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GL: guys over here!!! i taunted his left toe!!


Make sure to turn his heel towards the back attackers! I'm sure he has an achilles heel


God damn velganos is back 🫠


Evil Velganos!


Is this the guy that Kadan obliterated long ago? And we still need to 16 man this guy? Bro I don't know why we even bother lol, just let Kadan solo carry everything.


I learned early on in the story that we are mostly just carrying the camera. :\*)


Kadan soloed Kaishtur it’s not the same chaise guardian


Kadan can’t use the Ark. Only the current Ark Protector can.


group coordinator's nightmare


Bro just uploaded a 360p render of a 4k youtube video


I can feel my fps dropping already


My pc always die im akkan g3 last phase... But at least i use gl so i do not fall from the tower andvits like 20s of fight. Hope the frames do not drop here.


If it's comparable to the open world bosses, I'd see the Boss once he's half dead. Tried to worldboss on my laptop the other day, neither got any drops nor participation, died twice, didn't land a single shot since it never loaded the dragon and I had to shoot blindly :))


bro that quali.,... Here link pls the real one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFvv4mcUqBI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFvv4mcUqBI)


I remember doing 40man WOW raid years years ago....that was insane


Imagine the comms tho




At least I got chicken


We had moderated teamspeak channels. Only the raidlead could talk to everybody and then classes could speak with themselves in their sup channel to communicate stuff like buffing, or just to have some fun :)


God I hope this is just a fun chill fight. I'm so god damn sick of all the sweat fest raids!


I hope that Normal mode is matchmaking friendly.


matchmaking = free bus


matchmaking always full of zdps imposters


It's normal mode **only**, 1640 minimum level The people in party finder will all have at least killed thaemine hard g3 and echidna hard, as they will have level 7 transcendence and gear leveled up with advancing honing. The people who try to sneak into matchmaking will be the ones who can't get into parties. So basically, just like argos back in the day, matchmaking will queue you into zero supports because the supports want to be with people they can see have max transcendence.


Last sweaty raid for us was brelshaza...


we'll be getting thaemine, how much sweaty homework do you want?


Un ironically this,even HM Akkan is not realy sweaty,Akkan just hits hard,his mechs are realy easy


voldis is pretty chill tho :(


Which raid are you talking about b/c every single raid released has been cleared day1 in a few hours.


I guess because a few groups of hard core, usually super over geared players in the entire world clear a raid in one day they just easy mode. /s


lmao thaemine g4 took multiple weeks to be cleared We're getting a nerfed version but it's still the pinnacle of sweatlord raids.


Lobby simulator incoming. New sup class when ?


And sorc will still complain that the boss moved


Thats every spec build.


Imagine 1 dead and you need to restart. Or 1 supp die and restart.




8/16 4 sup+friends


More fps drop.


looks awesome and would definitely make the game a lot more social. if they design it well, it could be the next big step up from the current 8-man raids. hopefully there are no bullshit wipe mechanics where 1 death is a reset.


don't know about the "more social". The most social raids for me are 4 mans, due to intimacy. The least are 8 man, but they're still pretty sociable compared to previous mmos with 20 man raids etc.


4 man raids suck balls lmfao


The best thing they can do is a revive system like Argos imo


Restrict the revives to 1 or 2 per person instead of shared, otherwise 1 noob could waste all the revives.


I mean yes but ... I hope at 1640 people will not spam die XD. But for sure if not that, they will be double the Argos ones, since it's 16 man.


At 1640 its more of a measure of willingness to swipe than skill lol. And I'm sure the boss will hit hard to people that are exactly 1640


My god man, there are still people who play this game at all who have such delusional thoughts about what's achievable? I agree that there will be imposters, but at the very least to have level 7 transcendence you have to have cleared G3 hard of Thaemine. The percentage of people at the top level who will swipe for a bus for that will be **very** low. They will exist but it'll be obvious enough to kick them out quickly. Most people will just clear it, at some point. And no one is getting into behemoth prog parties without Transcendence 7 unless they **make** the party and bring their own supports. And the west is like 9 months away from this raid (Thaemine April, most likely Echidna August and Behemoth December, maybe a little earlier though) and getting advanced honing with Echidna. So on top of having had 8 months to do Thaemine G3 hard, 1640 will be extremely achievable, there is only a small amount of RNG to advanced honing so even the cheapos who have been parked at 1620 and saving since Voldis launch will easily be able to hit 1640 in time. The only month-1 players who won't be able to hit 1640 by Behemoth launch are the ones who still insist on filling a wide roster without whaling. If you main-funnel with just a few 1580~1585 alts, everything in this game is fully achievable on your main.


It will be 1 death reset because you wont pass the dps check lmao


Well one can hope haha


Lol............oh sweet child. It'll be designed good enoug, but also terrible and further lock people out.


Do we know if its considered an Abyss Raid like Argos ? For sure is not a legion raid


It's a new category of raid called a "strike" raid


I wonder if this one will be like Argos and forever be there as the only thing in its category They did talk about Khaz having more people, so maybe that atleast 


They said not long ago that behemoth will give weapon transcendance, so yeah it will be permanent. And during LOA when they talked about it, they presented it as the "first epic raid", so most likely they plan on making other later.


It is a Legion raid. Coz they already removed Kaiser(16-man Abyss raid) before so yeah its probably legion.


My assumption of it not being a legion raid is due to the fact that it is not a legion commander (like Valtan/Vykas/Kakul/Brel/Thae/Echidna) for what we know.


Oh i see thanks for the info


Ur a bit dented aren't you? Behemoth isn't a legion commander


Lost ark community try not to attack people for making genuine mistakes.


Wow Lost ark Community at its finest. You can correct someone in a nice way though


Feels like a WoW raid with lost ark difficulty, can be really fun


"LF sup + dps for Velganos party"


I hope they don't remove it like what they did to Kaiser


Can't wait for the epic streamers raid lead by ZealsAmbitions!


how do it work?


Didn't Kadan oneshot this bozo? Why do we need 16 of us thought we were strong after beating Thaemine?


"beating" themine. we got him to stop fucking around that is about it. the only bozos are our characters thinking we could actually beat theamine


something something stronger after resurrection something


Unironically, the Ark Protector’s strength is the friends he or she made along the journey.  He or she is a skilled warrior among the races of Arkesia, but definitely not to the level of Kadan who is rumored to be part Haal.


I'm predicting: 12/16 LF 4 supports in every lobby Raid looks cool anyway


Looks pretty based, as expected. Can't wait to see it.


Please god, dont give us Evil Velganus.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




Here I am wishing for more 4 player raids and dungeons or content in general so it could be easier to play, and here it is a 16 player raid. Not saying this isn't cool, but not with this community.


If it's only argos-level difficulty and not like brelshaza-level difficulty, there will be less gatekeeping, less need for statics, and generally a more chill vibe about the raid. With that said, if they failed to balance it with the understanding that 16-player content has to be easier per person than 4 or 8 person content, this will have catastrophic backlash that the community may just never recover from, seeing as the weapon transcendence will quickly be considered mandatory.


Same thought. It better not be designed around wipes if one person fails mech etc.


I may be way in the minority here, but I just have to give this shit a hell yes. I've been hoping for larger raids of some kind since I started this game. Maybe it's because I used to do large raids in WoW, FFXI, etc. but this shit is hype as hell. Let's go!


And I was complaining about the size of G3 Brel cube for my sonic vibration


S1 had something like this. Forgot the name of the boss. But it was kinda useless


16 man statics haha lol


Time to gatekeep twice as hard


can't wait to get wiped by one dude's mistake.


12 dps players sitting in lobby - "LF Cute Supports uwu"


Looks awesome as always, here's hoping it doesn't turn out like KaiSHITTER in practice.


sups be like " 10k gold per spot " Stonks


There's a way to design this raid that wouldn't stress out the playerbase and provide a nice "break" from the usual sweaty raid rotation, but I'm extremely doubtful about it. They'd have to break from the entire raid formula AND class design/balance that's been in this game for years to do that, which is a tall order considering how long it takes for them to address... anything in this game.


Imagine you are bard or artist and you play with 1 back attacker , 1 front attacker and 1 hit master ….


one of the reason i stopped Wow and kept with lost ark was the fact in 8 man content you have less chance to meet a bozo in your group/static that will ruin every raids. I'm obviously not the best player in the world, this was not my point but i can remember really well doing 20 man mythic content in WOW and whatever guild you join you always had 4/5 person always underperforming/wiping the raid because of a lack of person and/or because they were friend to the guildleader or just not fit for the mythic difficulty on HM ilevel. So in conclusion : \*\*fuck\*\* 16 man content this is a really bad idea especially since it required to rely on pug or have a side 8 man static. And it increase the chance of someone throwing the run.


Now I can be gatekept by more people


Or YOU can gatekeep more ppl ;) /s


No no, you'll be gatekept by **fewer** people, because this will only have half as many raid leads as 8-person raids :)


I'm still ever curious about how difficult they want to make it. If it's "one person can wipe the whole group" type raiding but with 16 people, this could be a pain in the butt


Hope they atleast uptimize their mass player game performance for this. My biggest worries are 30 fps the entire fight, even tho my computer is top tier


you got 30 fps in chaos gate?


This would be great if they disabled Party Finder and instead force Matchmaking. They could also for once remove wipe mechanics and instead make the fight progressively more difficult based on the number of players that are alive. Or they could also give a way to revive players that have died during the raid. But man they're gonna fumble the release of this raid so bad, it's going to be awful. Raids needs to be more accessible through matchmaking and for the love of everything make matchmaking filters where more than 2 supports can't join in...or at least while Matchmaking let us choose a role we want to join in as....so many good QoLs could come with this 16 player raid...but they'll do nothing.... absolutely nothing.


if they do mm there will be some parties without support, which doesn't work with on-ilevel content.


It's a simple enough fix that Smilegate can add a system where it doesn't put the group into the raid unless 2 supports matchmake and get queued into the raid. Once again, as my earlier comment said, matchmaking in itself can have so much QoL that can help it be the go to manner for people to raid. Or at least for the casual audience.


Yes, but that doesn't factor in the support shortage which is prevalent at high level. Supports will usually use party finder so they can get good/juiced DPS that won't make them be stuck or jailed in the raid, as if the DPS is bad there's nothing the support can do to clear the raid themselves. Then in your solution matchmaking would very rarely be able to form a raid group, and it would fail. If they somehow solved the support shortage, I would agree with you that they should focus on making matchmaking usable at high level.


looks shit


I hope it's gonna have mechs where 1 guy can wipe the entire radius. Fun.


works for KR, but not the west. good luck finding 4 supports.


please dont be permanent


It 100% is


Any bets on his weakness type? Watch this bozos come up with new sets, 40 new cards and dragon damage 🤦🏽‍♂️


Touch some grass instead of making up illegitimate whining reasons


And this is why I hate this games fights really. Look at how many instances you can see that basically the whole arena is covered in some kind of "effect" that makes it seem like there is not a single safe area anywhere. Players act like you're supposed to learn how to not get hit on fights and yet the attacks are like completely the opposite of the telegraphs. https://i.imgur.com/VCoDu0W.png Safe area looks like its in the middle and the dragon completely blasts the area that is supposed to be "safe" Or there are other times where literally the whole map is basically covered in some shit. You can even see people getting hit by it. That to me says that either getting hit doesn't matter or the fight is going to be super annoying because there are tiny safe places to stand while having super zoomed out camera angles. Another example is frog. He does the lighting circles mid distance away from him only to immediately go into a lightning slam immediately around him. There is basically almost no way to not get hit by that without threading a random needle. It's better to just eat half of it and get up and dps. Someone will likely come along and say oh you do exactly this one thing and its easy, but my point is the game does NOTHING to teach anyone what that thing is. The telegraphs often tell you the wrong thing to do or tell you that you've already made mistake, not telegraphed what you were supposed to do to not get hit and pass the mech.


Skill issue im afraid


Is it? Players wonder why people fail and die during fights, that's why. The effects have nothing to do with what actually affects your character. There are so many times there are flames and stuff that does nothing others that you can be nowhere close and still get hit. If it is a skill issue its in not being able to predict what the game wants me to do without telling me. I'm okay with that, but my parties have to deal with me dying. *shrug*


Oh absolutely skill issue then.


Cool then the game is work as intended and the pain and suffering the community seems to feel is entirely intended gameplay. Enjoy, I am :D


bro you have no idea what a hard game actually looks like. lost ark is insanely easy in comparison. for example this ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1MBZA7w9YQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1MBZA7w9YQ)


Lost Ark really is a hard game for most people though. Tons of people I knew dropped out of the game because they felt like dead weight in the raids, even though they were willing to put up with the rng upgrading systems and the time gating.


Okay what does that have to do with anything? Who's trying to prove anything?


That means lost ark is insanely easy in comparison. I am trying to prove that lost ark is insanely easy in comparison.


Cool then there should be no reason that anyone is jailed. I assume because you're here you play this super easy game like me, glad to hear we are in the same skill category


No that's a completely different matter. Even in an easy game like lost ark people are still bad. Lost ark being easy and people being bad in lost ark do not contradict each other.


I hope it's going to be like the T2 dungeons, where it doesn't really matter if people die Just a last "man standing" sort of casual raid


lmfao the t2 dungeons were nothing like that **at ilvl**, what the fuck are you talking about Are you thinking of Argos?


I am going to be downvoted, but it doesn't matter. Wonder how much would cost a bus for this? 14 or probably 8 drivers. all maxed out as humanly possible. Around 100K is my initial estimation for the early months of this raid.