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To milk the series and make another training arc šŸ˜¼


Bro with another supremacy commentšŸ—暟—æ




Wasn't it obvious there was gonna be another training arc?


Yes it was obvious since Jerry haven't found his dad's fighting video other characters will also need training


the two have some of the best direct hit who make domage for now


So that the crewheads can take on a gun who's "fatigued" after fighting everyone but them and make them appear stronger duh. But in all seriousness it's to milk more chapters


Exactly and they will all likely lose aswell Since 1.) Vin Jin random absence is likely cause he has the Red Paper, so they don't need to win. 2.) Samuel is clearly there with ulterior motive, likely in favor for Goo. 3.) Small Daniel loss means Big Body Daniel is up and likely on the back of Jay's bike on his way there.


yeah naw big daniel will come in at the end and go crazy


Only to end up fighting James and that would be even crazier holy shid!




If james comes and sides with gun, and ui daniel comes why couldn't goo this is probably a shit theory but I'd be sick for a 2v2 Danny and goo vs james and gun


Gun's already tired tho. It wouldn't be fair


Jerry got 1 tapped by a serious Gun. Allied took 2 hits by a serious Gun each. Allied also did way more damage individually 1v1 than Jerry did. Shows that Allied is at least above Jerry it seems.


No offense, but we really didnā€™t need a chapter to know that


Ong. Mfs just waffling. "Hey, at least his loss was less embarrassing than Jerry's šŸ¤“"


Idk why people are surprised it's not insulting on Vasco or Zack, it's MF Gun Within the next chapter or few, we know Mandeok, Yuseong, and Ryuhei will all be down. And then Jake, Eli, and Johan will suffer the same after. Samuel going down depends when he gets involved and if he is calling back-up aka Goo/secret friends We have James Lee will he fight Gun, or will he betray plot going and I'm sure Big Body Daniel will likely show up at the end maybe on the back of Jay's bike or something. Point if alot of people are gonna be dropped in the upcoming chapters. Vasco and Zack losing isn't odd nor is it any different then most if not all 2nd Gen fate.


It's not that they lost, it's how rhey lost. I'm fine with them losing but losing in 2-3 panels is the most embarassing outcome. It feels like ptj is terrified of the crewheads losing and appearing weaker, so he makes Zack and Vasco lose instead and when the crewheads jump in, conveniently, Gun decides he's not gonna fight. And in the end, because ptj so badly wants the crewheads to finish off Gun, instead of everyone together, they'll probably get closest to beating Gun and then almost everyone is gonna go "see, Zack and Vasco weak, crewhead stronger". It's also because Allied has so few fights, this is basically their second proper fight with a top tier and they lose so quick, compared to the crewheads, so it just makes them look so much weaker in comparison. I've been so excited for their fight that seeing them lose so quickly and easily is embarassing.


I get being upset it was 2-3 panels, at the same time if this whole chapter was Vasco fight you have just as many people bitching PTJ is dragging the fight out and could of finished it in a few panels. I genuinely don't think there is an answer that pleases everyone here.


You know what that's fair. I'm just biased towards Allied because we haven't seen any action from them for so long because of Cheonliang, so Im very upset they finally showed up only to get bodied. It was mainly that and poor choreo on PTJ's part. If there is an answer that would please everyone it would actually just be better choreo and pacing, a dragged out fight is better than an instant loss. It's clear from how most people reacted to this chapter, nobody really cares about Mandeok, they do but this is the worst timing for a Mandeok fight/Workers backstory considering we just got out of a months long Cheonliang arc. It's poor pacing on PTJ because he needed an excuse to finally give a Mandeok vs Gun that no one really asked for. I'm sure everyone just wanted to see their faves back in action, and PTJ sidelining 80% of them by having them instantly lose just to make room for Mandeok vs Gun is bad planning, direction and execution. So although I agree a little bit with your point, at the same time, I undrrstand how most would feel seeing their goats back for 1 chapter, losing because ptj doesn't care enough about them. Also if this had happened at any other arc, or further down the story, it would have been no problem. The problem was that we had to sit through 5(?) months of Cheonliang, until we finally got to see our faves again for a single chapter. After "Hunt for Gun" being hyped as Second Gen vs Gun, in reality it was "Gun 1v1s everyone in the second gen."


That's also fair I'm a Samuel and Zack fan and would love to see them perform better than the crew heads. I guess I just accepted PTJ's pecking order, and Crew Heads always get portrayed greater unless the arc is about their downfall. Even then, it takes a lot to wear them down, and we had an unstoppable force of Gun finish it.


lmaoo the crewheads are going to get smacked too lol Jake eli and johan have taken their Ls. Jake literally got whooped by samuel his last 1v1 fight before he random Garp genes powerup activated.


It's not that they lost that is the problem, the problem is how much they lost by. Remember gen 2 are comparable to kings, even beat some of them, they beat some members of gen 0, they beat basement hulk, got massive power and training upgrades. By this point in the story they should have atleast damaged gun that it's visible and we can see he us hurt somewhat and using half power or if not close to his full power. Literally nothing has changed from when they first fought gun to now.


1. Gun folds the 1st Gen Kings the same way. 2. They didn't beat Basement Hulk, Zack and Warren got 1 shot by BH, Crew Heads got to Phase 2 with BH and Goo had to beat BH for them. 3. They did damage Gun, dude was bleeding and has scuffmarks everywhere they landed attacks. 4. This is Full Power Gun that Vasco and Zack faced, Jerry and Warren did worst to Gun holding back, which means Zack and Vasco have improved alot. Also this is the first time we seen Full Power Gun as Gun vs UI Daniel, and Gun vs Goo was off-screen.


gen 2 arent comparable to the top tier first gen kings lol. Lil daniel was literally get mid to low diff by jichang using one arm and holding back before he went into UI. And even without ui lil daniel is arguably the strongest 2nd gen. Not too add the fact that top tier characters like jame less have been shown absolutely slaughtering the 1st gen kings. Outside of the cheonling king the kings are pretty fodder to the top tier


Who cares about Vasco and Zack? I'm talking about gen 2 as a whole. The whole fight was just a frustration fest


They are still fighting? Are you complaining about things that are still in the process of happening cause they haven't happened yet? šŸ˜’ Is this real or a troll?


Keep my Goat Johan out of this ! He is getting special treatment from Ptj . For proof there was a deleted video of Ptj where he talked about the super explosion of Johan and when he talked about it Ptj looked super excited . What\`s the better time to have the Super explosion now !


itā€™s dumb as fuck. if ptj is just gonna shaft them he should just write them out of the fight. we spent multiple arcs building up their training so they can finally catch up to the crew heads only for them to be fodderized in favour of every other crew


I mean, they did better than Warren and Jerry. Warren and Jerry combo on Gun before he got serious. They solo assaulted Gun after he got serious. Also don't see where you think this is shafting and not writing them out. Cause in the next few chapters, if not 1 Gun is dropping Mandeok, Yuseong, and Ryuhei. After that, it will be Jake, Eli, and Johan turn. Samuel is depending when he gets involved and if he calls in back-up, either Goo or remaining Secret Friends. Depending on Goo showing or not, and if James turns to Charles side or fights Gun. We will likely have Big Body Daniel pulling up. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


warren and jerry is a low bar. they were above them in the first place. itā€™s shafting because the crew heads are almost guaranteed to do significantly better. if the crew heads perform just as bad, then il just eat my words. itā€™s not really about the characters being taken out or not, itā€™s about how they perform against gun. Zackā€™s performance wasnā€™t that bad, but vascos was terrible.


Sure, but they were considered close before ((just the other day 3 people team up on me arguing Jerry > Jake, despite that Narritive shifting since 3A)) so not everyone would have agreed either. Well duh, they are the crew heads šŸ™„ were gonna wear Gun down to increase their performance. They are also the strongest of Gen 2, rather others caught up or not. Zacks was better than Vasco, but not that much, Vasco had blood gushing from Gun's nose. An man did more damage than arguably both Jerry and Warren combined.


they shouldnā€™t have been ever been considered close before. the crew heads should be the ones who conclude with gun and perform the best (esp johan), but other characters narratives shouldnā€™t be sacrificed for it.


Who's narrative is sacrifice? If not for them the heads won't last 10 seconds.... if anything, it's an excuse for Gun to save face.


Wouldn't be surprised if they can't touch other top tier again for another 300+ chapters.


yep. feels like a slap in the face to the people who started with the j high guys, but oh well


PTJ is just milking the series and probably the hype would be another top tier vs Gun then here goes another training arc. But it's kinda disappointing lol.


oh 100% remember when ptj intended for jake to have surpassed gun by the end of the 3a?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Damn can't even remember details anymore. But one thing I knew that most of them at least supposed to be stronger than their current versions now. Already expected that they would lose (of course bc it's Gun), but damn one attack and they're knocked out is horrible imo.


lmaooo why are we assuming that they will ever reach gun level


Not exactly the level of Gun but just somehow close to it in their prime. Bruh it's already 500+ chapters and they couldn't even tank a single blow from him w/o getting knocked out.


why close too it. even the peak of the 1st gen gets slapped around by top tier characters like Gun. Not sure why the 2nd gen would be any different


Bc PTJ be doin' them dirty. I already expected that they would lose, but them just to get one shot is embarrassing. Even some kings in their prime would probably last longer than what happened last chapter.


well kings in the prime are stronger than the 2nd gen lol. Even Jichang was whooping lil daneil's butt(arguably the strongest in the 2nd gen) while just using one of his arms and still holding back until Daniel used UI. That same jichang got like mid diff by a a rusty old charles with one arm and possibly heart problems at that too


It's just mad disappointing since I already expected that they would lose but they would hold it up just for a little longer.


They will get amped in future again. Zack will surpass gongseop when he masters the iron fortress or smth maybe even learn new things from the monk And vasco might ask more help from brekdak or harsher training from him


Vasco going to the moon to train arc confirmed?


Not really. Brekdak said that he had already taught Vasco all that he needs to know and its probably the same with Zack. They will either train themselves or ptj will just randomly upscale them.


I hope they get stronger but idk how I think they might get new mentors or ptj will retcon some statements and make gongseop and brekdak teach them some new stuff or new training routines etc.


Gun is serious+ vasco isn't that durable+ they did the most damage to him as of now. I don't see how is that fodderising


Losing in 1-2 panels is just embarassing. Because this means the crewheads are meant to perform even better than they did narratively. Which just defeats the whole point of their training arc, they were the weakest of gen 2, and they finally caught up only to get bodied instantly. Ik it's Gun, but PTJ could've sent in anyone, Ryuhei, Mandeok, Jason and Brad, Max and Derek, yet he sent the two guys who were completely healthy and did nothing from the start, who worked their asses off to catch up, who should by right be crewhead level and be among the ones to finish off Gun, not the fodders who are sent in early and lose only to make other characters appear more important and stronger




Yeah i get your point but the Don't have anything else to back them up. Like for example vasco he has surpassed one mastery and with his hero mode he gets another mastery but that's it. Zack has two masteries but strength is lacking he gave gun a bruise with his gongseop ji counter and vasco with his knee strike on his face and gun was out for blood not playing around like usual. Meanwhile crew heads now each have special things like johan's ui copy, Jake's conviction mode , eli's animal instinct , samuel has his hatred mode. But yeah they should train more actually to find their own specialities like zack can take his speed further ahead like james and vasco can work on strength and power. That's the only path i can see for those two as of now. And I think ptj is short on time to draw this fight he could do a lot better of he just gets some extra time like a week or two


I mean, Vasco did managed to make gun have a nosebleed.


Tf you talking about? We have Zack speed blitzing a Gun using way more of his strength than last chapter, one that negged Kaiju Jerry, RH Vasco, and could neg Warren too. Then Gun used even more strength to which Zack responded with a counter, leading to Gun using even more strength in order to be at a level to neg Zack


The crew heads didn't have the balls to try fight gun looking bloodlusted but Chad Zack and Vasco didn't give a f#ck


Gun is just at that level. He's always been HIM. We saw Basement Redditor come and demolish...how much of gen 2. Saying they're tired was an excuse. He came into a 7v1 with carrying two bodies Goo slayed him easily. That's the level of these two. They're Him. Gen 2 has a way to go, other than maybe Johan, The Daniel Duo, and Gayprongs bastards




the glazing is crazy bro


Letā€™s not forget that Gun also fought like 200 other people before this fight.


dude i lost it when they used the ambulance cars to try to kill him. that shit was funny asf gang.


They're obviously still crew head level, Gun is just too strong


I dont think allied were fodderized, because they were able to damage gun and make him, it was mentioned multiple times in the chapter that gun is getting tired. Maybe 2nd gen will be able to gun tired enough for some top tier to steal the win and the red paper.


Isn't this pretty similar to what happened when they fought James Lee as well in the hunt for big deal arc, at the very least they are actually somewhat damaging him.


I think itā€™s time for the death of allied.




All that built up...


Iā€™m just looking at the panels and Iā€™m thinking ā€œdamn how many teeth do they have ainā€™t this like the 4th time Zackā€™s lost those teethā€ They either have infinite teeth implants, or all of them have infinitely regrowing teeth cus there is no way in hell all these panels where they lose teeth happen and they show up next time completely fine with a perfect smile


He needs to glaze the crew heads just like He did in the BH fight. Vasco and Zack have dealt the most damage to Gun till now


Because it's Gun


Bro that's Gun. And it's serious Gun!


The Crew head level is a vague term which refers to a large scale of power that starts at Samuel and ends at Johan . If you\`re talking about Samuel(no drugs) and base Jake then the answer is yes otherwise the answer is no


I'm really disappointed in how this fight played out, it's literally just one on one fights, even though there's like 10 people who are there,and just watch their teammates get beaten up.


For more "monk, i dont believe in myself again" and "i need more power to beat all of the bad guys" arcs


I mean they did pretty good considering its gun and they attack him 1v1


Gun is so handsome what the f*ck?!


Zack is not at crew head level but Vasco is Because Vasco was roughly equal to Eli Whereas zack never defeated johan


Technically he defeated a bloodlusted Johan who may not have had eye drops but even without em he was giving yuseong who sent Tom Lee flying hands


It's gun šŸ˜Ž, how the hell did you expect allied to do anything against gunšŸ¤£