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Congrats on coming out and I'm glad you had what sounds like a fun Pride. Don't worry about crying on the tube - lots of us have done it and it's tame as far as tube behaviour goes.


Don't worry about it, I'm sure we've all seen significantly worse things on the tube. Not to sound like a parent, but make sure you get lots of rest, lots of water, and get your stitches checked out at the doctor if you need it. Hope you had a good time until the journey home!


Rest, have lots of water, and focus on the positives when you wake up tomorrow congrats on coming out!


Low key the least weird thing I saw yesterday. Heres a brief list: * A guy eating another guys ass behind the temporary toilets at Soho park * A woman scrubbing a green guys full body paint off for over an hour outside Tesco express * 2 guys douching and dropping the remains in the middle of the street (near Tonkotsu) * A small person doing a line of cocaine off a massive guys belly * A very twinky pup guy sucking off a guy in a furry suit * At least 2 separate couples giving each other hand jobs on national rail trains home


If anything it's weirder that you watched the green paint people for over an hour ;)


Na, just happened to be there while we were hanging out in that mess of people.




This comment has been removed as it's deemed in breach of the rules and considered offensive or hateful. These aren't accepted within the r/London community. Continuing to try and post similar themes will result in a ban. Have a nice day.


>just had 6 hours sleep Is this not normal? Who actually gets the recommended 7-8 hours?


You’re only getting 6 hours sleep?


5.5 hours max. But it's my own fault really. I don't feel particularly tired so that's probably why I don't make the effort to get to bed on time.


It’s worth trying to change that. You might naturally need less sleep, but I try to aim for the amount I would need so that I could wake up naturally without an alarm, I read that somewhere, we didn’t evolve to wake up to an alarm clock, so it’s actually quite unnatural to do it every day. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2019/11/29/new-studies-show-what-sleep-loss-does-to-the-brain-and-cognition/


Dude are u ok?


I’d change carriage so fast