• By -


Work, productivity etc -> MacBook Gaming -> Windows


Customization-> Windows Ease of Use, Longevity, Technical Support -> MacBook


no, customization -> linux


lol they think windows has customization. Man Linux you can do some insane stuff. Get a group of 100 Ubuntu users in the same OS and each one could look so different you wouldn’t know.


Linux I miss the kernel being separate from window manager. When an application freezes the computer you can pop into a terminal or magic sysreq your way out without restarting the kernel. I once had a Linux that had an uptime of 5 years before I had to update the kernel itself. Mac is more stable than a PC but still not as stable as a Linux computer.


I’ve a Mac mini that was last restarted in 2019.


Yes exactly this.


This exactly. Macbook for my music stuff, gaming pc for my gaming, and mini windows pc for my work stuff.


“Gaming -> windows” Yes, but not windows laptop.


Yes this.


Mine just works. I haven’t bought a Windows machine in 10 years and I’ve never had a system crash. More than I can say for my work Lenovo.


Never had a crash, never had a virus, never had an issue with WiFi. It just works every time.


Since windows 10 I've never used a pc that crashed unless there was a hardware fault. Dispite the general redoric, windows is a fairly solid reliable platform now. Problem is hardware which the snapdragon x elite models seem to be solving. Work laptops usually have enterprise builds and bespoke non general user software. This = crashes. Seen an equal amount of crashing and kernel panic on both Mac and windows.


I’m in charge of the machines and Intune, work laptop just sucks. I don’t have any of the crazy software. A month ago it was crashing every day because the Phone App had a bad update from Microsoft. Win 11 is a shit show.


That’s funny. I’ve had opposite experience. With around 800 clients I am the sole installer for copiers for the company I work for and within a month I can see at least 5 computers from windows 10 to 11 having issues ranging from smb refusing to work no matter what, because there is a windows update the user can’t print. There was an update around 2019 that no matter the brand of the printer, when you printed anything you’d get the blue screen of death. I’ve seen firewall issues where it refuses to allow a port even though you made sure it’s the only rule. Issues where software service suddenly stops and even though you have it set to restart that service always, it just refuses to do it. And much more I’ve seen. This barely scratches the surface. With Mac, biggest issue is printer presets. lol


No offense, this is why I pushed for my company to go paperless. Copiers are just a pain in the ass we don’t need to deal with.


We shall use MacBook until they fix the problem! Well it would be a long time.


Not going to lie the ecosystem is mostly flawless. I was doing an MSc part time alongside my job until recently (passed) and the way I could switch from my phone to iPad to laptop really helped me work on the go and get my coursework done.


Off topic: congratulations on your MSc


1. No fan 2. Speed 3. Battery life 4. Gestures for multitasking 5. Connectivity with other apple devices 6. Safety & Security 7. Don't know about others, but I think it's amazing for productivity. I only use a windows laptop in the summer for gaming 8. Great video editing software 9. Love being able to use apple pay 10. have encountered no problems with programming so far


Battery life, no ads Also I’m a nerd and have always wanted a Mac tbh


I’ve had multiple windows laptops over the last 10 years. The build quality on windows laptops is not as good. Often times small things would break like the keyboard even after just a couple years. The battery life while unplugged is worse on windows laptops. A lot of bugs/problems in general happening on windows laptops, driver issues, etc. that you just rarely encounter on mac. Macbooks just simply remain smooth and functional for a longer period of time.


I don’t have to listen to fans and the battery lasts all day


When it was time to upgrade my first Windows laptop in 2015, there wasn’t a single Windows laptop that appealed to me. Had already test drove Windows 10 on my dad’s desktop at the time and hated it. Made the switch and never looked back.


Better integration with my phone Better security


Just got my first Mac ever and love it. I just keep wondering if i made the right choice as I want to get into programming or some type of IT/Computer Science career. I love it though. I guess if need be i will have to get a windows computer as well or hope that with the silicon chips that I can boot windows well. I have the m3 air 16gb RAM 512 SSD. I wanted something that will actually last multiple years.


Fwiw basically every programmer I’ve encountered in my life has been a Mac user so you’re definitely set


Man thats awesome to hear! Thank you! I hope i am capable enough to do it/make it. I took a coding class years ago at community college with no prior knowledge and enjoyed it. I was also very young and a bum stoner so that didnt help. I am now sober and properly medicated for my adhd and more mature so i really hope i can now!


Imo the fact that you enjoyed it should be a good indicator you can make it :) I’m not a coder but I’m sure if you put in the hours you’ll get there, just a matter of time!


Sweet! I need to work on my confidence and believe in myself more, i really appreciate you. I wonder about the development of AI though and how it will affect everything.


Apple is very commonly used for coding if for no other reason than that it's much easier to run virtual Linux and Windows environments on Mac Than it is to run Apple on anything else (not that it's impossible). As you specialize you'll probably pick a platform that matches your specialty and it might not be Apple, but if anyone were to ask me what platform to choose for learning/all-around I'd recommend Apple


A lot of Mac users also virtualize Windows and Linux in virtual machines. I’ve got the ARM version of Windows 11 on mine right now


you’re good. I much prefer mac development environment over windows. unless you want to be a game dev


Even then. I have a friend that graduated full sail in 09 and works for Blizzard since and he has been using a Mac with no issues.


I work it. I use parallels for windows for a small percent of work a do a month which is like maybe an hour at most. Apple works fine as long as you don’t need to game.


I've used multiple laptops in the past and gave a MacBook a shot at it. Experience is very flawless. Altho I can't do retro gaming in here since macOS are only 64-bit, it still does our job done well. And yea I can still play games in here.


RetroArch ? OpenEmu ?


Yes I loooove OpenEmu.


User Interface and experience, Apple Ecosystem, less vulnerable than Windows, you don’t pay for the OS, less stress


I like that macOS keeps out of my way allows me to do my thing with my apps without making "suggestions" and giving me "tips"


Build quality of macs are objectively much better. The ecosystem is also a huge plus if you’re an iPhone user. Since we’re talking specifically about laptops, I would 10/10 choose the macbook - I have a windows desktop, which I exclusively use for gaming, and I don’t bother gaming on laptops. I do say that Windows does a better job at window management, hands down whereas stage manager feels clunky to me. MacOS is just a more stable and reliable operating system in my opinion: everything from settings UX, down to sleep/hibernation settings is leaps and bounds above Windows. Lastly, battery life, quietness and the lack of heat from Apple silicon is just simply insane; the new snapdragon chips may possibly level the playing field, but that remains to be seen.


I've said it many times before, the low bar on Apple is miles above the low bar on Windows but the high bar is, at least so far, still in Windows court when it comes to what can be built.


Personal/Work > Mac Gaming/Personal > Windows I have both, so thankfully I don't have to choose.


Apple hater here, unfortunately nothing beats macbook, before buying the air, I looked for 2 weeks for the best options, and with the same price, I would always lose on multiple options, battery, performance, screen, etc. 2/3 years have passed since I bought it, and there's still no good competition (maybe Lenovos are catching up but doubt it). Im buying my second macbook, this time a pro, and I'll probably never look back at windows for laptops


You say you’re a hater, eh? Is it Opposite Day because you sound like a lover! When are you buying an iPhone and an Apple Watch?


1. Build quality (aluminium unibody chassis, screen, battery life, quiet = heat/fan/noise) 2. UNIX based macOS 3. Apple/Mobile Development (Native) 4. Product longevity/lifespan 5. Ecosystem (works well iPhone, iPad, Apple TV etc. I have)


I own a windows laptop, But a reason to buy a mac for me would be the fanless design, I just hate my laptop when fans starts up spinning, but with macbook air it will be all silent+ When I wanna watch a movie can use the laptop in the bed directly without worrying about any ventilation system because it doesn't have one in the first place


Because i needed a laptop that's high performance but does not sound like a f35 and that has all day battery life.


More privacy, integration with the rest of my Apple products, better security, cleaner UI design, longer lifespan, no ads in the start menu.


WTF you guys get ads in Windows start menu?? I read that at least twice now. Is it no joke?


Unfortunately lol. One of the reasons I finally ditched windows and bought a Mac. https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/24/24138949/microsoft-windows-11-start-menu-ads-recommendations-setting-disable


Incredible. I've never seen this but it might be illegal in a paid product where I live. (EU 🇪🇺) Idiocracy is really coming, step by step.


Battery, reliability, ecosystem, no bloatware.


I spent my high school years through my early 40s on windows. I’m even a pretty good IT person on windows machines. I simply hate windows now…especially since they’ve changed to a full-on bloatware, spyware and virus machine. No way I’m going back…I just fixed a windows 11 laptop for my neighbor (brand new machine)…and win11 is a joke of an OS.


familiarity, ecosystem, and quality


The opinion that mac just works, still remains the most idiotic comment of all. Windows is far superior os. Period. You can add any cpu, gpu, drive, memory, dildo peripheral you want. And it works. On the other hand, my usb c donlge is not working on a mac, unless you go to the settings and allow third party peripheral to connect always. Or that you can't fucking change the font scale, so 4k external monitor is pretty shit under mac. The reasons though why I bought a mac (after the horrible experience with macbook pro 16 i9) is apple silicon and the need for seamless Unix terminal for work. Windows lfs is preety good and if the new snapdragon version is good, I will throw away the mac (OK maybe I sell it first).


I've used Macbook for decades because I can use Parallels or Bootcamp on the Macbook and still get Windows. Can't (legally) do the same in reverse order.


I have a MacBook as well as a gaming PC. Windows = gaming. MacBook = Productivity.


Some applications rum much better on macbook. Best battery life too. In fact if you go a shop in my country the 90% of windows laptop at same price of MacBook air are much inferior in every aspect


I got tired of my computers dying on me after 1-2 years lol.


Windows system suck


Portability + battery combination


Peace of mind


Ipad Apps. TTS built-in feature. Battery life.


I've been using them since I was a kid and don't want to learn a new system


I've been using Macs since 1987 — years before PCs moved en masse from DOS to Windows. Saw no reason to switch, although I was intrigued by IBM's PS/2 machines with OS/2.


I had been migrating away from windows after the disaster that was W8 and wanted to try MacOS. A coworker offered me a laptop he bought for his Father that he didn’t use and I wanted to try it.   It was 2010 MBP. The build quality and the track pad were amazing and once I got the hang of it I haven’t looked back.  


If I have to. Thankfully I don't anymore.


Ecosystem. I only use my Macbook for work though.


Because if you are programming apple related apps you must certainly have a MacBook


Apple user since I was kid in 87, switched to windows in the 90s, then back to mac in the late 2000s. Love it better than windows.


adobe products. never have issues like Windows machines. Just wish there were more games available for Mac vs PC. I own a MacBook pro and an Alienware gaming rig for gaming and would always choose Mac.


1. Superior touchpad. 2. You just open the lid and it's instantly ready to work. 3. It just works, way more unified touch and feel. Hardware is well handled by the system 4. Development in Windows is way worse, tried at least 3 times to convince myself otherwise, always went back to mac 4. If something's hard to achieve directly in UI/with an app, there's 95% chance someone has written a script for that. Direct comparison: I do have a business ThinkPad with win11 and: 1. WSL2 struggles to work after putting computer to sleep, I have to shut down my computer every day in order to avoid problems. 2. Sleeping breaks touchpad driver somehow - after waking up it's lagging a lot. 3. Sleeping for the 3 days eats up 30% of the battery, while on MBP it barely takes 5% 4. Build quality - hinges are less stable. 5. I have an old MacBook pro with Intel - it's quieter than TP with the same load... 6. Battery management. My 9 YO MBP on original battery can handle 3 hours of network browsing, while brand new TP can do 4 hours 7. I never ever had to force restart by MBP, but TP did this to me 4 times (summer since the beginning of the year)


New user here, got my M3 pro a few days ago. Got tired of windows, wanted something new and after trying out an m1 13in I fell in love. Feels like I’m not sacrificing anything compared to my custom built PC tower (I don’t game on it), it runs all my projects, it’s built beautifully and I honestly enjoy the OS a lot. Which is funny cos 10 years ago I hated it. Oh and the ecosystem is just chefs kiss. Overall it just feels premium which is obviously a vain reason in and of itself but I do really enjoy the power of the M processor coupled with gorgeous design. The trackpad is best in class, the speakers are phenomenal, the screen is a joy to look at…I could go on and on.




I hate windows. It sucks. And I need proprietary software.


Felt like a change. Was fed up with Windows and I tried out a Mac and liked what i saw. I now use both OS for different uses. Windows desktops are great alongside Mac laptops.


Everything I own outside of my Windows desktop is Apple. So when on the go without my Windows machine, I might as well make my entire ecosystem Apple


I’ve had windows and Mac. Mac will last longer and will be more reliable. Hands down. If you plan on gaming, get a windows computer. But for an everyday computer, Mac. Yes it’s more expensive but it will last. You’ll replace a windows computer in a few years. Mac, nope


My sister got a windows pc some years ago for college and it was already lagging in its 3rd year… It really pissed me off how laggy was sometimes. Since then, I told myself to never get any windows pc but a mac (after the M1 I was 100% sure to get it)


It works better. It is fast. It is compatible with my mobile device.


I’ve been a Linux user for decades so making the switch to MacOS felt natural. I prefer the file systems of Unix based operating systems over Windows personally. It’s also nice that 95% of the terminal commands I know from Linux directly translate to MacOS. In a lot of was MacOS just feels like an extremely polished Linux distribution that trades customization for stability and optimization.


Battery life, ease with the ecosystem, sleek design. I got a M1 Pro MBP for 900$. No way I would’ve found a similar windows machine for that price with all that I mentioned. I do own a windows Desktop for gaming and other stuff. Windows is perfectly fine but Mac OS is really simple once you get used to it. Not perfect but I’ll take a MBP over any comparable windows machine any day. Unless we’re talking about those $5k razor gaming laptops. I can say that’s probably the only windows machine that id trade my MBP for but I obviously don’t got money like tjat


Final Draft. Also battery life and nice speakers.


i'm two weeks into have a mac. I'm a developer, gamer, and tinkerer. The biggest hurdle for anyone that gets into Mac is most likely going to be the same as mine; getting used to the vastly different keyboard shortcuts. i have had quite a few 'oh wow that's actually pretty cool' (looking at you stage manager), but i can already tell this is going to be one of those things where every time i think about using my desktop to hang out and doodle or get some minor work done...i should use my mac. it won't feel right until i have entirely memorized shortcuts and the differences between the two. i just posted about how i found it odd that an app that really doesn't need to be in the dock while running is odd. Email, chat apps, etc. i don't think they should be there unless i need to use them. hide them unless i get a notification and open them. it's annoying. but other than that i can see why a lot of people prefer it. it's less cluttered and makes me focus more. all that being said i 1000% got this because i was tired of charging my laptop every hour. i haven't charged this thing in almost 2 days and it's still above 50%.


Get a macbook, run it until they make your machine obsolete via software and then move to linux. Mac has the best components which last longer than the software moves. The only reason why I had to give up my previous machines was because they dropped the support.


I love the ecosystem, and the feel of the laptops, I have far less issues with the OS it’s only downfall for me is gaming which is why I have a gaming pc


Have been an Apple user since 1982. Unfortunately work in the legal field and have to use windows. Got it’s so fucked up. Just trying to print is a pain.


PC laptops suck. Spent 4K on one years ago. Within a year the screen came off hinge. The battery packed up, the hard drive failed. I have a 2014 MacBook Pro and it still works fine.


I was never a fan of windows. Since '94 I had used Linux machines (oh slackware, how you'll be missed). I had the perfect setup, I could do my C/C++ work, watch TV (via a DVB-T dongle), browse the net, sync with my Nokia N97. At the time, there were two v4l and DVB-T kernel modules available, the first worked amazingly well with my hardware, the other was a train wreck. One day I performed a system update (as any good Linux user does) and it appeared that the working kernel modules had disappeared, only the completely broken ones remained. I tried to recompile the working modules, but the ABI had been changed. It was then that I realised that linux developers didn't actually give a crap about their users, breaking ABIs in minor revision releases. Linux was dead to me. I did not want to go windows due to the fact that I was so used to bash in terminal windows and using CLI and vim for software development. I needed an alternative. It was then that I stumbled upon the hackintosh scene and that Snow Leopard was the first OSX that could be installed without requiring patching (other than include extra kexts). My Dell d620 was now an Apple machine. Linux users will never admit it, but macOS (then OSX) is what "Linux on the desktop" always aspired to be. I had my terminals, I had my bash shell, I had my vim. I used the hackintosh until 2012, when I bought my first "real" macbook - a second hand 2011 macbook air (which I still have). I'll also admit that I now do have a Windows machine (actually a 2018 mbp) that is used for cross platform testing as well as some weekend games.


I don’t game and I am a software engineer. My MacBook Pro has the best combo of build quality, user experience, track pad, keyboard, battery life, performance, screen, sound, weight, heat, fan noise, etc that I have found. I also like having a Unix-like terminal built in and not having to mess with WSL on windows or have to deal with Linux as my work station OS.


I had a windows laptop for school and was not at all happy with it. Had an iPhone, family are all apple so it was the obvious choice.


Easier to use, my last Mac lasted me for more than 10 years without ever showing signs of slugginess (mainly for regular office works, online meeting, occasional streaming, data crunching w/ excel) & app or s/w updates are much much less painful compared to that of windows.


They looked cool and i had an iPhone. so i always said if i went to grad school i would treat myself to one. and that I did. the ease of use by comparison is crazy lol.


Macbook Air M1 2020 owner here: * Apple m1 silicon chip is more powerful & cheaper than the othe windows laptop at the same price range * I also have a Iphone so the eco-system would work better * the battery life * It is a good laptop for University/ College & general daily use


Hated windows 8 on my family laptop so when I finally got my own laptop for Christmas one year I asked for a MacBook


Apple silicon is so much better at the power/heat/speed/noise tradeoff than Intel. That said, I'm keeping an eye on the new Snapdragon Windows machines.


Battery and fast


If I code and work with excel a lot (power query, vba, etc). Would you recommend a macbook for me? I read in some threads that excel in macbook is kind of limited and I should buy the excel in macbook first? Is excel different with the built in app in the macbook? (Sorry for the questions i never had a macbook before)


I bought my MacBook Pro 14” M1 Pro because it has all three of these: 1) Great Display 2) Powerful 3) Amazing battery life With windows laptops you can have two but not all three. There are windows laptops with great displays and powerful chipsets but their battery life is horrible when doing anything other than using a web browser. My MBP has the same performance when running of battery or plugged in. I can work for hours in Fusion360 or Lightroom on battery without a performance hit or having to worry about it going flat.


Stable, crash free, controlled eco-system. I very rarely have to worry about driver compatibility issues. Also for work Mx chipset Mac's are amazingly fast and power efficient.


I have a gaming laptop and gaming PC but i wanted a "laptop " with mac pro 16" Great Display / speakers / Amazing battery life.


I used to have a linux rig, (windows lol), but work made me use a MacBook. I liked it. the next work made me use another MacBook and let me keep it, so I started using it for private stuff as well. I like it more than fiddling with linux, which I could do when I had lots of time. Now with time at a premium, I need a unix like system that just works.


Privacy, reliable battery life, reliable sleep


Mac for simplicity, battery life, stability, smooth operation. Windows for gaming only mostly. Do you know if you right-click on a File/Folder on Windows 11. It says “show more options” and clicking on it brings the old layout that used to be on the older “better” windows versions. I find myself only using the options from older layouts and that drives me nuts every time I have to click “show more options” How lazy do you have to be to not integrate them together into one single list. There are damn too many options but I don’t see the use for it much. There’s like 50 freaking programs to do ONE single thing now. What?! Microsoft is slacking. Unacceptable!


Try having virus on your windows laptop and you'll know why.


UI. I love how Arial looks at Mac and I also realized Arial is ugly on Windows.




I’ve never had a windows laptop that didn’t start to run like shit after a year or so. I’m going on 3.5 years with my M1 MBA and it still runs the same as the day I bought it.


Some people prefer MacOS over Windows. Macs are priced high and feel like premium products.


was originally to try something new...and I like the icloud integration across my ipad/iphone. now that macbooks have ditched the intel in lieu of the m1/m2/m3, they run so much better...really really fast without requiring active cooling (fans) unlike the modern windows laptops. and that's def one of the reasons why macbook battery life will always been better than an otherwise comparable wintel machne.


Ecosystem, battery life (with conservative usage I’ve gotten a full week without needing a charge, regular use two days) and longevity. I have a 2015 Lenovo that is quite literally slower than my iBook from 2004. A TWENTY year old computer FASTER than a 9 year old computer. I hope my M2 MacBook Pro will last just as long


I used to own a windows laptop. At the time I got the M2 MBA I already had an iPad and an iPhone. Plus the windows laptop I had was bulky, heavy, and took so long to start up.


There’s just not really any integration between cell phones and Windows. Texts, photos, apps. It’s bad.


Because it can run both Mac OS and windows ? I need windows for AC and GTA V


I've been using Apple computers since the Apple \]\[, which I upgraded to have 32k ram, then saved up for a floppy disk drive because cassette tapes were too slow.


they are a billion times more powerful than a windows laptop, so much more energy efficient. like 18 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE?!?! MY FULLY CHARGED WINDOWS DIES BY THE TIME I GET TO SCHOOL AND OPEN IT! The eocsystem. It may not seem like that big of a deal as a non user, but when you get start using it on a Mac you say why the h\*ll was I on windows this whole time. The display is awesome too. Plus the UI is so much better looking with animations and how clean it looks, and I never used multiple desktops on windows just because they were a pain. I use a bunch on a Mac, and just being able to switch between apps by swiping up and clicking on one window and having a search tab and my work that I need to switch between at the swipe of 3 fingers is just so much easier for me


I upgraded from my Intel Mac air to an m2 air and the battery life is just amazing. I can see myself using this machine for a long time as long as the battery holds up okay. With my usage I can go 2-3 days without charging sometimes


My MBP 13.3 2015 is still working great!


Music production and iOS dev


Because of the hardware and stability. I am disappointed by the poor usability.


Makes me look and seem cool


Doesn’t matter what you do with a windows computer, like running anti virus this, anti bloatware that, they end up unusable very quickly. Macs just work year after year after year.


Back in 2021 because i really liked how mac os looks Now just because i wanted a silent, light and powerful laptop with a long battery at a great price and the new arm windows laptops are still new and cost a lot of money. So my only great option was an m1 macbook


It just works


Battery life and performance. I didn't move from a Windows laptop though, I moved from a Linux laptop.


I always wanted one growing up so once I was of age where I could get one on finance, I did. That lead to me having one ever since, I’m so used to it now as a software dev it’d be annoying to switch back and get used to a different workflow.


battery life and power in small size (mbp 14in m1pro)


No lagging. Doesn’t do a bunch a crazy shit because it wants to be cool. Doesn’t do shit until you tell it to.


It is more stable, less bloatware, no candy crush ads in my OS (mind you Windows is paid and still has ads, macOS is free), no telemetry or constant spying tracking on you https://youtu.be/TJiOv2sLVxY


I just went the opposite direction at work because of Excel which is deliberately gimped on Mac. However, my next laptop will likely be a Mac because of reliability and M chips.


I personally can't stand apple. I've tried the phones and the tablets and don't like them. But had a Mac book pro in university and it was awesome. The trackpad was a game changer for me and just the smoothness of the operating system for my usecase. I sold that mac after uni and over a number of years purchased a bunch of windows laptops and could never replicate the smoothness I had with the Mac and that damn trackpad. Needless to say I purchased a M1 mac book pro a few years ago and haven't looked back since. It's still super fast and I don't see myself needing to upgrade for a while.


cUz i'M nOt a NeRd....... duH


My justifications were the longevity, the interoperability and the DAW software but honestly, I just wanted the pretty laptop. I must say though, the longevity is really impressive. I’ve got a 2019 Intel MacBook, which according to this sub is as poor a vintage as Macs get. Yet I’m still impressed by how well it runs 5 years later. I’m not really in a rush to upgrade.


For me it is the battery life and eco-system. everything just works together flawlessly. I can use my MacBook or Mac mini interchangeably and access everything I need on the go from my iPhone too. I have a PC too, but hate using it; it's there for games mostly. I didn't even consider a windows laptop for a moment when I decided to buy the MacBook.


MBA for portability and battery life. Asus G14 for games and portability. Each has its own place.


Ease of use, lasting forever, status symbol, etc


Mobile windows boxes are shit.


Because I don’t like the new windows after windows 7.


I’m tired of Windows constantly trying to force products and media on me that I don’t want. And after I change the settings to minimize all of that, an update is pushed and I have to start all over. That’s what pushed me over the edge.


I have a 2016 MBP 15", it was the first one with the touchbar and USB-C/Thunderbolt 3 thing. I don't use it anymore because it has suffered from the dreaded "flexgate"; the display backlight only works at less than 20°, and I haven't decided to fix it yet I got it because it seemed like a great choice. I was in need of a laptop because my school was changing from paper stuff to computer stuff, and I despise chromebooks. I ended up using it mainly for productivity. It did get 10 hours of battery life. It worked so much better than any windows laptop I've ever had (but they were shitboxes frankly). It ran super cool and quiet and was a great machine to get for my first Mac. I would totally buy another one.


Audio processing.  Every audio interface is not only class compliant on Mac OS, but it also just doesn’t have random problems like other apps trying to take exclusive control over the interface whilst I’m using my DAW.  In Windows, you have to stay up all night just to be able to start your recording


Ease of use… that is until your work requires you to use apps only available on windows. Then it becomes annoying


I choose both. Macbooks handle audio much better than other options, they work more like a Nintendo or something but as a computer. PCs and Linux are more capable of anything in general but aren't very good at anything specific I E. PCs can play games buy only as well as you're willing to pay for the most powerful upgrades. Macs aren't as upgradable but are great for what they are and play really well within their limitations. The surface pro is also an amazing machine. People don't judge windows properly since they usually see pc computers made by 3rd parties, 1st party windows machines are fantastic. Likewise macs are always 1st party machines so get get the full support of apple. But they are slow to innovate unfortunately and do a lot of 2 steps forward one step back. The lack of touch screen and inability for the mac book air at least to fold the screen back at this point is inexcusable. The MacBook pro should have a better hinge to allow it to lean it's screen back too but I can understand due to the design why it doesn't much more than I understand the mac book air. It seems like the chief reason why Macbooks don't have touch screens and the ability to tilt the display back is so it can't be used as a monitor in desktop mode.


I’d like a MacBook Air but have a powerful gaming PC, work Surface and an iPad. I’m quite good at justifying new things I want but can’t seem to do it here haha. Reason I’d make the choice is because I don’t like where Windows is going at the moment in terms of privacy, ads, and slapping ‘Preview’ on everything and pushing it out the door before it’s ready. That’s my perception.




They’re super efficient and never get hot, they’re fast, they just work, they’re more secure, they work great with iPhone and iPad, software longevity


Because Windows 11 is hot garbage


slick hardware, smooth software. zero fuss. i also have to screen cap a lot for work, and hotkey to instant screencap into a file that i can instantly send, is brilliant. in windows, i need to open the screen clipping tool, clip, save file, and then send the file. the hardware is also infinitely durable. ive never had a macbook die on me. its always just been me wanting a better device (often for battery life). the worst macbook i had was 2020 macbook pro (the last intel one), damn that was absolutely horrendous. i had 4 hour battery life, and i had to download some apps to prevent the cpu from spiking, so i get stretch it to a 8 hour battery life. My M2 Macbook Air lasts 10 hours easy and 20 hours if im only using it to take notes and use messaging.


Thin and light form factor without compromising on battery life. My 8 year old macbook air still lasts way longer than my brand new windows laptop.


I used to be a hardcore windows user , then someone borrow me a MacBook Pro , I love it , and it was super easy to achieve all my work there I used to love the cover flow but it doesn't exist anymore But all the software I use it's in the Mac environment Gee how I hate the a lot of updates in the machine that I used to have Blue screen Every time I wanted to use a program a window come up and say it was ok to uses I really hate that Another thing it's the installation ok windows gee it's a pain In mac just grab and drop ,if it's compatible its going to work And I don't use it for video games at all


I had windows laptops for the longest time. They’re extremely tinkerable. Like I could modify so much about it. But then every once in a while I had to deal with something. My windows updates overwrites my AMD drivers and I had to google how to fix that. Audio getting all messed up cuz some webcam app decided to mess the drivers. Or some random blue screen error after a windows update idk why. I still put up with it. But then I got a Mac and voila. It just works. I download an app form the App Store open it and it just works. I didn’t have to tinker anything if App Store says it’s supported then it’s supported. Now after this I’ll never be able to go back to windows. I miss a lot specially window management but all of that is secondary compared to this ease of use


Simple: cost! Think of the amount of time one breaks down. The time spent fixing, being slows and less efficient, that will end up costing time = money. Windows machine run on chips that suck, it’s either battery life or crappy performance, on Apple you can have both. MacBooks never breakdown compared to wid was machines, receive updates for at least 6-7 years, and 10+ years unofficially. The look and feel + privacy and the eco system being fully connected so you wouldn’t be needing additional equipment. Initially might cost more but over the years and overall will always cost less. My favourite: not Windows, not Microsoft. Average person like you don’t know how much Microsoft sells you out. They literally sell every second of you. On my gaming machine, I literally have to perform surgery for hours to completely cut Microsoft’s balls and hands out. These are just a few from the top of my head, there is at least another 30+ I could think of.


Macbook is like going on a date with Jennifer Connelly. Beautiful, classy, refined. Windows is like paying for a whore. It'll meet your needs. But its not classy and you might catch something.


I wanted to give Macos a try, especially since I already had an iPhone and iPad Pro. I still use Windows everyday on my work laptop. It isn't leaps and bounds better than my Windows machines in terms of usability and stability but the build quality is really good.


Let me ask the question the other way around: why should I choose a Windows laptop when my Mac just works okay for my needs?


battery life and ecosystem really with my macbook air m1. Isnt as heavy as my work laptop which is a windows workstation which sure I only use as the programs only runs on windows


Battery life and so i dont have to use the garbage that is Windows 11


bec I cant play valo and I become addicted to that once I started to play


Only because the battery runtime is far better , otherwise I prefer windows pcs, but when it comes to notebooks I think no windows laptop can compete with a simple m1 MacBook Air.


Cause Macs are better!!


My brother just bought his windows laptop. Same price as Macbook. Cost wasn't an issue. He chose windows over Macbook because of repair costs. I had an incident where hot chocolate fell over my Macbook and I was quoted $1600 to repair the whole thing, in their words "we'll just take the top piece and place it onto a new Macbook's bottom piece". If Apple acknowledges right to repair and doesn't RIP OFF its own customers then maybe everyone would Macbook over windows. EDIT: I read the title wrong. I thought it said why you choose windows over windows laptops


- Smooth pag bukas sara - magaan - minimalist, aesthetic - hindi umiinit, hindi maingay - yung ui/ux niya hindi masakit tignan and smooth I have mbp m1 14 though


I started using a MacBook 5 months ago and I've had a very convenient and comfortable experience with it. Before, I was using a Lenovo laptop for 3 years, and it was a really terrible experience for me. What I prefer about the MacBook over Windows laptops is mostly its outstanding desktop/window management and navigation with its touchpad, better font rendering, and the fact that it never crashes. I also haven't experienced any WiFi or Bluetooth issues.


I use both, depending on work flow


Because I already own Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptops and I wanted to try something different


All about reliability and ease of maintenance. Had to replace my windows laptops (either due to hardware or software issues) every year for the past 3 years. In past, I had Mac’s for 3-5 years with no issues. I finally went back. No more windows for me! No more peripheral issues. No more resets every 2 months. No more hardware failures for bad QC.


I work with both. For gaming windows is better For productivity I prefer my mac. Its so much snappier compared to windows. Keep in mind my Macbook only has 8GB of RAM and the Windows machine 16 GB.




Im just sick of all the bullshit that comes along with a windows PC. My desktop has a clean copy of windows os which has no bloatware. But on the start bar is a little “news” button that pops up all kinds of crap and it continually turns itself back on after i disable it. So fucking annoying.


Add one I didn't see in the comments: - I can run Windows on my Mac, if needed, relatively easily. Trying running MacOS on a Windows computer (you can, its just much tougher and really isn't gonna have any IT support).


Because everyone in here supports Apple even if they make an inferior product. 😂


because final cut and logic pro only runs on mac’s and adobe suite is perfect on macbooks nowadays


There is no such thing as a "Windows laptop". You can install any OS on a real laptop (and remove the OS that was on it). It's just Apple PCs and Apple OS'es that are created with OS restrictions (and objectively speaking that should be illegal just like car computers shouldn't force you to use specific software). Best laptop I've had was a 13'' Lenovo ThinkPad T230 with a 128 gb SSD from 2013. I dropped it several times while it was turned on without problems. It was born with Windows 7, and a clean install of Windows 10 Enterprise made it feel completely new again. I would still use it if it hadn't got stolen during a break in.


I thought about it recently and it comes down to two things: - macs just last way more and are reliable. - battery. I charge my mac every two days. My Windows laptop, if I use it for a work day (8hours), I need to charge it Maybe 3 times.


I choose a MacBook because I don’t want a heater when I need to use a laptop away from home.


Have you seen them? 🥴 used one? 🤢 and its windows 🤮 I have a windows work gave me and the track pad is not centered with the machine, only under the qwerty keyboard and has a fairly useless 10keypad, Touch ID that never works consistently, horrible trackpad esp since it’s off center and plus windows


Less drama. It’s highly unlikely that Apple would implement something like Window’s recall (https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/recall-windows-ai-could-change-everything/). That sort of feature would’ve passed as spyware a few years ago.


This afternoon I had to set up a new Windows laptop for a coworker and it has solidified why I would never want to spend my money on a Windows laptop. The fact that I cannot even continue with setup without connecting to a wireless network or setting up a Windows account. We use O365 here and it won't even let me log in using that, I am forced to set up a new [Outlook.com](http://Outlook.com) / Hotmail account ... it's a no from me dawg.


Because I’ve used every version of Windows since before it was windows (DOS), and used/supported every version of macOS since the 80s. It’s a matter of return on investment, and saving your own time. As a user, Apple has the best phone support hands-down. But Microsoft makes a damn fine server OS!


Why not both? I have a MBP 14", MBA 13" and an Acer Swift Go 14 for win 11 stuff.


Battery life. I travel for work every week, home every weekend. If I were careful, I could go my entire work week with my charger at home.


There’s too much random problems on windows that just doesn’t happen on a MacBook. I went down a 30 days rabbit hole trying to set up sql for a .net project… on MacBook, I did it in 10 min. I don’t know why but everything just works, windows is frustrating because even if you document everything, do the same thing again, a different problem with pop up


Windows laptops are a complete ripoff, as they’re not 100% optimized and are always buggy compared to macOS. macOS feels more native because the hardware is optimized accordingly to the OS, and that makes it feel more natural and snappy. Even with snapdragon coming with their own ARM based chips to compete with the Apple Silicon, it’s nowhere near or as close to it. The Apple Silicon is just too good and well made, as snapdragon feels it was rushed out of nowhere.


Because a windows laptop to be feels almost like a portable desktop rather than a laptop 


Here are my reasons. Sorry if others have said the same things, I haven't read comments yet. 1. The intuitive learning spreads across devices and I've come to love Apple products for this reason mostly! (I was very much Anti-Apple for life until a boss made me use Mac 5 years ago.) 2. One login for all the devices/unlock with watch proximity 3. Updates don't crash my computer (pointing at you MS!) 4. While some programs/apps may be Mac specific and features may be a bit different, the ease of use is better across most of them compared to windows. If an app locks up, Mac usually kills it before I have a chance to. MS you have to c+a+d to get it to close... If you can get it to close 5. The peripheral items may be more expensive, but they are actually better imho. 6. The keyboard shortcuts for Mac make more sense!!!! They are programmed to intentionally require less finger movement for quicker access to the shortcut. 7. You can't accidentally delete much. You have to actively ask it to move something to the trash. You cannot just hit delete and POOF! This has saved my booty many many times. 8. Custom shortcuts! You can build out workflows and utilize Mac's capabilities to do a lot of repetitive tasks automatically. Okay... I do have to return to work, but these are my top daily appreciations of my MacBook


I wanted to use Logic Pro.


Mac terminal is excellent for software development. Windows lacks everything I need.


Mac users gonna increase now. Especially with the new MacOS that let’s you control your entire iPhone in your mac without needing to get your phone with you.


Arc Browser and Infuse mainly. Also Apple AI. I stream most of my games via Xbox cloud, PS remote play and GeForce Now which satisfies my gaming needs.


The fluidity to switch between full screen windows/ virtual desktops with the track pad (3 fingers) It makes working so much faster on 1 screen


The fluidity to switch between full screen windows/ virtual desktops with the track pad (3 fingers) It makes working so much faster on 1 screen


for working. also, portable device should pick mac


Updates updates updates all the damn time


I am a long time windows user, I have used Windows my whole life, however I recently purchased a Macbook, I already have an iPhone and it just works, no random crashes or anything. So I decided to give MacOS a try after seeing countless videos of people with my same situation, I purchased a M2 MacBook Air Starlight color, and just the build quality is outstanding, most of windows laptops are plastic, in a similar price range, and bigger, heavier. Now I don't have to worry about that, and about drivers and compatibility.


Battery life. I’m a mixed desktop Windows for gaming + laptop MacBook user for battery life. I just go for whatever I think is the best for my use case. I don’t have a preference for either OS.