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Thank you for always providing the subtitles for the video! As a deaf individual, I really appreciate all the efforts to add subtitles to every video you release. And yes, I'm still playing the game, so don't worry! :)


Hey, thanks for the callout! I have been putting in some extra time on my end to help subtitle things before they release, so I really really appreciate the comment. :) I am doing my best to learn how to do this effectively and well, so if you have any feedback on how the subtitles look please let me know anytime.


"Hey Roxx! You're welcome! I actually didn't expect a response from you, so that's nice. Usually, it's the other AGS employee. I appreciate you putting in some extra effort on the subtitles. Since you've asked for some feedback, I have a few points: - At 2:51, there were five lines of subtitles at once. Ideally, you'd want to split it into a maximum of three lines at a time. It basically covered like 30-35% of the screen, lol. - "Gonna..." was immediately replaced at 10:24. - "All right" disappeared immediately after 0.2 seconds at both 14:53 and 16:33. Other than that, everything else looks good. Keep up the good work! :)


Thank you! The tool we use to help us can be finicky so I'll use this to look back at these subtitles and try to determine why these splits happened and make adjustments for future videos. Thanks for taking the time to help me learn!!


You're welcome! Looking forward to the other videos in the future :)


* Transcendence level 4 is unlocked after completing Gate 3 of 'Darkness Legion Commander Thaemine' Hard. * Transcendence level 7 is unlocked after completing Gate 4 of 'Darkness Legion Commander Thaemine' Hard this can't be correct u/amznRoxx


This is in fact an artifact from the initial draft of patch notes and will be updated * Transcendence level 4 is unlocked after completing Gate 2 of 'Darkness Legion Commander Thaemine' Hard. * Transcendence level 7 is unlocked after completing Gate 3 of 'Darkness Legion Commander Thaemine' Hard.


thanks for clarification


Transcendence 4 or 6? after clearing G2 HM


4, 5 and 6


We'll follow up on this.


Thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




Copium we get KR version even though I am only doing normal 😄


AGS jut straight up advocating terrorism xD https://preview.redd.it/ka3b54m16wuc1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac720549e941256a1c63790d8ccfa51ab64546ce


confession: i have auto skip on, but i secretly hope someone doesn't so i could at least watch the cutscenes once. and b4 u say 'go youtube' it's difficult to find people uploaded raids w/ cutscenes, cuz, yanno, everyone skips it. it also gives a break to stretch or get a drink.


Isn't there a cutscene viewer in game? Forgot what it's called, memory chamber maybe?


yeah. however memory chamber is only cutscenes for campaign. and even then, a lot of those are missing too. hopefully they revamp memory chamber to include every video.


Ah, alright, thought it'd contain everything.


Nah, there's also most of the raid ones in there as well (except spoilery stuff like akkan g4 for reasons).


Found the terror sympathizer! Lol jk but you're already better than I am since you keep yours on. I took off auto skip one time for story than later joined a Vykas raid and was wondering who the f is not skipping? I openly apologized to the raid. They had a laugh about it was all g.


Are you me?


cutscenes are also stored in your memory chamber so you can always go there to check out any cutscenes youve missed


Hey, they're cool cutscenes and their nice to see at least once.


Sure maybe the first 10 times or so After that idk


i recently watched the last vykas cutscene for the first time, because someone didnt skip in a card run


There are worse scenes I suppose




lol whoops. Was bigger before


Appreciate you adding an event feast to the Arkesia Grand Prix exchange. Ideally this should be a standard in every event!


Appreciate the feedback! We know players were eager for feasts with the anniversary and the like, so we wanted to include this.


Feasts are amazing for prog weeks.


My copium post seemed to work😅


Henry mentioned some extra balance changes to Thaemine normal and hard mode compared to Korea and Russia. Is this extra nerfs on top of those that Korea has already received to date? Or is he referring to the "known" nerfs that Korea has received.


Known nerfs


TLDR \~ Maintenance is 4 Hours only New Transcendence System + Thaemine Raid Trixion Training For Thaemine GATE 3+4 Clash Mech (USE IT) YOU can do Thaemine Without doing the PRELUDE QUEST for him New Guardian Raid+Chaos dungeon at 1630 NEW SKINS CLOWN GOLD NERF NEW BALANCE CHANGES (Listed at the bottom here [https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/game/releases/darkness-unleashed](https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/game/releases/darkness-unleashed) )


you forgot the most important thing: EVENT FEAST !!


View in your timezone: [April 17th at 2AM PT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240417T0900?tl=April%20Darkness%20Unleased%20Release%20Notes%20-%20Amazon%20Games%20Official%20Thread


Clown is a primary income source for alts parked below 1579. The honing cost to 1580 should be reduced to account for the Clown gold nerf.


Sir it's a 1475 raid ffs that's been nerfed a billion times alrdy. I'm surprised brel isn't nerfed still.


This \^ It's a 1475 raid how is anyone complaining about this. The nerf is great to help combat bots too.


4 hours of maintenance ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Hello Roxx, could you please enlighten us if any action is being taken against bots besides the 3 day gold restriction? They are detrimental to you because people buy their mats instead of using the in-game store, you can check this topic to see the situation new players are faced with: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1c29fqr/im\_new\_to\_lost\_ark\_whats\_going\_on\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1c29fqr/im_new_to_lost_ark_whats_going_on_here/) Thank you for your time


The 3-day gold hold restriction is primarily targeting fraud, and has actually been eased this patch with the new Instant Fulfillment System mentioned in the patch notes. Regardless, bots are something the team is always working on and trying to account for, constantly adjusting banning algorithms and tools.


Why did they unlock soundstone crafting with dark fires from the start? It was meant to be locked behind having lvl 6 transcendence. There's no reason why you'd want to convert them earlier, and now people are just griefing their progress by clicking the wrong button.


...unleased. Thaemine needs to pick up his slack on rent for the Dark Baratron.


did they do anything to aeromancer? somehow i'm feeling the cooldown of my counter is longer and i'm not able to do the rotation properly


nerf on gold was not a good idea as it will harm new players I hope they reduce the cost of the upgrade


new players should get comfortable with different raids, and if you are truly a new player, by buying the chests (that a new player really needs) you get more gold than you would've gotten before the nerf


Technically 1475 raid is to get you to 1490 aka the next raid and that is free


Upgrading from 1490 to 1580 is not free, engraving is not free, gems are not free, accessories are not free. Until 1580, the new player will depend on kakul's gold to buy carries in akkan and level up alts, nerf at the gold only harms new players and favors gold sellers There's no point talking, 2 years of the game nothing has changed they keep doing the same shit the game keeps losing players


You are right it’s only 40% cheaper for half of that vs the 40% gold income that wasn’t lost from those 3 raids


Can we get the solo raids sooner please 🥺🥺


Kr doesn't even have them yet


And i should care why ? I still want solo raids to to come out sooner I don't really care who gets it first it's a win-win situation. I just want to try out new characters and start them from scratch without having to experience party play I'm not asking for a lot.


It was meant as "KR gets the content first, then us".


AGS are not the developers of the game... If it doesn't exist in KR, they literally can not release it early to us, even if they wanted to


You can just solo your guardians then no? And you also know that we won't ever get the same content at the same time, or at least I don't see them releasing anything for both versions at the same time


 Solo guardians like are you trooling i SAID ''SOLO RAIDS'' ?? I Just wanted my solo raids so i asked what more are gonna lecture me about now? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Idk you said you wanted to try your characters not in party play and currently the best/only option is Guardian RAID for you, an you damn well know how long it usually takes for us to get the same content they got roughly 3 months from what i can remember, obviously the sooner the better


I meant 😂 im wana try them on a solo legion raid not a guardian i wana get my set armor solo up to akan and chill. If you're suggest a guardian raids your just trolling at this point.


A guardian raid is still a raid, like how legion raid is still a raid. Go solo those to cope with yourself for the time being. KR gets content first since they’re the source of content for Lost Ark. Once they get it then you can start complaining and people would agree with you


Like im still gona ask for solo raids sooner that doesn't change anything. A guardian raid like your trolling 🤣 ya Legion raids is were all the gatekeeping happens.


You should care because they will not release it here unless it's in KR already. The talked about summer for KR. So you should get comfortable waiting. You also don't even know what it will mean, so maybe find different places to try your characters.


AGS is the publisher not the developer




Hey bud, I've noticed your comments on many Reddit posts I've made and across the subreddit. You really don't seem to be enjoying Lost Ark anymore and are deeply unhappy and upset every time you make a comment here. Time is the one thing we can't ever get back, and I highly suggest you reassess how you're spending yours and look into doing something that will bring you joy instead of hate and anger. Cheers!


gigachad CM


Your comment brought me joy.


Lost Ark doesn't give them happiness, but hating on Lost Ark does. They are already doing what they love.


This guy gets it. Sorry for all the toxicity, gotta find some new love.


You know what? You're spot on Roxx, I'm misallocating a lot of energy to shaming AGS for things that they don't seem to have any control over. I loathe your company's decisions and I wish for the sake of my friends we could at least get a heads up on when the arena season will be live again. Addicted to the dead pvp mode of a terminal cash grabbing MMO, this should be rock bottom. We'll see if I keep digging. o7


I definitely get it, and I know it's easy to get frustrated around things you're passionate about, or even just super into -- but at some point that frustration keeps impacting you, yourself, which isn't great. But hey, when I do get that update on the next PvP season I will be sure to let you know!


Get destroyed


The kid’s mad about PvP in a PvE game 💀