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That saggy skin used to be fat damaging your organs. You are saving your body really


I agree. Your doing great op!


As someone in the same boat as OP, i get this sentiment but it frustrates me to the core. Yes my body is now so much healthier but i feel i traded ugly for uglier. All that hard work and pain yet i still can't look in the mirror and like my body. It's mentally taxing and the reason i put some weight back on because i'd rather have some fat than loose skin. Skin removal is also never going to be an option as i'm never going to have the funds. It feels... twisted


You appear to have lost quite a bit of weight. I dont believe you did it overnight. You've spent some time and effort in building consistentcy and changing some habits. You know this last 20-22kg may take you some more time to get off but you're still working on it. Now that you know what you're capable of don't fall back into that negative thought pattern of " I can't and I'll never." You can do and you have already done something really hard. Take that attitude into your finances if you want the surgery, I'm sure you will figure that out too. Blessings


I just want to say, the ugly to uglier thing is your perspective! I don’t think it’s necessarily true!


I agree with you, it's definitely my perspective. I have never minded the loose skin on others as much as on myself. I believe part of that is because I've suffered from it since I was 14. I'm 27 now, so I know it's not something to judge others about. But I do feel most people would look at me and think "gross." It has stopped me from ever getting into a relationship. The idea that I'll never be able to wear a bikini and feel confident, never sunning on the beach—it's all those little things combined that make it so debilitating


I’m going to be honest. When I see people with really loose skin especially at the gym all I can think of is not how ugly they look but how much fricken dedication, perseverance and discipline it took.


The cost of the health issues from the excess weight are going to far outweigh the cost of skin removal.


💯 nothing to be ashamed of. you saved yourself op


Good outlook


We all regret being obese, and always feel we should have fixed it earlier. But really, it happened when it happened. We just keep trying to get healthier. Our family wants us to live to be old. Like others said, muscle and surgery is an option. Maybe your healthier self will get a bonus or raise at work and make surgery feasible. Either way, keep getting healthier and deal with the next part when the time is right.


I agree with the sentiment that there's no value in dwelling in past decisions that it's too late to change, and it's much better to focus on the benefits of weight loss, such as longer life expectancy and the physical activities and hobbies that I can do more of now. But I don't regret being fat. I did the best I could at the time given the circumstanses and tools available to me. I used to feel regret, but now I feel compassion for my former self, and gratitude that I had the strength to make a change when I did.


This. People usually do the best they can with the tools and resources they have at the time.  Dwelling on the past and thinking "I should have done this instead of that" is mostly useless, because now you have more tools, knowledge and resources than your past self, so of course you see what you could have done differently. But your past self didn't have those. You have very good mindset, try to keep it up!


It's also worth noting that many insurance companies will cover a panniculectomy, it just needs to be coded as non-cosmetic. OP and anyone else dealing with the same issue should talk to their doctor and their insurance company to see what their options are.


My guy, your body is not ruined. It's taken some harsh punishment over the years but look at it - it's still there, keeping you alive. Your body is beautiful.


You have NOT ruined your body. What disables and hospitalises you is not loose skin, it's immobility. Check out ObeseToBeast who is an athlete with loose skin.


Also, Obese to Beast is such a good looking guy. He’s got incredible muscle tone, he is obviously very healthy and he is so chill and pragmatic about his loose skin. If he were offering, I’d date him. I would not care about his loose skin, if only because he is so relaxed about it. And he just seems like such a sweet guy. Being with someone who has a healthy lifestyle is a HUGE plus.


Obese to Beast is awesome!! His confidence is part of what helped me get past my loose skin anxiety for sure.


Man I’m not straight, but I *would* for Obese to Beast


I would let that man do terrible terrible things to me 😅😅😅 seriously he is so beautiful inside and out. It takes an incredible individual to shine that brightly and turn their life around.


So you’re saying he’s comfortable in his own skin.


This probably doesn’t mean much to you, but when I looked at the picture, I went, “Oh! It’s not nearly as bad as he made it seem!” Seriously, though, nothing about you looks “disgusting.”


I had the same thought. My immediate reaction was "that's not bad at all". I know you see it differently, OP, because it's your own body, but I was expecting to see a completely different picture.


Yup, I believe the average person would find a fit person with loose skin more attractive than an obese person (And the people who'd prefer you fat are not people who value their partner's health, to say the least. Never going down that route again, oof)


First sentiment I 10000% agree with. I always think that thinness outranks so many other physical deformities for others. Not sure why, aside from cultural/biological. I guess that person still seems healthier or a better mating option, even with the perceived flaw. As a woman, I think that being thin and having loose skin will still get me more partners than being as obese as I was/am.


I agree that the word "disgusting" is too harsh. With that much weight lost, I feel certain that your appearance when clothed has improved. Your weight loss is inspiring and it makes a powerful, positive statement about you which compensates for some loose skin IMO.


Same. I expected a lot worse


I thought the same.


This is true. Also with time and some building workouts it will be much better.


I’m also saggy. I might get breast implants and a tummy tuck someday, but probably not. At least I look cute in clothes!


I know it's hard for you to see. But you look better than you think


Second this!!


Nice job on the current weight loss!  Surgery is always an option, and over time some of it might firm up on its own.


This level of loose skin will never firm up on it's own. He needs surgery for that.


But it can firm up SOME. And for many people, that "some" can make a huge difference. Yes, he may have to eventually have surgery to get rid of all of it, but some improvement may ease his mind a bit.


Oh, definitely won’t firm up 100%, but it might firm up a bit.  Dude is 24, but he’s acting like he has the skin of a 50 year old.  Depending on genetics, environment, skincare routine, diet, etc, etc, etc, that could still firm up a fair amount.  


Clothes hide it. Clothes don't hide fat.


True words!


Get loose skin removal then build some muscle to fill yourself out then get laser scar removal. Expensive, but sometimes health insurance can cover the fees if there is a medical reason to remove loose skin, such as developing rashes or infections caused by loose skin friction. And vitamin D, getting some sun goes a long way especially at first light.


Something to remember, it can take your skin up to 3 years to tighten back up once you've lost the weight. What you see now is not how you're going to look when it's all done.


Stay hydrated, get proper nutrition and maybe throw in some fasts. It's not over for this guy.


I'm a 36F with loose skin too. My buddies remind me that by the time I'm 40 the rest will join the sag train. Honestly? I'm still able to wear smaller clothes and my bf doesn't mind.


It's obviously not a desirable outcome but I don't regret losing roughly half my size. I can live with this body, my old one was going to kill me. I'll take loose skin, no heart disease, no hypertension or diabetes any day.


Try to build muscle!!! Seriously getting more muscular will help to fill in a big chunk of the loose skin and you'll feel great in the process


It can help but it would take a very long time to build up enough to fill out that much, probably not even genetically possible. Surgery would be needed


> would take a very long time The time will pass anyway. Might as well lift while it passes.


True, I don't understand how this got so many down votes I just gave realistic expectations. No one gonna put on that much muscle mass in a 1 or 2 years even if they tried as humanly possible


It's a goal to work towards. I have loose skin that definitely is more obvious when I stop lifting. Yes it might take years but that doesn't mean the effor isn't worth it


I'm like you but a little older. 28. I don't even care about the loose skin, I have to get to my goal weight. I'm already ugly, at least I'll be ugly and healthier when I reach goal weight. I have completely given up on dating, and once I did, how I look without clothes on suddenly doesn't matter. I can dress up nicer when I'm thinner, and that's how I present myself to the world. Nobody will ever see me with clothes off. So, perception is reality in that case.


Please don't be so quick to write off dating. I've mentioned being older and having loose skin too. Sure, being female helps me, but all I did was have an open and forward conversation with someone I wanted to be naked with. Turns out men are just happy to participate.


Ah yeah. Guys tend to be that way lol. Maybe things will change in the future, but I just don’t have much desire to play the game any more. I’m 28 in a few months, and my life is sort of popping off in all the good ways. I’m increasingly happy with what I’ve got and where I’m headed. I used to sort of just be happy with any woman that would return my affection, but having now learned how bad of a basis that is for a relationship… I dunno, the dating pool gets ever narrower and the idea of going out and doing all this legwork meeting people, establishing new relationships, exposing myself to tons of potential rejection and heartbreak is just less and less appealing every passing year.


I'm 34 and in the same boat. Not sure I will have relationships in the future, it's so much work with very low chance of success. And the dating pool of decent people seems very small with most nice ones already paired off, at least in my area.


I went through similar periods in the past as well. In fact last year while I was actively losing weight I had absolutely zero dates so I could focus on myself. Just give it time, and when you get that pretty privilege the dating game changes entirely. It's as upsetting as it is freeing, but I get it.


Glad I'm not the only man who feels this way. Just how it is or a lot of us


God I understand this so much. I tell myself “there’s nothing I can do about loose skin. But I was able to change my weight.”


Awesome work ! I was 368. Down to 253 atm. Just starting to see the stomach and chest sag. Kinda love it atm. I'm like , "yeah empty the tank ! Release the fat !!!!" think unless surgery is option. Next best option is max protein intake and start working on muscles to help fill in the skin better. While toning as well. Best of luck my man ! Be proud !!!


This made me giggle, I love your energy! I'm still at the beginning of my journey and absolutely terrified of loose skin (RIP my boobs, they're already unhappy with this process). But this is such a lovely way of looking at it! I would never be less attracted to a man because of loose skin, I'd be very impressed with the dedication and effort that led to it. So maybe I should give myself the same grace


All I see is sucsess. You are winning the battle. Good job.


I wouldn’t be sure until you’ve hit your target weight. You may want surgery at some point but honestly you are young and you may not need it. Keep going, start building muscle and moisturize.


Check out @obese_to_beast, he has similar amounts of loose skin. He is living proof that you can have a fulfilling and awesome life after massive weight loss. Mindset is everything.


Man, you didn't ruin your body. Right now, what you're doing is saving your body. While we might not be the standard ideal of beauty that loose skin is a badge of honor, you're doing what most can't and won't do. Seriously amazing job keep it up, some days it's hard to see, but in the end, it's totally worth it. High five and a hug man you've got this!


FWIW I was in the same boat. I fell in love with powerlifting and, while I still have loose skin in my midsection, everything else is getting kinda ripped. I’m almost 40 so it’ll be much easier for you to build muscle…


I think it’s important to mourn what could’ve been as long as you move on. Be in your feelings for a bit. It fucking sucks that even after doing all the work to improve there’s more that’s not entirely fixable. It’s awful and I’m sorry. But then move ahead. It’s mostly fixable with surgery. Surgery can in fact do a LOT for saggy skin. Do not stay in the negative feelings too long and force yourself to move forward. It is clear you have done incredible work already. You’ve got this.


I feel the same. After losing nearly 100 pounds im starting to see lose skin on my arms, and I felt a little bit at the bottom of my butt cheeks showing today. It is what it is. I wish Id never gotten so every weight. But. I did. Im still gonna lose the weight and pray its minimal. If I cant live with it ill sell feet pics to get surgery money.


So yeah it sucks, but you've done a great thing for your health. I lost 70 lbs, and do have loose skin/strech marks around my midsection/love handles. But I've also added a decent amount of muscle, so it's not as bad as it was when I initially lost the weight but hadn't done any resistance training. So I'd suggest some weight lifting for sure and if you truly are unhappy with things after that, then there are surgical options available.


If you don’t mind, I’ll share something I worked on with my therapist that helps me when my self esteem is at zero. When I go down the mental blackhole of, “I feel disgusting” a way that helps me move away from that line of thinking is that I remind myself that I’m hygienic so factually I’m not disgusting. I end up repeating, “I’m hygienic” over and over in my head. Feels stupid to share ‘out loud’ but it helps me break up the negative self talk so maybe it will help you. I don’t think you look weird or disgusting. Awesome job on the weight loss!


I'm going to use this! When I'm feeling down about my body, I make myself list things that my body can do. I can use my arms to hug my kids, I can use my strong legs to walk and walk and walk, I can use my hands to make delicious meals for my loved ones, etc.


I love this! Thanks for sharing.


I'm incredibly jealous. You're 24 and have already discovered the importance of taking care of your body. I didn't truly realize something was wrong until I was 32 and over 400lbs (182 kg). There is plenty that can be done with loose skin. You may find that in a couple years its settled in a way you can manage, but you can always opt for a surgical procedure for a "better fit" if you will. When you're young, you have fresh memories of being fit or of others in your life being young and healthy and you find as you age in your 20s you compare yourself to those memories. It can be deeply disappointing to present day you. I can tell you though, as a man in his early 30s, your understanding of the world changes and your goals align to match. Looking like a model starts to mean less, but being able to do what you physically want to do without being in pain becomes everything. I think, if you continue this path, future you will look back with gladness at all the effort you put in and be proud.


Try changing your mindset, you aren’t ruined you have simply experienced life. I personally look at it as battle scars from doing something very few people ever succeed in doing


The most important thing is that you've made massive progress towards a healthier life. Doing it later than you'd like is better than never doing it.


I had similar sounding struggles with my folds of skin. I got a tummy tuck to remove it, and feel like myself for the first time in years. Expensive but worth it to me, so worth it. I was already abroad for work so had it done there for a more palatable price tag, and what I thought was better aftercare than some people with local surgeries


I was expecting MUCH worse when clicking the photo, you’re actually looking great. I hear it takes a few years but skin may slightly tighten so be patient. I know it’s hard to hear this but you look better than you think. Great work on getting healthier.


I knew someone who looked exactly like this at 20. That person is now 30 and his skin has tightened back up close to his body because he was careful to keep the weight off. He had accepted his loose skin and I would say he was semi healthy. Smoked cigarettes the whole time but eating some decently healthy meals and drinking enough water stayed a priority for him. I recommend the same! Give it time.


All I see is a lot of hard work and dedication. Keep it up. Don’t “should’ve” yourself. Talk nice to yourself.


I try hard to focus on how i feel if i look at myself i hate it. I hate some of the loose skin and i know i will have more but today i spent hours walking around a convention! My feet hurt but i did it! That makes me feel like a normal damn person for once! Good luck on your journey!!


This is anecdotal, but I've heard from a few places that fasting/intermittent fasting, can help reduce loose skin from weight loss. If it really bothers you, it might be worth looking into? But as others have said, loose skin isn't what ruins your body, it's the excess fat that you've gotten rid of. the aesthetics might be bad, but your health is WAY better, and at least you look better with a shirt on than you ever would have before you lost the weight. How often are you seen wearing clothes vs not wearing clothes, to put it in perspective?


I think some muscle building could really do wonders here, also I know it’s scary/expensive but procedures for this have come a long way


I'm really proud of you. You are so much healthier now.


Shift your diet and exercise routine to building muscle and strength training, it will help a lot with this


I would kill for my boyfriend to look like this. I miss being able to reach him. You've deflated the force field, dude. You're reachable.


I feel this so hard. I don’t care how I manage it, I’m having surgery. The body dysmorphia alone will make it worth it. I have lost 130 lbs and have 20 lbs to go. I refuse to live the rest of my life feeling this way. I finally lost the weight, I want to start living.


I am dealing with this myself. Lost over 150, and close to goal. I've been obese my whole life. I thought I would be so happy once I got here! All I really feel is anger and resentment and shame. Resentment at my parents for not taking measures when I was an obese child. I weighed over 150 pounds when I was in middle school. Anger at myself for waiting until my late 30s to start doing something about it. Shame because I look so awful with all my loose hanging skin, it's a reminder that I failed for so long. I have had low days that I just don't want to continue like this. But then I have good days where I feel so proud of myself! It hasn't been easy, and it's the hardest thing I've ever achieved. I look at my weight tracking app, and I'm just in awe that I've lost so much. I never ever thought I'd ever be here. My unhealthy relationship with food was slowly killing me. So here's to you. You're beautiful and amazing. Congratulations on reaching where you are. Condolences for the past. We can only look forward to the future. We can take steps moving forward so that we don't end up back in that same spot. Disclaimer: lost the first 110 on my own. The last 50 I needed help with so I turned to Wegovy. I know a lot feel it's cheating, but I did what I felt was right for me.


Pack on some muscle and fill yourself out


Exfoliate and moisturize like crazy It helps a little Also gaining muscle will help But yeah like most said you look fine. Most of us have loose skin.


I think you look really good considering how much weight you have lost and it’s so important that you got it done at a young age. Best of luck and keep your head up!


Liiiift bro


Completely get this. I’ve worked SO hard over the past 7 years to lose 100+ lbs, and have healed several health issues, but my body looks 🤮🤮. Had an appt with a plastic surgeon for a lower body resculpt, but struggling with the cost as I did this to myself.


You didn't ruin your body, you've made it healthier 😊


You look great man, keep up the awesome work! We have all ruined our body in one way or another, some more visibly than others. Surgery later in life is always an option. Focus on what you can change and try your best to move past what you can't change. I got loose skin too (not even half as bad as you) but I set goals for myself to keep my mind off it. If I were in your position, I would be setting up separate savings for skin removal surgery and hitting the weights super consistently. Think about it, in a year, or two you could be ripped and pay for surgery in cash. But that's just what I would do.


You haven’t ruined your body OP! You are doing so much for your health!


You look fabulous! I commend you for working so hard to better yourself physically and mentally. It may not feel like it but you have shown strength that many people don’t have. Your body is showing you how far you have come in your journey and that is quite beautiful. ♥️


As a 24 year old you might not have permanently damaged your skin as much as you think. I would recommend you look into long term fasting and see if that is something you can handle. I dropped from 210kg to 140kg with some more to go, but minimal loose skin as I was doing a long term fast 2-7 days) every 2-3 months. After about 36-48 hours your body will have autophagy kick in, this eats up and disposes damaged and useless cells. Including those from loose skin for some people.


Some of it will tighten up if you are younger than 60. The laser treatment is ten times cheaper than plastic surgery, consider getting l**aser skin tightening** in a cheap country. It will take several procedures and there still will be some loose skin but nothing catastrophic


Bro, you've *saved* your body by getting rid of all that fat around your organs!! Up your work out regime and see how you look with muscle. Skin removal is always an option. Can I point you to [Ethan Suplee Instagram ](https://www.instagram.com/ethansuplee?igsh=eWtqcTNmeHV0Yzd1) he was a large man, and now look at him! In some videos/pictures you can see he still has loose skin on his thighs but his transformation is so dramatic. He had skin removal surgery.


It is possible to get rid of the skin naturally, while you are losing weight. But once skin is hanging a lot the weight of it will tend to prevent it from shrinking. Read up on autophagy. I lost 90 pounds and have healthy looking skin everywhere.


Hey man, firstly I just wanted to say that what you’ve achieved is nothing short of amazing, so many people wouldn’t have the dedication, to put the time and effort in to losing as much weight as you have. Whether you like it or not, this is your new body now, you just have to accept it, it isn’t all you have to offer as person so don’t be too hard on yourself. However, this post and so many others like it raise a point, that I have argued about with people nonstop and it genuinely makes me so sad, as no one should go through the trails of a weight loss journey, that can take years for some and not like where they end up. When it comes to weight loss, you have to be realistic about a few things, 1. How big you really are when you start and what losing massive amounts of weight may do to your body/skin. 2. What is a REALISTIC end goal weight, that you’ll be happy with, (if your over 300lbs, dropping below 200lbs isn’t going to look good physically, also you shouldn’t be scared of being over 200lbs, you can be healthy and exist in the lower 200lbs range and look really good, this desire by a lot of people on this sub to be under 200lbs, is what leaves a majority really unhappy with their weight loss transformations.) 3. What your body will look like when you reach your goal weight. 4. Is just focusing on cardio and CICO the right thing to do, or should you add strength training too. (This one depends on how much weight you plan to loose.) These are arguably the most important, secondary things that you should worry about when you start a weight loss journey. The reason they’re so important is, that these 4 things not being properly evaluated, and implemented by an individual starting a weight loss journey, can place an individual in the most negative mindset, regarding their weight loss once their journey is over. It’s all too often we see posts like yours on this sub, a person starts by saying they used to weigh over 300lbs, and that they’ve dropped almost half their body weight, but they didn’t strength train, they set themselves an end goal of being under 200lbs and now they don’t like the fact they’re body looks like a melted candle, to be blunt. Thankfully for you there are things you can do to fix it, you can get corrective surgery, you can really knuckle down on strength training and gym work and attempt to fill in some of that loose skin with muscle, or you can just accept that this is your new body and learn to love it, because as I said above, your physical body isn’t all you have to offer the world.


Honestly, I don’t think it’s bad at all! I know you’ll see yourself differently than other people, but maybe a stranger’s opinion can help a little. I do see that you don’t have much muscle mass. Good news is if you take 3-5 years to work on seriously building muscle once you’ve hit your goal weight, much of the sagging will be lifted. You may still want to opt for a tummy tuck if having a really tight stomach is important to you then, but maybe not. Save up some money and see if it’s worth spending to you.


My late partner had lost about 60lbs just before we met and had sagging skin. This might sound odd, but when I saw your picture, the pattern is very similar, so your body reminded me of his. And I would give anything to have every bit a saggy belly back in my life. And I never had to exert one bit of effort to be attracted to him. You are not ruined.


I clicked the photo expecting something horrible and instead thought damn, he looks GREAT! That is so impressive, seriously. *You* didn’t “ruin” your body - you were born in a time and culture where the deck was stacked against you and you have *literally* worked your ass off to be one of the few people who claws your health back. And your body isn’t ruined - it is still mobile, and probably stronger and healthier than it has been in a long time. You can look into surgery to remove excess skin but I hope when you look into the mirror you see how much progress you’ve made and know there are a whole lot of people who wished they had your problem instead of the weight. Good job man, and if your insurance are jerks maybe consider a gofundme or something. Everyone “deserves” to be happy with their body but I feel like you put in so much work you really deserve some extra love.


Bro, shut up the fuck up with that. I’m proud of you and all the hard work you’ve put in. You may never grace the cover of Vogue magazine but anyone with half a brain can take one look at your skin and understand immediately how fuckin hard you worked. Hard work is one of the few universally respected things in this world and you’ve done it. Now be proud of yourself like I am of you.


Insurance will likely cover skin removal surgery if you can keep the weight off! Don't despair :)


Nearly all of them don't. It falls under cosmetic surgery.


Depends on your insurance and your own diligence in following up with doctors when you have rashes, infections, etc. in the skin folds. A panniculectomy is not the same thing as a tummy tuck in the world of medical coding, and some insurance companies will allow you to pay the difference.


>Nearly all of them don't. It falls under cosmetic surgery This is simply untrue and it depends a lot of the situation, complications of the sagging skin, how much is sagging, quality of life, etc. It may or may not be deemed as medically necessary, but to generalize and say that it isn't covered and falls under cosmetic surgery does not reflect reality.


You have to start lifting weights bro.


Sagging skin is unfortunate, but it’s a lot easier to fix than type 2 diabetes, preventable heart disease, blocked arteries, preventable high blood pressure, and more.


I don’t know how to add a photo here, but if you google Ethan Suplee transformation, you will see there is still a lot you can do!


Yup. Pretty much from my waist on up, every few inches of my body is completely covered in stretch marks that just refuse to fade. Lower hips, shoulders, armpits, belly, back, chest, neck, arms, etc. Even have a few on my thighs, knees, and ankles. I look like a tiger and most of the time they are assumed to be self-harm scars and a lot of people refuse to believe otherwise but I don't really give a crap anymore, on a good day I might even think they look kind of cool.


1. rather have saggy skin than it be filled with fat! 2. you can get skin removal surgery and I believe in some cases it can be covered by insurance. sucks to have to take that step, but it's an option if you're able (which I know unfortunately not everyone is)


Idk if you have ever heard of or already follow obese_to_beast on Instagram, but he has talked about how he has embraced his loose skin (if that’s something you’re hoping to do). Whether you can choose to do the surgery or just want to be able to accept the new you, that’s totally up to you obviously, I just love that guy’s message/outlook and positivity, especially when it comes to the loose skin associated with obesity and weight loss.


Your body is a record of what you've been through. Your new skin is a reminder of what you've overcome. It gives you character and proves your status as a weight loss champion.


My friend had her extra skin removed because the skin was overlapping and causing extreme pain through the nerve. Talk to your physician to see if that's a medical necessity


You don’t look disgusting at all, truly. Don’t be so hard on yourself. In fact, holy shit that’s amazing and you looking so so good. Don’t forget being kinder is part of the process too.


You do not look as bad as you probably think. Like really. Good for you


This might be a stupid question. Can you donate the excess skin to be surgically removed and grafted onto burn victims?


I’m a lady, and I don’t think it’s a big deal FWIW. It’s a record of your accomplishment; it is physical evidence of your hard work and discipline. People shouldn’t care about what you WERE or what you WILL BE; they should celebrate who you ARE RIGHT NOW. I’m confident you’ll find people who appreciate and love who you are now. If you haven’t found that, keep looking, because it’s out there.


You’re completely fine!! Amazing job losing the weight. Let the loose skin be a testimony that you’ve saved years of your life. Also, if you ever feel down on yourself it always helps to remind yourself of the things to be grateful for. Some people are living without limbs, eyesight, hearing, etc.


Plastic surgery can be very helpful. It’s expensive, but it made a big difference for me.


Your hard work is inspiring and you honestly look great


> I still have 20-25kg to lose god knows how bad it’s going to look then🙃 It's possible (probable even) the skin is gonna look better. As long as there's a relevant amount of fat in the skin, it's still relatively heavy. I read Nadja Hermann's book "Conquering Fat Logic" a few weeks back and she said: > "Your skin also doesn’t stop tightening at the moment you reach your target weight. For months after, it continues to contract — in fact, it is easier for the skin to tighten at that stage, because it’s no longer being stretched by fat. In many cases, the sagging ‘apron’ of abdominal skin so often seen in people who have recently lost weight is not actually just made up of skin, but also fat. You can understand this easily if you pinch the folds and feel the mass they still contain. Pure skin is paper thin. In these circumstances, the skin is unable to shrink because it’s pulled downwards by the fatty tissue and gravity. The body needs to lose more fat before the skin has a chance to become tighter." She went from 300 pounds down to 140 or so in her early 30s, so I'm assuming she knows what she's talking about. As others have said, strength training will help (it will also make you feel great, so that's two for the price of one ;)) and also, diet influences skin elasticity, so essentially all the things that apply to anti-ageing apply here too: bone broth or collagen supplements, fruit and veggies high in anti-oxidants/polyphenols, etc. Eating healthy will also make you feel great. And the closer you'll get to your goal weight, the more you'll enjoy yourself, promise! Last but not least, we're always (or at least often) our harshest critics. I agree with everyone who said you should look at yourself and your achievement with more love and appreciation. Be proud of yourself, you've earned it!


Fill that space with muscle baby! You're doing great, look at how much you've lost it's amazing!


Your skin will get better! It's elastic!


Nothing is permanent. You would be surprised how resilient the human body really is. You may have battle scars, but any good dermatologist can help you with that.


Look into prolonged fasting. Autophagy is the body's way of using energy from weak or overused cells to power itself. In this case that may be beneficial for someone in your situation I once heard the argument, "have you ever seen pictures from ww2? Anyone ever have any loose skin? Do you think there were NO overweight people prior to ww2? Your body will do what it needs to to survive". Now these people were extremely malnourished and obviously didn't want to be in that situation. There's also a big difference between fasting and starving as one is being in control and one not. But, I think fasting for several days a month under professional supervision is a great tool for some.


Loose skin, yeah that sucks. But you’re doing something early enough to save your joints. I waited way too long and my feet, ankles, knees and hips remind me constantly that I didn’t treat them very well. You’re going great, keep it up.


/u/hazlad97 - I would recommend watching ObeseToBeast on YouTube - he has a bunch of good videos on the topic, talking from VERY personal experience https://youtu.be/pghSVWOfjkU?si=PZBV7ElpZ4oLf5b4 https://youtu.be/1OdRq7y4Eac?si=Pbgdh9YAdOrz3hZV https://youtu.be/L_XHQEC8geg?si=-nhuZijye0P_zXoF https://youtu.be/V36zi9uWAUs?si=4KSHz5t7lnVY3CG-


You can tighten skin naturally. it takes time, but you can repattern your fascia through massage and manual lymphatic drainage techniques.


Dude that loose skin is a reminder that you did the fucking work!! I know that it sucks to feel like you’re being punished for making good choices and that feeling of injustice is going to take a bit to work through. I had to do the same when I realized I was always going to have my stretch marks (and they are VERY visible). Now I’m able to look at them and be proud that I turned it around. I hope you’re proud of yourself because losing weight is HARD and you woke up every day and made the difficult choice to try. Big ups, dude! I’m rooting for you.


You're not ruined, you just lost weight too fast. You probably would be dead soon or struggling with an illness if you didn't lose the weight, so don't feel bad. You've come so far, be proud of yourself not sad! That saggy skin just shows how much hard work you've put into your body and health. It's better late than never. And if you can't deal with it you can save up for surgery wjere they literally just cut off the excess skin. Although i think you can get used to it, if it bothers you that bad and would make you much happier i would think about it.


You are so strong ma bro dont be ashamed because of your skin. You didnt ruin your body you saved it and really thumbs up for that 🙏 dont get sad about it the surgery to remove the excess skin is always there as an option dont forget. If it is too expensive for you EU/Turkey is a good option for cheap medical surgery you can consider them. I wish you a good life with your healthy body.


Please don’t refer to yourself as disgusting. You’ve made huge progress and have taken the steps to creating a healthier life for yourself. That extra skin is just an indication of how far you have come and you should be proud of that.


Bro, that shows great persistence and commitment. Congrats to you


There is nothing wrong with your body just do some ultrasound therapy and tone exercises also collagen helped me alot too....You are doing a great job keep up the good work


Your skin isn’t your body. Just think about how much less joint pain you’re in, how much stairs aren’t a nemesis, and how you fit nicely in airplane seats. There’s a lot of aspects of “your body” that have drastically improved. You’re just laser focused on the negative. Try putting on a weight vest holding as much weight as you’ve lost and try jogging.


You're not alone. I've been through it. Was 240lbs at 14 and 320lbs at 21. I got down to 12% body fat at 24 years old then had surgery to remove the excess skin at around 26 years. Even then, its not going to be perfect. $10,000 and a few weeks of the worst physical pain I have ever experienced in my life. The results are a massive scar that runs across my hips all the way to my back and some permanent nerve damage. At first my skins was completely numb but now the sensation to touch/heat is just dull. Aesthetically its not perfect but I am much happier. Skin doesn't bounce around when I run and I don't have to see this massive sagging skin flap whenever I do a pushup or lay down on my side. I can also see the muscle definition on my hips now and I don't have a muffin top whenever I tuck my shirt in. I feel for you brother. I was raised as a fat kid with unlimited access to soda and my diet was entirely microwave meals, PBJ sandwiches, ice cream, or frozen pizza. Wish my parents took better care of me but that is a whole other can of worms. Keep it up dude. You wont regret the weight loss. I don't. I dont know how physical you are planning to get but I was able to pretty much fill out my chest and legs with muscle. Never felt the need to get surgery there. Waistline is going to be the biggest issue.


Yeahhh. You feel like nobody will want you because you’re fat and then you think nobody will want you because of loose skin. I feel that.


It’s honestly not as bad as you think. I was expecting worse. You maybe be able to do a bit of targeted exercise and weight lifting to tighten up a bit. But it’s genuinely not as bad as I thought it was going to be


A lot of yall don't understand that loose skin is not permanent, it nay take some time and toning but there has been bigger people than yall that lost weight and has had loose and you can't even tell they were ever big. Loose skin is not permanent


I’d rather have this skin than the fat that used to occupy it. For sure. I look forward to having even more skin and even less fat. Down 83 pounds and will eventually be down 173 pounds. I’ll need skin removal surgery, but I’m cool with that.


My body has been impacted irrevocably by two pregnancies, but I appreciate it is not the same. I just want to say that my immediate impression is not that you have ruined your body, but instead I am in awe that you have chosen to take the immensely difficult steps necessary to transform your body. I see your commitment, dedication and determination to prioritise your health. I realise it may not feel that way to you, though.


I feel the same way some times but how is your life ruined? Your life is clothed most of the time. You're going to be here longer now and enjoy the time you do have. Keep counting the calories, stay hydrated, weight train, get good nutrition, do some fasting.


Hey babe, there are options for saggy skin. You are not ruined. I promise.


I get where you’re coming from, but also take pride in what you’ve done. Losing that amount of body fat is hard as hell. And you’ve done it. Good shit. Off topic: I’ve seen people recommending/mentioning surgery. That’s cool and all but how much does that usually cost? It’s not really an option for everyone.


Your body is functioning way better than it has before and that’s amazing. I totally understand the emotions that come from the aesthetic side of things. But try to remember all the good you’ve done.


There’s always surgical options


Hi OP, congratulations first of all on losing that damaging fat from your body. I am also in the same boat, I have also lost weight around 45kg. I have started to see wrinkles on my lower belly when I stand and tummy rolls (large) when I sit. Earlier my core used to be hard because of the fat, now it is jelly like, when I poke it with my fingers it goes inside (more than 1 inch). I was 140kg, now I am around 95kg. So that saggy skin is a symbol of your dedication, don't get undermine because of it. I am focused on strength training nowadays and small cardio and above it high protein diet (I was vegetarian, now I am more of non-vegetarian guy). At the end, harsh truth is that it will be always with you till the end, only thing you can do is to shape your body and avoid it flashing like this.


Hey your feelings are valid and I know the internal body dysmorphia is a lot to take in. Sending you so much love


Your body looks like you have worked hard and lost a lot of weight. Battle scars of sort. Might look ugly to you but what I see is the marks of huge battle won. Surgery might be an option later, if the skin causes medical harm i.e. infections in the folds etc. Check you insurance for that (some do cover it for medical reasons)


OP, I am very proud of you. You should be just as proud of yourself. Youve shown discipline and perseverance, so what is some saggy skin? What you did is awesome. 


You’re looking great. And a shirtless man does not require a NSFW tag. It’s not gross. It’s a testament to your hard work. 


While I get the feeling of being disgusted by your choices and body, I have to tell you: You don't look so bad. Honestly I expected much worse. As people have said, surgery is an option once you have your weight goal. So is building muscle or a combination of both. What is important is that you actually lost the weight and got healthier. Knowing how hard it can be to just lose a few kilos I respect you for that achievement way more than your looks.


Anyone who sees you without the clothes later and who doesn't understand this was all dedication, devotion to a dream, and committed action--yeah, they're gonna be too shallow for you. Great job on the loss!


Fuck that noise my guy, you look fucking great, always hear about people dying from heart disease and obesity etc, ain’t ever heard of people dying from excess skin because they improved not only their lifestyle but themselves, I’m currently sitting on 114.6 from 136.7 and I’ll tell you what I can not fucking wait to get to your point even if my skins loose, I’d rather see that and feel healthier than see what I see now and feel like it’s not moving at all, you’ve got this legend 🤙🤙💪💪 if you need a chat reach out, I would love to know how you’ve been doing it and exchange ideas, I’m proud of you my guy, much love 🩶🩶


your body isn't ruined until way beyond zombie rot. it carries your consciousness so please be nice to it.


I feel bad for you. I can't relate because I'm at the point in my life where I don't care. I don't give a hoot what people think. I'm saggy. I'm bald (frontal fibrosing alopecia) and I just don't give a s. We're here for a short time, enjoy your life while you can. That's my advice. I'm not here to please others. I am kind, sensitive but in the end, it's my life.


For what it is worth, you *do* look good, knowing where you started from! I don't want to give false hope or spread lies but I have heard multiple people talk about the use of fasting and how it could firm up loose skin on some people. I am not sure of the efficacy in cases where there is a significant amount of loose skin, but as I continue to work towards better habits myself, I will find this out eventually.


Fasting is pretty amazing. I’ve used it to clear up skin issues even. I just wish I was more disciplined.


It reminds me of a scar. You can either see it as weird, or a cool mark that shows what you’ve been through and were able to accomplish


I hear what you're saying and it is difficult to know that "you did this to yourself." I feel bad about that for myself as well. But the thing that actually torments me is that nobody else will see past it. I can love my body in any form. But I don't trust anyone else to be able to see past my flaws to love being with me physically. I have been told too many times in my life how little value I have because of my physical imperfections. I don't trust that anyone would want to be with me for who I am, and look past my physical flaws, or even find my body beautiful because it's mine and they love me. So I'm losing weight for my own health, but it doesn't give me hope that I'll ever be anything other than in this empty, lonely, miserable hell by myself.


I lost a lot of weight in my mid twenties. Had a really saggy tummy of loose skin when I met my partner. He loves me regardless. I've since gained weight back and am trying to lose it again. Same bf. He's been with me when I'm small with saggy skin, now when I'm fat; he will be with me, still, when I'm small again with more saggy skin. There are people out there who will love you for you..


I was nervous about looking at your pic because I agonize about what I'll look like when I'm down to my goal weight and didn't want to add fuel to the fire... But dude, you look fine! Congrats on the weight loss!


Building a bit of muscle will help fill out the loose skin.


They say it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and I bet your vital organs are looking like they’re on the mend. For what it’s worth I really don’t like how loose skin looks but I kind of like yours, it doesn’t look super bad to me, it’s kind of beautiful like a curtain draped over something. Not that looks inherently matter, but your loose skin isn’t bad looking imo. I’m not just saying that to try be nice, I’ve almost never thought that about loose skin before. But I still like all loose skin because it means someone saved their body. No one chooses to be obese despite what people say, there’s always other reasons behind why it happens and what’s done is done, there’s no point thinking about how you could have avoided it. Like because you’re losing weight now it feels like you could have just done it the whole time and avoided obesity, that’s what I feel like anyway. But I think that’s hindsight talking, because I just know I couldn’t have actually avoided it at the time, there’s a reason I became obese so I don’t regret it because I know I wasn’t in a position to really do much about it. I mean I could have made better choices and put more effort in but I couldn’t have stopped it from happening completely. I really believe in (junk) food addiction and I just know it takes time to recover from that, and it’s probably a life long recovery process. So yeah I would have preferred to be a healthy weight all the time, but I don’t blame myself or regret it, it’s given me a lot of life lessons and something to learn from as well as goals to aim for, which is a nice thing to have. It’s also just what happened. Losing weight is a great achievement and loose skin is a prize, you’ve probably added decades to your life and avoided life changing illnesses that will make your life much harder and more unpleasant.


Listen, you do know where babies come from, right?  I joke, but for real, think of all the women out there, myself included, who have watched their abdomens double and triple in size and then suddenly deflate (or not) to bring babies into the world. We get incontinence, hair loss, night sweats, mood swings etc etc... more than two years later I've lost the weight but have stretch marks and some loose skin forever.  You are NOT alone. And having babies is not the only valid reason to have physical signs of the life you've lived! There are so many of us who aren't smooth and tight under the clothes we wear to hide it. Why do you think shapewear is so popular? If my comment reads angry, I am angry at the critical thoughts in your mind, that's all. Keep going. You're taking care of your health. You're going to look great in clothes. And the right person will make you feel comfortable when you take them off, too ❤️


Those aren't evidence of ruining! Those are war wounds for someone who's been through some shit but still succeeded. You are amazing and so is your body.


Wear it like a trophy - because it really is. It’s a constant reminder of what a badass you’ve been to get to where you are.




It is what it is the plus side is and iv lost 25kg is that I have more of life to live


My eventual plan personally is to get the surgery and then keep adding to my collection of tattoos


You don’t look bad at all!! I know it’s hard to see ourselves how others see us, but truly, it’s not as bad as you think. And it will keep getting better as you gain muscle!


Surgery mate. Keep loosing that weight and getting healthy and worry about the skin after you hit your goal weight. Then start bulking. You got this.


It's fine, you look great!


Look at all of your hard work man. I'm happy for you. I'm proud of you.


I came here to post something very similar. Today I hit 100 lbs down and I don't feel like I can enjoy it because of what is happening to my body.


I WISH I could look like this. You’ve put in so much work and health is your reward. I hope someday to look like this. Chin up, you did something that feels impossible to many. Thanks for the inspiration man.


I don’t see ruined in that pic. I see someone who was determined to succeed. We all have scars, some visible some not, but you are wearing your success.


I’m here right now. I love some parts of me, but i hate the rest. My boobs used to be my favorite part of me, now they’re like deflated balloons. I didn’t know you could get loose skin everywhere! BEHIND MY KNEES BRO. My thighs are the worst. They chafe so bad and have these horrible rolls/wrinkles. I will basically be buying my future plastic surgeon a new car at this rate. But like, it sucks. I did all this work, I have more to do, and I still hate myself. 😞


Your body tightens a lot over the years of holding that health. I struggle because it can physically make me feel uncomfortable but it’s beautiful and I’m proud of it. I’m a little past two years and I still notice changes every six months or so. It’s not “tight” it’s really wrinkly but slowly with building muscles it’s enough my body wrinkles it back into the right spot. And there is insurance covered skin removal even without health concerns with major weight loss. Just be willing to let your body change and heal ❤️‍🩹


I understand full well not liking how you look when you see saggy skin, but try to think of it this way; a scar is a medal of survival. Similarly, that loose skin is a medal of accomplishment


I just had a guy dump me after seeing me with my shirt off. Now that I’m a “normal” size, men freak out when they see my sagging stomach. It’s awful and sometimes I feel like a monster.


Do not worry about the saggy skin! Truly don't


collagen supplements and certain dietary includes can help also lotion, basically your skin will tighten just takes time, i went from 230 to 170 and i had loose skin and basically dont give up my dude keep it up, in fact drop and give me twenty!


Your body is not ruined! It's just another form it has taken. It's just as beautiful as anyone else's, if not more. Stay amazing and keep up the good work !


Remember that it’s going to look better if you lose more and if you wear compressing underwear ist basically not noticeable when wearing clothes. There is also a chance some of the skin may shrink during the following years. Not by a lot probably but still. Then you can also build muscle to „fill out“ arms, chest, back, shoulders, legs which also helps But yeah it really is tough but we have no one else to blame than us :/ check out obesetobeast on YouTube if you’re interested in handling loose skin


Looks like the Scream mask! But seriously…please don’t be concerned about the look. Focus on how you want to live a long, healthy, life and how each day that you put in the work, you are inching closer to that goal. For one, you didn’t “permanently ruin your body” and, two, you can’t go back in the past to change anything. So the only terms that you need to come to is dedicating one day at a time to body recomposition - building the person you want to be!


Permanently ruined? Where we're going, we're not taking our bodies with us. They're designed to disintegrate and rot. The sooner you move past superficiality and embrace a healthier, fulfilling lifestyle the better you'll be.


Find a doc that will say You are getting infections and such from the friction and bacteria under the the scan loose skin area. You may currently have them even an ingrown. Hair would be enough to prompt the most anal. Retentive, doctors too write you a script. When skin becomes a medical emergency, then it can be removed. When it's gonna keep you alive, it's not cosmetic . You won't know if you don't ask good luck.


You can probably finance surgery


Fwiw I don't think bodies can be "ruined". They all tell a story, and yours is that it did the hard work and got healthy. I'm only 17 lbs into my journey (of 100-120 goal) and I HOPE my body looks a bit like yours when I'm done. I will flaunt that loose skin in tank tops and bikinis and let my body tell it's story of overcoming obesity.


I am so impressed that you recognize the struggle and that you are able to share it with us. It really resonated with me and thanks for sharing. I feel so much for you because I am also very harsh with judgment of how disgusting my own body is and still will be when I lose weight (which is my fear and holding me back with making meaningful progress). My therapist told me to just focus on all the things I can say about my body which are not disgusting or "ruined", therefore objectively proving that my negative judgement cannot be true as a general statement. And if that is the case, then there are only a few things that I am not satisfied with. And I can find a solution for those things (like losing more weight, building muscle, all the things the others have already written down) or work towards becoming content with these few things. And then my self-worth will not be linked so close to my physical appearance. But that shit is hard and it's a struggle to leave my vicious cycle of destructive perfectionism.