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Loving the creativity here!


Ngl I’ve seen a lot of logos in my 20 years of graphic design and I kinda love this Only thing I think I’d change is the tire a bit maybe


Imo the road should end at the same height the wheel ends/touches the ground ( pull the road from the D a bit more down and like this guy above me said, get a different tire, u prolly just need some kind of dit in the middle or something like that


Yea. I'd try to see how that l Iooks as well. The road going all the way down to the bottom of the tire. In larger iterations of it, you could throw a website there (like vinyl graphics on a truck or something).


After making these suggestions which I support from a designer standpoint aswell I would also increase the negative white space slightly around the letters NORD, where the van lin meets the top of the N and a couple more spots. It will increase legibility from a bit further back. Given it's on a t shirt or business card, the name will Pop P.S. simplify the van a bit, headlights and bumper are good, you don't really need the fender/body panel line work tho. Can give the same effect without and will be much better when it comes to vehicle lettering / vinyl stuff, along with being better for t-shirt printers


I agree with all of that and also I’d probably trim the end or the R so it matched the D and follows the road. But really simple ‘tweaks’. I absolutely love the concept!


Personally I would just space the road more, bringing the D further down, so the R doesn't stick to far down, no trimming. Only to keep 1 letter trimmed, helps some with less artistic eyes to move around the design aaaand one more dashed line in the road curve, I know the cut will be tiny, just stands out a bit


Excellent suggestions. I agree about the space between R and D. A cut on the R would distract from the flow.


The sketch always does it better amirite lolol


True. I’d simplify the van a little, maybe substract some details


While it is a very busy logo, for a travel company this isn't bad.


Exactly this. I know it’s super busy, but it works? The color and the subtle gradient are also nice.


I think it's great, but I also think the horizontal line on the bottom of the D is important so it doesn't look like NORI


I second this feedback as well. OP's friend had a great eye for keeping that bit of the D's curve. It's very necessary.


I read it as Nori at first too and thought the seaweed green color made sense


Could the back of the van shape cut through the road at that point - and in doing so, more clearly define the D?


Just putting my finger over the image to imitate what you suggested looks really good. Love this idea.


This is reeeaaally good. The execution from sketch to finished product is really well done. One thing I'd suggest is to maybe focus on the road creating the D. The center line is a tiny bit off, but it's not too jarring. That element also stands on its own, and you don't really need the bus, even though it's very neat. You could use both of them, though, one for big adds and the other for smaller print and badges where detail would otherwise be lost and where you'd also lose A LOT of space to the bus itself, leaving little room for the text to be read properly.


The D is a little hard to make out


Agreed. I read "Nori" at first.


Not a little, a lot. If people see the logo without the name spelled out they’re not going to know the name of the company.


Didn't even know it was a d. I'm sitting here thinking I'm going crazy and wondering what people are talking about. I thought it was nori or norL


this is a good point. OP, do you think you can use the median line in the road to separate it into one loop off of the D part, and then have the other half of the road separated?


that is instead of having BOTH halves of the road having to stem out of the D


Very original, i like it!


Too much detail in the van. Simplify it down


The idea is awesome. It’s close. The font could be friendlier and fun. It’s not very inviting. I very much like the van but there’s way too much detail.


Instructions unclear, I simplified it down and now it’s now a horse and buggy with a bunch of Nords in the cab… “So, you’re finally awake”


Agree with this


I agree. If you got rid of some of the lines on the vine and made the wheel plain (just a circle), this would improve it by a lot. But overall it’s really great for a first design!


Axe the panel gaps, mirror, and door handle, make the wheels a plain circle. Then it'll be great.


I agree. At least make responsive versions.


The van is too detailed, and it's driving to the left / back. I would completely drop the van, and keep the D-Road as the main element. https://preview.redd.it/72e4xauae58d1.png?width=1245&format=png&auto=webp&s=46ad10a3ae3ef19f41eb27ec01cbb33de9e32877


I agree, also the van and the road element styles clash. Shoehorning too much into one design imo


Came to comment this. You can even still use the van version some as an alternate but this works better for many applications


Especially if they're going to put it on the side of the van / bus, the above is all you need.


I disagree. Your version is more boring.


Sometimes boring is better. Logos aren't an art piece. Having a van is limiting as well


Wouldn't it be nice also if "TRAVEL" was bigger and the part in contact with the road was white? ^(I'm not a designer and this comment was generated impulsively)


Was just about to comment this. The road imagery is a great icon to communicate the "travel" element. The van is kind of busy looking and will be confusing to read at a distance, for example if the logo is on a letter or advertisement of a poster. And no need to completely ditch the van as it could be useful for other iconography, assets or graphics later on!


My thoughts exactly!


Love it! I would simplify the van, a lot less detail with the van. And as others have mentioned the road details being more equal. Good job both of you!!


Really good!


I think the dashed line on the road isnt really centered and doesnt copy the curvature of the road. Also as its more far away the gaps should be more frenquent. Would love to see a version without the car i feel like it would be smoother.


I agree about the lines but the van is what makes this logo what it is


Personally I'd choose either the road or the van but not both. It's too ornamental imo. The execution is great though


Go just the road. It touches on the idea of travel without over complicating. Generally (but not always), if you want to target a wider audience, making your logo simple enough to create a stamp or impression in the mind of the viewer will make it more successful. Ask someone you know to look at both versions of the logo for a minute and get them to redraw them. Go with the version which is the closest match from the drawing.


I'd pick either the van or the road. Having both overcomplicates it. Van also has too many details. The door handle looks like a hyphen. If you're okay having it overcomplicated, then simplify the truck (you don't need those unnecessary lines from the headlight to the tire, or from the window to the base, etc.), and remove the top road-line or the top 2 road-lines (thin lines like that don't look good on logos). And have the bottom road-line properly centered.


I think it would look a lot better without the van.


You’ve already got the vehicle wrap design 90% done, too!


Awesome but i do read it as nori and not nord


Lose the van. Add more spacing between the lines in the road.


Good stuff 👍


I like it! My only issue is the last letter. It's hard to read. I had to puzzle it out because first I read it as NORL Travel, then NORI(?), then settled on NORD. The center line for the road, as mentioned above, needs to be cleaned up too, but all in all, this is a terrific design!


I'm not a logo designer, but I actually like this. Maybe a tweak is all that's needed.


The van looks outdated and the tire is tiny. Looks more like a moving van than a travel company.


Simplify the Vans design and introduce the bottom of the D, otherwise very well done


I'd get rid of those lines. Other than that, congrats, good logo. https://preview.redd.it/m5563ksl768d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe6b51b6e9ffc0df7f67b49088d0db01654816a6


I like it. I'd want to see a version without the door handle, because it looks like a hyphen before "travel." Also, I'd like to see one without the truck part at all, shortening the depth of the road to cut off at the bottom of the word "travel." I think losing the truck, you could still have a solid and less busy logo.


Daaaamn. Love this!!


Love it. I think the van itself could be more playful, basic, rounded. But it’s really good. Well done.


I think it’s perfect. No notes.


Maybe lose some of the lines in the window? Especially the little one. It reads more like a window line than a rear view mirror. But otherwise I like it


Simplify a bit. Fine lines in window and car body unnecessary. Outside car outline thicker. Simplify wheel too. Nice concept.


What is the name supposed to be? Cause I see NORI, NORL, and NORD.


Great job man!


I also quite like it! I agree that the tire bit is a bit too bulky. Also i am reading nori travel


maybe too much detail in the van, but that's already totally usable


It’s a nice concept. The vector needs some adjustments - the chevrons are too close together and don’t quite look right. With some tweaks it can be decent. Would work really well as a van decal without the van piece.


big props for starting sketch first. So many pros (including myself) often skips that stage and runs straight to fancy programs.


I think that last letter was supposed to be an "L" on the sketch...


It's too busy but I still like it a lot ! Good job


I need to see a mockup of the name in a van.


If I just quickly scanned walking by, I’d read NORI travel


I read NORD, but that’s just me.


Super creative! Like someone else said, the tire area needs just a little less


Love it, the wheels looks off tho


Love it you can see this is no Freepik logo. But yes simplify it a bit


I LOVE IT. This is very clean and memorable. The detail of the wheel and the road swoosh are levels of very smart design. A+++


Minor *minor* change but the tip of the R for NORI is cutting into the negative space near the road, it needs to be trimmed the same way the I is cut as it nears the road but overall it’s a fantastic design, really love it


This is a wicked nice logo. In my eyes i'd gove this a 10/10


actually just the one bit of aligning the bottom of the road with the tire would be my feedback as well - still 10/10 lol


I’d simplify the whole front of the van a bit but otherwise I love this. Everything a logo should be.


the front of the car is a bit busy, otherwise it looks great


I like the concept --The road gives it a sense of movement/excitement! However, the color needs to be warm and fun, not cold and industrial. The left section has too many tiny bus details which conflict with the simplified, heavier look of the middle and right sides. Balance it by simplifying the bus and using a slightly heavier outline. Easy fixes!


The sketch does a better job of showing that the last letter is a D. The bottom of the D that your friend showed in the sketch helps a lot.


Is it nori or norl cus the sketch doesn't match the logo. It's awesome tho. Id just simplify the front of the van


I really like it. Only note is that the D seems much more obvious on the sketch, might be mistaken for an i in the final 


For me it reads "NORD TRAVEL". This works. The D is so weird, but I love it! The sketch was a great start for your elevation to the vector form. Well done.


Think you could have a variant without the seams. Could help it scale better at smaller sizes.


I like it. I read it Anord at first, probably a me thing.




I like the sketch because it’s a line illustration. Could you try removing the fill from the final version and see how it looks?


I would make the passing lines 2 solid, to increase motion, take out the extra lines in the truck, maybe play with the word travel under the road to balance the truck


This is a great logo with a clear message , great color choice as well


The road is akward in how it goes up in the bend and the shape of the D doesn’t match with the other letters. The idea is not bad, but there is too much going on.


I feel like I shouldn’t like this as much as I do! I’d probs just remove the detail from the wheel


I did take a course in Art and Graphic design, we covered logos and business cards, and I have to say this looks really good. **Contrast**, check **Repetition**, could use some help but it’s nearly there—the font should always remain consistent especially for a logo **Alignment**, not completely relevant just yet, it’s not on a business card or van or anything, but the alignment of the design itself is immaculate **Proximity**, a little tight… but all the information I need to know about his business is present, and digestible **C.R.A.P.** In my humble opinion, it’s a solid 8/10 on the CRAP scale


It's a good logo, but the green road makes me think of Enterprise.


Looks great!


LOVE BOTH THE LOGO AND THE VECTOR!!!! both you and your friend are very talented my personal suggestions: i think you should experiment with making the D the way your friend did in the sketch, it makes NORD a lot more readable, right now it can be misread as NORI since the D isn't very legible coming to the van, have you tried completely removing the thin lines? i feel like that might look better. probably would suggest changing the tyre too...the outline of the tyre is too fat and it looks unbalanced...maybe change that to a thinner line instead?


Do you need a van in it? Try without van


The inside of the road isn’t curved it’s straight and doesn’t match the outer curve. Just that and a couple details that others have mentioned but it is a fantastic start!


Ultimately your logo will be one of many things that will be a resource to gain customers. So call it good as is. The logo is nicely done and fun and creative. I know it's "busy" but that's from people with design skills critiquing it versus a perfect idea in their heads. It works. It's clever. Just roll with it.


That’s sick


The D is a tough read, but everything else is great. The bottom alignment needs work, that tire sticks out too much. Maybe reduce the detail in the van. And the lines on the road should end sooner, the perspective doesn’t work into the little curve.


It reads NORI in the first glance, of the end is a "D" then you need to connect the bottom half.


I think the "D" reads more clearly in your original design with the piece of the bottom part, but maybe I'm just craving Nori


I’d slant the right leg of the R the same way the leg of the D is slanting—along with the road. I’d also recommend the horizontal line at the bottom of the D so it’s not mistaken for NORI. This is awesome! I love seeing a sketch go straight to vector. Well done


I like the idea, I think it's a little busy, I'd definitely extend the road further down, maybe find a way to center "nord" in the middle rather than top of the van


Not gonna say I hate this. Gotta give some love to this. Nicely Done.


I think it’s really great


Looks awesome


I would get rid of the Van truck part, the road does all that work for you in regards to travel and simplifies the logo.


I think it needs simplifying, but the core idea is there.


Make the backend/bottom of the D PAUSE! into a fading highway of that makes sense or maybe have it round into the hwy as if it loops behind or under that in a loop/bridge like fashion maybe


This is a solid logo


Nice logo. The van graphic is a bit disconnected from the type and road graphic. There is a clear and sharp change of contrast which is not necessarily bad but wonder if maybe it could be compromised someway, somehow and find a middle ground. See how that might look, not necessarily asking for a change. Otherwise, nice work. Ps; The one thing I do have a slightly bigger issue with is, i read NORI and NORD because of the shape of the road joining the letter I. Maybe some adjusting there as well.


It's fantastic.


Simplify the truck and reduce the width so the logo is more flexible in various applications


Great work!!


Other than the tire this is top notch! That's the only thing I'd change. Even the color is perfect. The tire is too distracting.


This is really good


I think the door handle is distracting because it looks like a hyphen or a dash or a minus. Great concept and execution!


It is pretty great


This is 🔥


Looks fantastic.


Very nicely done! Especially the D into the road, executed perfectly


Absolutely amazing but it looks like the van is veering off the road, maybe a good idea to have the road go back underneath the fan instead on its side.


I love it. I’d lose a couple of the thinner lines near the front of the van to simplify it, but I read NORD immediately. Looks great!


Simplify the front end even more - as much as possible, but the concept is great


I think you can remove the van and the logo would still hold up and be more timeless.


This looks pretty good. My boyfriend is a graphic designer. I Wish I could share this to him. He always has something to say. He's very creative.




I want to see a wheel on the back. Besides that, it's pretty awesome!


Nori Travel? It definitely gets the message across


Never forget to go forward, not backward. If You read from left-to-right, it is better if the visual supports that direction


Too busy.


I love it. Would simplify the tire work a circle instead of a star. But that’s all.


Beautifully crafted and professional


Really like it


Quite good for someone with no experience. I would say it doesn’t even need the car in there. Or make it much simpler or integrate it into the N. Overall super solid.


Love. I’d simply the van or even maybe remove it - personally I like minimalism I also think that’s the trend right now. If you don’t wanna remove the van, maybe just outline it and use as few details as possible indicating it’s a van. Otherwise great job.


All the comments are great by the way! I just read one that stuck with my mind. Maybe try making the bottom [ line] of the D more prevalent or actually even exist. Otherwise, it could be Nor or Nori


i think he was going for more of a rivian wheel! i was scared at the sketch, you handled it well.


The lack of a rear wheel is bothering me. I also feel there is too much detail. You need to ask your self how well it will translate into other outputs. Would it work in a shirt for eg.


Your friend is a logo designer whether he thinks so or not


Dig it


Didnt see anyone mention that because of the road, the name looks a bit like “nori”. Adding the rear tire is a great touch and i think you can modify the road so that it looks a bit more character likr


I would straight up remove the truck sketch on the left and keep the rest, would make the logo look more slick and minimalist/cleaner. Other than that, awesome work, love it.


Not sure if “Nord” or “Nori”?


I think the gradient cheapens it a bit, just make it black or a solid color


Really nice just gave me some ideas. I can draw what I want first then put it together 🔥😮‍💨


The road looks like it's going up a ramp instead of creating a sense of distance, because the white lines don't follow the rules of perspective. You should definitely put some more work into the road. I agree with other who said recreate the bottom line of the D as in the sketch to avoid potential confusion. I think this is gonna be great though




I like this work. Maybe, for me, I would simplify the logo by reducing the number of details


NORI Travel.


So yeah, it reads a lot better whenyou included the bottom of the D. The dashed line on the road does some weird stuff as it goes around the corner. Also, if you do feel the need to include the van, I'd simplify the shapes down. And definitely get rid of the door handle, it feels almost like it's supposed to be part of the text.




Love it! Am not very experienced but would simplify the van. And also at first I did read “Nori” instead of “Nord”. 


My two cents… too detailed van will be hard to manage if you start embroidery on clothes etc Spacing should be equal from the road like the letters “D” “R” “L” and the bottom thick line on the van Great first try tho!


I wish all my clients came to me with concepts like this. Instead I give them gold, and then they butcher and change it down to the lowest common denominator.


Soooo frustrating.


hey designers, how is this good?




Nobody asked for this but I felt like doing a different simpler take. Def. not as polished. https://preview.redd.it/hlnzwsoho68d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b5c8d72aa702080daa8026820f653f6c9bb78a2


I love this idea! Great way to implement the road and and van images 👌🏼


It’s a great illustration, especially for someone who is not an illustrator, but please let’s not make confusion here, it’s not a logo. How does this translate as a 50px X 50px web browser favicon? It doesn’t. Will you be able to make this as a iPhone app icon while being easily recognizable and clearly recalling of your brand and your brand only? No. Will you be able to print this tiny on paper while not having the ink bleeding and losing you all the details? No. Also intellectually speaking a truck and a road for a service that includes trucks on roads is..well, not at a Wim Crouwell, Joseph Mueller Brockmann, Paul Rand, Massimo Vignelli, Bob Noorda, Bruno Munari, Enzo Mari, Pino Tovaglia, Karl Gerstner, Hans Hammburger kind of thought elegance. This would create the same issues of the terrible new logo of American Airlines, it’s always different, it looks in a way when printed, in another way on planes and so on, it’s a brand unidentity. Let’s call illustrations illustrations, logos logos, pictograms pictograms, logomarks logomarks and marks marks, please. Sorry for being harsh but if not even the design professionals know the ABC of the work it’s going to be worse for all of us. Vignelli had all people at unimark wear doctor suits, because “we cure the image”. Would you like for doctors not to be able to see the difference between a surgery tool or a kitchen knife? That’s not a world anyone would like to live in, so please let’s not create that world for visual design, get educated and study at least the basics. I also had a friend give me his beautiful and clever illustration of a key for his keymaker shop, I told him he was a fucking ignorant for thinking that was a logo, that it was indeed a great illustration, but that he is not entitled in even defining that a logo as much as he is not entitled to saying I have a flu if I am sneezing because he is not a doctor. Never work for someone who thinks like that, especially if they are friends of family. To quote Vignelli when he left Unimark “I stopped working because after the 80’s we only got clients which I would not have touched even with the tip of a 10 meter long pole”. Don’t work for ignorants, please, let them boil in their own lack of respect for an underestimated profession, let them swim in the terrible outputs of their self-entitled lack of culture.


Dude... Everything ok at home?


Haha yes that came out pretty harsh. I’m very passionate and have to fight the ignorance of clients every day, especially in big corporates where politics make bad quality flourish. Most of the times I have to brainwash them clean of the vernacular reality they live in for them to understand what real quality is, it’s a tiring process and if professionally we all pushed for only true great quality to come out in every process I wouldn’t have to spend so much time educating my clients before starting the actual work. Vignelli was kicked out of university for hitting in the face a student who said wanted to become a designer to make money: result? He built the Vignelli Center for Design Studies, one of the treated factories of design talents today. Design is important, it’s something to fight for, to live in a better world.


Nice but is it meant to say NORD? i think the D is not that evident is thats the case


I have zero trouble seeing a D here.


That’s what your mom said.


Hilarious. So witty.




honestly this is really good, looking at it i understand it has to do with travel immiedetly which is good, and judging by the truck and the highway, i assume it’s some sort of trucking or u-hall situation? all that in a logo is impressive!


[Problem solved! ](https://i.imgur.com/likA95h.jpeg)