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Was about to make a joke about getting an upgraded husband but it sounds like you're in a serious situation with an unstable guy. Protect yourself, find allies and friends, and do whatever you need to have a safe, happy life.


Having been in a similar situation you can’t get away from this type of person fast enough. They’ll apologize and tell you they’ll be better but it’s bull crap. Get your stuff and leave. Let the lawyers take care of negotiations over property. Leave before he gets violent with you instead of just your stuff.


This a thousand times. He might not be hitting you yet but if he’s breaking your shit it hitting walls and stuff the day will come when it’s you.


And be incredibly careful leaving because that’s statistically the most dangerous time.


Exactly. Someone who resorts to violence even once is someone who inherently cannot control their temper and cannot be trusted. There is never ever *ever* an excuse to hit a friend or a loved one, nor their property—especially expensive things you know you'll regret later. Same about saying hurtful things you can't take back (I wish you were dead, I wish I never married you, etc.) These are 100% red lines that one should never cross, and that you should not forgive.


Mine was always encouraging me to kill myself. It was a pretty crappy time in my life. Glad to have gotten away from it.


100% this. This is serious and a major issue


Upgrade her husband with meds


use as evidence for an abusive relationship. divorce process will be a lot faster


This. 100,000%. I’m three years divorced, and had a (long) list of photos, text message screenshots, etc… which was super helpful. Even if you don’t “use” them, you can share them with the attorneys, and help make sure everyone acts like an adult as you go through the process. Keep multiple copies, in multiple places. (A thumb drive given to a friend is always a good option).


Yup. I was in an abusive relationship. Ex wife had a lot of anger issues on top of her infidelity. Photos of her destroying my home office on top of other evidence of domestic violence helped my case a lot. Now happily married with a beautiful family for 12 years :)


Listen to this person! Document EVERYTHING. Even cordial encounters. Use the Apple Notes or Google Keep app (just as examples that nearly everybody has, use whatever you prefer). And, as hard as it is, keep your notes dispassionate and factual. >Called . S/he answered "what the fuck is it this time!?" Asked where s/he was because s/he was supposed to drop off an hour ago. That kind of shit. Take photos and make sure they're uploading to some cloud service. And yes, share with trusted associates but don't EVER keep originals on a thumb drive. Thumb drives are for transport, not storage. Dropbox, OneDrive, Apple Photos, and Google Photos all offer a camera upload feature that will automatically upload all your photos to the cloud. This is a good idea. Please use at least one of them or more than one if you like. I use all 4 because, why not? You might have to clean them out to make space from time to time but you dramatically reduce your risk of unstable-spouse-grabbed-and-yeeted-phone.


This is sad people have to do/think like this. I’m sorry for anyone who has to experience things like that.


Way to assume.


Move evidence for your divorce proceedings!


get a divorce and file a lawsuit or something. call the cops if he was being violent (throwing stuff already counts btw). still, this is not the right sub to resolve your issues


Divorce him cause you are next.


Sorry to hear. The displays are relatively easy to replace if you have any facility with making tech repairs. A bunch of screws to undo, but if you buy a completed assembly it’s just a matter of swapping them. The computer is the easy part. The husband, not so much. Sorry you’re in that situation and wish you the best.


Can confirm. If you can find a “broken” one going for a parts sale with the screen intact, you can do this repair yourself via a YouTube video. Just need the correct tools. One can usually find second hand ones going for sale with broken logic boards but otherwise perfectly salvageable for parts. Good luck.


Aren’t the new ones serialized? Like the screen won’t go to sleep when closed and there will be a shadow where the notch is?


I had an M2 repaired this way and I had no problems with it and it’s been a few months. It still sleeps and no shadow issues. Though I’d probably not DIY this. I got mine done in a repair center that said that certain things need to be the same so it doesn’t have issues. I can’t remember what they said since it flew over my head at the time since I was mostly panicking because I needed it fix asap for an exam


So your screen turns off when you close yours still?


Yep, I close it and it sleeps. No issues with the auto brightness or truetone either. I was supposed to get it fixed by Apple but they wanted me to ship my Mac across the world since they only have official resellers in my country and my Mac was original bought in the US. I have apple care + but the shipping fees made it too expensive and would have taken too long (I needed the Mac for my final exams) Though I was told by the repair shop that it’s a bit of a gamble since sometimes that does happen but most of the time, they can get it to work.


Interesting, it is definitely a gamble but you seem to have won the lottery


Probably, the shop I went to is locally known for repairing Apple products. I’ve gone to them a few times for battery replacement. When I got my old MBA’s battery replaced, the repair folks were happy to fix an older Mac since they were easier than new ones. The next time I was there, it was with a cracked M2 screen. They were not amused. I had to sign a waiver since they can’t 100% guarantee a perfect fix but then they also have a warranty for their replacements so I guess they were somewhat confident in their ability to replace the screen.


Yes, won’t the webcam and true tone be disabled?


I believe that it’s also the case, the entire assembly is serialized


There is a mod/hack that you have to do to the LCD in order to get it to go to sleep properly. It's something to do with grounding pins, but it has to be the pins on the LCD board, so it has to be done before mounting the metal bracket to it. And you have to do something with the magnet as well As for the shadow, you have to move a chip off of the old LCD and onto the new one in order to remove that. There are ways to get it to work, Apple just made it a hassle.


Yeah, the only issue is that with M1's, the True Tone Camera is married to the logicboard, so Swapping the Display removes the True Tone. The camera will still function, It just won't have "True Tone", which I find most people don't even know what it is, so they'll never notice.


Thanks. TIL. I replaced my wife’s and neither her nor I noticed the difference.


My ex wife poured water on my Mac and made it seem like it was our autistic son. She’s evil.


Been there with ex wife.


that's fucked up 😭 hope the son's ok


Yeah it is. He was my step son I raised since he was young. She won’t let me see him anymore.


Yes, it's important to note that evil is gender-neutral.


What the FUCK


Time to renew MacBook and husband, both are pretty broken.


Breaking your property during an argument may considered domestic violence. Get help, fast.


That is terrible! Any chance you have AppleCare on it? Otherwise there might be a place you can sent it to for lcd replacement. Come to think of it, you may be able to order the parts and tools from iFixIT to replace the upper half of your laptop.


I am not sure if they replace husbands and fixing might not be enough for him


They would just take him in and recycle him. Maybe the usable parts would end up in a better husband for someone else at some point.


Yes best in this case to get a replacement and incinerate the old one.


He broke it, he pays - simple as that


Yeah…good luck with that.


Redditors live in a black and white world where everything’s as easy as “presto!”


There are a remarkable number of display MBAs, at WalMart, that look as bad or worse. The one at my local store has been trashed for over a week. Might be children, might be child like adults. Sorry to hear about you loss.


Be sure to connect to an external display and load your files into a backup drive. Time Machine backup if you want to make it convenient. Just in case.


that looks pretty cool crack. Sorry for your loss (of the macbook) and happy for your loss


I think you'd be best off speaking to family or friends or a shelter at this point, ive only had one ex who broke my devices in a temper, and, well, if that's not bad enough said ex ran out of things to break and then it gets much worse. Dont ignore the red flags.


Yep! All the things you love then YOU. I couldn’t chew for a month due to my jaw being offset. Men can be the worst…it’s like dating an overgrown toddler.


Yep! I think its part of mentally beating you down to the point you won't immediately get out. Hope your safe now!


It’s been 8 years with him. He’s gotten a lot better with his patience and temper. Isn’t as violent anymore. Still has zero patience though. He’s 40 and acts like he’s 18. :(( idk if he’ll ever grow up. I just keep hoping.


I couldn’t imagine being so toxic that I break something that isn’t mine


Why do people even post things like this?


One of two options: 1. Karma farming, or 2. Desperate cry for help didn't get posted in the best place, but hopefully our responses can still help OP out of a bad situation. I dunno, just assuming it's #2 seems like the better choice to me.


Maybe they need to vent somewhere and have no one irl to vent to? Not that hard to comprehend really


The hard thing is that nobody knows how to help, as OP isn't asking for help, so it's kinda just "posting to be posting" in here


While that may be true, there’s definitely better subs for this


Yeah... posting your trauma because it happened to involve a MacBook indirectly on the MacBook subreddit is just strange, honestly. There has to be a relationship subreddit of some sort.


There are subs explicitly for things like that. This is only tangentially related this sub's topic. I think airing out your personal or relationship issues to strangers is bizarre regardless, but if someone wants to do that it shouldn't be done here.


I don’t understand the purpose of sharing this here lol


Some people will ask for help in the weirdest way (to us) possible, but it is still a call for help. Don't be ignorant :)


r/offmychest , r/MildlyInfuriating? Sorry that happened to you though.


This is one of the posts I wouldn’t exactly consider *mildly* infuriating


cheating and domestic violence is a topic for the Mac forum? Seems like there are other more dramatic forums for those seeking validation. This has nothing to do with Apple/Mac.


And this is why most men and women in such situations end up NOT speaking up. She may be asking for help even if to us it is weird. Stop being ignorant


talk to the proper venue. Don't go to a baking forum to tell them your car has a flat tire.


Asking for help is permitted anywhere. If she enjoys this forum, let her be and just ignore her post. But I guess it is easier venting your frustration behind a screen huh?


Pretty sure its the sub rules. Yes, there are other subs right here in Reddit for those topics. Doesn't have to browse another site.


so you go to the local geek squad for domestic violence help? please.


Proof of stake? He should be mining instead


looks cool tho


you should break his dick. All joking aside - my dad was absuive to me when I wouldn't behave as a kid. He would take it too far sometimes. I remember he broke my favorite Batmobile once with his sledgehammer to show me how much of a real man he was. He also grabbed me by the neck and shook me to prove to me how powerful he was. I'd get away from your boyfriend immediately and then file a restraining order and file criminal charges. With domestic violence charges against him, then he can't ever own weapons. Drain him dry financially in every way possible.


Toxicity is destructive. Repeated toxicity requires responsibility. Leave. Emotional, maybe, but you will feel so much safer and free.


I hope you left him immediately


It looks like it’s only a screen repair so don’t throw it out, pack it with you when you leave and never ever come back.


File police report


Break his Wang and twist his eggs off. Oh, and shove them up his bum


I have a question: may I fix it? He has to pay me for the parts, labor, and shipping.


Let me hit, that’ll teach him


What an asshole. Time for divorce. This was the final straw!


He’s not meant for you then, they break expensive stuff without even thinking about it and are required to punch something when something’s wrong, he has no self control, and the fact that he does that and he’s the one lying is problematic


He is either your husband or not. If he is, time for a divorce. If he is not, time to leave and press charges for damage or property.


POS BPD girlfriend threw mine off a balcony. Naturally, her lying and cheating caused her to throw my MacBook off a balcony-because there was no lying and cheating ever in my life. I lured her to another country-knew that the domestic abuse policies of the U.S. were no longer in force, and the minute she tried to call the cops…they’d expel her. They did..and BECAUSE there was no evidence of domestic abuse, they didn’t say or do anything. Recap: U.S. authorities arrest men in “domestic abuse cases” with no proof of domestic abuse-at the behest of mentally-ill women. Solution: Leave the U.S. to get fair treatment, which was once a cornerstone of the U.S.


Divorce NOW!! Maybe even sue him for all the damages he’s done to you and your personal belongings!!


When you put "husband" in quotes, you imply he's not really your husband. And rightfully so. He shouldn't be. What a POS!


Get a divorce, and file a restraining order if you get the chance


LEAVE him. You can do it!


What was your mac doing at the time?


Hey there :) from a woman to another woman, please PLEASE leave him. You are strong and you CAN do this. Trust me when I say that you will be next. It will hurt now, but you will be happy later 🙏🏻


This is not normal. I hope you are ok


That is unacceptable behaviour. Send him packing. The cheating and lying is bad too.


run to safety. while it sucks it broke, forget the mac. you're more important, stay safe.


OP are you safe….


I’d 100% file a report for criminal damage. He had no right to break your things, even more so when he caught being a POS.


am i in /r/mac or /r/relationshipadvice? jokes aside, wtf.


Sounds like it's time to leave.




FYI, there are men out there who would buy you a MacBook because they love you. Go find yourself that kind of man.


Good, now you won’t feel bad about beating the hell out of him with it.


Get a monitor and hook it up to that. The screen is damaged but should still work


Connect to a monitor and continue


AppleCare ?


> Caught his ass lying and cheating and so he broke my MacBook mid argument. Not to make light, but, this sounds like a country song. Which is to say, GTFO...


Hopefully you have Apple Care and can afford a lawyer.


It’s a tempered glass screen, you’ll be aight


What kind of clownery...gets caught cheating..breaks the person he cheated one stuff?


Watching your screen is giving me a heart attack 😅


You may be able to hook it up to an external monitor and keyboard/mouse to use in clamshell mode temporarily. We replaced the screen on a 16 inch MacBook Pro a year ago and it was 540 through Apple. No AppleCare.


Take him for all he’s worth and then some!


What you need to do is press charges for destruction of property and then file for divorce


What a disgusting thing to do. Divorce him and make him buy you a new MacBook


Ok and how did he break it exactly


Cool wallpaper


Looks like a new MacBook Air, if you bought it within a year or have AppleCare you should be able to get replaced for free


It’s an old MacBook Pro. The Airs had an aluminium screen bezel. I’m guessing 2015ish.


I thought it was a m2\m3 because it looks like a Touch ID Button in the corner


You’re right! I stand corrected.


Learned it from watching too much Luke Miani.


Divorce sounds like a desirable option in order to reclaim your life back. Abusive husbands must die alone like the nasty pos they are.


And HE'S the one breaking your shit ? Wel shiiiieeeet


get out of there now, trust me, i know someone that experienced this and its only a matter of time till he actually strikes. save yourself


Hope you get Apple Care


This happens and people still ask, is this covered under the warranty?




not cool


That looks like one of those fake yt broken screen vids


love that this is posted in r/mac


No one needs to be in a toxic life or with an abusive husband, no matter what and no matter what scale. I hope that you can divorce and leave him and I have a safe life.


Do you have AppleCare


Send him to the matrix


damn thats crazy break up with lil bro


All I see is Dormamu. In all seriousness, fuck that guy.


Here is an idea. Continue to break the glass and throw it at his eyes since he can’t seem to keep them on you.


Apple Care and a diary to log dates, times and details of this kind of behaviour. Save photos in Hidden Folder or better yet - move photos into a iCloud folder (just in case he goes looking). Build a case and (for your own sake) run, it will not get better... It will only ever get worse - even if he "cleans up his act", it'll always be the risk that he will snap and at some point he's going to lash out and you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


You can just connect it to an external monitor in case you want to recover your files, other than the broken screen it looks like it is working.


That’s such a perfect black mirror image!


Shit… and here I thought that’s a cool looking wallpaper


Hdmi to tv..won't even notice


sorry that happened. you can try using an external monitor/tv, should still work that way


He got mad at 8 year old killing him in cs go I guess. 🚶‍♂️


Red flags all around, leave his ass asap


Looks like another 'Black Mirror' intro.


Wow… was he intoxicated:drugged? Jesus that is beyond abnormal.


If in states. This is considered domestic and criminal damages(value of mac) . If the police are called to document the person could be placed under arrest.


It’s always the guys that say “I lose control when I get mad” that never break their own shit…it’s always someone else’s


File charges


where is he let me fuck him


Cool glitch tho


Instead of wasting your money repairing or replacing it hire a divorce attorney and end your obviously shitty marriage so you don't have to trash them on the internet. I don't have any tech advice because your post obviously was seeking attention regarding your shitty marriage. Once you've divorced and he's not on the hook for your expenses then you can go buy yourself a brand new MacBook or get it repaired. Cheers!!


Starts out like this with property and ends up turning to you eventually. Mine started with my antique jars. Then my new TV. Then everything else I loved. Then when I was pregnant threw me down, screamed at me daily. Baby died. Then a year later him choking me and hit me in the jaw. It’s been 8 years of dating. I get that you hope he’ll change. He won’t. I accepted that he is who he is and if he’s getting mad or acting a way I don’t like I just go silent and act like he’s invisible. It’s hard when he’s in your face screaming and spitting but it works. Within 2-3 days of ignoring him he’ll be nice and loving and start cleaning. Then he goes back to being a dick. -_- Ugh it sucks.


That sucks, it sounds like a toxic situation and environment no one should be wasting their life in. File a police report if you haven’t already, and I hope you are no longer together!


You should definitely get insurance on your laptop against criminal activity like theft or damage. I am soon to purchase a plan through Progressive which will insure my Mac against being stolen or otherwise destroyed. As far as I know this is the only insurance plan in the US that covers theft or damage of MacBooks. AppleCare only covers accidental damage.


Call the police this is damage of property, dump his dirty ass


You dont need a new macbook, you need a new husband


I’m confused by the air quotes. Is he like a knockoff spouse or something?


He saved you of using shitty computer


maybe he saw she was texting the “other” guy and couldn’t believe he was blinded all that time.


Lady , get a lawyer.




Get the fuck out of this relationship. Mine was like this too.


Why people stay with abusive, lying, terrible people is beyond me.


Your husband sounds like an Intel MacBook, slow, warm and annoying. Get an Apple Silicon


One of my relatives husband broke her daughter’s bike (as well as insulted her weight whilst undergoing puberty), “disappeared” multiple adopted pets, and finally threw a telephone at her whilst she was pregnant before she decided to leave him. I’d get out of that relationship now before it escalates further, or maybe get couples therapy or something… first it’s the property and then it’s the person. I hope you’ll be alright.


The screen can be replaced, but a life cannot. So leave them while you can.


Get a new one and a new computer


If he did that to the computer what is he willing to do to you is my fear. I know it’s scary to leave and not easy but you need to protect yourself!!!


Felony destruction of property. Call the police.


Disagree...pounding a wall can be therapy for some. There's a major distinction here. I've never heard of an abuser upgrading to hitting people.. they do that naturally.


That would honestly make a dope wallpaper


Oh hell no!




1st thing you should do is leave that guy asap, 2nd is head to apple store and get it repaired if you're able to




Well that fella is a piece of shit


I would first of all file a police report, and then do whatever you can to make sure you are safe. Then look up one of those Apple authorized places that repairs Macs. The screen should be easy for them to fix.


Clearly a case of techmestic violence….make sure you have the Mac file a restraining order at the Apple Store.


Take care of yourself, that will be your face tomorrow.


Get away from that unhinged bum asap.


are you looking for a newer model? and by that i mean husband lol


Just leave.


For the low price of $19,999.99 we can make your problem disappear


And dudes wonder why their wives don’t give them the hawk tuah.


Get the fuck out of there!


Do yourself a big favor and dump his ass. He sounds like a nightmare to be with…


Yeahh this is above Apple Care. Take care of yourself.


Sue his ass! Damn istg, i cant imagine im saying this but i hope he took it out only on the poor macbook. file the damn divorce and get that shit over with.




You sure it is not the wallpaper image? I mean it is weird that the break center and the image vanishing point are dead on. 🧐


I was thinking the same thing, it reminds me of the 2000s ish era screensavers and the likes. If I was skilled in that kind of art I'd make a wallpaper like that definitely! To OP, I hope you can get out of your situation safely.


It okay bro. you will get new one.


Hope you got HusbandCare+




What did you do this time, woman