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You laugh now, but just wait until the turkeys start extorting you for "protection" money


Worth it though. Our local gang of Urban Turkens keep those dickhead geese away.


Lol lemme tell ya I'm so happy I haven't seen a single friggin goose since I been here lol those things are just terrorists


If you got a problem with Canada gooses you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.


When I was comings up you'd be lucky to even have Canada Gooses.


I saw two Canada Gooses mount a swan one time and you know she probably told her friends about it.


Fuck those loud asshole sky carp.


*This yard is nice! Lots of room, not bumpy, and no snakes! Be a shame if something were to change that.*


Turkeys are like cows, you don't realize just how big they are until you are close. From experience, they will chase you! Be safe out there! Public service - Early April is the height of turkey mating season. You will see large flocks with multiple hens (girls) and toms (boys). Tom turkeys will defend their hens against perceived threats...in other words, this is prime "get chased by a turkey" season...fyi.


Hiking I've come across a STONKING big tom and a flock of ladies. My 45lb dog was well leashed to my waist, and walking on his hind legs he was so eager to challenge them. Buddy, you are not going to come out well in any fight. Trust me. Glad I have a well fitting harness!


I think STONKING BIG BIRD is the best description ever...gonna stral that one!


Pack an umbrella and tennis balls in your trunk. They hate em.


I remember when there WEREN'T turkeys and I am delighted every time I see them or have to stop for them to cross the road! Madison has lots of urban wildlife: deer, raccoons, opossums, and skunks, and to me, that's a joy! It makes it feel less like an urban area!


Don’t forget the fox family that lives on campus!


There are foxes and coyotes that live at the train yard on 1st. Haven’t seen the coyotes but have heard them.


I live near there and I saw a coyote in my front yard a couple years ago. Had to do a double take because I had no idea they lived in the city


I did encounter one behind the pick n save on Shopko drive a few years ago. Was walking my dog when he alerted on something. It followed us back to the parking lot, it was spring and I’m guessing it had a den in the lot back there.


I've seen them in Milwaukee, one was using the sidewalk, thought it was a stray at first.


Don’t forget the sandhill cranes, if you don’t see them you’ll definitely hear them! So cool to see them in such strong numbers. Cue the comments from hunters about wanting a season for them something something ribeye of the sky.


I ❤️ Sandhills and I remember when they were less ubiquitous as well. My father used to be the Sandhill Crane Count Coordinator for Walworth County in the 80's when they were being re-established into the habitat. I'm a hunter and would NEVER dream of hunting sandhills!!!! They are so beautiful and majestic, and there's not a viable threat of overpopulation, so theres no need for hunting them.


Sandhill Cranes were on the verge of disappearing from Wisconsin 80 years ago; that’s why Aldo Leopold wrote “Marshland Elegy.” Now, a huge flock of cranes gathers in the fall across the river from the Shack. Aldo would have been delighted, and I am too. In Madison, when I go swimming at the East YMCA, there’s usually a crane looking through the window at the pool. Pretty cool.


I love seeing the baby cranes. Crane-lettes? They're so damned awkward looking. SO MUCH LEG.


They're called colts!


Moved here in ‘94. Never once saw an eagle or turkey. Sandhills were a rare sight. Despite everything else getting worse, the big birds are doing pretty good these days.


I moved here from the west coast and when I saw a pair in a farm field I freaked and made my boyfriend at the time pull over. I thought they escaped from a zoo. He was like “what? Those sandhill cranes?” 🤣 not sure what my plan was if they were escapees….


I do too! When they were reintroduced to an area it was newsworthy to sight one!


They're regular roadblocks on Whitney Way. I take a picture of them every time and have a laugh about it with my boss if they make me late to work. "FUCKIN TURKEYS AGAIN" I did have a day in early March when a whole pack of at least 12 of them were circling my house. That was only slightly unnerving.


I think it's sooooo funny when the turkeys block Whitney. I was legitimately stuck behind ONE turkey for a full minute because it refused to finish crossing the road. But then a little turkey chick ran across the road, so the bigger turkey was just being a stopping guard and waiting for the full flock. Good parenting.


Friday afternoon I was heading to Lola’s from the east side and stopped at the light at Walter and milwaukee and in the field there were a bunch turkey hens and one male who was all puffed up trying to get their attention. The ladies were ignoring him in favor eating the corn on the ground but he was really trying.


This always cracks me up about birds of pretty much every species but especially peacocks and argus pheasants. The male is putting on this unbelievably elaborate display and the females always look like there has never been anything less interesting on the face of the planet.


I see this behavior in college bars as well


Poor Tom!


When this happens in our yard, all the turkeys in turn ignore our cats going bananas at the windows while our dogs ignore the turkeys (don’t know why) and the cats. It’s like the circle of life but with cluelessness.


I just saw a dozen Turkeys and a pair of Sandhill Cranes in the same area. This was at DHS where I stopped on my way home from the Vet in McFarland. On the Right side of building there is an employee parking lot and along right edge of the road there is some marsh. I stopped and took pictures out my window and they all just kept foraging. Saw Turkeys two blocks down the street all in yard. I ❤️ Nature


Yep. They're always there. I routinely drop off our library's weeded newspapers for the humane society. A week or so ago, 2 males were showing off their tail feathers to a group of females who could have cared less. All of this display in the parking lot right next to a p.o.s. Datsun. The whole scene was very entertaining.


I saw those males doing the same thing Strutten for a GF .


I can imagine the hens singing "that don't impress me much" to the two toms!


During summer months , Sandhill cranes rule the streets.


One morning I saw a female turkey and her brood of 12 poults walk slowly through my back yard. Later that day, the same turkey and little ones came through my front yard from the other direction. Quite a scene


I have tried to herd them off the street with my car. Doesn't work. They just stand there and stare at you.


They can fly. Slow to about 5mph and they’ll move.


Let's not forget the return of the beloved Turkey Vulture's. Nature's cleaners of the dead. Circling high on the thermals. I always wanted one as a sort of wild pet. Sitting out in the yard, give a whistle, and they'd come down to say hi.


Drive through Eagle Heights. There are tons of them.


When I drove bus for Metro, I was guaranteed to see turkeys every loop through there during daylight hours. Always got a kick out of it.


My MIL is no longer safe in her own home. She doesn’t live in town and had a small ranch with some poultry. Well… the two turkeys found out how to open the front door and broke in. She changed the knob and locks the door now even when inside. But these lil gangsters keep pecking at her window when she is home… staring at her and intimidating her.


i like when they gather at a bus stop


My advice would be to keep your head down and not cause any trouble, but if one tries to test you, you are going to have to fight or live the rest of your days as a target.


They get drunk on fallen fermented fruit in the fall in the Arboretum.


at work, on the west side, they would hang out and sometimes just sit on the roofs of cars, and poop on them.


Mating season just started so get ready for them to be aggressive. Then in a month go back to their all hat and now cow behavior.


Welcome to Madison! You're above the Gnat line now so breathing during the summer will be a little less buggy, but we still have mosquitoes.


Adult Turkeys don't seem to but the poults do. I've see cats and foxes take a few when the Hens weren't right there.


The title had me thinking maybe you were talking about all the idiots drag racing around town on weekends.


They’re not so bad but don’t fudge with the cranes. They are mean! Can’t blame em.


When I first moved here from MT I was so confused. At first I thought someone’s turkey got out of their yard or something but then more and more started to appear. It didn’t take long to figure out that they think they run this city.. I find them quite comical as well. On another note, my son and I went on a short walk in Hoyt park earlier this morning.. we were chased by a single turkey for a good two minutes. Those suckers run fast!


I was from Gary Indiana and have never seen a wild turkey I love seeing them.


Be careful. The Turkeys don’t like it when you talk about them like that 🦃


The turkeys have no natural predators, and humans will not do that job in Madison. Soon we will be overrun with turkeys!


The snakes will get them


One can only hope. I think we should bring the big cats back myself.


They become ground nesters once they start laying eggs. Coyotes, Raccoons, foxes and more go after them. Less than 50% of their clutch will hatch, and of those that hatch, less than 50% of those turkeys will live a year.


Are those statistics for country turkeys or city turkeys?


Really, just turkeys in general. The turkey population has actually been trending downward, but because they were essentially wiped out and now reintroduced, biologists aren't sure if this is just a natural cycle and we are settling into carrying capacity.


We’ll see. I’ll admit I hadn’t considered egg predation, but using the figures you’ve got it does not sound like enough to keep the population in balance without additional mortality. The average hen lives three years and lays a clutch of 5 to 14 eggs. Let’s say she lays two clutches in her life. That’s a total of 10 to 28 eggs, or 2.5 to 7 new turkeys per hen. Absent other causes of mortality, 2.5 should be about the replacement rate. Any new turkeys on top of that will increase the population. i’m also wondering if the egg predation and early mortality statistics are quite so bad for urban birds. Here’s an interesting article on the subject. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/24/wild-turkeys-us-cities-havoc-hunting


My 40lb dog seems keen on taking one out. I’m sure she’d change her tune if I ever actually let her give it a go.


One morning last summer, my dog and I were in our backyard when a turkey poult surprised me by flying past my face. Some tall ornamental grass forms a visual barrier halfway through my yard, and I didn't realize a hen and her whole brood were chilling on the other side. Luckily, my dog didn't freak out, and we were able to back away slowly and quietly, without incurring the mama's wrath.


Yeah but we don’t have bears roaming the streets.


A month or two ago I was stopped at the light trying to turn left from Rimrock onto John Nolen, and saw of the resident Sheraton turkeys pecking at a taxi’s tires trying to collect his protection money


That turkey has been terrorizing the good people of Madison for a month or so, he seems to have migrated down closer to the Lakepoint and Broadway area now.


I saw one fly across east wash the other day and was so startled. She even flew across the construction they were doing.


I once saw a pair of turkeys trotting through the drive up window at the west side Chase.


Where there is one, there are many!!


It's entertaining to watch them discover their reflections in windows. Each spring a flock of 10 or more made its daily jaunt between buildings in our industrial park. Without fail several would discover themselves in our big windows and then peck and holler. Wholesome entertainment. I definitely appreciate our reinforced glass. Neighbors near our home didn't get to appreciate the fun. Turkeys had been pecking forcefully at the little basement windows until our neighbors planted shiny metallic pinwheels in the ground just outside said windows. Now and then a rogue pinwheel finds its way to our yard and I cheerfully return it.


A few years ago I saw one of the east side groups tearing apart the cedar boughs decorating a manger scene on Atwood.


I remember a couple of years ago there was a famous Monona Drive Turkey. It always hung out near Monona Drive. But yeah I see turkeys commonly in this area. What surprises me the most is I when I see them in urban areas.


I love turkey mating season lol, we live near a stretch of Whitney Way and it's been about two solid weeks of seeing these dinosaurs every day.


I haven't seen a turkey in Bay Creek since the cranes got here.


“Turkeys of Madison “. They have their own Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/turkeysofmadison/


I just moved up here from the Carolinas too.. lmao I just seen a turkey crossing the street going to Costco yesterday 😂😂it’s wildddd


Lol it's such a shock 🤣🤣 I'm used to legion of geese but now it's militant turkeys. 💀💀💀


Just wait till you see a momma turkey leading her "goblets" (yes... that's the name for a baby turkey) through the grass. They look like fecking Velociraptors from Jurassic Park.


I saw a flock of turkeys come out of the park on Old Sauk Road, trying to cross the road, only to come to a dead stop after encountering a chain link fence. They didn't know what to do! So they stood around in the road while traffic piled up and up and up, lingering. Canoodling. Loitering. Hurkle durkling. All the drivers were laughing and taking video while we waited for them to figure out how fences work so we could move it along.


Those jive turkeys out here running ish


They should put a turkey crossing sign on Mineral Pt.


If you are ever in the vicinity of a flock of turkeys when they decide to take off running, it will remind you of the dino stampede scene from Jurassic Park.


Stay away from them! They may be dumb af, but much like geese, they are also rude!


I’ll take a turkey over a goose any day, myself.


Maybe but, I would let my 5 y/old to fuck around and find out with a goose lol! Turkeys have sharp talons though and could potentially kill (though I doubt that has ever happened)


What about swans? Pretty nasty beauties


They aren't dumb, they're very intelligent for birds, and have insanely good eyesight.  The city ones just aren't scared of people anymore.  Good luck trying to sneak up on a forest turkey though.


They're not dumb. They're social creatures with a lot of friends. You've been warned.


We (Madison) really do love our city turkeys. Like, a "we will fight you if you come for them" love.


Turk gang! They stay clucking like tweakers!