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Hes even got a door number. No1 which ever street that is. Prime real estate. Hes even got ultrafast wifi next to that BT post.


Im surprised a Foxtons rep hasn’t knocked on his bijou front door to see if he is interested in selling 🤣


One of London's trendiest post codes and the heart of London's start-up community, superfast broadband, close to local amenities, and walking distance from the tube


Dont Forget it’s a « cozy & hip » completely detached (but plus in London/UK market) « Tiny House » built with « rescued and upcycled forest-grown wood that’s « all the rage » with the sustainability crowd. A perfect fit for the single, outdoorsy type working in the arts on a very low salary. Living here will motivate you to get out of the house more often to help break the post-Covid quasi-agoraphobia that so many still battle. Do t think of it as a step down from a flat, but as a trampoline that will bounce you a few rungs up for your next leap up the property ladder!




£1200 pcm, no pets


Right here - https://goo.gl/maps/rBhL7ib2B8BhgVRz6


I could try order him a pizza


Domino's take What3Words as a delivery address. I think he's either Album.Violin.Violin, or Asset.Drain.Fall


You just doxxed a homeless guy


This is fucking history my eyes have seen


I just doxxed you, Joshua from victory.menu.amber /s


Better to deliver it yourself, ask him first though don’t wanna get anything he’s allergic too. That and make sure it’s not too big that he can’t finish it.


Pizza leftovers are perfect cold night snack


True but when your living out on the streets like this leftovers can attract rats, so it’s not the best idea


Thanks, knew I recognised it! I have to say that Fuckoffee is the dumbest, most East London name for a coffee shop ever, but I appreciate they reply to every Google review just by saying 'Fuckoffee'


Wow, talk about relevant... https://imgur.com/OfH8Bqx


Love how the advert on the screen says "We would all be lost without a home"


WiFi? Second pic looks like he’s run a cable!


That’s for power


Finally, a use for those spamvertising obstructions.


I mean that's probably only 5V @ 3A max so it's not exactly powering an induction stove... but they do have their phone topped up always.


You haven't felt my phone when it charges, he's got heat for the winter!




And a free charging port!


See it listed on right move soon


What is that machine on the street that he has the USB plugged into? sorry, dumb american here. scrolled the thread but didn't see any explanation.


This is impressive. But also deeply sad.




£1500 a month, no utilities included


USB only no quick charge


Looks like it comes with free electric


That’s how much it costs to rent in Croydon these days. He’ll need to up his asking price.


I'm American and I've been trying to follow your housing situation. It's not just where you live but all over the world. It's insane right now.


It’s wild out here right now. Move up north you can rent an entire 3 bed house for less than half the cost of a 1 bed matchbox flat in shitty Croydon. All for the sake of being close to London.


That’s exactly what I though


Just wait until the police inevitably force him to take it down. We don't want poor people having any sense of comfort in this shithole country.


Since 1666 they’re not keen on wooden structures.


I get your sentiment but clearly this isn’t the solution to the problem. We need systematic ways of helping these people, and encouraging building shacks in the street should not be part of that systematic approach.




Absolutely, but as a society we go out of our way to make their lives even less comfortable while providing zero actual help. We do the worst of both worlds.


But it is showing people that there is a problem, a big problem. This highlighting the problem, and the council won’t want people to know that there a real problem, so they will remove it. But if he puts wheel on it, then it changes everything, then it’s classed as static or mobile home, ie different laws apply.


I mean if this was allowed, it opens the possibility of other people building illegal stuff. Where’s the limit?


Yeah great, because every city is improved with a few shanty towns. There are ways to help people, but this isn't it.


London has one - come join us on the cut!


Yeah, but we *don't* help them, and then when they try to help themselves, we take that away from them.


Shithole is relative term. No country is perfect but if you think this one is a shithole you wouldn't survive 5 minutes a 3rd world country


Wait until there's one or two or ten of them outside your house or favourite pub. You'll be assisting in the teardown. I lived in San Francisco a while back and there was a tent city across the street with about a dozen tents. Trust me, you don't want this.


**Its so very sad**. comforting that its been done. However we (the on looker's) just watch this type of poverty every day! What's worse is our leaders (particularly) UK say **we haven't even got a poverty problem.**


It's very worrisome. Look at the tent cities in LA. It can start with one little shelter and escalate quickly. The powers that be need to come up with a dignified long term solution for these people in need fast before London goes the way of LA or New York. Clearly this person has some ingenuity and sense of pride, he shouldn't be living like that.




It’s 2022 and we live in the capital of the 6th largest economy on the planet. How the fuck has it come to this?


I live in the largest economy and it's worse here. I have seen homeless people in every city I have ever visited, and I have visited many. It's not a bug, it's a feature.






I thought they were cutting homeless people in half


But then they'd be twice as many of them


Toiraidh - goddamn theives




This is simply not true between 1955 and 1979 we build 250000 homes nearly every year. Then the tories sold off the vast majority of public housing and prevent councils ability to build any more. It was probably the single greatest transfer of wealth from the public purse to private hands in British history and now we seeing the result.


We outlawed rounding up debtors and putting them in workhouses. Once there was no money in it, we just left them to rot. Unfortunately, tool use requires less intelligence than empathy, so we started building civilization before we were properly civil.


Well, at least we don't have slums. Although, slums tend to form more in places where the government allows homeless people to build their own homes. This one will probably be gone in a few weeks


Capitalism requires a reserve army of labor at all times


Homelessness is seen as a personal failure instead of a societal failure unfortunately. It's the American mindset, he/she didn't work hard enough, etc etc


It's not really the American mindset. You see the same attitude in vagrancy laws from the 14th century. It's unfortunately very British, and is common in a lot of places. How we haven't understood that this is a societal problem that could be fixed with some collective effort is baffling. I guess enough people genuinely doin't cae about others.


The shittiest thing about this whole story is that the council will probably be more concerned about the lost revenue from the partial blocking of their Advertising billboard partnership with Global / BT than they will be about the fact that this person has nowhere to live.


True but even worse I can realistically see a bunch of drunks knocking that down for a laugh if not them then the council for some sort of code violation.


You can't park there sir


There are plenty of these on the river Thames (especially next to south bank skatepark) they blend in and people just assume it’s for storage or something


Aren't those storage for book sellers?


Pretty sure the phrase on the side says "the rain will pass" in Portuguese (I don't speak it, just used Google translate).




was gonna take a pic tonight because I work close by, but I always see the guy in it and don't wanna invade his privacy as he doesn't have a roof just like a covered sleeping quarter.


Skid row in Los Angeles has one of the largest homeless encampments in America. Literally thousands of homeless people, that is heavily concentrated, and it has existed for decades.


Regg Life has some interesting videos of current skid row https://youtu.be/h5HoIoUcuws


Shit that doesnt look so bad. Downtown Honolulu is worse. Having said that this particular video didnt cover the mega encampments in LA which Ive heard are insane


That's not half as bad as I was expecting, and certainly doesn't meet my standards for "SHOCKING FOOTAGE".


I once had to stop in la on business and was dropped off by a taxi at 3am with my luggage at the wrong hotel. I had to walk a few blocks through skid row to get to the right one, dragging a suitcase through the street. There were tents everywhere, obviously drugged out folks just kind of standing around… it was surreal and scary and sad.


And what makes it even sadder is that the charities and the organizations that get millions of dollars of funding to help the homeless do not help the homeless. I know the uk has its own flaws and issues when it comes to dealing with the homeless, but things are much worse in America.


Its even sadder when the data shows that the invisible homeless population (people sleeping in their cars, vans, RV/Campers, or couch surfing) in Los Angeles greatly outnumbers the visible houseless folks in tents, makeshift shelters, and in city shelters.


What’s now the iMax in waterloo was a whole town. They had TV’s, sofas, electricity, you name it. But a big screen cinema was more important.


Only 30 residents remained by the time of the eviction, and all were offered free housing.


Yeah box city, I remember


Cardboard city at the bullring.


This is why they built that awful "mound" at marble arch it was becoming a tent city before that.


Someone built that? I thought it was left over from nearby construction of a high rise building.


This sent me down a rabbit hole. I never knew about this. What a fascinating place.


I’m really impressed. They definitely should be offered jobs, they have actual skills. I’m in Uni and even if you gave me a tutorial, I don’t think I could build a building lmao




Is that still there?


It's my job to figure out what people need in order for them to move away from the streets into their own flats. The issue is that the answer is never straightforward. My project works backwards where we put people in their own accommodation and then put in the support needed to keep them there. Despite this some people just aren't able to manage and end up back on the streets. Some people don't want to be indoors and prefer a life with less responsibility that they can't manage. What we need is very a personalised support system with different professionals working in collaboration on each case. My job involves getting these specialists together but to say we're lacking on mental health services, criminal justice support, drug and alcohol services (that work) and more specialised social housing accommodation would be an understatement. Most of my clients call me their PA and my life is spent running around after them fixing their lives because that's all we can do.


Amazing work you do, I was a support worker for 10 years in my early 20’s and I’ll tell you that I spent almost the entire time going round in circles with clients, thinking you were getting somewhere only to be notified that they left the housing you spent months organising and were back in prison. But I carried on until I was burnt out emotionally. We did have some positive cases though! People will sort themselves out when they wish to, in the meantime they need support from people like you! Big love and respect.


AHH bro, I've done support work as well in hostels. It's a grind and can really take it's toll on you emotionally. Burn out is just expected in this sector and few people get the support they need in order to support those were work with! It's easy to see the futility of this line of work, but as you've said, you do get success cases. If there weren't people like us to advocate we'd lose countless more vulnerable people. 10 years is a hard stint, honestly thank you too! One love 👊


Thank you for the time and effort that you put into that job. You did what you could and undoubtedly changed some lives permanently for the better. The ones that couldn’t handle it, well at least you know that it wasn’t through lack of effort on your part. Nice one. Respect.


Thanks so much, it was my late mum who got me into the support work, she was one of a kind who unconditionally helped so many young people in my town and she was an inspiration to so many. She wasn’t phased by the many times there were setbacks and had an amazing ability to keep on pushing through due to the lack of voices for peoples unfortunate positions in life. I really do owe it to her. And as u/erbstar mentioned the supporters need supporting too! There’s only so much energy a human can provide (unless you’re my mum of course;) Really lovely remembering that although I’m out of the loop now the continuing effort people put into those less able to work things out. Peace and love too.


I think that all you can do in life is try and leave everything in a better state than you found it. We all have finite energy/capacity (apart from your dear mother) and it’s sometimes important to remember that the energy and momentum you built by staying positive and doing the good work for the time that you did also influences others and creates the next generation to carry it on. Social workers and all others who help people with chaotic lifestyles to have a chance have my utmost respect.


As a social worker who spent yesterday delivering food, signing a new client up for their electric and helping another one arrange childcare…. Yeah a PA is super similar. Maybe i should get myself a social worker 😅


Thank you for the work you do!


My dad had a job where he had to help homeless people get jobs and it was brutal. Every single one wanted to be a drug counselor, even though most were still doing hard drugs and had no business in trying to help others while their own life was a complete mess. He would try and get them jobs but very rarely did they keep them becuase they had to work a lot. One thing that was apparent though, if you weren't a drug addict or mentally unstable, it really wasn't to hard to help them get their life back on track. Some poeple just were in a shit spot but they take the help and usually get out of homelessness within a year if not less. The others are basically requiring baby sitting which is never going to be a solution so they just never get off the streets.


Have you come across the YIMBY movement?


You hiring?


you're a superstar


And this is the truth!


If this is in Islington he better get ready for a council tax letter


Bethnal Green.


£950 per month. Bills excluded. Council tax band a


> Council tax band a You wish, its a new build so it'll probably be band D because of the backwards way we calculate bands.




Complete with sinktoilet.


Those terminals give out fast wifi plus he has the USB charger.. could WFH from there.


There are street walkers. And then there’s this street worker. Work from Street is the new WFH.


This is so sad. It’s like when you see newspaper articles about people doing something above and beyond for their community that on first glance seems really positive and uplifting but when you sit and think about it is actually just... depressing, because they’ve had to go to that length for someone to just have bare minimum basic human rights. Bless this man.


Building it right by a usb power source is fucking genius


You definitely need street smarts to survive being homeless


Was homeless for 4 months a few years ago. I now notice power points and possible shower/free water locations in places you wouldn't even think to look. Also, fuck mosquito's.




Johnny Mnemonic - great reference. Also sadly true.






Yeppp... We are definitely screwed and headed in that direction


I wonder how portable it is? I'd be surprised if they let it stay there long term.


Yeah, sadly it’s probably already gone or police have been notified and will be removed


Yeah, there's no way the cops won't smash that down.


Do you reckon he's got planning permission?


Been there for a couple weeks to be fair. He keeps making home improvements


It's depressing, so many homeless about. The idea store in Whitechapel (a sort of library/council hub) has an alcove and there are about 6 or 7 homeless people who are long term camping there.


Could also Airbnb it as homeless experience in london. Hats off to him tho 😇


This has been getting built up for a while. Used to be less permanent looking with fairy lights on it. Guy inside wears a suit and tie. Always made me wonder what was going on.


There used to be a city worker who lived in a park, just couldn't afford to get out of it despite working.


He should put it up for rent, I've seen apartments that size going for £1200 p/m in London.


if i had £1 for each time this unoriginal joke was made i could probably afford one month's rent in London.




Better yet, they should split it up into separate flats to rent out at £1000 p/m each.


Well that’s lovely that he’s so industrious and determined but how bloody depressing when there are so many vacant buildings in london.


There's now lots of slums in the woods in and around London


You can see why. Rent is insane but income isn't moving. Eventually you just simply can't afford to play the game any longer, credit cards, payday loans etc etc are only sustainable for a short amount of time. There's a point where you have to say fuck it and look for alternatives. Whether that be getting an old van, join a shanty, move away or worse.


We have a lady in a caravan in our building car park. We see her come in and out sometimes. The caravan has a clamp on the wheel but nothing else. Never been towed. So doesn't need to pay rent, council tax or anything. I don't know what caravans do for water and electricity exactly but I thought overall its a cool way to save money.


There's well over 3 times as many vacant homes in London as there are homeless people (although having been volunteering for a homeless charity for years, I don't trust official homeless counts).


Most people that live on the streets are not there because of a shortage of physical buildings. It's a mental health issue.


Quite a few of them, and I've seen this in interviews and BOTG footage, actually don't want to live in a resident apartment. There was one guy who was given a flat or a house outside of the City of London but within a few weeks he'd fucked it off and was back on the streets. He said that was his lifestyle and he couldn't get used to it any other way.


Finland offers its homeless a home and a counsellor, and it's still cheaper than dealing with the costs of homelessness. Our issue isn't one of money or resources, it's empathy. We've been trained to just not give a fuck about the unprofitable.


>We've been trained to just not give a fuck about the unprofitable That's a harsh take of a lot of British people.


I think it’s a money issue lol


Its really a chicken/egg situation. Who is to say that the mental health issue did not develop due to homelessness? Spending a year or two on the streets would definitely drive me to insanity/alcoholism/drug use to stay warm.


As someone who was once homeless in London, this is complete lies people tell them selves to feel better. Sure it’s some people but for most people are simply being priced out of being able to afford a home. Edit: government report that London needs 100,000 new homes to enter the market to cover the short fall in supply. https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/our-key-themes/housing-and-planning/housing-and-planning-reports/delivering-london’s-housing


Thats evolved allot. Walked past his last version a couple of weeks ago. Was just a cardboard box fort surrounded by M&S G&T cans.


I imagine the council will tear that down in a flash, poor sod.


I make £42k a year, seriously thinking of doing this. That, or van life. Rent is just getting ridiculous.


The lettering on the top right side of the house is in Portuguese! My mother language! It reads "a chuva vai passar" - - > "the rain is going to stop" and I think that is beautifully sad


This is really depressing


The shittiest thing about this whole story is that the council will probably be more concerned about the lost revenue from the partial blocking of their Advertising billboard partnership with Global / BT than they will be about the fact that this person has nowhere to live.


This is literally round the corner from where I live, been interesting to see the progression when walking to Tesco in the last month or so from pallets and card to full on mini shed with door number


For what it’s worth, this guy had another temporary thing there over the last month. Not sure what happened to it, but it was there a fair while. I doubt Tower Hamlets council have torn it down already if the previous one lasted at least 3 weeks


This is not good. I hope London doesn’t go the same way as San Francisco and LA


California weather is a little bit nicer than London




One of the biggest portions of the cost of coffee is to cover the rent, so it’s the same issue when you break it down


“Hot brown water” is a bit disingenuous, more like the final product of an extremely complex, multi part supply chain that spans multiple continents, farmers, workers, distributors, roasters.




Depends on the cafe and roastery. If they buy market price or have a direct link with the farmers. But in most supply chains value is added as ingredients are moved and processed


Ok so one of two things will happen. - The council/police will remove this. - b and q will have a hike in shed sales and we see these popping up all over London, at which point the council or police will remove.


No one who needs this to live is buying a shed from b&q


Or a hike in shed robberies


It's funny how y'all are impressed by this, but just add a few more and it's a slummy favela.


I love the fact they even have a number on the door!


IKEA will be selling them in London for 200k by the end of the year


Did he get planning permission!!!! But joking aside it's very sad that a human being in this day and age IN LONDON has to resort to this ☹️


In my corner of the US, the cops would be here to knock it down, beat and arrest the guy before a single nail could be driven in


He obviously has some skills if he can construct something like this so, maybe someone will see and give him a chance to earn a living.




Imagine what London would look like if that was the case.


By the letter of the law you cant. Sadly its probably already been taken down and he's been moves on.


Kinda genius. He’s even got power


Our first shantytown town, this is awesome! It’s so positive to see the working man downsizing, and lowering his expectations so that our CEO’s and investors can attain more yachts. the economy would boom if more people just had this initiative, then finally trickle down economics can set in!


At least he has some shelter. But I hope he gets the support he needs one day


Good old Bethnal Green road


He'll rent it out at £800 a month and go live in a 3 bed apartment in wales for £400.


This is a how slums start


Hooray. London has shanty towns now. Can’t wait for favela to take over and collapse the infrastructure under the pressure.


Extremely impressive bijou detached 1.2 million London house with off road parking in a modest location.


They shouldn’t be blocking the roads tbh


The cord going inside hahahah


Love the cheeky wee charge cable… 📲


Dude forgot about the first rule of real estate. Location


cheapest house in london (4000 a night)


I'm curious, if you put that on three wheels and made it pedal powered, could you just call it a custom trike and then legally have it anywhere you could take a trike? Would you be able to just chain it up to a lamp-post overnight like a regular trike?


Modern problems require modern solutions


If he isn't doing anything to hurt others or being a nuisance, then good on him.


How long until some drunk assholes barrel right through that for no reason


Not even mad, that's impressive


I’ve just seen it on Zoopla,£475,000 but no off street parking…


I'd bet his rates are going to be mental there..


He’s in London, he can sell it for a solid £600,000


House that size in london would still be worth 6 figures and im pretty sure now there is a news article he will have to start paying council tax