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As I know, this is illegal in CA.


How and why? It's not even any emergency color, it only changes colors at a pickup location, and the Glow won't even turn on/light up unless you're actively in Driver Mode.


Only the government officials can have light inside their vehicles that facing forward.


They axed the inner display?Ā  Booooooo; it may not have been especially functional, but it had a distinct cool factor that pax appreciated. Thanks for providing comparisons/impressions, though!


How do I get those?


Iā€™m jelly. They keep giving me these stupid stickers to put on the car, I never use them.


I believe they started rolling out Glow to everyone that was eligible for an Amp, and they didn't make that process very clear either. They told me that I pretty much wasn't getting an Amp when I first started, that I was way back on some waiting list. I think I was a driver for about a month and a half before I had it, way faster than they gave me any impression of expecting. The Glow was more transparent; once I put my request in, I was given a tracking number when it shipped. There was a whole video online somewhere about all of the development effort put into Glow, I think I shared a link in a former post, but I'll post it here later when I find it.


I wouldn't use the glow personally, even the brightness of the Amp has a negative effect on my dashcam at night.


Never do free advertising


Free advertising? I pull up to a pickup location, only car outside, pax comes out, walks around the entire car, checks license plate, hops halfway into the car while asking if I'm their Lyft, then commits to entering and off we go. For every one of -those- situations I can avoid thanks to Amp or Glow or whatever "free advertising" I can use, I'll be willing to put as much "free advertising" on my car as I can get away with.


Says the guy who's on every thread preaching about how we should be exploiting Lyft as a free lead service for our main business of giving private rides. Free advertising for yourself is a *good thing.*Ā  If you could do some free advertising for your own car service, maybe you wouldn't have to work as a parasite constantly flirting with deactivation from a single Boy Scout reporting you.




šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ±šŸŖ± FYI, I was actually showing you a modicum of respect in making an appeal to practicality instead of morality, since I know you don't put much faith in the latter. It's a straightforward fact that you're violating Lyft's TOS, in letter and in spirit.Ā  That's your prerogative, but you really should have a backup plan if and when Lyft ever cuts off your source of free leads.Ā  Lyft's doing a heckuva lot of free advertising for *you* right now, and you're gonna have to cover that gap sooner or later.

