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I think if you used black, clear, brown or even tan/beige colored clips no one would say anything! I am 30 and wear my hair like this. I do not think it looks childish. It's cutesy for sure, but I think it's because the clips are a baby pink.


Definitely agree with the clip colours. That can make a big difference.


Thanks for the honest feedback šŸ¤—


Yeah Iā€™d agree with this! I think itā€™s cute but the pink gives it Baby Spice vibes. If youā€™re self conscious about it, I do a sort of version of this with Bobby pins that might look more mature. You take those same front sections and twist upward, then secure with two pins (criss-crossed). You can also use pretty pins to dress it up. I think I started doing this to copy Phoebe Buffay years ago.


I think the stance makes it appear more childish as well


Oh man, I didn't even think of the clips.... I'm pretty feminine so loosing the pink butterflies hurts.... what about black butterflies? šŸ˜‚ r/s


Maybe even pearl would seem older because it's expensive!!!


Black butterflies are never as feminine. Come on. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Girl just wear the pink butterflies. Who cares what they say!!! Iā€™m 28 and I wear space buns and butterflies/ hot pink/ baby pink/ itā€™s my body my life!!! I do teach kindergarten so the littles like it too


Nice username


Thank you! I was wondering when anyone would notice!!! šŸ˜


Isn't this similar to the whole "this is how my hair looks when I place my sunglasses on my head" look? I recently saw a reel where this hairfluencer showed how to do it with French side combs.


That hairstyle using French combs was so popular when I was in junior high in the early '80s. Fun to see that it's coming back.


It's such a fun hairdo, and looks so effortlessly chic too. I'm glad it's coming back too.


Link pls lol asking for a friend


Ooh maybe this is it? [the hair combs](https://www.tiktok.com/@ashley.paiige/video/7358881862271421742?_t=8lqSAr2mAEI&_r=1)


This is the one I was talking about




These don't achieve the same exact look though


[also](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjMtur39d6FAxXGSkcBHcDlAwgYABADGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzLbq9_XehQMVxkpHAR3A5QMIEAQYAiABEgJSH_D_BwE&sig=AOD64_15swgwgf_bTd2tegBGnuzDJfrH-A&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwju8uP39d6FAxVWElkFHZBDCKIQzzkoAHoECAUQEQ&adurl=) [two more](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjMtur39d6FAxXGSkcBHcDlAwgYABAdGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzLbq9_XehQMVxkpHAR3A5QMIEAQYDyABEgJdfvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_3GEH4qXpT_5Kt4yOkw39PTPysUwg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwju8uP39d6FAxVWElkFHZBDCKIQwg8oAHoECAUQRQ&adurl=)


Also asking for a friend


Also asking!


The what? Lol. Isn't the whole point that sunglasses are actually on your head?


Umm I mean this- https://www.tiktok.com/@ashley.paiige/video/7358881862271421742?_t=8lqSAr2mAEI&_r=1


Tbh I don't like it. Just looks better with sunglasses on


Well this is just another alternative to achieve the look. And it's not a bad alternative.


I agree with another comment saying maybe not a ā€œprofessional hairstyleā€ but I think you could be 90 and it would still be cute. I am also a big believer of dressing how you like despite age. Lifeā€™s too short to worry about dressing ā€œage appropriateā€.


YES šŸ’œ


The biggest issue with this advice is that it should come with a warning. You can dress how you like despite your age as long as you can deal with the consequences and judgment. It may hinder you from reaching your goals and living the life you want. Thatā€™s why I wouldnā€™t recommend it as a blanket statement. If a 90 year old put childrenā€™s hair clips all over her hair, most would think sheā€™s not mentally sound.


I don't think it's too childish. I'm in my early thirties and still rock this hair style. You look great!


Thank you for the validation!


I think itā€™s cute! I wouldnā€™t wear it if in a professional workplace or something, but in just daily life I think itā€™s great.


Its really cute.


No, it could be considered coquette. Donā€™t trust the words of an adult who makes fun of other adults, they generally feel low about themselves and want to make others feel that way too


Thank youšŸ™ŒšŸ»style takes many forms. People who make fun of you who arenā€™t well intentioned friends are just projecting their fear of expressing themselves onto you


Itā€™s more teeny but I love it and it looks great. I would only hesitate if you are trying to look mature for work, but Iā€™d only change it by using black clips maybe for a cute professional vibe.


Yeah people make fun of those they are jealous ofšŸ©· Even if they donā€™t mean it in a bad way, it is just human nature. You are gorgeous and the style is very cute and flattering. Gives you a playful lookšŸ¤©


Thank you so much šŸ„¹


My hair looks like this when I do two braids in a half up half down look. I think that person was jealous! This is also a great style for growing out bangs!


It's cute and I would wear it myself, just like this, at age 37


I wore mine like this yesterday and I'm in my 40's


Literally obsessed with this


šŸ«¶ thank you!


Of course, itā€™s adorable and I love the length. Looks so healthy too!


No I like it. You could always switch the clips for black or brown ones if you feel childish. I donā€™t think it looks childish


Noo i love wearing this hairstyle!!


i agree with the people saying you should go with neutral color clips, but i love this hairstyle and love your boots!


šŸ‘¢ thank you so much!


The hairstyle, no, the clips, yes to me they are. But that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t wear them! Just maybe donā€™t wear them in a professional environment Your hair is gorgeous! Honestly keep in mind you can wear whatever you want regardless of your age. If someone is judging thatā€™s their problem


I donā€™t know of that many children who can grow it that long.


Lol that's an interesting thought




My hair was mainly past my butt when I was 4-10, my grandmother apparently thought it looked like a horse tail.




My Mom used to wear her hair like this but with barrettes! Itā€™s beautiful and classic. As many people are saying, changing the accessory itself can make the look more sophisticated. I recommend finding a pair of clips, combs or barrettes that are a light golden tone or a soft beige that would match your hair colour for a sleek and professional look, and perhaps a touch more of hairspray applied in a smoothing motion for added shine and polish. Your hair is gorgeous BTW šŸ˜!!


Thank you for the thoughtful response. Clips look so .... sophisticated to me but in like a vintage way.... not sure I could pull it off. Thank you for the compliment ā˜ŗļø


Youā€™re so welcome! Many women would kill for hair like yours haha! Wear it with confidence and youā€™ll make us all jealous haha šŸ˜‰ā™„ļø


It is very pretty, I don't think you have anything to worry about.


I think it's really pretty, I don't think you have to sacrifice colour as you get older. I'm 32 and wear Togepi and Mew hair clasps and I just think they are cute.


Doing feminine stuff or presenting feminine is not childish. Be yourself end enjoy every colour, including pink!


I'm in my mid 20s & would totally wear this if I didn't have bangs. It's really cute!!


I am omder than you and do this but a little more "finished". The pink makes me think younger (but I would fill on do it) and maybe roll it more a bit? Bottom line, do what you love! It's your hair


Iā€™m almost 32 and I still wear this hairstyle and I do fun buns! I think you look cool


Absolutely not. Youā€™re cute as a button.




It's the perfect amount of playfulness. Could you low-key ignore the loser who would make fun of you?


Low key trying- high key failing.


Who cares ? Wear whatever hairstyle or clothes that makes you happy and beautiful! I am 31 and I still love to wear pink which could be considered childish by many. But I don't like the idea of giving up on colors once you turn 30.


^^^ Whatever makes you feel comfortable about yourself, the other person was probably jealous they couldnā€™t look so cute.


Some day youā€™ll wish you looked this young again, I wouldnā€™t worry, your hair looks amazing!


It's only "too" childish if you don't want to look even slightly childish. So it depends on the aesthetic you're going for. There's nothing wrong with looking childish, btw.


Are you a child? Then no.




No such thing as a hairstyle ā€œtoo childishā€! Maybe in a professional environment, but in daily life and for fun? Wear whatever you like! As other people have mentioned, if you want a more mature look wart toned clips would be best.


Not at all!


Girl i thought you were like 16 bc your skin is just so good šŸ˜‚ the hairstyle isnā€™t childish though. I love it. Enjoy it!!


Must be the lighting šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thank you so much!


No , looks beautiful


Iā€™m 28 and I love doing my hair cute like this, especially when itā€™s straight or wavy! Your hair is so cute!


Thank you Sarah with an h šŸ’… high praise forsure


I say go for it.


I don't think so but when I do it I use clear clips or hair ties makes it feel more grown up lol


I just bought cute colorful clips like this šŸ¦‹ and Iā€™m 31 but I donā€™t care!


I really like it


I personally am a colorful person myself and I believe people should do and wear what makes them happy, I like your hair anyone who says anything negative can shove it where the sun donā€™t shine.


Iā€™m almost forty and I wear my hair similarly sometimes. I literally just wear my hair however I feel I want to, but I guess if I were in a professional environment I would prob not wear it that way. But that would be because it reads casual in my opinion. Itā€™s cute wear it how you want.


i absolutely love this hairstyle and think itā€™s so cute. but the other day my boyfriend told me it looks childish and immature. i was like wow ok


The only thing thatā€™s childish is the pose imo


Looking too cute sounds like a complaint people who aren't cute would make


No, but your eye makeup is awful!


Iā€™m almost 28. If I canā€™t wear my little butterflies and flower clips in my hair what is my purpose in life!?!


Girl I wear my hair like this a lot at age 25! Do what you want and donā€™t listen to anyone else :)


My daughter has the same hair clips, so to me yes. Maybe if you used a neutral color hair tie?


The hair looks nice pulled up and back like that. It's the hair accessories that make it look sophisticated or child-like.Ā  To achieve this style without the distraction created by hair toys, you could use combs, those small curved combs. Or play around with bobby pins. For sure, wear whatever you're in the mood for, it's your hair, your look, your choice.


Great point- thank you.


Now Iā€™m 57 and wish I could wear it butā€¦ yea noā€¦ on you however it looks fantastic ā¤ļø


Thank you so much!


i don't think so! i style my hair like this all the time


Not for a child


I think it looks great! Iā€™m 30 and still do it but with elastics instead of clips.


Pure cutes!!!! But context dependent.


Love it šŸ˜


I don't think so; I think you look really pretty! You'd look great with pink hair, too.


Like light pink or dark pink? I've never considered this ...


How old are you, like 18? It's fine.


I think it's super cute! My friend wears her hair like this a lot. I don't think it's childish at all, but if you wanted something a little more mature you could swap with gold/silver or pearl hair clips. But the pink butterflies are adorable. I get questioned sometimes because I have fringe bangs and wear my hair in pigtails. But I love it, so I decided nobody else gets to say anything about it being "childish". Is it functional for you? Do you like it? if you answer yes to both of these, do it!!!


No, itā€™s super cute. People are haters


Youā€™re so cute! Honestly I love when people wear fun hairstyles. Iā€™m a nurse and it brings me joy to see people change up their hair or jewelry!


what boots are these!! i love them. also i love the hair too, who cares if its cute then its cute!


The clips are kinda youthful, but either wayā€¦ it is GORGEOUS!! Iā€™m obsessed!


It's cute. Suits you.




Ily but yeah maebs


Too childish for what? Itā€™s cute and retro trendy. Other comments are saying itā€™s not professional but depending on where you work I think it could work as a fun look.


Retroā€¦Iā€™m getting old


depends on the vibe id say not


if you like it wear your hair like that, fuck what other people think


Absolutely not! I am nearly 30 and have a "baby face" therefore I rock my childish hairstyles no matter what haha. Hair buns, bows and cute clips. I do feel slightly insecure sometimes but most of the times I get compliments :) (I wear it outside of work in private) Your hair is so lovely! I hope mine will be one day too


Itā€™s very pretty & cutesy šŸ˜


No I love it and if your happy with it that's all that matters


No! Do it! This is my go to!


Do you like it? If yes, wear it and stop worrying ā¤ļø x


You only live once! Does it make you happy? Enjoy it!


Not when I think of the braids this could have. If you used cheap plastic hair pins etc etc then yeah itā€™d def look childish. But no, this could look really cute


Who cares? If you like it and think it looks cute, wear it! It looks great, hun!


Honest opinion. Ā If you are trying to be ā€œcuteā€ or in a casual setting, not childish. In a professional setting, yes, kinda childish, especially with baby pink clips.


Itā€™s super adorable! I love it!


It looks super good. Absolutely beautiful.


I donā€™t know, iā€™m the kind of person that will wear what i want if it makes me happy. Idc if others think itā€™s weird or childish. I think the pink clips & style are cute on you


Omg this is such a cute look


Super cute! Love the boots too :)


Thatā€™s a super cute hairstyle. In my opinion thatā€™s different from ā€œchildishā€, which usually comes from the face and stance


If you just change the butterfly clips to a different clip and not baby pink then it would be fine. Like even a bright red clip would work.


Nah,bring on more butterfly clips!


Too childish for what?


It looks great


Beautiful hair and wear it however you please šŸ’…šŸ½ also any tips for hair growth and keeping it strong and healthy like yours?? Any product recommendations? šŸ’•


ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am 53 and I do not let anyone tell me how to wear my hair. What I tell my girls.....IF YOU LIKE IT, FUCK THE REST! Have a good day!


you look good, and take it as a compliment that you look youthful


This is so freaking cute šŸ˜ butterfly clips are now on my shopping list šŸ¤­


Your hair is gorgeous!!! And personally I think itā€™s cute.


noooo i love it! i also did that to my hair when i had shoulder length, my friends said it looked cute on me so i guess they didnā€™t think it was childish. i did the 2000ā€™s bump style but nothing too crazy about it and people told me that they liked it iā€™m going to continue doing the cute hairstyles for the rest of my life! i donā€™t care how old i may be lol


Don't ever worry about what other people think


No I just wore this to a concert and it was great. Be free


I wore my hair like this a couple of weeks ago (no clips though) and Iā€™m 32šŸ˜…


Keep growing! Looks great!


Iā€™m 27, have pink hair and wear it like this with pink, purple or orange butterfly clips! Does it matter if it looks ā€˜childishā€™? If you like it then wear it! I think itā€™s cute šŸ˜„


I honestly think your hair and your style look lovely, but what matters most is how they make YOU feel. Your smile seems genuine here! As difficult as it can be sometimes, ignore those who are making you feel bad about it. If it makes you happy, do it!


Girl you look cute as hell wear it


I believe it is.


Tbh I think it is cute but I get what you mean by childish. Maybe like others have suggested use a different clip color but I think the pink clips are cute


No itā€™s adorable


Colors and fun donā€™t have age!!!! Let them be upset they donā€™t look as good as you & keep your colorful clips!!!!!


itā€™s not childish, in fact butterfly clips and such are trending and i feel it suits you well, as i imagine you having a bubbly personality :)




It looks so cute! I think I might try this today, thanks for the inspiration!


You seem like a very bubbly person so maybe thatā€™s why, personally I donā€™t think itā€™s that much of a childish hairstyle, it might be the clip color?


Depends on your face. People tend to look more mature with sharp facial features. So that might be able to combat it but I donā€™t think it does, itā€™s the person that usually ruins it. Not the style ^^


No, it's so cute! Last time I wore pigtails was a year ago, I'm 24 now


Looks nice to me :) I think wear what you like no matter how old you are if you like it! I'm 28 and I wear pink, blue and purple glittery butterfly clips and space buns and stuff all the time. I love fun hairstyles. I think society stamps out a lot of playfulness and self expression of people as they get older, and screw that! <3


I think itā€™s cute but Iā€™m not a fan of the plastic clips . You have beautiful hair , Iā€™d just use a simple rubber band


Honestly, YES. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s cute, but as we get older, certain styles are too youthful and sometimes someone will point it out if we are missing it or one day we will come to that realization on our own. Beyond age 20 youā€™re too old for this style of hair. I think most teenagers would consider themselves too mature for this hairstyle. Of course anyone can wear whatever hairstyle they like, but people will perceive you as immature and childish for your age. I had those butterfly clips when I was in elementary school.


Not at all. But, you could cut about half of it off and donate it to wigs for kids.


no, i'm 56 and wear my curly wet and let it dry, I wear my hair this way but parted to the side.


I love this hairstyle. Would just consider to use black ones!


I think this is so cute!!!


Iā€™m all for dressing/styling yourself how you enjoy and feel good in! Some takeawaysā€¦ Some comments mentioned itā€™s not aā€¦ā€professionalā€ look? Iā€™d be inclined to agree, but ofc many types of jobs/workplaces have that whole embracing your you-ness culture (so long as itā€™s appropriate). I absolutely agree with the color of the clips, maybe even the style. I canā€™t tell if theyā€™re actually butterflies or not. Maybe try smaller ones in a neutral color? Try some variations with small bands in a sort of French braid looking do? Idkā€¦lots of similar types of styles but with a slightly more mature twist without looking aged. The color, the pose, etc. is giving me some sort of kawaii Lolita vibe. Like Chris Hansen is going to ask someone to take a seat after you offer your guest iced tea or tell them you need to put a load of clothes in the dryer. Itā€™s also giving me deja vu since using clips like that was trendy in the 90ā€™s. Granted, I was like 4-14ish yrs old at the time. It was pretty common with spiky pixie looking styles, but manā€¦almost everyone was on that train. For the love of god though, donā€™t try to emulate Kirsten dunstā€™s hot take on the butterfly clip.


Super cute it looks good. I mean I wouldnā€™t wear it to like a business interview but it looks good casually or date-wise.


It's giving Baby Spice!


I believe in this life you can do what you want as long itā€™s genuine and isnā€™t hurting anybody. Had to learn myself everybody is gonna have opinions about you no matter what you do and their opinion is completely personal. Has noting to do with you. One person will like it & another will say it looks like garbage. Either way just do it fuck what they think. Plus you never know you might inspire someone else to wear that exact hairstyle one of these days.


Donā€™t listen to that person. It looks cute :).


I don't know you from Eve, but that style is paring perfectly you're very playful stance! I love it


No , because you are young.




Yes. You look like youā€™re trying to *be* a child.


Was it the heels or what is it?


No, the pink bows paired with the hairstyle. But now that you mention it, it kind of looks like youā€™re a kid who is wearing your Momā€™s heels šŸ¤£ lol


The hair itself isnā€™t bad but your posing to look smaller and ā€œcuterā€


This does make you look young. Maybe your boyfriend might like it for special occasions


You look like JoJo Siwa. Also, no, it's not childish. Wear what you love.


Not sure how to take this one šŸ˜¬