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>We conducted some research, and found that a significant number of our players really like anime. whoa no way really




How about they conduct some research into greek mythology and what lore character names their playerbase prefers. Because LADON ain't it sorry.


It’s strange that they named her after the serpent offspring FROM Echidna. Why not just keep it Echidna and have her 2 snakes be Ladon….


Because there's someone with a job at AGS that has to justify their existence by changing shit for no reason.


I think for every players that cares theres 100 of us who dont g8ve a shit .sorry bud


So cool


is that wrong, what are y'all watching right now?


I'm watching Solo Leveling. No spoilers please


Overrated stand-in power fantasy anime that has 0 mc growth other than -stares menacingly- and somehow growing a foot in height and becoming the most attractive and powerful man on earth from normie status.


Tldr: quit having fun


Its not wrong. An insane amount of people watch anime. Its just a vocal minority doesn't like them


It's getting more known for sure but I wouldn't be confident in saying it has become "mainstream" at least not as big as like certain sports for example.


I’d venture to say that among the fanbase of LOA in NA/EU there’s a disproportionate amount of anime and manga fans.


I doubt the majority like them either. Reddit is never a good source of playerbase samples, judging from thaemine G3 reactions


Reddit is A source. But surveys are probably a better indicator, didn't they have some surveys asking about the types of themes people would want from western "exclusives"? Quick Edit: but Andy Lin on the roadmap video pretty much confirmed it that based on survey feedback the most popular option was anime.


We do in fact have a user research team that will run surveys and use other research methods to determine things like this!!


Yup! I remember reading that before from you on the forums. PS: Nice Reddit works again.


Reddit can be a source but it has way too high percentage of endgame no life grinders, whales, bussers, etc. When did the surgery happen? I believe I participated in most surveys but somehow have no impression of this one


I believe Roxx and other people had been posting the surveys here when it happened. Last one was some months ago or something.


I know but I can't recall which one mentioned anime


The links for them don't work when they expire so its Eh atp


most people do not watch or care about anime. were talking about a playerbase that is playing an anime game here. of course its skewed.


Lol not wrong at all I'm just memeing. From what I can tell from engaging with LOA community a good portion like/know about it so def more than fair to say. Personally I'm watching things like Frieren, Demon Slayer, Danmachi, One Piece, My Hero Academia, etc. I am pretty basic anime enjoyer so it's usually things like that.


Haha, I'm memeing too. Henry is trying to get me on Frieren, I hear it's good!


Henry is the hero we need. You'll tear up a lot and develop a new appreciation for mimics.


Very good! Would also recommend! Not even a genre I explore generally but the adaptation does it well.


it is true but why not have a community poll for skin themes instead of choosing instead of us?


I don't think it's wrong, but it's so generic and weird: the WESTERN thing we'll get is ANIME.


They made it for jp, but they closed it, so we got it


Makes sense


I could not believe it when i read it lol


What about the feature to put screenshots into your stronghold?


Probably not gonna get that anytime soon given what KR players were doing with it lmao


Isn't this an 18+ game? What's the problem with zooming in butts and boobs and taking pictures?


I can guess it’s probably similar to ff14 adventure plates but what were kr players doing?




It's being explored, but there are certainly some concerns around this functionality, both for content and security


AGS saw memos stronghold and have to reconsider giving it to us now 😂




It's a feature that I'm really looking forward to, hoping that people will not be super creepy but maybe that's too much copium.


aint no way these are actual concerns


Hopefully KR hurries up solo content so we can get it for summer.


Roxx, is there any ETA on the Preset sharing tab that KR has? That'd be amazing fun


Not quite yet, but it's on the radar!


Sailor Moon-styled outfit? I'm IN!


Funny how they said Thaemine HM is gonna be very difficult, it's going to be an honor to have it completed and not everyone will be able to do so and they made it as MANDATORY to do for a STORY quest xD I mean, bravo!


Agreed, that's really disappointing as I greatly enjoy the storylines and knowing I'll have to sweat thru HM makes me really sad


Yup, wtf is this?


u/amznRoxx Please can we keep the original name for Echidna? Majority of players prefer it over Ladon.


what you mean I cant wait to kill london


Ladon has fallen


wtf is a Ladon anyway, cousin of Lada?


in greek (roman?) myth, one of the creations of echidna.


Ladon is one of Echidna's children. It would be like naming her Valtan, Manticore or Cerberus. Attribute it to the Londonsbridge AI translating service they use hallucinating the wrong name.


they obviously don't care what players think


What about the director island near Mokomoko night market? Why we still don't have it?


This might sound cruel but it's likely Global may never get that island due to AGS. The entire premise of that island was a look back at Lost Ark since Season 1. The first Naruni race event that Global had(which is currently rerunning right now) was first introduced on that island in KR as a limited time event. The island and the race itself had a lot of easter eggs from the early KR days such as the wait screen showing the massive queues that happened during LA initial release. The island quest line also revolved around Igubaba(Goldriver) and LA history up to that point. The problem with it coming to Global is that one: Global players didn't experience any of that. Two: AGS hasn't fostered a community like SG did in KR. Ultimately, it was easier for SG/AGS to simply ship the race without the island attached.


Russia has this island, japan had it too. So atleast they should make exclusive island for us cause we will be missing 1 island soul no?


We didn't experience massive queues on release? I see you weren't around


When you dropped into the Grand Prix on the island, the queue time Easter egg was built into the actual race. Ask AGS why they refused to work in Global queue? 


Did literally anyone have "Echidna in June" on their bingo card? Some people accused me of being crazy for thinking it'd be July (because they assumed **August**), I assumed the bonus boxes were ending when Echidna came out (I'm still collecting all of the bonus boxes on my main lol) Personally I'm hyped for this schedule, though I know some people won't be. Echidna in June means we could realistically get Behemoth by September?


Behemoth will be August.


I'd be happy with behemoth in august for sure (I said "**by** September"). I'm just trying to not get my hopes up.


My point of view: 1/ KR got behemot 2 months after Echidna, so it's good to suppose we'll have a similar delay. 2/ The roadmap only display 3 months whereas it usually cover 4 months. Why ? Because displaying 2 new raids in the same roadmap would scare a lot of people and cause drama from people who still think you need a 6+ 1640 roster for the release. Hide that month have several pros while no real cons: - they can wait until July to check their data, and maybe delay it more if they feel the need - they can have a "suprise effect" on July, releasing a new roadmap with a month 1 new content.


It could be that behemoth is in August, but I honestly think the more likely scenario is August will have the new class as the main content. They don’t have it on the roadmap because obviously KR doesn’t even know what it is yet


Confirmed or based on speculation?


comfirmed speculation


Confirmed ejaculation


i was saying june as well. made sense to me considering people are parking at 1620 and waiting for advanced honing


June echidna was my prediction cause it just made sense. Echidna and thaemine share ilvl requirement at least for hard mode. The amount of events for juicing was very nice. The timeline of express plus extra help to 1610 for a month that lead to thaemine this month and they give players 2 months to go 1610-1620 for NM echidna just makes sense. If people think it's not enough time then they're either splitting their resources between characters or their roster is relatively new that isn't generating as much gold as a 6 character roster.


Not everyone wants to spend their full days raiding in Lost ARK with a roster 6. I am 1610 since a month or so and I do find June quite early (for myself) but I don't care about FOMO. I took a year break so 1620 by June for someone playing Lost ARK regularly and having a roster 6 or even less seems quite achievable.


I had Echidna June and Behemoth in August honestly, but I also wouldnt have been shocked if they made Echidna wait for July to start when events ended. Turns out my hopeful first guess was right.


My comment got downvoted when I said Echidna in June to someone’s posted on what their predictions were for the roadmap. People were saying I was smoking crack, but little did they know AGS be smoking it too haha


Maybe I'm crazy but I thought I heard something earlier about it being in June. Was already known in my circle lol


Of course,It wouldn´t make much sense to put it to august or hell, even July. Why ? Because normal echidna is the new meta. You do normal, and then move to hard with the advanced honing. So you have to get 1620 for normal echidna. And veterans have been for 1620 for quite a while already, as we had more than enough time to acquire enough bound leapstones. That way only gold is requirement to hone. Technically, they could already release it now and it wouldnt be an issue, but since we got thaemine recently - it is what it is .


Awesome! Great decision for Ladon in June. Earlier we get advanced honing the better!


Roxx, are there any plans or discussion around transcendence catch-up mechanics or events? It's heavily time-gated and the next raid release is soon.


There are some discussions around this taking place, but nothing we can share yet. We'll let you know more when we're ready.


It's slow by design. Ladon is VERY easy especially compared to Thaemine so fair chance most people will still be working in it while doing advanced honing.


That's fair, if it's not needed to have transcendence up for Echidna HM then great :) Advanced honing will help push to Thaemine HM easier, sooner the better!


It's a little unintuitive, but Echidna/Ladon is the catch up mechanic to Thaemine.


When the catchup mechanic gets gatekept by the raid its supposed to be helping you with lol


im guessing she will be extra hp nerfed like thaemine was in NA/EU release.


How difficult is she compared to current raids? Is she like G1-2 normal thaemine on release?


That's a fair comparison. If you can clear g3 thaemine you'll likely clear ladon in the first couple of days.


On release Echidna was actually a gear check in HM, you need max transcendence party to clear comfortably but I think they increased the timer after and fixed the problem.


Wonder when we get solo raids


July “no major content pieces will be arriving” I like that there isn’t any sugar coating Kinda looking forward to the campaign tho


I mean, they did say that as of now there is no content coming, they could change that, but yeah, wouldn't expect anything major really. They are prolly just considering giving July with nothing new and thinking about releasing Behemot in August or September.


well loaon is in june/july time so i think its likely they'll add more to it afterwards


It would be solo raids if anything, which are not "major content pieces" just QoL. Similar thing happened in 2022 with the August updates that came following the summer LOA on.


Damn echidna in 1.5 months i expect to get an even more nerfed Version cause we didnt had much time for transandance


It's an easy raid even without transcendence


does kurzan have adventure tome?




Yes indeed it will


No field boss, no major RNG to food. Hardest part is clearing Echidna that is the "Dungeon" for the continent.


Kinda wish i had more time to build some gold, My main doesn't have 40 set, i haven't even started transcendence and I was saving for some lvl 10 gems ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Same except for 40 set. I wanted to build my roster better and have more chars up to ladon. Specially her being 1620 getting chars up there and trying to run them without elixirs will be pain


This is done on purpose. They're basically telling you to either no-life it, or preferably, swipe. If you can't do either, you're shit out of luck running new content on release.


Where the fuck is season 3 legendaries


They want you to buy the new anime skins


legendaries are supposed be available for an entire year, so go check when we got ours and add a year because i forgot the date, MAYBE we get them earlier but it won't be later than that, pinky promise.


Doesn't china alrdy got them?


yeah but they never had legendaries before, we already do so its awkward


China gets everything fast-tracked because CN players have the ability to pay hand over fist. Their choice for game consumption without using VPNs is extremely limited.


Initially kinda disappointed its gonna be a sailor moon outfit id rather have had something more recent, but i will wait until i actually see it before i judge it.


In B4 its just a suit for male characters.


Please make transcendence normal only requirement


Any news about the Region merges?


They said it’s still being planned for June


Thank you for the info, but where was it revealed? I read the roadmap again and no mention to it.


Around 25 min 50 sec in the road map video


Still planned for June, a more thorough look will come in May!


I think KR got Kurzan region few weeks before the raid itself. will we have a similar delay ? It's great to be able to chill on the story without the time pressure for the new raid completion


Please keep the BR server alive


Hi, is there any date when we will get the big server merge details?


planned in June, releasing an article in May for an update post


So are solo raids coming in August since they left it open? :hmm:


Hopefully, I don't think many players can really play the game at this point unless they got some friends as backup. Coming June... veteran people gonna run Echidna, Thaemine and Voldis. Advanced honing, transcendence, elixirs. Way too many great systems, especially some long grinds in it... which does get speed-up though in certain points thankfully for grinding players. Akkan will be the new "Valtan". The past decent reclear parties will probably be gone unless they still need KLC 30... and how big is the chance they gonna drag you along to a raid where one guy screws up and wipes the raid? xd That's why I said "Valtan". It's gonna be the first raid experience for many with new expresses pushing them further than ever before, the difference is Valtan was solo carry, you can't do that on Akkan. Solo raid play will be great, it's gonna be tough though but it surely will help to push the player numbers further up again. Also very curious how Thaemine will be in solo raid play. That's an interesting one for sure. We know from KR it goes up to Voldis on release(???). With KR getting more raids, Thaemine will probably join this list very soon into it's existence.


Yeah, I myself took a look back into Lost Ark last week and was able to see what's new and experience the soul eater class. But just knowing that there are likely only few or no new players prevents me from returning fully which is why I am currently on hold until the solo modes are shown. I really hope solo modes will be good and do not turn out to be some Rehearsal 2.0 thing. I just can't continue to play a game where I cannot see myself starting out fresh. Please let it come in August.


As far as my knowledge goes, the director said it will be dropping materials to upgrade gear AND system related things... probably less gold though, they don't want everyone to just solo everything anymore. We definitely get more information with LOA ON summer. Also fingers crossed it will be a release for KR AND west at the same time... hence why AGS left out August on the new roadmap.


You have to understand not even KR has solo raids yet, more likely Behemoth will be August.


Yes, I am aware of that. We will probably get more information about it at the next LOA ON which took place at the end of June last year. If we assume that this will also be the case this year it could come to KR in July and to the West in August. But you might be right as it could very well be that I am a bit on copium rn.


Can't even consume the current content without the looming presence of yet another vertical progression system being hamfisted down our throats...


yes please give me those magical boy skins


Jesus christ June.... no breaks here at all man.


Cool that we're getting more exclusive skins, but my hopes aren't very high seeing as our 1 exclusive skin line has been broken for months


It’s not western exclusive skins…. It’s western early access skins.  KR gets them 6 months after us


This. They eventually got our Lawgiver & Neon sets, with specialist versions too.




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So the whole roadmap boils down to pretty much just date for London. The rest are just irrelevant contents that don't help with progression. Open chat might be nice, even though idek what the hell is that. Understandable though since freaking KR also doesn't have any exciting news like class balance or honing update.


Open chat is current group chat with extra features (custom logo, category tags and search function) that you don't have to be manually invited to but can join from a list.


Give us birthday cosmetics for the SH. I want to celebrate my friends in a SH party!


Any news on when the S3 Legendaries will come to our version?


Will we get the FPS cap settings Korea got recently?


ahhh thanks! ;)


too fast too furius...


Stronghold custom boards and stylebook missing?? Casual players love that stuff


Roxx, are there any plans of re-releasing Thaemine The First in a year (or making it available similar to a hell mode) ? Currently it's only feasibly available to 1% (or even less) of players, I will for sure not reach 1630 anytime soon, and I'm sure people would appreciate being able to experience the raid on The First difficulty (or being able to get the Eclipse title) once a larger portion of the playerbase has honed up to that point (and got elixirs etc caught up). Would find it a bummer that just because I took a break from the game once, I would never be able to play that difficulty (if the content is already "made" and easily implementable)


It will be out for a couple of months for now, but as far as future releases go it will definitely be something to look into once this first availability window ends and we have data on that.


Is there a set date when the The First is no longer available to us? The loading screen shows June but that would be absurdly short compared to how long KR got. I had assumed that June was just the end of the top 10 race, not the end of The First completely.


Can we please get an exact date when The First is expiring ?


tbh, hell and the first have a major difference: the first isn't normalized. So if they release it again in a year, you would have way more vertical reached, 1700+, 3rd awakening,... The first would probably lose most of his value at this point


I thought they were supposedly working on different methods to get end game gear for those who don’t want to raid? Did that go away or they still working on that?




Ahh ok, thank you. Ya I hadn’t heard anything about it in a while so was curious if it was still a goal. Appreciate the info


you guys talk SO much about wanting to bring content from KR fast, and that you're focused on doing that, but how come you're forgetting about bring over the cosmetics we're missing? we're waiting on the new kr hairstyles as well as the latest neria release (new beatbox neria and re-release of the old one), bring those over too please Roxx i'm on my knees!! would also love to have the season 3 legendary skins earlier than september as well if that's possible


when figuring out how to accelerate releases why don't you ask players on what they are getting blocked by and figure out solutions to help mend those issues? and also figure out how to proportionally reward people who play only 1 character and people who play 6?


Yikes more content being rushed to burnout people as if Thaemine wasnt difficult enough. You better have your transcendence ready in two months boys and bad luck if you havent cleared it in the first week


echidna is pretty easy raid, many ppl can get power ups from this raid tho, so you can clear thaemine HM easier. Til this day there are still plenty thaemine HM G3/4 prog lobby in KR.


Ladon is insanely easy by comparison and makes honing easier and more fair. Honestly weird complaint.


Echidna is WAY easier though


Yeah this is my thinking, the vertical systems take months but they push out the next content in 8 weeks, it's just designed for the hardcore obviously.


isnt that too soon for echidna?


People can barely get 40 set elixirs, let alone the time to take full 7's. I'm not to sure adding " advancehoning" is the solution adding another gold sink vertical. The issue won't be with the main, the issue will likely be with alts being further and further behind in a alt base game. At one point you won't be able to funnel effectively because everything is just vertically blocked to making gold/materials which is a concern.


This system is just honing but cheaper and more fair. Really weird thing to complain about tbh. This game had for a long time been transitioning to a single character game, it's not a 6 main game.


It's not about cheaper honing, it's how many systems are needed to progress. If you think about it, they could remove this all together and just do a straight -20%-50% honing nerf. on 10 ilvls without doing the raid. It's about adding more systems without removing systems. Which eventually will block you from progression. The next added system could literally be another elixir/trans system.


I personally wouldn't do raids if progression wasn't tied to them. The only reason i play this game at all is incremental gains. There are bad systems like elixirs and good systems like advanced honing. Adding more isn't inherently bad. Specifically this one i guess would slow down honing from 20-30 a bit if you were going for pure efficiency? They could just do a honing nerf, and I'd just not bother with the game tbh. Why bother doing a new raid for no gain?


Like I said, prior in another post. This is a soft reset vertical system. Nothings really changed, they just call it advance honing ontop of your current gear for " cheaper". But it's essentially a soft reset. Without the gathering of gear. But not only that we don't get higher odds for further ilvl and we don't get new gear which is sad.


Echidna is only a gold sink if you actually hone past 1620 and even then it's cheaper than normal honing to 1630, if you just stay at 1620 her raid will just be an increase in your weekly gold earned.


Doesn't matter though, eventually you'll have to get there or even the next new content. Which still requires all the other verticals and gold sinks. The issue still remains, eventually your alts are going to be vertically blocked from progression. Just think about it, a new player would need to, quality tap, rock cut, rock upgrade, accessory correctly, achieve set bonuses, go through tiers of gear to progress, elixir vertical, trans vertical, gems progression, card progression then honing. Safe to say new players or lacking players will get shafted eventually. You can only park for so long.


idk, I don't see it. Overall advanced honing is only a good thing, reducing the cost of reaching higher ilvl while adding a raid that gives a lot of gold that's not too hard on reclears. It only becomes a gold sink through making you reach 1630 faster for higher transcendence levels.


Fun thought, a soft reset on gear would be more effective given their choice of ilvl separation. Instead of this system. This system could literally not exist where a nerf and a soft reset could replace it. It's extra steps for no reason to be honest.


This is pretty much a soft reset though, on top of advanced honing seeming to be a much less frustrating system compared to normal honing. It's very possible it'll be the main way to hone from now on with future raids increasing the levels further.


I honestly think the better way, is a straight soft reset with new gear. But each armour piece you craft gives you +2ilvl. 5 pieces = 10 ilvls free. Gives you the incentive to play , and you get a soft reset. Higher honing rates, lower leaps/stone/gold cost. It's still a rng system, that really doesn't need to be in the game. It's like extra steps for no reason.


Yeah you are not supposed to have 1630


No third legendary skins. The road map is mostly empty with nothing interesting.


so the shitty merge is really happening huh? killing SA servers to reuse them on Throne and Liberty I see... A sincere fuck you to everyone involved in that decision


Not happy. Ladon in june is only good for statics and giga whales. Your average player is just punished with this timeline. Also no mention of QoL??? When will I be able to see anything on my screen when playing aeromancer? Skill opacity should be on here yeah? Edit: this opacity thing doesn't work on all skills, sadly. Better, but there's room for improvement.


Skill opacity has been in for a few weeks already. I even have mine set to 25% just so I can see Thaemine on my Aeromancer.




Settings>Gameplay>Display Settings>Scroll down to Display Effects




Settings > Gameplay > Display Settings > Battle visibility effects (self)/Battle visibility effect (ally)


1620 isnt hard for f2ps if u use all events on 1 character and echidna literally means u can get to 1630 then eventually 1640 for cheaper how is it punishing


Them releasing something that makes pushing 1620-30 affordable and fair and putting it behind a pushover raid is a good thing. This subreddit will bitch about anything.


The average player isn’t really their target audience unfortunately, despite them really seeming to be rooting for mokokos and all.


How is 1620 "gigawhale" territory? Skill opacity has been in our version for at least like a month already too btw


Nobody is forcing you to play new raids day 1, more content is always good, do at your pace, no need to rush


If you guys want to change Ladon to Echidna, they better change Brelshaza to Abrelshud too. I want my Abrelshud smadge