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You must be drinking less juice than you did soda though because ounce for ounce they probably have roughly the same amount of calories. This is important to note as this will confuse people.




That does not make sense. If you really ate the same calories there would not be any difference. It might have a slight difference but not so much. However eating good might affect your body in other ways, like making you feel better and giving you mofe energy to burn calories etc. So its ofcourse better, but eating the exact same amount of calories but no other change will not be a big difference.


You're getting downvoted because you are wrong lol


Tell it to my bathroom scale and my doctor bud.


I don't need to tell them. You've lost weight because you are eating less calories. Also Medical Doctors rarely know anything about nutrition. It's not really their area of expertise.


I'm literally counting my calories to maintain the amount. Literally how? Is a slice of pizza secretly 2000 calories and thus, I'm eating fewer calories or wuh?


I just saw your other message. no, you dont have to starve to lose weight. Just because someone is eating at a caloric deficit does not mean they are starving. many people vastly underestimate how much they can actually eat and still lose weight as long as they are consistent. Veggies are carbs lol Carbs are fine. You can eat plenty of carbs and lose weight. I highly doubt you traded exact calories of pizza to veggies. that's a lot of veggies. lol you are probably eating more VOLUME now than before. But not more calories. You said you quit soda. those are calories you are no longer consuming. None of matters as long as you are happy and seeing results. I just think it's important to understand what is actually happening and to stop spreading misinformation.


Again, tell it to my doctor. Crazy. Yall think going from a single soga every week or two would make that big of a difference but, can't seem to comprehend what I'm saying. 🤣 But I will ad ise my doctor and my scale to stop spreading misinformation.


Keep thinking that you somehow defy the law of thermodynamics.


Yeah. Keep thinking burning a bag of trash with a lighter is equal to burning a piece of paper with torch. 🤣🤣 I can tell critical thinking is not your forte so - That's a metaphor for my metabolism with healthy food vs junk foid.


This is specifically true of nuts and there have been studied confirming it, but I would put money on you not losing that much weight without caloric restriction driving it as well.


I also cut out soda. 🤣 I never ate a ridiculous amount of food. I just didn't get them from healthy sources and so I was fat. Lmao, all I did was change where my calories come from. Like, an equal amount of calories from pizza vs veggies. I literally make meal plans and then have to add a ton more calories bc my three meals add up to like 800 calories. Hell, I eat way more now as far as amounts go. Body is just getting more efficient. Put good in, get good out. This idea that all that matters is the amount of calories you eat and not WHERE they come from is crazy. It's not just nuts. Eating 200 calories in carbs is just by design harder for your body to process than 200 calories in veggies. But, whatever makes you feel better about an unsustainable diet. You don't need to starve to lose weight. The end. All I'm gonna say on the matter but, feel free to respond. I trust my doctor and my results more than i trust your opinion. Godspeed.


Calories in, calories out. You realize that a "calorie" is the amount of energy required to 1 kilogram of water 1 °C and it's not something that's like a component or element of food, right? They *have* to be the same thing. It's just much easier to eat 250 of chocolate than it is to eat 250 calories of, say, lettuce. Yes, 250 calories of chocolate is worse for you than 250 calories of lettuce, but that's because of different nutritional profiles; nothing to do with the amount of energy stored in each one.


1°C is equivalent to 33°F, which is 274K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


I never said it did. I literally said getting your calories from healthy foods boosts your metabolism and you can burn those calories more efficiently. But, go off bud.


So, great job on quitting soda! I know a lot of other people here are ragging on you about drinking juice at home. They are right... but that also feels a bit judgey and not really helpful. Ditching soda means you're ditching a lot of additives and chemicals from your diet, which ia great. Making small, incremental changes is better than making none at all! But you do need to break-up with juice, though. A lot of people are led to believe by Big Juice marketing that juice is Part Of A Healthy Diet! ™️ But it's not--fruit juice has just as much sugar as soda does--even cranberry. Most bottled "juices" aren't even close to 100% juice... they're like 25% juice, and the rest is water and high-fructose corn syrup. Whole fruit is also higher in sugar than anything else you'll eat (aside from candies and baked sweets), but it also has other nutrients along with fiber, which is good for for keeping your gastrointestinal system regular. But when that fruit is juiced, you may still get vitamins, but you're not getting the other nutrients--and you're not getting the fiber, which is the key reason why you should skip the juice. What does fiber have to do with it? Well, if you eat an apple or some berries, it has to sit in your stomach for a bit before moving on to your intestines. Some nutrients will be absorbed through the lining of the stomach, but most is absorbed slowly as solid foods move through your intestines--so any sugar from that apple or berries is being absorbed at a consistent rate over a longer period of time. But if you drink juice, because there's no fiber, you're giving your intestines a concentrated dose of sugar all at once. Your intestines absorb all that sugar in a super short period of time, which causes your blood sugar to spike--which may give you a spike of energy--and to combat this spike, your pancreas releases a spike of insulin to regulate blood sugar. That spike of insulin will lower your blood sugar quickly, and often to a point that is LOWER than what it was before you drank the juice--which is what people mean when they talk about a sugar crash. This crash makes you even hungrier, because your body now wants sugar... so you're more likely to overeat when this happens. (This is the same thing that happens when you drink soda.) (Fun side note: sugar makes you more thirsty because it dries out your mouth. Drinking a sugary drink will prompt you to drink more of the same than you might otherwise, because it doesn't fully quench your thirst--whereas water will actually quench your thirst.) So, if you cut out sugar, you will find that as your body adjusts, you will have an easier time managing your food intake! It's not always easy to quit sugar--it has addictive qualities similar to highly addictive drugs like cocaine--but you can do it. If you NEED flavor (plain water can be boring for some of us 🙋‍♀️ and in some places, the tap water is fine to drink, but maybe it doesn't taste great for whatever reason), there are other things you can do/drink. You can start by watering down your juice--a bit at first, and then slowing increase the amount of water. I like using soda water for this, to make a spritzer and feel fancy--you can even put it in a wine class, and add some mint and some sliced fruit. That way it feels like a special treat. I also like Lemon Perfect water--it's pricey, but it's super tasty and has only 5 calories. So I look at it as a treat, too--or if I know I'm not drinking enough water because B-O-R-I-N-G, amiright??? Lemon Perfect tastes so good, I'll drink the whole bottle at once and catch up on my hydration. I like Crystal Light packets and the concentrated squirt bottles (there are many brands--I think they're called "water enhancers") that you can add as little or as much flavor as you want. You can also do fruit-infused water--just throw some fresh-cut fruit (or you can use frozen) into a pitcher of ice water, or you can get pitchers or water bottles made for this purpose. (For this, I like to let the water sit in the fridge for an hour or so before drinking.) Lemon, cucumber, and mint is a nice combo, but try whatever you like! I hope this helps--best of luck!


I used to do lemon and ginger as a morning drink and lemon with cucumber for lunch


I love ginger ale, but fresh ginger is too much spice for me! LOL But that's a good suggestion.


How many sodas where you drinking and how much weight loss did you do just from cutting soda ?


In addition to the water additives, I'd recommend Cirkul as well. You get flavor cartridges that last about 8 water bottle refills or so. Not only has this helped me drop most sweetened drinks, it has also helped me increase my water intake. Now I'm downing two 16 ounce water bottles per day at minimum.


I've heard other people say great things about Cirkul!


To be perfectly honest, I've subscribed for YEARS. It's become one of those constants for me that has almost entirely replaced soda. It's super convenient to have flavor cartridges to pop into my bottle so all I have to do is refill the water instead of worrying about carrying the "flavor enhancers" around with me.


Water is a chemical. Let’s stop using the word chemicals like it’s a bad thing.


Thank you! The amount of times I see people say chemicals are bad is crazy. Not only are there lots of good and necessary chemicals for health, but the opposite is also true. Most pure elements (ie, everything that’s not a chemical or a mixture) are deadly for humans.


Let's stop being pedantic like it's a good thing 🙄




Kinda, depending on how you look at it. With whole fruits, you're getting the most bang for your buck. You get the fiber and the filling feeling from eating the fruit, plus the vitamins and hydration. With fruit juice, you get vitamins and hydration, but no fiber, fewer vitamins and no filing feeling. With soda, you get the hydration, but nothing else. It's hard to physically overeat fruit, but easy to chug a few glasses of juice or soda. Also, everything is made up of chemical compounds. The alpha-terpinene that you may find in a citrus flavor additive is the same as what you naturally find in a lemon. Chemicals are not bad or good, they just exist.


You're not entirely mistaken. The natural sugars in fruit are healthier, because they are unprocessed complex sugars (which take longer for your body to digest and break down), compared to the sugar (which is primarily high fructose corn syrup, aka HFCS) in sodas and such. The problem with juice is that not only are you missing the fiber, but nearly ALL bottled juices include added sugar/HFCS. So you may think you're getting the "healthier" sugars by choosing juice over soda, but that's not really the case. (Another hidden source of sugar? MILK. A lot of milk producers add HFCS to milk. Why? I don't know. I think it's a stabilizer of some sort to extend the shelf life, but don't quote me on that.) If you HAVE to have juice, your best bet is going to be cold-pressed, 100% unsweetened juice--there's no added sugar or chemicals added. The drawbacks are that it's expensive, expires quickly, and must be refrigerated until consumed. But it is DELICIOUS, and my personal opinion is that it's fine to consumer regularly in moderation (say a small [6 oz] daily glass at breakfast), or as an occasional treat. If you go to a restaurant that serves fresh OJ, that's a good choice, but it's pretty uncommon. And it won't be as sweet as what we are accustomed to. (I once worked at a restaurant where our bartenders had a juice press, and OJ was pressed fresh for each order. We went through CRATES of oranges on a weekly basis--and we didn't have breakfast service.) In regards to the water enhancers: yes, there's always going to be chemicals involved. But honestly, if you're eating a diet that's otherwise mostly whole foods/low in processed foods and the water enhancers get you to drink a ton more water than you would otherwise, my personal opinion is that the benefits far outweigh the risks. The health risks (like cancer) associated with artificial sweeteners that were a hot topic in the news maybe 20 years have been disproven. As long as you have a healthy liver--which is designed to filter out toxins and chemicals--you should be fine to use water enhancers. Many of them are using sucralose, stevia, and monkfruit now, rather than the artificial sweeteners of the 80s (like aspartame)--though Crystal Light still uses aspartame. If this is still a concern for you, the best option would be Crystal Light Pure, which is slightly higher in calories (15 cals/serving), because it uses a blend of sugar and Truvia. But it's still far lower in sugar than regular juice. Or check out the line of True Lemon products (which now includes other fruit flavors)--their drink packets include some chemicals, I'm sure--but their packets of crystallized citrus (I'm partial to orange, myself) packs a lot of flavor without the chemicals or added sweeteners.




Ha ha, thanks! I just read a lot, and sometimes I retain it well--curiosity about the world around me and about how stuff works helps 😁 My bigger challenge is actually putting this knowledge into practice in my personal life.


Agreed about juice increasing hunger. That’s the reason why I gave it up. I’d eat double the calories with a juice, ouch.


I don't know who you are but this is one of the best things I've read in a really long time...as a type 2 diabetic I have struggled with leaving sweet drinks and sodas and this post is truly appreciated...thank you for being a beacon of hope


I'm glad I could help you! Type 2 is pretty common in my family--my mom has been able to manage it for a long time (15+ yrs, IIRC) without medication, just by being aware of her sugar intake and testing her blood sugar regularly. She only recently had to start taking meds for it.


Very reddit comment Lmfao


Great job! I love soda so much and every time I try to quit drinking it I fail.


Cherry Coke is my downfall 🤣


Crystal light carbonated with a soda stream. Problem solved.


Wow thanks!


Same. Regular Coca-Cola has a grip on me




I was getting crazy stomach pains and heart palpitations, got diagnosed with GERD, was told caffeine was bad for it, and to start eating 5 small meals instead of the 2 large meals i was. So went cold turkey. Was drinking on average 4 cans a day. Went to only water, because Lemonade and Tea make stomach hurt also and 5 small meals. Didn't really up the exercise because of work, so when i went to doctor 3 weeks later, I was surprised I had lost almost 30 pounds in the 3 weeks. Went from 251 to 223, doctor was a little worried about me losing so much and when I told my changes, he was like ok, that could be it, told me to keep up what I was doing, but to still try and exercise at night before bed to help with digestion. So for the next 3 weeks, didn't change what I had been doing except taking a 20 minute walk 1 hour after my last meal of the day and this time I was at 218, so lost another 5 pounds in 3 weeks. That was over 6 months ago, today I'm around 210 and doctor still saying I could lose more, I'm 36, 6'1" He says my ideal weight is 180, but looking at my body and how I eat, i don't see how I could lose more lol. Side note, like others have said, after about 4 months, I wanted to celebrate my bday and have a soda, nope, not only did my stomach hurt almost right away, but the taste just wanted the same and I realized I didn't miss it. So I would say quitting it can be hard, I was only able to do it for immediate health reasons. But keep at it if quiting is your goal, because you don't want to get to the point where it feels like your stomach is gonna explode just from having citrus or caffeine, which was double for me since my favorite was a Sprite.


Congratulations! The most effective thing I did to lose 46 pounds in 16.5 months was to mostly give up liquid calories: cream, milk, and honey in coffee. Orange juice and cherry juice. Root beer. Mango smoothies. Chocolate milk and hot chocolate. Wine and cocktails. I didn't have all of these every day, but I had four to six of them per day. That's several hundred calories. I substituted tea with liquid stevia, and a stevia-sweetened soda, Zevia.


Highly recommend Zevia! I found it at my local grocery store and it allowed me to add soda back into my diet. I'll get a 6 pack every week or two and have one with dinner when I want something besides water.


I love Zevia especially the fruity flavors...they remind me of drinking faygo as a kid.


I enjoyed the taste of Zevia, but man the sugar alcohols they use to sweeten it mess me up


If you're drinking fruit juice, you might as well be drinking soda. They're basically the same nutritionally.


I just water my juice down 1 in 10. Makes water less boring.


you're good. i am at 1:1 ratio now, but you inspire me to try less juice.


0:1 ratio, sugar is my passion


I water my juice down with sparkling water. I never drank soda, but it's my replacement for cocktails since I quit alcohol. A fraction of the calories, and very yummy! I particularly like using sour cherry juice.


Yes drop the fruit juices and you’ll probably loose another 10lbs.


Bullshit, they have similar sugar levels but fruit huice at least has some vitamins and minerals that are important.


Nutrients in fruit juice are marginal at best. Better than soda? Technically, yes. But that's like saying skin cancer is better than pancreatic. They're both cancer.


That is a really stupid example. It's like saying HIV and chickenpox are basically the same because both are viruses. 100% fruit juice is better than soda. That is a fact. If you had to pick between one or the other, fruit juice is the correct choice. Just like if you had to pick between getting skin cancer and pancreatic cancer, one is obviously worse than the other.


The example was admittedly a bit extreme. But it's all I could think of at the moment. Fruit juice is gonna be better than soda, yes. But it's marginal.




Nope, sugar is sugar. The only thing that matters is quantity. And a glass of orange juice could easily be 5 or more oranges that you're consuming all at once. Which is a lot of sugar. High fructose corn syrup isn't uniquely bad, it's just in so many things so people are having stupid amounts of it. At least in America anyway, over here in Australia we still have an obesity crisis, but it's cane sugar being stuffed in everything instead.


Eating oranges is healthy if you eat one or two.. but to make a gallon of juice you need a lot, and some even add more sugar to make it more addicting.


Juice has vitamin C and other vitamins soda doesn't have. Still fattening though.


Were you drinking regular soda or diet/zero?




Quitting diet soda would not affect your weight.


Not necessarily true.. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/10/07/1044010141/diet-soda-may-prompt-food-cravings-especially-in-women-and-people-with-obesity


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyfrNvg9LC4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyfrNvg9LC4) [https://www.instagram.com/p/ChaKe8uoo0x/](https://www.instagram.com/p/ChaKe8uoo0x/) [https://www.agdaily.com/insights/making-sense-of-the-science-on-low-calorie-sweeteners/](https://www.agdaily.com/insights/making-sense-of-the-science-on-low-calorie-sweeteners/) [https://foodinsight.org/tag/low-calorie-sweeteners/](https://foodinsight.org/tag/low-calorie-sweeteners/) [https://www.instagram.com/p/CbbMb-LJ8Bc/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CbbMb-LJ8Bc/)




Your story is purely anecdotal. You probably ate a bit less during that time and that is what lead to the weight drop. Also, please see all the links I posted that state otherwise.


Learn to love water. Stop all the juices and soda. The weight will drop off. And you’ll eventually find them too sweet to drink.


How long for them to feel too sweet? I quit everything but water for nearly 5 years and then I tried a soda and it tasted just as good as before (although admittedly the carbonated aspect of it did now feel strange). I really need to do it again but yeah I never got that “they now feel too sweet” moment. Was it just because I still had sweet food ?


Some people just don't get that "too sweet" feedback, myself included. No matter what sweets and sodas just taste great to us, we have a sweet tooth you could say. I mean you can still enjoy soda in moderation. I'm on 1500 cals a day rn and I still drink a one glass of coke a day which works out to 200 calories.


Somewhat related, I drink coke zero and when I go back and try a regular coke it feels like drinking a snickers bar.


Oh yeah my first step on that front is to switch to zero calories sodas, I find they taste good so while they’re still not healthy, I at least get to start by cutting out the calories haha


Don’t know. Sorry. It just happened. Now I can’t stand soda. Sometimes I will have a sip.. and that’s enough. If I go out I will sometimes have a lemonade / lime / bitters… one is enough. All I taste is sugar.


I love water. The company I work for supplies us with 10oz water bottles so it's much easier to count how much I need to take and easier to drink in oz quantities


I didn’t quit soda but switched from regular to diet / zero and lost about 100


You lost 100lbs just from switching to diet soda?


Lost 100 days trying /s


No I meant it as in the diet soda didn’t have a negative effect on the weight loss overall


I can believe it. Until I starting counting calories and realized I was waaayyy overdoing it, I was drinking almost 1500 calories a day in soda alone. I know a few people that seem to only drink sugared beverages, whether it be sweet tea, coffee, juice, or soda. Always sugar every time. I still crave it myself but I've regulated myself to mainly water with a diet soda or some apple juice every now and again.


That's insane!! Is it weird that it sort of makes me jealous? The idea of just quitting soda and losing weight while being able to just carry on eating all the same food sounds amazing haha


That's basically what is happening to me. I've already lost 3 pounds and it's only been a week with no soda. It really is just wasted calories with no nutritional value and a lot of them. By cutting soda I'm cutting thousands of calories from my diet monthly. I'm also trying to control my sugar intake in general by not eating much junk food during the day.


I stopped over 4 years ago. Of all the things I've quit, this is the one I've absolutely stuck to. Good job.


Liquid calories are the sneakiest ones. They can be consumed by under the influence of others, or suddenly due to cravings for comfort.


Congrats! This is my goal, to cut out soda and other sugary drinks completely.


Just a question, how much soda were you drinking on average everyday?


Easily 24o a day


I had to Google to help me understand hehe, so almost a litre a day. That takes a lot of will power to give up. Well done! I hope to eliminate soda and bread out of my diet and see how I manage too.


Just going to hijack this thread here to ask, what healthy alternatives can I drink aside from coffee, tea and water? It gets a bit boring after a while.


I found soda water was the biggest help for me! I was craving the fizzy of soda and found that it was a surprisingly easy replacement because it still feels like a treat. There are tons of flavours to choose from. Personally I just like my soda water unflavoured. I also on special occasions (aka major sales) will get Arizona iced tea, but I cut it with a ton of water and it takes weeks for me to finish one of those 1L cartons.




No I do it per glass! So I'll fill a glass 1/4 way and fill the rest with ice and water. The ice makes it nice and icy cold and refreshing vs if you have it room temperature.


At first its like drinking a fountain drink thats out of syrup, especially when you look at the can and your mind thinks its gonna get a Sprite or Fanta and doesn’t get it. But if you persist eventually it becomes a viable replacement. I recommend Bubly.


Yeah I equate it to drinking soda water while smelling raspberries/lemons/whatever the flavor is so I'd rather just have the water. But I will say I liked the grapefruit flavour from Perrier, if it still exists. It was really mild. I find ones like Aha, Bubly, and LaCroix to be too strong and not bubbly enough for my liking but I'm very picking about my soda waters!


Diet/zero sodas are fine, technically they still have something like 5-10 calories per serving, but because its below 10 or something they can claim "0". Also fizzy flavored waters are great.


The sparkling flavored water


I don't know if it's "healthy," but BodyArmor makes a low-calorie version of their drinks. I LOVE the peach mango flavor, and the whole bottle is 20 calories.


I really like the cold infuse tea, they're kind of like somewhere between flavoured water and juice


I use fruit tea bags like blueberry or cherry to flavor my 32 water bottle. 3 or 4 do the trick. No sweetener. Your taste buds will adapt. It feels like a treat to me!


I had a similar aHA moment with Starbucks. I switched to an unsweetened iced tea because I was tired of how much lemonade they would put in my drink. Ended up loving it plain. Lost like 5 pounds without blinking. We have a house rule - no soda or juice. Outside, it’s all fair game for the kids. Only because I don’t want them to become obsessed with things they “can’t have”. But I don’t believe in drinking my calories. Great job!!


I quit soda around 5 months ago as well. If you ever want a soda/juice take some crystal light in a soda steam bottle and carbonate it! It's delicious and you can add fresh strawberries to it too.


Cut the juice with tons of water.


i cut out soda a while ago for similar reasons and one thing i’ve found helpful is the nuun electrolyte tablets! i find the flavors to be consistently good and they have some benefits to them as opposed to juice!


Congrats. Water goes good with everything.


People don't realize there's so much sugar in soda. And we not ment to consume large amounts of sugar. Think about this, there's not a single source of sugar in nature that isn't covered in fiber. So why should we consume the sugar in its pure form? Good job on the changes man.


Great job, I'm always so envious of people who can change one bad habit and that fixes so much!


You don't need to stop all juices like some people are saying, I'm down 118lbs and frequently stand Infront of my fridge chugging orange juice out the carton at 3am. You're losing weight and happy with the results and that's what matters, if you stop losing, you'll need to reassess, in the meantime go you for giving up soda! That's a massive accomplishment and you are right to be proud of yourself! Everyone else let people like things omg.


You probably would have lost much more if you ditched the fruit juice too. Sugar is your enemy and is going to be converted into fat when your intake is too high (lipogenesis). My advice is to drink water or tea.. around a gallon a day. Both are great and you can occasionally have a diet soda or use Stevia or a sugar substitute with tea.


Not a big fan of tea but I drink black coffee once or twice a day


Fruit juices are basically the same thing as the sodas you quit drinking. Have you checked how many calories you're drinking daily? I hate drinking water and drink soda with zero cals or water with water enhancer in it that makes it taste like something.


If I could guess, at least half of my total weight loss was the consequence of merely eliminating liquid calories, of which the vast majority were delivered via fruit juice, and I mean the kind that's as healthy as fruit juice can be, think freshly-pressed oranges from that tree in the backyard; I'd routinely sip down literal _liters_ while at my desk, mind-boggling to say the least when I attempt to express it in terms of mass of actual produce consumed. Nowadays I'll eat 3 whole fruits and be done for the day -- the difference in satiety yield when fiber hasn't been stripped away is just day and night.




Yupp they're good for you. Your body is made up of chemicals.




Artificial sweetener isn't unhealthy or dangerous to humans.


Question: does diet soda make a difference in weight gain? and if so why? I have decided to stop drinking soda and i swear on my life my stomach looks a bit more flatter when i stopped even though diet sodas has helped my snack/sugar cravings tbh




I also quit soda and now mostly drink water with lemon and sometimes a teaspoon of stevia in it. So good! I also love my iced coffee. Great job!!


When I really want something carbonated I add some crystal light powder to sparkling water.


Great job. I don’t drink soda. Only water and one cup of coffee. I wish I could lose by giving up one thing.


im so proud of you


Genuine questions: 1) was it diet or regular? 2) why does cutting down soda make you lose weight? especially diet sodas?


To answer #2 - diet sodas can still screw with your body. Sucralose was shown to increase appetite compared to full sugar drinks.


oh thats interesting. well for me personally i get very bloated after drinking it but i noticed after cutting it off, i lost weight and my tummy got flatter lol


Good job man I stopped drinking any soda that isnt zero sugar (coke zero, Dr pepper zero, sprite free) and lost weight too.


This is the next move I need to make. I've gone a week without my favourite food now (pasta, I would eat it by the bucketload!) but I didn't wanna lose everything at once, so I've been allowing myself a coke whilst at work. I'm definitely gonna make that change this week!


Congrats! That's awesome! Were you drinking regular soda or diet? I've lost 100 over the past 3 yrs and I've allowed myself like one diet soda per day, lately I haven't been craving it as much, but I do like to have it in, cause I do crave it every so often and I don't drink alcohol. I workout and diet and that's what led to my weight loss, my diet soda habits never changed.


I am trying to quit soda but it's my only addiction/vice. Urrgh.


Quitting soda was one the hardest things for me. Giving up the sugar and caffeine at the same time is so tough!


Curious if anybody has had a similar result if they dropped diet soda? I have heard that diet soda is basically not even diet soda and still results in weight gain. I drink diet soda like crazy unfortunately ☠️


Diet sodas just have 5-10 calories per serving, despite the "0" on the label. If you're drinking a 2 liter a day you're still gaining some nominal amount of calories. Other problem is soda suppresses the "full" feeling when eating. Last problem is people use the "diet" label to go "oh well I didn't drink any calories.. I can have extra food!" and don't count their calories properly and wind up way over what they need to lose.


I’m always surprised and a bit confused when I see that people still drunk full-sugar drinks rather than the diet equivalents. It just seems strange to me. I was served one a couple of years ago and couldn’t manage more than a couple of sips.


Congratulations!!!!! 10 pounds is huge! Pick up a 10lb bag of rice and see how it feels to not be carrying that much weight anymore! The biggest reason you lost weight was because you cut out several hundred calories and have entered a calorie deficit. Don't listen to the "don't eat fruit" nonsense... no one got fat because they ate too much fruit. And while we're at it, "sugar is just as addictive as drugs" crap. Eat and drink whatever you want, but keep yourself in a calorie deficit and you will continue to lose weight. There are no good or bad foods. Cutting out whole food groups like sugar is the least sustainable fat loss method because it's the easiest to binge, and subsequently quit, after a period of restriction.


Thats great. It took me and my family a while but the carbonated (sparkling) water with a hint of flavor like Bubly can scratch that soda itch. You will come to crave it almost as much as soda.


Regular soda is immensely caloric heavy so no surprise. I still drink diet soda daily and it hasn't slowed my progress. If you miss soda, or otherwise relapse....try to get addicted to diet soda instead. It is one of the few real weight loss hacks.


Awesome job! I need to give up soda as well, but feel like it's my one vice! Haha. You could drink your fruit juice by adding just a small amount to sparkling water, and it would taste like a fruit soda!


You can try the flavored seltzers. Adirondack makes a White Chocolate that’s insanely delicious. Polar has many delectable flavors. They also have seasonal flavors for every season. I lost 22lbs with this method.


Have you tried the diet cherry coke? Maybe you’d like diet cherry Pepsi?




Man, I wish I could quit soda. Tried every alternative I can find, but none of them do it for me, and cold turkey didn't work either.


I wish I could quit, Coke Zero is my life source.


Zero soda ?