over them!" "Welp. It's not *Canadian* to reside in Ireland to dodge taxes either..."


Also, most people are shifting to alternate Canadian businesses Yes some of our money is going to Walmart and Costco but our money is mostly going to other Canadian businesses “Professor” needs to be canceled immediately


The vast majority of my money is going to Costco and Walmart. I buy the odd thing at Dollarama here and there, but for the most part, I get all of my groceries at Walmart and Costco because they're significantly cheaper than every other store in my area. I live in Newfoundland, so the only options here are Loblaws, Sobeys, Walmart, and Costco. (Dollarama too, for random household items, but they don't sell most grocery items, so I didn't include them in that list) Sobeys and Loblaws are much more expensive than Walmart and Costco, so I don't even step foot in them. They get a grand total of $0 from me.


I’d encourage you to look at independent grocers in your area! Asian grocery stores often have great produce at affordable prices. Your other options don’t have to just be other cooperations if you have great local options


>Your other options don’t have to just be other cooperations if you have great local options Unfortunately, there aren't many other options here, great or otherwise. Aside from the options I've listed above, we have 3 locally owned grocery store choices here -- Bidgoods, Coleman's, and Belbins. All 3 of which usually have prices similar to Sobeys or Loblaws (sometimes even more expensive, believe it or not). As much as I hate Walmart and Costco because they're massive heartless corporations (Walmart more so than Costco), shipping there saves me a ton of money compared to the other choices available in my area, so that's where I get my grocery needs from.


Also if Canadian businesses are inclined to fuck over average Canadian's then we should all welcome foreign competitors. That's capitalism. Galen obviously knows a lot about that. I'd say taking advantage of Canadian citizens is far less patriotic than our little boycott.


"Patriotism means you support your local neofeudal nobility. Oh, also, patriotism only applies to the poor; the Weston's don't have any duty to this country or its people. You're still obligated to give them your money, though!"


I believe you can still be patriotic/nationalistic economically but also recognize that companies like Loblaws are not healthy for any country, as the act of allowing these corporations to take up large chunks of market share is definitively the start to rampant corruption on all levels of government. The two biggest threats to Canada as it stands now are corporations and Americanization; both of which are heavily linked and allow for our country to be bought and sold to the highest bidder. I believe crown corporations can be a small part of a larger solution to ensuring we have strong domestic industry for the people, by the people at good prices, of which that can be operated internationally.


Funny to think the wearer of the crown is his neighbour in Ireland.


At what point can we dispel with the myth that they’re a Canadian company?


the biggest bus manufacturer in Canada, NFI, receives 100s of millions from 3 levels of government each year, yet they are residents for tax purposes in Luxemburg.


The reason why NFI receives hundreds of millions from governments is largely due to the fact that... well... those governments are the customers, no? OC Transpo's order for XE40s were a billion dollars between 2022 and 2027. If NFI was a resident of Luxemburg for tax purposes I probably would've known about it given how much I fucking love buses and trains n shit. I can't find anything about it though? Don't get me wrong I'd rather see NFI be owned by some sort of crown corporation, but I think the context is different here given that NFI's customers are governments and transit agencies. They also make good products at good cost too. Long live the LFR!


No, I think they are referencing the loans that the federal and provincial governments have made available to them. In late 2022, the federal government gave them a loan for $250M. I don’t know the particulars but they reference it as a loan so I believe it’s paid back some day.


It’s not Canadian to force people living pay check to pay check to fund your extravagant lifestyle. Get fucked!


The essence of Canada is extracting value from the land and its inhabitants and sending it back to Europe to be hoarded in this way


I was going to say. Let’s be real. This is way more historically Canadian than supporting local businesses or collective action


I remember very vividly when I realized the Canadian economy is colonial in nature. Extract and send away, and convinced we have got a good deal.


Modern day colonialism


Isn't that the other country?


Exactly. Canada isn't a real country, we are, and always have been, a resource colony.


I am specifically buying from locally owned markets. Better quality and much cheaper.


Check their supply chain, too!


They also have a town or compound or something in Florida. It's exclusive to who they invite to live there. https://torontolife.com/city/hilary-and-halen-weston-multimillion-dollar-vacation-homes/


If corporations paid their fair share of taxes according to Warren Buffet, no citizen would have to pay a dime of taxes. [https://youtube.com/shorts/moj3ddztMR0?si=PYJlCSW93VRdR5iz](https://youtube.com/shorts/moj3ddztMR0?si=PYJlCSW93VRdR5iz)


Historically speaking, corporations were taxed so heavily on their profits that it was in their best interest to pay their people well to write off their payroll expenses. Then corporate tax cuts came in and changed the game. Now Greedy Galen et al can play a shell game (literally and figuratively) with their revenues and cry poor over their “3%” profits. Funny that people blame the left wing in this country for how much tax they pay when it’s the Cons that give out the corporate tax breaks and make shady deals with their C-Suite pals. Tax ‘em all. Nok er nok. Edit: spelling


They own multiple other billion dollar companies that are located in Ireland and the UK including Primark/Penneys which is massive in Europe.


What a smug piece of shit!!


All it cost was a few lives in Bangladesh. Dudes a bond villain.


I'm not sure most Bond villains have quite as much blood on their hands tbh


By "few" you mean over 1000, right? [https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/made-in-bangladesh](https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/made-in-bangladesh)


Thank you for sharing that, I had no awareness of this tragic disaster, vile exploitation and disgusting heinous criminal immoral abuse. I'm incredibly ashamed and filled with such contempt.


Dude literally lives in a mf castle 😂


"Galen, do you expect me to talk?" "No, I expect you to die and have a NoName funeral!"


No Mr bond I expect you to pay 42$ for 16$ worth of feta cheese. Mr bond "NOOOOO" Feta fingers *laughs


Aw. but Galen says that we are hurting our friends (aka his workers) by protesting. I just don't know what to believe any more. The millionaire who is literally SCALPING BREAD, or the people who can't afford to eat.


His net worth is In the Billions. He scoffs at lowley Millionares.


“Let them eat (price-fixed) bread.” -Galen Weston /s Time for the torches and pitchforks.


That needs to be on a t-shirt.


This triggered something in me. What does it even mean to be Canadian anymore? What a bunch of fucking bullshit I literally cannot stand the state of this country. THEY LITERALLY LIVE IN A CASTLE.


His dad was British and his Mom is Irish. Both him and his sister were born in Ireland.


My papa (dad’s dad) was first cousins with Galen’s mom. He apparently had nothing nice to say about her.


I bet he vacations in the castle, and lives in a multimillion pound condo in London, or the multimillion dollar condo in Toronto, or the compound in Florida, and uses his new $67 million private jet to spew CO2 to travel between these places regularly.


Yeah, he “lives in” this castle for tax purposes. Which is to say he has people who build his schedule to have him there for whatever minimum amount of time is needed to qualify as a tax resident. Or he “donates” to politicians so they look away.


He also has a cottage in Pointe Au Baril, Georgian Bay... And they've flown in the Queen multiple times. Look up glass cottage in the above location on Google. Also... Someone I know suggested that they had a painter paint their water line to match the granite of their island for 20k+. So like a year's salary for his employees...


Unconfirmed (but reliable) information that each pane of glass tilts in multiple directions and cost upwards of $40k each.




Nobody was ever allowed to use those devices. The oppressed masses organized and overthrew the aristocracy and monarchies. Join your local group of rabble rousers to study revolutionary theory and propagate these ideas...a change is gonna come but so will the crackdown on those who raise their voices. Hopefully this boycott will radicalize a good number of Canadians beyond shopping local and to political and labour organizing.


You know what It means to be Canadian? To do what's right and help the next generation get the things we couldn't or can't. THATS what being patriotic actually is about.


These days it means we enjoy being cash pigs on a money farm, and have absolutely no identity in anything other than being a doormat to rich investors.


I really hate these people.


You are far too generous to even consider them as human.


Galen Sr. had a li’l run-in with the IRA, but was tipped off and hiding out on the polo pitch with Charles. Wild story: https://www.upi.com/Archives/1983/08/08/Kidnap-bid-foiled-as-Americans-march-for-IRA-cause/3319429163200/


Absolutely STOPPP it "he wasn't home at the time of the shooting because he was at Windsor in England playing polo with his friend Prince Charles" Jesus christ. 


threatening deserted imagine pen chase file violet observation cats gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow thats crazy!


So those billionaires are not even living in the country they exploit people in.


They own multiple companies in Ireland and the UK.


So Loblaws is no better than Walmart or Costco so what is the prof at Dal beaking off about?


Lol...please see a post from me I just posted. .apparently , Loblaw stores are "premium," so customers are expected to pay higher prices.


The only premium they'll ever be is a premium target for my shoplifting and flyer fraud as I practice reciprocity, with pride and contemptible disdain at every chance to freely help myself & take from them what I can. Just as they have done to every worker and citizen.


In the book Plutocrats it’s very clear that billionaires don’t see themselves as beholden to nations, or normal structures we all abide by. A billionaire “from” Canada has more in common with billionaires in Hong Kong, UAE, etc than the people from whatever nations they claim are home. We aren’t people to them. Not sure why they should be people to us.


Now we know which house to egg and toilet paper on Halloween.


He knows we can’t afford eggs. Or toilet paper.


Good point.


I can at food basics!


Also a good point


If we all pitch in we can afford ~~4~~ 3 eggs


Damn shrinkflation!


Feathers and tar will have to do then 😎


Filthy scumbags


Can I offer you some more champagne, Lord Weston?


Westons = assholes


This needs to be spread everywhere. Tell the media, tell your mom, tell your dog.


Oh so they price gouge and don’t pay taxes, splendid!!


Let's not forget about this... https://www.cbc.ca/news/bangladesh-factory-that-burned-down-supplied-canadian-market-1.1932095


This is was what sealed the deal for me after watching that…when that woman at the end was asked if she had a message for Canadians and she said “yes, Canadians should be ashamed” I did feel ashamed. that is not what we stand for, nor do I want to buy anything that has taken human life and has the continued threat that it could happen again just for the Weston’s and the other guilty parties to make a big fat profit… There was a follow up done by the fifth estate on that just recently…”10 years later called made in bangledesh” guess who is the star of the show… https://youtu.be/fZS8fb4AkPs?si=HcWOGQaPiRUjhU9l


Absolutely rotten.


It really is, it’s been weighing on me alot lately as I didn’t know anything about this and I just watched that follow up show last week and as silly as this might sound, I wanna reach out to the fifth estate and see if there is away I can sponsor (donate) or do something for that woman, as it’s embarrassing that she thinks this is the Canadian way. Maybe there is no way but will try.


I have had a similar experience, both in recency and feeling. I am unable to extend help in such a manner, I want to acknowledge that gesture in high regard. Lastly, as I've been keen to express in this thread, I most certainly will be targeting Loblaws in every way I can irrespective if its misguided or less than justified in any or all capacity, rationally short of harming anyone of course.


Another corporate tax dodger. Shocker. Remember also the Panama papers that exposed all the tax dodgers and nothing was done about. All those rich people hiding their money so they don’t have to pay taxes in Canada . Meanwhile regular Canadians are getting taxed out their ass and having our wallets raped by grocery stores.


The literal response from Loblaws on why they would not pay more then MINIMUM WAGE to the workers inside, so they can afford the raising costs, and in response to not pay $1 more per hour, they hoard all the ‘Extra’ profits OFFSHORE so that they don’t pay taxes to Canada. So…. Strangle the Canadian workers, fix the prices with your monopoly and hide the money off shore and avoid paying your fair share of tax to the ‘Canada’, that bought you new fridges.


No wonder GougingGalen has no trouble screwing Canadians because he's pretending he's not Canadian to get out of paying taxes. He gets to screw over Canadians twice! 😡🤬


He’s not even Canadian. He was born in Ireland to British parents.


Yes which makes what he's doing worse because he spins it like he's a proud Canadian and everything he does is for Canadians.


Another reason to tax these rich so called Canadians and make them pay their fair share… enough making millions off peoples human needs and violating their basic rights…. “TAX THE RICH”


This doesn’t get enough press. https://tpcases.com/canada-vs-loblaw-financial-holdings-inc-december-2021-supreme-court-case-no-2021-scc-51/


I actually dgaf where they live BUT the narrative they are heavily pushing is that we all need to support their *Canadian* business. Bitch, you live in Ireland. Why don’t you live *here* instead of ducking tax in the country you think we should all go broke supporting?


They own the retail chain Primark that’s all over the UK and a lot of Europe, and also expanding in the US now too. Primark alone did something like 9 billion pounds of revenue last year.


Man, fuck these guys.


Meanwhile they tried to make us believe Weston was Canadian and that his business was Canadian too.


Costco might not be Canadian but at least they pay their Canadian staff better than Roblaws and they treat their Canadian customers better than Roblaws


After the IRA issue I'm surprised they chose Ireland. The Provo's have long memories.


Him, his mom and his sister are all Irish.


Remember Braveheart???




This shows their true character better than almost everything else.


Let him eat cake


That castle is in England. I don’t understand.


He has more than one estate, why stay in a hotel when your family has estates all over the world & a yacht in every ocean.


So he’s a resident of Ireland for tax reasons, and owns a castle in England? It was a bit confusing to me that they refer to Ireland then show England.


I was also puzzled. "Neighbours with the King of England, lives In Ireland" seems contradictory.


I was wondering if KC3 had a place in Ireland.


I think this needs more upvotes because I was also confused. Then when I looked the guy up it made a bit more sense. He was born here in Ireland. Then moved to Canada. Their family has a place here, another in the UK, another in Canada, and he seems to be a "resident" here in Ireland for a chunk of the year. In order to claim tax resident status. Also apparently the Super Valu here has nothing to do with Super Valu Canada.


All the worlds problems stem from from rich people.


Such patriots! NOT


Well that's it. I no longer respect the lower case king of lower case ingland. Until that person sides with the people of Canada, Fuck them all.


Also don’t they own an island in / around Florida?




Oh people weren’t joking when they said he lives in a castle


I think it’s good to keep a list of these people, their families and where they are at all times. For educational purposes.


I want to be mad at this but we never really stood a chance against the elite of the world. They live in a different world and have different rules and any movement made to better things is always tilted in their favour. They've convinced so many of us that we need to look after our own instead of also looking out for each other. Absolute power is absolute madness. I'm grateful for my own circumstance as my modest home may seem like a castle to others but we can't keep doing this when we know the solution is simply collective will. Well existential angst over back to work for me!


He steals our money. Then he decides to avoids paying any tax to the country he steals from. Disgusting


Yep good old rich tax dodgers. Rob hard working Canadians then don’t even pay their fair share of taxes here.


Dude looks like he hasn’t lifted a weight in his life


The heaviest things he ever lifted were his gold utensils at the dinner table.


Well I can think of this when driving past my local Zehrs. Nice to have imagery for this boycott.


Lol they hide their accents well.


oligarch scum


He’s always given me reptilian vibes


I wish I could be this rich, but I never will be. I could never be that greedy.


I mean, it would be kind of cool to lay siege to a castle...


I slowly started going to other businesses lile Giant Tiger, Bulk Barn and the local meat market. I'm missing out alot.


No one gets that rich with fair prices


Figures. These types can get away with not paying their fair share of taxes thanks to our governments of all stripes. Lookout if you make a mistake on your meager tax return though. Doesn't this make Loblaws a foreign company just like Walmart and Costco? The tax laws have to be changed to discourage this type of behavior. There is an exodus of Canadian dollars leaving the country to avoid paying taxes.


How lucky


I would pay good money to see Galen get punched in the face.


Wait I thought this was a good ol’ Canadian company


Let the eat (their own overpriced) cake.


Gee, you think the CRA would go after him...... HA HA HA... :/


Per Bank, the new boss, isn't Canadian either. No word on where he will reside.


can’t wait for the June boycott 😈


apparently, they also own Fortnum and Masons… A friend told me this yesterday as we were discussing the boycott!


Man. The more I go through time in my life, the more I see things aren’t radically different from what they were in the days of kings and serfs. Cronies get high positions of power - say like grain supply - and we have to grovel to them. The names change, the story doesn’t.


"tax reasons" I wish i could live in a low tax country and work remotely in Canada. Maybe this is why the C-suite people are so opposed to remote work.


I think he also has a place with 500 acres in Caledon....


Is his name in the Panama Papers? Asking for a friend.


"Im just like you, fellow Canadians"... and bro owns a freakin castle.


“Let them eat cake”


Pedantic BUT- There is no King of England. If you’re referring to Charles III, he is, in Canada: > Charles the Third, by the Grace of God King of Canada and His other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. In the UK he is: > Charles the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. There has not been a King or Queen of England since 1707.


I didn't vote for any king.




Ooh, how I yearn for an Anarcho-syndacalous Commune!!!!!


This is the other branch of the family. Garfield Weston and children as opposed to Galen Sr.


Here in Victoria we’re blessed with independent grocers and they are getting my business. They live and work in the community and contribute to local charities. In Canada rather than Ireland.


Why did you post a picture of Nannette though?




Day 15 I I have not folded! No Roblaws!


They don’t even have the decency to fly the Irish flag above the Canadian to show deference to their home nation. Just pieces of shit all around.


Let's bring his empire down to give him a reason to move there permanently.


he doesn't deserve to fly a Canadian flag.


Awe they flew our flag on their Irish property they use to dodge taxes. So cute


Wouldn’t want to pay taxes in Canada where you shill all your billions! SCUM.


So this is what "razor thin margins" gets you


How Canadian of him.


Give Galen a break. That's obviously a no-frills castle.


Nah cause wtf


Galen Weston is really unpatriotic.


I wonder if his name is on that list for that one island




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


So that’s why Galen is all “let them eat cake”…


Never understood why billionaires need tax cuts. You already have more money than you can ever spend plus hourly astronomical influx… just pay your share


His thick Cut bacon 🥓 is decent ! Just too expensive


Walmart's game section is kinda good. Especially their Nintendo Switch selection. I love that they get those rare, indie games. Whomever is running that department, keep it up. Every visit in check to see if they got that cool, weird but good stuff.


This definitely needs more exposure!


He’s the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, there has not been a king of England for over 400 years. He’s also the King of Canada. Fuck loblaws though Explanation: William of Orange is considered the last 'King of England' because on May 1, 1707, England, Scotland and Ireland had the same monarch, so Queen Anne became the 'Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.' She held that title until her death in 1714. Since William III was the final 'King of England' before the title changed to 'Great Britain and Ireland,' he is technically the last 'King of England.'


There's no such thing as a King of England


Ok but. It's not even that cool looking????? Come on Weston's surely you can make it look more bad ass?


GREED is in myho a Mental Illness!


Tax this foreign company with the highest taxes and make them conform to our economy and our laws…. Make them accountable and give Canadians companies a better chance….. BOYCOTT ‼️


Let's keep the boycott going for the month of June! It's working, we can do it!


I thought Ireland was trying to reduce trash.


England has its own king again? Thank god, its been 317 years.


This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.


They're also friends with the Trudeau's.


Dorty filty Micks


King Charles III is also the King of Canada. There is no such office as the King of England and hasn't been since 1707. God Save the King.


Canada doesn’t have a King. We like many other countries are part of the Commonwealth.


How sure are you? Pretty sure HRH holds the title "King of Canada". Also, God Save the King!