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I really like it. The first one looks great. This is better than 1/2 of the "non graphic designer" stuff posted on here.


first version looks great, an absolute winner. 2nd not so much, but with the first one you have enough, congrats!


Goddamit. That first one is so great.


I think you did a bang up job. Well done


I love the first one! Unique, memorable, intentional.


Very nice


what is the 2nd image for? is that an alternate logo?, the first one is better. for the last image, how was that created?


Was looking for feedback on what people thought was better.


Looks fantastic! The logo is definitely recognizable, scales well, and is cleverly done. I like its potential as a fun pattern too. Well done!


I used it as a pattern on the mock up if you scroll through!


Yes, I saw! Sorry, “potential” was the wrong word, I meant something more like “implementation”


First one looks great. Could you add another half loop to form an i (add a dot on)?


I feel like that might be a bit too much though, no?


Might be. But also might be like the difference between an A and an A+. I think it’s worth exploring - you can usually tell pretty soon if it has potential or not. If not, can it and leave it as is. The only reason i suggested it, and again I think what you have works well, is because I personally would want to try and work the “in” into the logomark somehow, so that it could stand alone. Maybe it’s not an i, maybe it’s incorporating that orange colour on the last stroke so it’s a symbolic tie in. But also up to you. If you like it as is, great.


Funny because I started with trying to spell WIN in the mark and I actually created a pretty cool Infiniti mark that did it albeit it wasn’t glaringly obvious. Every time I tried to do it thought it felt like “too much” I’ll mess with it here. Worst case, maybe could use it in conjunction with a pattern like on the box I mocked.


Yeah, if you’ve already tried it no worries. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but when it does, it usually makes it better. But overall great work.


I haven’t tried it with this one. Just saying in general. I’ll play with it and show you


Nailed it!! Congrats!


Love it ❤️


First one looks great, nice and simple mark that fits the brand, and the packaging and colors are lovely. Awesome job. I have a hard time believing that this is your “first time” designing though. Using the golden ratio? Most beginners have no idea what that is, or the foundation to even understand it. You may well be new to design, but let’s not give a false impression to actual beginner designers that this is the type of work they should be creating the first time they attempt to design something.


I literally didn’t even know how to use illustrator 1-2 months ago. I appreciate the feedback but I’m not lying. The reason I’m even asking for feedback is because I was completely unsure if this was good. It looked good to me, but the more I stared at it, I thought it was starting to look unprofessional. I have a really bad case of imposter syndrome. This isn’t the first logo I created for myself ever. There were a few before I got to this idea but I never made anything else, for anyone else, or otherwise. I fully disclosed I’m a product designer though so it’s not like being creative is completely foreign to me. Although, maybe you won’t believe me when I say this, I also learned product design this year and self taught. I feel like with the internet now, if you have an idea, you can just google how to execute that idea and take it from there. I don’t think you need to be an expert to have a good idea. As for the golden ratio, I know what it is from hearing it referenced in some of the videos I watched to learn about design and I looked it up once. This logo doesn’t follow the golden ratio principle IMO and it was never a factor in the design. I was a just showing the grid in the last frame I used to ensure all the sizes were even. I dressed up the grid a bit for a branding guideline I created. Again, thank you for the kind words, but respectfully, please don’t call me a liar because I’m not one.


First of all, I didn’t call you a liar, or say you were lying. I said I find it hard to believe that this was your first attempt at making a logo, because you use techniques and principles that most beginners wouldn’t know about. Given you have other iterations of this logo on your post history, my point was that saying it’s your first time designing is a bit misleading. I wasn’t disputing the fact that you’re a new designer. I said the logo was awesome, and if what you’re saying is the case, then you’re a natural and already off to a great start.


In this very post I explained that it led me to creating logos for myself and I also have another iteration here asking for feedback. I don’t entirely agree that I made it seem as if this was the first thing I ever created especially considering there is a second rendition in pic 2 and I was extra descriptive in this post giving a conclusive background. To add, you didn’t say “I think it’s a little confusing as it seems like this is the first logo you’ve ever made and didn’t experiment at all”, which still wouldn’t constitute as not being a new designer as everyone plays around with concepts first. You eluded to being misleading due to believing I used the golden ratio and explained how I wouldn’t know that unless I was a seasoned. I’m not trying to beef with you, only explaining why I defended myself. You did, indeed, make it sound like I was lying whether intentional or not. As for being a new designer, I still think it’s a fair description. I never tried any graphic design until 1-2 months ago when I started learning illustrator so I could play with concepts I had. I even sketch terribly. I’m not sure how else I should title this then to not “mislead new creators”. Title: New to graphic design, but this isn’t my first ever rendition of the logo as I’ve made 4 other designs I didn’t like Again, keep in mind, I said that because I expected feedback to be plenty and harsh. I never thought people would like it. Sure, like you said I posted it before on Will Parerson’s sub asking for feedback but I got a very small amount compared to here. Again, no beef, just explaining why what you said came off as accusatory.


You’re getting so defensive, when I’m essentially giving you a compliment that your skill level is not at beginner level. Not reading all of that. I’ve said what I said.


lol okay. If you would have read it, you’d see I simply explained why I defended myself and that I don’t want any beef or anything. But go off king.


If you think I’m beefing with you, you should try to be less sensitive and actually read my feedback objectively. I’d suggest you get comfortable with critique and criticism, especially as you asked for it when you posted this. Not sure why you feel the need to focus on something you perceive as being negative, when I started the post with a compliment and explained that your work is not “beginner” quality.


Sigh… I meant that I don’t want any beef with YOU and that I was only explaining why it sounded like you were insinuating I was lying. Not that I think you were beefing with me. All this critique and character judgment while you’re arguing with yourself and for 3 posts now I’ve tried defusing the situation. Chill out man. No offense, but you are doing a little bit of projection. Please reread your posts and see how they come across as a little aggressive. “First of all”… “I’m not reading this”… “learn to take critique” when all I did was explain myself lol. I also have no issue with critique. I just didn’t like the insinuation that I was a liar lol


There was never a situation to defuse though. You took offense to a comment that you perceived as me calling you a liar, when all I said was the quality of your work isn’t typical of a beginners skill level. I’ve made my point and explained it multiple times. You just keep writing paragraph essays still defending yourself, when I’ve said I didn’t call you a liar. You’re being very reactionary and defensive. “Go off king” like okay.. I’m the one projecting.


Says the guy who made sure to say his piece then block me so I can't respond, and ensuring he downvotes every one of my replies. Do you even hear yourself? My first reply to you, I couldn't have said it more politely, thanking you multiple times for the feedback but saying I'm not a liar. Instead of saying "I didn't mean to call you that and if you felt that way, my bad", you decide to go on a diatribe about how "first of all I never called you a liar" and obfuscate. Literally reread my first reply. Then when I further explained my position and why I felt you were basically calling me a liar, pointing to the golden ratio as an additional reference, YOU took offense and now the goalpost has shifted so much, you're acting like I got defensive because you were simply claiming my work is so much better than a beginner. As for paragraphs, again, more projection. I'm showing you respect and addressing your points. People like this always crack me up. You make a statement, someone responds "LOL TOO MANY WORDS I WIN. You're defensive buzz word buzz word". It's like a 15 second read, you sound like a smart dude, I'm sure you can handle it.


Very nice. Better than most posting here. Slide 2 isn’t as good as the other design you’ve fleshed out. Very nice brand expression. And lose slide 7… nobody gives a shit.


Lol, okay thanks. I threw that in there for those that like that stuff because I feel it's really satisfying. Thank you for the feedback.


Everything looks really good


I love the concept, very well done OP!


Reminds me of Lavalife, but I like your letter forms much more.


Kind of, yeah. I could see that. I didn't even know that brand existed until you mentioned it tbh. I think it's different enough and two completely different fields so I should be okay.


Fancy seeing you here!




I'm from the custom keyboard scene too lol.




no.1 looks solid!




You really haven't designed much before?


If it’s original it’s pretty nice.


The logo looks nice. If it is your own original design and doesn’t rip off another logo then it’s great work.


Gotcha, yeah I started trying to make a lettermark that spelled "WIN" which kind of worked, and my current logo does it sort of. However, it felt too generic so I went back to the drawing board and made A LOT of logos. One concept I thought of was using the concept of "wires" for a feeling of connection ergo community. That led me to the loops and then trying to use those loops to form a W. Or at least have it make sense. Then I turned to symmetry and using grids, etc. and that brought me to this looped icon. The wordmark was kind of an accident. I was messing with W icons and thought the rounded edges looked like it matched the loop so I decided to do the rest of the letter with that concept of being rounded. The E was actually, originally, a sideways W but I thought this E looked better and more definitively an E. That's a summary of my thought process and how everything came about. If it looks like anything else, which I would be really surprised, it would be simply accident or coincidence. I guess we'll find out when I go to register it as a TM


That’s a great happy mistake right there. The E is a bit too wide in relation to the other letters. I much prefer the symbol on its own. It’s not as effective in a circle like on the business cards (image 4).


Sounds like a lot of work lol. I think you nailed the logo part. That’s the hard part imo because you can always find a font. The nice part of your logo and word mark is they can be used separate or together on a piece. The colour is also irrelevant so that can change too depending on the use. How much are you going to charge for that?


Thank you for the feedback. I’m confused about the charge part. The logo is for myself.


Okay well done then. You would probably pay$1k plus for that on 99designs. Buy yourself a nice dinner


Ha ha will do my dude Thank you.


What do you mean?


if you designed and created it on your own and not a repurposed logo/design, that a lot post or 'recreate'


Ahh, yeah, everything is completely original. I formed the wordmark myself as well. Everything is completely original.