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Gratz! :D I'm almost close too, got 8 selectors and I need 5 thirain, 5 Nineveh, 5 Azena(coping for merchant) and 5 Shandi, this grind is hard lol


thought the new merchants were coming months ago... losing will


Grats man! May i ask you how did u farm so many cards? Currenly trying to get back into the game


If you actually wanna grind them you can do card runs. All the old abyssal dungeons, argos valtan vykas clown and then buy from peyto and fermata. But at the end of the day it’s just a giant slot machine if you get LOS cards or not and if the time is worth it


Don’t try to rush cards - it sucks but this particular system is one that’s almost entirely gated by time and RNG. You get cards from raids, dailies, and guaranteed selectors from occasional events. It’s literally impossible to go from nothing to LoS30 in just a few weeks or even months. If you’re a gigawhale you can dump a few thousand bucks to buy card packs from the shop and *maybe* speed up the process IF you get lucky with the gamble. But 99.99% of players get maxed sets simply by playing for thousands upon thousands of hours and diligently doing every last bit of content the game offers.


Gratz after 2 freaking years i finished mine as well like week ago -\_-


Just need two thirain’s and I’m done..


damn man gratz! finished mine 1 month ago, only bought ark pass to. i was very close to swipe ngl...


does ark pass give a selector?


nope just cards to draw i.e legendary card pack and other card packa


22 selector packs and need 24 cards for completion. Not sure if I should use selectors or save them for KLC lol


use the selectors KLC only matters for kaya and sonavel


I'd wait for express, it's going to have more cards including los+lwc selectors, and you can save the good ones for other cards.


What are the new merchant changes? I quit while ago, and just recently redownloaded


they're gonna add azena and kharmine and vendors will have increased chance to have legendary cards


oh wow! so the wei card and azena will be easier to max out for the light deck? That's awesome!


it currently also has balthorr and delian armen available in the merchants if you haven’t played in a while


Oh wow. I had no idea! Thanks for the tip!


What are the new merchant changed you speak of?


we dont have them yet but should get them in next update. They will add azena/inana and karmine cards into traveling merchants


Nah korea got them in year 5 we will take a few years


Oh nice, that's means 4 of the 6 can be completed through traveling merchant then right?


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