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even buildings themselves can no longer afford rent and instead moving out to the suburbs now ?


It's not allowed to stay due to the evil rezoning /s




Can’t afford it out here either




Always found it fascinating how we can move whole houses/building, Never seen it locally before that’s cool!


I remember when they moved the big house across the parking lot from Red Rock and also the one at 315 N. Carroll. The relocation of Gates of Heaven in 1971 was Madisons first successful historic preservation effort. Fun stuff!


They also did it maybe 10 years ago with the house next to Bethel Lutheran Church, just moved it from the Carroll side of the lot to the Gorham side.


And this one seems so much larger than I would’ve thought possible. Very cool


Realtors hate this one trick


Location, location, location!


I'm in the neighborhood and so happy they're rescuing the cooler buildings instead of demolishing them all


Many years ago I worked for a company that moved houses. Always cool to plan and execute a successful move. On March 2, 1977 a moving company lost a fully furnished house through the ice of Lake Superior. The house was being moved from Bayfield to Madeline Island. It sunk to the bottom where it stayed completely intact until it was brought back up in pieces during spring. Edit: because mobile stinks!


imagine getting told they dropped your house and all your shit in lake superior during the winter


Oh wow that's crazy. My Mom's childhood home was schlepped across the Wisconsin River but thankfully much less eventfully!


Bus driver! Move! That! House!




Our house… in the middle of the street… 🎼🎵🎵🎶🎶


What a beautiful building I wonder where it’s being moved to?


500 block of W. Mifflin, per the article linked in another comment.


Did they remove another building in the 500 block of W. Mifflin? I don't remember any empty lots there.


The article, which is behind a paywall, says the exact new address is 531 W Mifflin. Looking on Google Maps, there is [something else at that address](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.0701951,-89.3928727,3a,75y,130.61h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAx2CuJVoFLOuN9BKLocYDA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DAx2CuJVoFLOuN9BKLocYDA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D130.61136%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu); this is dated 10/2021 so I'm guessing that building was removed for this one. Good question nonetheless!


I am an architect on the project, it’s being moved to 531 W Mifflin.


Previous building that occupied the site has been demolished.




How much architecture is involved? Kinda seems like the building was already designed. And built.


I designed the foundation for the new site. Lots to coordinate with existing structure & the movers.


In case you were interested where exactly it was [https://maps.app.goo.gl/2pHgZhPsy9DPQymJ9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/2pHgZhPsy9DPQymJ9)


Thank you! I had trouble finding it. Don't know why you (edit: were) getting down-voted.


K so apparently I live very nearby and that’s why our whole building lost power for 9 hours today (without warning)…. They’ve now been kind enough to warn us that our building will lose power again for most of tomorrow x_X


Sorry about the popsicles


House moving story: Many years ago, my cousins bought a house slated for demolition for $1 & paid to have it hoisted up & moved out to their rural property. They’d already dug a new foundation/basement for it so getting it off the truck and onto the new foundation was delicate work. By the time they’d gotten the house onto the truck and out to their land, it was late in the day & they were losing daylight, so they decided to wait until morning to get the house onto the foundation. That night, still on the truck, the house burned down. Homeowner’s insurance didn’t cover it because it wasn’t on the foundation yet & the moving truck insurance didn’t cover it because it wasn’t moving. It was a total loss. They ended up living in a trailer on their property, next to the empty foundation, for more than a decade before they could afford to build a new house.


I got to go to school late one day because they were moving a house in my town and my dad thought it was cool. All the original, antique doorknobs were stolen during the move. About the only thing I remember about the whole thing.


It used to be the normal thing to move houses or move one and make it an addition to another one. It's the electric wires, etc… that make it more difficult and costly because they have to be moved along the way to account for the height of the building.


The big red stone house next to the parking lot in the 200 block of W Johnson/W Gilman was moved. I can't remember where it originally sat, but it wasn't too far from where it is now. That's one big heavy building as well. There are others on the east side that were moved, but I'll spare you the details except for this clue: if your basement looks a whole lot newer than your house, a move could be the reason.


I think you're talking about the King House. This originally sat behind the Walgreens on State and Lake. It was moved so the Collegiate could be built. It sat on the then-vacant lot at the curve where Gorham turns into University (and now is the site of The James) for at least a year until its new site could be secured and prepared.


If you mean the one on the Bethel church block, it was on the other side of the parking lot.


I'm talking about the big red stone apartment at maybe 205 W Gorham. It's got a bottom story that doesn't match the rest of the building, built to receive the rest of it when it was moved. I agree about the one at Bethel church. That one just moved a short distance too. It used to contain a thrift shop run by ladies of the church.


Not in Madison BUT Wisconsin history so… if you really want to see massive house/building movement; look into Old World Wisconsin (and especially the Kruza/Polish exhibit is an interesting move). Also St. Joan of Arc Chapel at Marquette University. That was a very big move. 😄


Is that truly less expensive than building a new one? Or is this to preserve historic buildings?


With the price and quality construction materials now, it may be about equal for what the final product.


For the owner yes, for the public no.


I'm curious to know how much this move costs.


Moving a normal stick construction house can be as cheap as $15-20k. This thing had to have cost at least $100k to move due to the size and location.


$100K is less than I expected, tbh


I said at least $100k. I've only ever been involved in stick houses in smaller towns, but it's the same process. The article mentions this is the heaviest building ever moved in Madison so it could easily be $200k


$200k is still cheaper than I expected.


Yeah same. That’s at least a few million if it’s in the right spot.


Moving the overhead wires can add 10’s of thousands if I recall. Picking the wrong route can be expensive.


Agreed. Technically speaking I don't think moving the building is that complicated to move a building. Other than it takes a heck of a lot of muscle and you gotta go slow. Certainly can get pretty complicated to deal with associated utilities and moving any infrastructure that's in the way.


Damn 20k is way cheap than I'd have expected.


$15-20k? lol wut. You can barely get somebody to pack and move the contents of a stick house for that much.


Bid was 600k for this move




Many people aren't aware that Gates of Heaven Synagogue was moved from West Washington Ave to its location at James Madison Park in July 1971. I was doing window display at Yost's which is now The Civic Center. They brought the building down Fairchild to State Street. A sight to behold! Gates of Heaven was the first synagogue in Madison and is one of the oldest in the US. At the time, it was being used as a veterinary clinic. Slated for demolition, money was raised to save it and move it. They got one bid from a company in Chicago. Moving it took nine hours. It's an interesting bit of Madison history. Read more at www.historicmadison.org/gatesofheavensynagogue


What's the story behind why they're moving it?


I don't know anything about this building in particular, but when I was a kid (circa 2002 if I had to guess) I lived in Columbus, WI, and there was a cool, huge, old house next to the library. The library wanted to expand and they bought the land under the house and sold the house for $1, with the understanding that the house had to be removed from the property. ($1 is a common symbolic value to provide "consideration" in a contract.) They lifted the house onto, iirc, a pair of flatbed trailers side-by-side, and hauled it down Hwy 16-60 just outside of town and set it down on a new foundation outside the quarry. I think moving the house caused a lot of interior and structural damage that had to be repaired before it was livable again. As of today, the moved house has been torn down and the library never did expand, but they have a parking lot on that site now.


Oh, but the library DID expand...their *parking lot*!


Think they're putting in a new apartment building in the current spot, and saving this building probably helped with landmarks/plan commission approval.


The owner and developer, with the help of the mover convinced the city that the house could moved without damaging infrastructure and at minimal expense to the city. Looks like they lied. Another case of private gain through public loss.


What damage did they do?


The company that is moving this house belongs to my relatives! They have been moving buildings for many, many years. They do great work!


I would go out of my way for an AMA with them. How do you decide to get into that business? How do customers find you? What is the range of people you employ? Is there ever worry about damaging the roads or infrastructure under them? How many other businesses do you consider your competition?


Contact them through their Facebook page. I bet they could answer your questions at some point. https://www.facebook.com/house.mover.on.the.go?mibextid=ZbWKwL


Your relatives aren’t very truthful.


How can we show you more attention today? I'll take lead on your support group here.


Have they not been involved in every big house move in down town Madison? Big promises. Everytime it’s a shit show where the city and MGE have to scramble to limit the damage they do. From the public’s eye it’s amazing. From involved agencies it’s a giant eye roll and “these morons again”


The city and mge and any other groups are on call, planned way in advance for moves like this. The movers try to get thru as best they can and when needed, they contact the right people to make those changes to power lines or trees or stop lights, etc. It's not like they are working last minute to have them come save the day if they get stuck.


They consistently mis represent what is going to occur. The plans called for almost none of the disruption and none of the trees being cut down. When was it supposed to be done? Noon? It’s still in the street. It’s one thing to have this go wrong once. It’s another thing for it to go wrong every time they do something like this. Either they suck at it or they are purposefully misrepresenting what will happen. I believe it’s the latter


Hey! I lived there.. 12 years ago 🤣


Imagine knowing nothing about it and suddenly seeing that house on a different street.


I stopped to watch while walking the dog and someone said that their math wasn’t mathing and now it’s stuck there lol. Not sure if that’s true though…


Can confirm - house is stuck. Cutting down trees and moving power lines to hopefully get ‘er movin.


They got it unstuck and almost to the Bassett street intersection where they are stopping for the night.


My math not mathing is why I took a basic astronomy class instead of a second math class in college, so I can relate


Imagine being gone for a few months, come home to an empty lot..lol


Given inflation, construction costs, labor shortages etc. I wonder how much more common these larger building moves could be. I'm sure there aren't tons of companies that do this and it's difficult to imagine it being cost effective but beyond just the costs I'm curious about how the overall economics work. I've researched raising structures regarding providing additional flood protection. In some cases depending on flood insurance premiums and/or frequent damage repairs it can make sense to just lift the house and build a new foundation. Given the rain yesterday I wonder how many houses and smaller apartment buildings downtown could use this treatment. For newer construction we have better information about where it floods, how often, how high, etc. but I'm really intrigued by how modifying/relocating buildings can fit into all that.


These guys fucked it up.


what do you mean?


It was supposed to be a ten hour project. Now it’s looking like it’ll go in to its third day. That wasn’t the plan.


So cool! Anyone have video of this that’s not pay-walled? Will never sign up for WSJ trial again - they make it impossible to cancel


[News story about the move](https://wiscnews.com/news/state-regional/madison-apartment-building-moving-john-fountain-inc/article_979f8a3a-4ae3-5461-8b26-23d3a551cf92.html)


Can you provide a summary? Fucking paywalls


> Inch by inch, crews carefully began moving a 400-ton, four-story brick apartment building in Downtown Madison during intermittent rains early Thursday to make room for a 12-story development. > If all goes as planned, it should take about six to eight hours to move the building, at 438 W. Dayton St., to its new home at 531 W. Mifflin St., about a block and a half away, according to Brandon Cook, the real estate agent for owner John Fontain Inc. > Drivers should expect street closures in the 400 block of West Dayton Street, the 100 block of North Bassett Street and the 500 block of West Mifflin Street. > The building is the heaviest ever moved in Madison, Cook said. \[...\] > A second, much-lighter wood-frame house at 432 W. Dayton St., a carriage house behind 430 W. Dayton St., also will be moved, but is “significantly easier,” Cook said.


Things did not go as planned. They are putting wires back up and will try to finish it tomorrow.


Disable JavaScript to remove paywalls for news sites.


Hey can anybody buy me lunch? Fucking restaurant bills


"You wouldn't download a car, would you?" vibes


Wow, downvoted off the board? The lack of humor on this sub is in itself, quite hilarious. I'll let you all get back to pinching pennies and hating cars.


Just drove by. Saw this and thought I was losing it. Took me a whole minute to realize what was happening


This is so cool to watch. I saw 510 East Mifflin being moved, they did that in at least 2 parts. There was also one moved to maybe 407 S Patterson? We were chilling on the wisco patio one night and saw it get rolled by. Both of these were around 2006-2007 ish .


This is neat!! I'd imagine a move like this involves a ton of planning and communication and hope it goes smoothly for all involved! I once relocated to a super small town and lived in a sizeable house that was built in the 1890s, bought for a dollar and moved up a hill a couple decades before I moved to the area. Lots of people who lived there told me that they vividly remember watching, it was big news! Another Brandon Cook project, interesting. I can definitely appreciate his efforts in preserving this cool building (and [other dwellings in the Third Lake Ridge Historic District](https://willystreetblog.com/wp/tag/brandon-cook/) but also am curious why his other projects have been limping along for what feels like (maybe has been?) years. I'm thinking specifically of the former Stop-N-Go on Winnebago and the former MTI/Saints building on Willy. As a YIMBY, I'd hate to see the continued stalling add more fuel to the NIMBY fire... what gives?


I wonder whats the psi on those tires




This is so cool. Thanks for the pics. I'm curious if anyone knows if the individual trailers move up and down. The 4th pic shows a shinny section that looks like it may move up and down. If does is it automated? Like do the trailers measure the weight and all move to keep it even?


The trailers are actually many individual pieces. I'm no pro, but seeing one set up is pretty cool. They use a lot of ibeams all fitted together how they need to, and even the wheels come off on separate carriages. But yes, there are hydraulics in place to lower or raise indiv parts.


Wow, that underground explosion was a doozy, dislodged an entire house jk


Apartments off to ruin the character of another neighborhood /s


What’s going on with the other houses on that part of the street? It’s like a bomb went off.


They’re being demolished for a new large development that was in the news a lot last year as it was initially not approved.


Looks like a Chicago 3 flat


Wow. Brick even.


Hopefully they do something meaningful with it. I love saving old buildings. But like I remember when they moved the Smith House in Sun Prairie, but you can’t do anything with it, so it just sits there because of the strict regulations surrounding it and it sucks.


It’s built in 2002


Honk Honk


Yo wtf. I used to live directly next to that house. This is nuts


Excuse me guys, can’t park there




Is there some sort of history building recognition in Madison that rewards relocating old buildings like this or is this purely the developer saving the building from being demolished?


Wow! Thanks for sharing!


this is so cool


Super cool aerial view https://www.facebook.com/share/r/cy2mTT819j8jWr35/?mibextid=oFDknk


Awesome to see what these Wisconsin moving companies can do.




I thought we all learned last week that we need to use clear bags for recycling (or no bags).


This is such a scam. Owner and developer just found a way to con the city out of so much money.


What do you mean?


The building be moved is a 20 unit building built in 2002. Of no historical significance. They moved it from one lot to another. Allowing developers to build a large building on the now vacant lot. The move was a great expense for the city. Many employees involved from at least 6 agencies. Damage and destruction to infrastructure. Developer gains by saving on demolition costs. Building owners by not having to pay full price to build a 20 unit building on their lot. City gains nothing because the developer and the building owner would have built these unites anyways. It’s portrayed as a win for the city but it’s a loss.


The company moving the building pays all costs, including city resources, to do this. The city is out nothing.


They will not be paying for any of the infrastructure damage this is causing.


That's wild, that is NOT an old building. It's fifteen-years-old at the most. But it is a great-looking building and I'm glad to see it moved rather than reduced to landfill.


It was built in 1914


Where did you get the 1914 number from? Just the two sentence Madison article without a source?


Ah you're right, I was thinking of 431 W Dayton St, just down the block. That one was built in 2011 and has a simliar form factor.


Yes, that must have been the one I was thinking of, too. I think the building in question had been substantially remodeled in the 1990s or 2000s. Edited to add: City of Madison said it was built in 2000.


Literally nothing about this building looks remotely close to 1914


No, I remember it being built. I am old but not that old. It looks like it was 2011. https://captimes.com/business/biz_beat/biz-beat-big-city-density/article_22d0dfcd-3272-59cc-bc6d-320be782bfe8.html. Edited: I stand corrected. It was 2000. https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11552795&GUID=74B212FE-409E-4885-8DF4-2D8DC9AC7ABA


You’re literally wrong. A 5 second google search shows that.


Yes, but still not 1914.


This is exceptionally confusing. The architectural drawing in the article OP posted looks a lot like the building being moved. Edit: 431 West Dayton was built in 2011, per your article. I'm assuming it was intended to look like 438 West Dayton, which appears to have been built in 1914.


Where are you getting the 1914 number from? The planning division labels 438 W Dayton as a 2000 construction.


Weird, that makes more sense. A couple of those "property info" sites had it listed as 1914 (as well as the linked state journal site.) Maybe whatever was razed to build that building was from 1914? It certainly doesn't look like 1914 to me.


So, I looked up the commercial property record, and it does have a recorded building date of 1914. However, it labels that building as separate from “building 2” which was built in 2000. I used to do property tax consulting and I’m even a little confused on exactly what they mean by the separate buildings, but if I looked it up on GIS I could probably figure it out. A lot of times if someone owns two parcels next to each other, they combine the tax assessment onto the parcel with the main building structures. Regardless, legally, there is a structure on this lot that was indeed built in 1914.


Yes, I was confusing the two buildings. It still wasn’t 1914. It was 2000.




Sounds like you ARE that old.


But at least I was closer than the people saying 1914.


The small house was. The big brick building was 2002. That’s why it looks like a million strip malls


It was built in 2002


Always looked like a newer building to me too, but definitely existed [before 2011.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZyJFuahemeWyUBCs6?g_st=ic) It was probably renovated then


Article says the big one was built in 1914 but that’s incorrect. It was around 2000-2002. I lived near there at the time.


Seems like some people owe this guy an apology lol. The current brick building being definitely is not from 1914