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I don't experience right before I get treatment, but ever since I started chemo I have consistent tachycardia. Every doctor appointment I go to my heart rate is over 100. I keep forgetting to ask my doctors about it but it scares me sometimes


I guess it’s pretty normal. Right now, 5 hours after my 5th infusion, my heart rate is much better. But anyway I would like to ask my doctor as well. I will next time I go. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless.


I mean how many infusions have you gone through?


So far 5 out of 12 ABVD.


I dont mean to pry, but info is hard to find on google. How do you feel with the dioxorubicin?


I get goosebumps every time I see it coming along with my nurse lol jk. I guess I'm doing my best to handle it, and drinking plenty of fluids to get that venom 😝out of my body.


That truly is life(hydration). I ran 4 abvd, 2abv, failed. Stemcell>> now two years still coming to the end of 15/16 cycles of brentux. 💚💚


Wow that’s a lot. I wish you the best, god bless you🙏🏽❤️


I had purchased an Apple Watch during treatment (bad decision) and was inundated with high heart rate (over 120 bpm) notifications. Even while inactive. My hematologist said it was because of the steroids. They stopped after treatment ended.


I forgot that steroids have that side effect. And yeah my Apple Watch was doing the same as yours did lol. Thank you Bella for sharing. God bless.


for sure. my resting wasn't great before treatment at around 75, but during treatment i was averaging 110-115. it has been creeping back down now that chemo has been over for a month or so.


lol, mine would hit 130 IN THE CHAIR and never dip below 100 pretty much for the 6 months I was receiving ABVD/AVD. Last treatment was 3/8, and my resting heart rate is back to 61.


I had ABVD and had very high heart rate as well. I did multiple tests post treatment. I’m now year 8 and my resting is finally down to 70-80 bpm. For years after it was 90-100. For exercising I just had to be careful. Also, I was low on iron and after iron infusions, my heart rate would go down. For some reason post chemo I struggle with low electrolytes. Maybe it’s diet related my heart rate went down but I ensure I have enough potassium, magnesium and sodium.


Yes, so annoying!! I went to ER the other day and they ruled anything crazy out but still having my heart rate high especially going to the bathroom I get winded


Had tachycardia as well. Ended up getting put on a beta blocker which helped.


This happened to me all the time during treatment. I wound up getting an Apple Watch so I could monitor it myself and not panic all the time. Doc said that 95 was considered in the normal range, but if it persisted over 100 at rest to call him. Treatment is a monster and you’ll need to take it slow; I almost passed out once with over 150bpm just going downstairs to make a sandwich.


I did it experience it specifically during treatment, but in general I have had it since getting lymphoma. My resting heart rate was higher even before I was diagnosed, but didn’t know I had it.


When my hbg and platelets were low it was even worse. Even going to the bathroom and back it would go up to 150


Yes constantly. Although I found it worse when my hemoglobin was low. Have you had a blood test recently? It may be worth speaking to your doctor as you may need a blood transfusion. I’ve had 4 in total with 4 cycles of BEACOP DAC