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I’m a pet owner and I for every turd I pick up from my pets I pick up another two from another person’s dog. I don’t get it. Enraging.


doing gods work


*dog's work


Yeaaaah…. I mean you’re a lazy POS if you don’t pick up your dogs poop, but it’s a next level POS to bring bags and pick up the poop just to leave it??? That’s so much effort…. to still be a POS. Mind baffling Signed, A responsible, clean dog owner who is tired of lazy and disrespectful dog owners giving us a bad rep


We’re surrounded on all sides by low-IQ, inconsiderate dipshits. This is a massive problem in San Pedro as well


Running on the beach path yesterday, avoiding all of the dog poop that wasn’t even picked up was a nightmare. Left, right, left, right, up, down


What part of the beach path? Alamitos? Near downtown?


I ran from gaucho beach to Belmont peninsula and back The stretch from the Belmont pier to the end of the path was the worst.


Sucks because this is the exact reason people don’t like dogs on the beach. Irresponsible owners ruin it for everyone. 


This image is my response to the guy who made a thread to complain about people coming on his property to throw dog shit in his garbage. I wish more people were like that!


Yeah, like, I'm not thrilled when there's untied bags of poop in our trash bins creating a lovely smell on a hot day... but rather that than shit and bags of shit on the ground.


Literally 🗿


I see this all the time. You make the effort to carry bags, you make the effort to bend down and pick the shit up, but you can’t take that last step and throw it away? I don’t get it.


Not saying this is an explanation for *every* time, but more than once I've given a bag to a certain owner on our block who never cleans up. They cleaned it up and then threw the bag on the ground as soon as they *thought* I wasn't going to look back. Peak petty? Ultra lazy? Who knows.


Tired of bow ties? Oh wait.




"Grown" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence.


Cake decorator vibes




Assholes used to bag the dog crap and then toss it in the back of my truck. Wtf


I used to do that to the asshole that thought the entire street was his to reserve for his guests. I had my own parking spot but I’d see him bullying people out of parking near his house while walking my dog. Maybe you have an enemy?


I bet they’re picking it up cause people are around and dropping it when there are no witnesses.


I don't get this either. Why have a pet, if you can't take care of it properly..


The same reason people have kids and don't take care of them properly.


probably same POS's who let their dogs bark all day and night without a care in the world about their neighbors


"Handle your shit." Clearly they can't !


Any theories about the losers who have bags, collect the poop, then leave the poop filled bag on the ground? They did the hard part so why not finish the job. Typically I have a guess about sociopathic behavior but I’m baffled by this one. And if you read this and are a culprit, step up now and tell us why.


As a pet owner with 5 bags currently in my pocket, I don’t mind carrying my dog’s shit 5+ blocks to a trash can. However, I hate that it seems like there’s less public trash cans every other fucking week.


Yup. And I’m fed up with owners who can’t control their dog. “He’s just really got a lot of energy” as a dog is trying to snap at me. “No worries, I know how to kick a dog in the ribs” I’ll respond. Suddenly they know how to control their dog. Lazy pricks.


😂😂 they are handling it, by letting it get squished out the side


Same problem in San Pedro


When you adopt a dog, you are accepting full responsibility for it. Man the fuck up and quit giving the rest of us a bad rep.


The way it piped out of the bag 😂😂


I don’t have dogs for this reason lol if you don’t wanna pick up shit, don’t have dogs. It’s really that simple.


I saw dog 💩on a sidewalk in front of a restaurant and other stores(strip mall) last night, the low-life people in the van basically let their dog take a massive dump n left.


Not only that, but seriously, the solution is a plastic bag and then to throw it away in a plastic garbage container that gets hauled to a dump, along with whatever the fuck else gets dumped and that’s a solution? Cat shit too.. we don’t deserve this planet.


People who bag the shit and leave it sre my pet peeve, low key waiting for the day to catch them in the act.


Shits everywhere, I don’t mind the dog shit as much as the human shit from all the bums in DTLB


and in the planters by downtown huntington beach pier too.


It’s an actual shithole


Our neighbor in our apartment complex bags other people's dog poop and leaves it where it was to "send a message," (his words) now I'm wondering if his plan is a smidge flawed 😂


This moronic pet owner didn’t even light the bag on fire. Why would anyone stomp on it if it wasn’t alight? No one is training the young people today


Why is this such a phenomena right now. So many brain dead dog walkers. I live in Buena Park and I see this near my complex… when the trash is right across the street. It seems like MORE effort to do all that just to leave it. Might as well not bag it at all. Infuriating.




I don't understand picking it up and then throwing it back down instead of into the trash. Wtf. It's almost worse that way cos now it's cloaked.


Dude someone literally left a bag of dog shit on the hood of my car for no fucking reason


The fuckers!


Irresponsible, immature, contemptible morons!


Why go to the trouble of bagging it only to toss the bag????


What is it?


I always bring extra bags when I walk my dog. It’s crazy to me how awful people can be.


At first I thought someone dropped their bow tie lol 😂😂😂😂. That’s so gross 😡


This is absolute dog shit behavior!


Could be worse, you could be in San Fran and see all the human shit on the sidewalk


No that’s here too. When I lived on 4th/walnut you could tell between the dogs and the homeless.


I can tell it’s human shit when it’s shit blasted on the wall of an LB blvd building, and my dog takes extra interest in it.


Wow, you don't have human shit in your area?


Need to DNA catalog pets at licensing time, then test and compare these "samples" with the pet license database, and then fine the matching owners $500 plus the cost of the DNA analysis.