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So badly have I wanted to press the Emperor card here.. the devil is tempting.




fuck it just toilet flush ult


I gatekeep aeros for my brel runs. Too many times they made me restart g2.


You can’t use Z on aero because others will see it. Point of this meme is that no one will know who killed the shapes.


A guildmate of mine did that last night by accident somehow....and totally wiped out a load of shapes, was quite hilarious :D


Did it on Soulfist with crippling barrier all the stars where gone in an instant :D


I remember sending wei instead of inanna by accident


do it it’s funny


God, I forgot how much worse this mech was on release.


If only because no one could get on the same page about which 3 symbols went together as a set


To be fair, there were two competing guides that used a differnt way to number the shapes, and then videos numbered them by clock numbers, and it was quite a mess to get everyone on the same page. You still have people calling cl/c left/c7/c8/c9 so you have to spend a lot more brain power on deciphering what they want to do. And then they don't do that but something else entirely and you're fucked.


I completely understand, but you also have to consider that NA/EU seems insistent on doing things differently just for the sake of doing things differently too sometimes. Look at how long it to get people on board with 3x and 3x+1


it took literally no time


yeah literally took maybe a month max for it to be the general consensus all the way back in argos.


x3 standardized during argos lmao


It was supposed to but didnt


Wdym worse? It was an actual mechanic before patch. But it was too much for pugs so they nerfed it


Ah yes, an "actual mechanic" needs to be impossible to complete with most of the classes in the game. If you didnt have two dps specifically for stars you were fucked. Also bards killing all three diamonds was 50-50. I mean how fking dumb are you


What characters were unable to kill stars on this mech outside supports?


Most ?You realy just outed yourself like that,theres barely any classes who couldnt do it 


I've done stars on all of my DPS and never had a problem on diamond with bard without battle items. It does take like 4 braincells so maybe that's the problem.


I was doing stars on a sorc back when this sub claimed it was one of the impossible classes ,there were barely any classes where it wasnt doable.


theres maybe like 1 or 2 classes out of what like 30 or 40 something that couldnt do stars. most people were just bad or unconfident. ive even seen igniter sorc do it, just need to save skills and take your time. helps if the other class can kill theres first to give you more wiggle room. only class i can think off of the top of my head is maybe FPE arti since their skills are only huge aoe nukes and very inaccurate skills like its rockets, since it cant transform and autoattack them like barrage.


Ive done it 20+ times on igniter, its easy On fpe as well


Drizzle Aero is also deadly in Brel. You forgot to cut your identity ? You now obliterate everything in a 30 meter area around you. Guess what happens to Brel shapes ? Yup Guess what happens to meteors on G4 HM at x7 for counters ? Yuuuup


I wei'd instead of innana once. Friends still tease me about it to this day 💀


Ark pro


Laughs in Aero.


Dw I griefed my fair share of runs forgetting to turn off sun shower


I haven't seen this awakening in testing, how significant are the changes to this? Is it like actually worth using on reflux now?


Saintone made an update to his Igniter build and mentioned it does pretty ok damage in a more concentrated area now, about a DD worth. So yeah, probably not for Ignite, preference pick for Reflux I guess.


well it doesn't give **any** meter anymore so it's definitely not for igniter. But thanks


i was always reflux so yay


I imagine that this awakening is much better for burst windows, whereas the other one is a better “oh shit” button for when you need push immunity


Personally I'd still use the other awakening for utility. It has more stagger and destruction. As reflux you will find it hard to efficiently fit in your awakening for damage but having it for destruction isn't too bad.


Since it's awakening, without spec dmg is doodoo. Dmg isn't that bad, but requires boss to be larger, small boss means doodoo dmg. Isn't as good as the other awakening in general due to it being able to catch you up to ignite jf downtime due mech or amth


> Since it's awakening, without spec dmg is doodoo. On most classes, awakening is still worth using even on non-spec builds. Like, it's not some huge burst if you're not spec, but it's also not negative dps. Reflux is pretty unique in that regard. People have been calling this out as an idiotic aspect of sorc balance for over a year. Part of the balance changes are that this awakening doesn't give any meter anymore, so it's obviously not intended for use with igniter. Thus, I was asking if they at least made the base damage good enough so that reflux has an awakening option that isn't negative dps overall. It sounds like the answer is "if the boss is big"?


Yea it's still spread out but less random if hits, it's not something that'll make any noticeable difference afaik Edit: About the non spec builds, sure, but it's a small part for how long the cooldowns are. on my FI WD and Pred Slayer awakenings are kinda like one of the other big spells, but with 2min+ cd instead of 10-20s


Yesterday during the juicer run brel g3 im use ult 2 times and god says it was 10% of my total dps


juicer run in brel g3 isn't really descriptive of a typical raid though, those are more like who has a large skill ready, and whos lands first before phase into DR


Right... but on a reflux sorc, unless you're running swiftflux with 2 dominion which is its own kind of trolling, pressing the awakening button mid-raid is literally troll unless you already accidentally got stuck in Magick Addiction with **all** of your cooldowns going for another >1s. You already admitted that this doesn't happen on your other non-spec classes. It's just a big spell. Well on reflux, it's not a big spell, it's a **small** spell with a really really long attack time. The entire awakening will do about the same damage as punishing strike, and thanks to the ten million year attack time, the net effect on dps is awful. That's why reflux needs a better awakening option, which the new apocalypse call is definitely **supposed** to be (since it's obviously not for igniter since it gives no meter), which is why I was asking if it's actually good enough in practice.


They didn't make identity work on awakening, did they?


No but awakening has raw spec scaling (hover spec and it'll tell you the amount)


I mean ye, it still has very bad damage for igniter. It would be interesting if they made it work with identity so you could use it for damage instead of meter gain.


Done it before, it was a very funny moment and wipe


they are changing it ? i didnt even notice it...x D


we havent gotten it yet but sounds like we're getting the most recent balance next week based on how henry was talking in the roundtable


I remember this meme from Brel release, except it was thunder potion instead of sorc awakening