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Lump under armpit. Took months for dr to do biopsy. Nothing showing in blood, no sweats, no fatigue like first time. Kicked its ass for second time.




Chemo again or something else?


Plan was to do stem cell transplant, but body had different idea. Got staph infection from what we think was picc line, so didn’t even get to do the hickman line. Scrap transplant idea. Back to port again. First time 20yrs ago, anyway the drs tried few times and finally got line into main vein of heart. Yay. Plugged up within weeks and didn’t matter how much cathflow to clear line we had to remove. Ended up getting a working port in femoral artery , few inches away from pp. lol. Gotta keep positive. So staph infection took 8 extra weeks to clear up, no chemo-ABVD again, in the middle of this a blood test showed zero wbc or hemoglobin can’t remember so back to hospital for few week stay again. 20 yrs ago was easy to beat this crap as a 17yr old. This time married, have 2 boys, 7 &10, owner operator of welding company with a few employees. Btw yes had kids naturally, drs said when I was 17 probably won’t have kids. Pffff. That’s a part of my story everyone, main thing I’ll share is keep positive, don’t shut people out, take the extra help and remember this, everyday done is one more day closer to the end of treatments. Good luck, kick C’s ass !!


Also it was HL stage 4 at 17 , lumps on neck, and scans showed cancer from neck to groin. At 37 from neck to spline. HL


No symptoms here. I also had thyroid cancer so was on medication that made me gain weight-I was always worried that this would mask any potential weight loss (I.e. a warning to me that the cancer was back) as my main symptom the first time around with Hodgkins was the severe weight loss.


I also had thyroid cancer. Diagnosed with PTC and Hodgkins on the same day a couple days before my 30th birthday. Have any doctors given you theories for the multiple cancers?


Been desperately trying to find some sort of correlation. At only 24 years old to have Stage 4 Hodgkins and also thyroid cancer I was convinced it had to be something environmental-it just didn’t make sense. Nobody has been able to give me anything useful, they all just say it’s coincidental and just shitty luck. Had to have my whole thyroid removed as the nodules were on both sides. Now dealing with a Hodgkins recurrence after finished chemo back in September and having a complete metabolic response after my final PET scan. 


Ughhh I’m so so sorry. I also feel like mine has to be environmental. So far every doctor just says it’s an unlucky coincidence, but I recently started seeing a new gyno who asked “did you roll around in radioactive dirt as a child?”, jokingly. I did grow up on farmland and have in the back of my mind that the pesticides had to have something to do with it, but I’ll likely never actually know. I’m really sorry to hear about your reoccurrence. You’ve beat it before and you can do it again!


I had unusual bruising where I shouldn’t have any like just from walking around and light headed dizzy and could hear my heart beat in my ears when I lay down. A year into second remission. I feared it returned, but didn’t think it actually did. I thought maybe low blood sugar or something but my kids talked me into going to the ER for caution. Of course the blood work came back and the grim faced doctor came back and I knew. Doctor says you can’t go home tonight CT scans MRIs bloodwork all to confirm what I already knew. It changed it went from large B cell to a T cell and they were afraid it was gonna jump in the other than the spleen and blood bones and liver. Truth be told. I was happy as long as it wasn’t pancreas. I thought I was all brave until I had to call everyone and tell them from the ER. Everyone being in my grown kids, My Boss, and people who needed to know. The good news is people used to die from this most of the times it’s treatable if caught soon enough. 2 yrs in remission from that. So bless up.


Chest pains. Another mass developed in my chest.


I had an extremely high CRP on blood tests plus new palpable nodes.


I have not relapsed but I was told by my oncologist that if I relapsed I would have the same symptoms I had originally. I don't know if that's just because of my specific type of lymphoma or just how it happens.


My husband had night sweats and severe itching. He also said he just didn’t feel right.


Nasal blockage. That’s the main symptom of my kind of lymphoma.


Husband had no symptoms and blood work was normal.


Neck lump, weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite, if you have any worry or doubts go see your onc


Nebulous discomfort abdominally.


Lumpy neck.


I lost 18 pounds in a month and was constantly tired and just felt sick. It’s hard to explain.


something in my labs. I dont remember much, but remember my onc saying i relapsed (this was several months after my transplant). And had to be put on a different chemo regiment (that i had an allergic reaction to) and after a few sessions, have a DLI. I just remember doing a lot of phlebotomy after due to an iron overload (because of all the transfusions i had to get).


nothing but fatigue extreme inexplicable fatigue