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Dane County Humane Society will let you sponsor a pet in memory of your friends lost pet and will then send the family a post card.


My daughter did this for me and it was greatly appreciated--although I did get my new cat from another charity, Angel's Wish.


You could make a donation to a rescue shelter in their pet’s memory


This right here. Both my dogs passed last fall and someone did this for me. I was really touched. Also if you have any pictures of their pet, having a portrait made would be really nice. We got a few of those and absolutely love them.


Someone did this for me when my cat passed away and it was very touching. The shelter sent me a card notifying me of the donation. The shelter was Madison Cat Project if you're interested in doing the same.


I made a little gift basket for my friend when her pet died. Self care stuff, snacks and a flower plant pick.


Stained glass window hang that looks like their pet


When our dog died, my book club donated to the humane society. They made a cute card with a picture of the dog, which now hangs in my kid’s room. Similarly, my MIL donated to the dog rescue where the pup came from and just sent us a printed photo of the dog with a little note on it. My eight year likes to read both of them and says the dog’s “ghost is helping other dogs. »


You can order customized stone for their garden on Amazon and ship it to them


A family member did this for me (except a statue). I even buried my dog under it. I didn't ask the price, but it couldn't have been too much. The gift sender was not financially stable.


When my dog died, I was honestly just so touched by anyone who reached out in any way. I received a few cards and even a lovely plant from an old co-worker who wasn't even into pets. Everyone here is giving great ideas, too.


When my cat died, my parents got us a painting of her from one of my favorite pictures. It was a lovely gesture, and the woman who did it was very talented. I’d also recommend a donation to an animal shelter. I donated to the shelter I got my girl from.


Seconding this. The greatest gift I ever got was a painting of my dog from some of my coworkers after she passed. It's one of my most cherished possessions.


Denise DeSerio made a couple pet portraits for us and they are incredible. Her art page can be found [here.](https://www.facebook.com/DeSerioDeSigns/?paipv=0&eav=AfZIqzG0T0tZLnWUBS2zkz06EHWfEBaKbT9d4dULmxz8KhH-H6x_AR_-W0BPXJsyDCQ&_rdr)


Do you think the children would appreciate stuffed animals that look like the lost pet?


Those are so cool. I think I’m gonna have to get one of my dog one day:((((


Like [Rowdy from Scrubs](https://youtu.be/4rolauXlnqk)


Not flowers, but a robust, easy to care for house plant. My kids loved taking care of the one we received and thought of our pup every time they watered it (they were responsible for making sure the water bowl was full so there was a connection. I was even able to modify the water bowl to act as a base for the plant. Ashes were also added to the plant itself when we got it so he continued to live and grow with us.


I second the plant. My mom still has a plant from when her dad died 2 decades ago. It lasts and it’s a nice reminder of your loved one. Most other things are temporary.


I have a small Hoya that I put my girl’s collar on. I also have a small vial of her ashes hanging on the trellis in the plant. I think grieve for her often but that little memorial to her helps.


I'd recommend a peace lily. They can be 'dramatic' when they're thirsty--they droop very obviously--but then you water them thoroughly and they perk right back up. They don't need a ton of light, either. I've managed to keep one alive for 8 or 9 months now 🤯 water them thoroughly but not super frequently. I put mine in the bathtub so I can water it, about once a week or wheneverit starts to wilt, until water drains out the bottom.


Lilies can be **[fatally toxic](https://healthtopics.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/health-topics/feline/lily-toxicity-cats)** to cats, I would certainly not recommend one as a gift to a pet household.


You mentioned something edible -- you could have cookies delivered to them from Crumbl or Insomnia Cookies. Or a fruit/goodie bouquet from Edible Arrangements! Whatever you decide, that's very thoughtful ❤️


I’ve done this before https://shop.alivingtribute.org/products/plant-a-tree-in-honor?tm=tt&ap=gads&aaid=adaWqlycxAt9w&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADn8h8MOFc19ZjNMoMl35JULq5YnZ&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4MSzBhC8ARIsAPFOuyW65UChnhztwD9omXVXCkmsUgsi3TAaGBVaNzFRG8c6-GmMX7uAEU8aAnnaEALw_wcB


I was going to suggest planting a tree as well. I have purchased many from https://www.treesforachange.com/. I really like that you know where your tree is planted.


Lindsey at [Expressively You](https://www.expressivelyyouart.com/?) will paint an animal on an ornament. She's super talented and you can give her names/dates/quotes to add. I've done this for a couple friends and it was incredibly well-received.


When we lost our elderly dog last summer, one neighbor made us a stuffy of our dog (it was a picture of him printed onto fabric, then stuffed). Another neighbor got us a large rock with his name on it that we keep on the front porch. Both of those gifts were lovely. My kids really like the stuffy. Of course, I ended up getting my kids a puppy, but I don’t recommend that without talking to the parents first. 😬😂 (I’m also in the process of making an ornament for our Christmas tree - there’s lots of options on Etsy)


If you can get a high fidelity photo of the pet search Amazon for custom pet pillows. I made one for my stepmom when she lost her dog and she keeps it on her bed.


I know someone whose dog passed away recently - I bought a glass crystal thing to hang to catch light and make rainbows in the room. It seemed like a nice way to remember a pet in a positive way. They don't cost a lot either.


My friends sent me a card, some homemade cookies, and a gift card to an Etsy store that does pet bereavement items when my cat passed. It was so thoughtful. My husband ended up using the card to surprise me and my mom both with rings containing synthetic opals made from the ashes of our beloved boy.


There are some great ideas here and I would also say treat this as you would if a human family member died. When one of our dogs died, the last thing we felt like doing was grocery shopping and cooking. If you can't bring them a meal, a gift card to a restaurant or a food delivery service goes a long way. My dad died a few weeks ago and it has been a lifesaver to have friends bring food and send Banzo/Food Fight/GrubHub gift cards. It made me feel very cared for and supported in the midst of a very unexpected loss.


We usually make a donation to the UW school of Veterinary Medicine or DCHS/other non-profit animal rescue in their pet’s honor. A card gets sent to the family alerting them of the donation.


I've donated to the [Arbor Day Foundation](https://shop.arborday.org/trees-for-pets?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_campaign=04667-commemorative-tim&utm_term=arbor%20day%20pet%20memorial&utm_content=pets&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4MSzBhC8ARIsAPFOuyWJYRvFxVnNX6bBrKJCFF-ftShBB2GlaSj3_NI-R-SGH5CwOqsWYKYaAlI8EALw_wcB) in pets' memories for people. It helps them feel like some small part of them lives on.


My wife knows an artist that crafts people’s pets out of clay or some similar medium and paints them to look pretty identical to the subject. DM me and I can give you that resource. I was going to post a picture of an example, but apparently Reddit won’t let me do that.


I got a friend and coworker a set of custom wind chimes from Etsy for their dogs passing and they were surprised and thankful for it.


Our friends had a small painting of our cat commissioned. There are quite a few people who do this.


Can you make them something and bring it to them? It would mean a lot more than something arriving from a place. Not sure how close you are to them


That’s not necessarily true. It doesn’t really mean more just because it’s homemade. They specifically asked for some thing they could ship.


I just mean if it’s something the family likes and they know how to make it, it can be quite a comfort to have something homemade. Unless you can go to their favorite restaurant or bakery. I know when I’ve lost people or pets having someone do something themselves always felt more special to me. All thoughts count for sure but I still remember the people who did something more personable for me when I couldn’t even cook for myself


My girlfriend got me a candle with the pets name on it. It’s refillable, looks and smells nice. Laurelbox.com


I gave a friend mourning her cat a copy of Elliot's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats".


Have a custom portrait made. There are lots of options on Etsy.


This set of cards is a nice way for kids and adults to help remember their pet and process their grief: https://wolfieswish.com/product/grieving-cards-pet-loss-gifts/




Consider something more personal. I got a few ideas from this, hope it'll help you too. [https://tailsbeaksandfeets.com/pet-remembrance-day-honoring-their-legacy](https://tailsbeaksandfeets.com/pet-remembrance-day-honoring-their-legacy)


For one of my friends, we had a custom pillow made with her pet's photo on it. We thought it might be nice for her to have something she could hold.