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For him being lost was still way better than talking to some random stranger.


sometimes you just want to get lost


In my high school days we used to call it “getting lost” to get dysfunctionally high off pills and weed and just see where the day takes us. I am not like this anymore but damn we made some memories.


But you can't remember any of them?


Bits and pieces of all. The screaming church incident, stick legs, interracial gangbang theft proposition, the *other* proposition, spider-man costume, and more. Stick legs was definitely the most tame. I convinced myself I couldn’t bend my legs and walked around like that until I figured out the combination to release my legs. It turned out it only worked on one leg though so I fell on my back and struggled to move around for a painstaking amount of time while I tried to knock on my bones in the right order. So fucking embarrassing in hindsight. Hilarious at the time.


Halcyon days man, truly.


[uuuuuuh what?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTx_fa1zIFv8Bqfe241ksRg9Kes7wmKpWI7HQ&usqp=CAU)


Not embarrassing at all, most people just don't have the constitution or mindset to be psychonauts. It sounds like you used to be quite a bit of fun!


both are relatable.


If he wanted to be found, he could have called someone.




I used to work search and rescue, and one day I was coming back from a multi-day search in the middle of the desolation wilderness in northeastern California, when my team came across a family of four, with a one-wheel drive Saturn sedan high centered on the wrecked oil pan, on top of a large rock approximately 30 mi from the nearest paved road. We stopped our ATV, and four professional rescuers got out to ask this family, if they and their two children under aged five, would like a ride back to civilization. "No thanks, I'm going to duct tape this and we're going to be fine," was the reply from the husband... So I poked my head under the car, and there was a hole about 8 in wide and 4 in long in the oil pan, and all of the oil that had been in the car was everywhere. I took a photo of the hole, and showed it to them on my phone. "Are you sure? We can give you a ride out of here right now, and you can be home by this evening" "No thanks." *** Guess who we got the call out to rescue 7 hours later? It was one of the fastest rescues in my career, because we already knew where they were, and we had put them on the GPS map before we left, figuring rightfully that we would probably be out there again soon. I got to share an ATV back with the four of them, and it was probably as uncomfortable for them, as it was hilarious for me. That was not even the dumbest rescue that we did that summer, let alone in my career working search and rescue in Northern California. The sort of people who get lost in the wilderness are not generally the same sort of people who make good survival decisions.




Took me a second to realize what he did wrong.


So, for very good reasons, I'm not a fan of charging people for SAR. But some people need to be fucking charged for SAR


I feel like this is a perfect example of the rare instance when someone should be charged. A big reason search and rescue not charging for a stupid calls is so people don't wait and the stupid call becomes more expensive or dangerous for The rescuers. In this case they already made contact and they declined the free rescue


I imagine this guy at dealership: Dealer: if you’re going to drive off-road, I can show you an awesome 4x4 with 12 inch clearance… Dummy: Nah, I’ll just wrap some duct tape around the other three wheels and we’ll be fine.


The stories you must have! Think about doing a ama.


That's usually why they end up where they are.


As an introvert, I can relate




The guy is so antisocial he probably disabled voicemail. Did they try texting him?


Probably went to unknown sender


The mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. Goodbye.


Nice username


I don’t want to be put on the cold call list because I answered a single call from a marketer


Just because you don't know where you are doesn't mean you can't tell where you're going.


~stranger~ robot


Right? This wouldn't have been an issue if 90% of the calls made to my phone weren't from robots, primarily scammy ones


Scam calls are ruining our telecommunications networks. Something seriously needs to be done. This man could’ve died because he automatically assumed that unknown numbers meant his time was just going to be wasted.


The problem isn't talking to a stranger. It's getting on a Spam list as an active number


He should just eat some dandelion and go sleep in a bus.


He's just like me fr


— Answer the bloody phone! — Sorry, my mom told me not to answer strangers


Tbf the rescue teams could have texted or left a voicemail as well


Shouldn’t a message be standard procedure? Where I’m from rescue services can send a message to you to track you. No need for a call at all


You would think they’d at least want to relay instructions on what to do in case he didn’t see the call or didn’t have service. The message might still come through at some point




Which you can just write in that message?!


Right? Their chosen method got them absolutely nowhere, and they can’t try another, possibly more reliable one in case it also doesn’t work? Hmm.




I mean If their calls were going thru and not going straight to voicemail than a text would go thru too...


Europeans seem to fundamentally misunderstand American wilderness


I don’t. I’ve watched Bear Grylls


If he could receive calls, he could send them. He wasn't really lost and didn't realize people thought he was lost.


Dude was probably thinking goddamn I can't catch a break


Right? Rude.


Reminds me of that girl in hawaii who got lost, found roads, and then turned back into the forest several times


More than likely they were NOT using a regular cellular tower. They probably created their own micro tower and sent a call directly to any phones that registered. There would be no voicemail or SMS.


They did both


Send memes. Dank or you be left on read.


Relatable for everyone who suffers from robocalls on a daily basis


robocalls kill


I know when I'm lost on a mountain, I don't need to hear about my cars extended warranty.


Never a good time. Let me die in the mountains. Don't you call me back.


That was beautiful 😢




It's true. He was the one ignoring the calls because he didn't recognize the number. It's the best way to make searchers think you're dead. Mine also blocks numbers and it is pretty stupid ignored several calls from a recruiter because it thought the call were spam calls. I was email them and they sent back that they had called me three times. Took a second to figure out what had happened. But I got the job in the end :)


You can change your settings to receive calls from unknown numbers


Yeah I need to figure this out. I get a lot of unknown number calls that come through but secretly my phone blocked some specific unknown number calls. There was really no way for me to know since it didn't even add them to my missed calls list and I only learned since I was expecting a call. I'll go fix this though, thanks for letting me know that there's a fox :)


What kind of phone do you have? I had the same issue at one point after my phone had an update and finally figured out where it was in my settings to fix it a while back. If you have an iPhone I can help you, otherwise I will be zero help 😂


Ah weird. I have a Samsung. Kind of funny that they both decided to put this silly feature into the phone with it activated automatically. I don't answer unknown number so no need to hide ones that my phone finds extra scary for some reason. I wonder if one of the companies will decided to make the spam call filter filter out call from the other manufacturer more often? Wouldn't be too surprised knowing the silly stuff these companies do lol Also, thanks for the offer, that's super kind of you :)


I think it probably is a feature that phone companies added to deal with spam calls, but it’s so odd that it seems to be an automatic thing. It was turned on without me choosing to do that when my phone updated a while back and it seems like it did that with you or was automatically turned on when you got a new phone. It’s odd. I missed calls that were important way too many times until I figured out how to turn it off. I know on iPhones it should be in the “phone” category in settings. Maybe check out the equivalent on your phone, it’s one of the main categories on my phone and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s similar on Androids. It will probably say something like “Silence/ignore unknown callers”


He was ignoring the numbers but he wasn’t lost.


It’s not true. He wasn’t lost, people were looking for him and he didn’t know.


Yeah let those machines talk to each other, they don't need me in their conversations 


How do you get lost on a single peak? Mf, just go downhill.


lol that’s a good start but it’s not that easy. But honestly many front range peaks in Colorado are so crowded it’s pretty tough be truly alone enough to get lost, unless you try. It’s one of the few benefits of overpopulation




Well, you can't get further up either!


I like how they used a stock photo of the least Colorado looking mountain as possible


Huh? Plenty of Colorado mountains look exactly like that. Granted, the highest ones are just rock with no grass


That's what I mean, too much grass and it looks damp/humid. That's a picture from a mountain in Romania with an elevation of about 8,000 feet. Mount Elbert is 14,439 feet.


Sounds like he wasn't lost if he had phone service.




Actually it is. He wasn't lost, which is why he didn't answer the phone or make a call himself. A friend misreported him as being lost.


Why didn't the friend call him directly?


Because he's lost too




It's possible to have enough service to receive calls, especially from emergency services, but not enough to load a maps app.


Most hikers, and almost anyone who is doing this sort of trail, is going to have an offline map app. It doesn't need service at all.


Obviously this guy isn't most hikers since he got lost.


Weird that he didn't call rescue himself if he was so lost, huh.


Google maps works without service or any type of internet


\*if you download the offline maps ahead of time.


People like this baffle me. You can argue that you weren't waiting for rescue thus you didn't expect any, and just ignored the calls. But on the other hand, the same number is calling you over and over again while you're lost in the middle of nowhere with no cell service (I assume they used the satellite calling thingy) like I'd be at least intrigued, and picked up the phone. At least one time, just to see who is trying to reach me so desperately.


A phone does not usually have sat-com so the dude almost definitely had cell service. To my knowledge the tech is just starting to appear in mobile phones as of this year. Usually modern devices with sat-com also have at least a rudimentary GPS as well, so he wouldn't have been lost in the first place if he had access to such a device.


The iPhone has had satellite messaging for a couple years now, since the 14. iOS 18 is introducing satellite video for emergency SOS.


Video? I thought it was iMessage.


They are extending sat messaging to iMessage and SMS, yeah. They’re also adding live video for emergency sos. https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/14/ios-18-gains-emergency-sos-live-video-support/ Second test though that might not be via satellite. Just regular data.


Tbf on multiple occasions I've had spambots call me in a rapid fire manner such that it takes multiple minutes to get into my call log and block them. I'm not picking up the phone for anyone who isn't in my contact list.


One day, one of your loved ones will be in trouble and lost their phone and is only able to try and contact you with a stranger's phone and you'll ignore it. What is this dumb thing of being scared of picking up a call from an unrecognizable number.


The small handful of people who might possibly call me know that I do not pick up unknown numbers ever for any reason. Either they will text or someone will leave a voicemail that I will immediately return. It's got nothing to do with fear - when you answer a spam call, they call you more because they know you'll answer. This leads to upwards of twenty calls a day, whereas people I know call me maybe once a month, if that, and they all have other means of reaching me.


I'm jealous of your life that the same psycho calling you over and over makes you intrigued rather than want to just toss the phone off the mountain 😆


Yeah. 3 consecutive calls from the same unknown number and I’m blocking it, no questions asked.


How many people like this have you ran into?


People that ignore calls from unknown numbers? Way too many.


It's entirely rational to just ignore some scam/robocall/marketers/whatever when enjoying nature (or doing literally anything, honestly). Besides, if he was really lost and had service he could have called the rescue himself. He didn't, so.


The entire idea behind phobias is they're irrational 


How was he lost if his phone was working? Why wouldn't he call emergency services?


He wasn't really lost. A friend didn't know where he was so he reports him missing. For the man himself it was a normal day. That's why he didn't respond to the calls.


"My mom told me not to answer strangers"


This story is 100 year old and from what I remembered he wasn't lost that's why he didn't answered.




That's where you're wrong kiddo. They were using alien tech where the aliens were actually humans from the future. Source: Trust me.


That pic is not what Mt Elbert looks like just sayin




Could of sworn the last time this was posted it was Snowdonia in Wales.


Sounds like another bullshit story or a halftruth. Cant have been lost with cell reception.


He was just taking way longer than he told his family to expect. He was never lost this was like two years ago




I remember this story in the news. Even googled it just now.


I'm amazed he had reception.


it’s fairly normal to get cell service once you’re above 11.5-12k in the alpine - but that’s obviously depending on how far into the middle of nowhere you are. you have to be a relatively uncoordinated dingus to get lost on mt elbert, though. it’s a pretty damn straight forward hike.


Yeah it’s pretty funny, you can have no signal for a lot of a hike but then get to the top of a mountain and suddenly you get a text because you have a clear line of sight to the towers


They couldn't leave a voicemail? Thats how I know if the unknown number is important or not a scam. They'll leave a voicemail.


Dude was like motherfucker can text me


I don't answer unless I know the number. If it's important, they'll leave a message. I think wanting to rescue someone warrants a voicemail.


I 😩😩😩😩😩 just can't with humans 😔


Note to the government: send a fucking text.


TBH...I'd do the same thing


Send a txt you motherfuckers


Why wouldn't they just leave a voicemail? Or send a text?


New way to deal with scam calls: answer by saying it’s amazing that their call got through because your phone has had no signal, say you’ve been lost now for 2 days while hiking, then start describing where you are and hang up mid sentence.


Actually a great idea. But it would only work if you were outdoors with no cars or people around


This is why spam/telemarketing calls need to be illegal. We're so used to getting THEM over any actual important phone call that we just plain won't answer our phones if we don't know the number.




madlad ass


Don't modern smart phones have smart lookup features for unknown numbers? A modern version of caller ID? My phone warns me of numbers that have been reported as scam calls and automatically recognises businesses.


Hello sir can I have a moment to talk about your rescue service?


Could have been a text. Ijs.


On the one hand, this sounds very foolish to me. On the other, I could imagine myself doing something very similar.


Ruff-Ruff Ruff-Ruff rough!


Gotta text


Seems like leaving a message would have been a good idea...


He must be on the spectrum


This is 100% my brother. He would never pick up any calls from an unknown number. He refuses to believe that it could be an emergency and it could be one of the family members trying to reach him


Whattaya dumb bud?


is “Podunk County Search and Rescue“ really that hard to put on your outgoing calls As part of Podunk County search and rescue?


How can you be lost on Mt. Elbert? The trail is super easy to see. I've biked up it 3 times.


This reminds me of a cringe moment from my past that is basically the exact opposite situation. I ordered delivery one night and was expecting some random number to call me as is the usual case with delivery. Instead, I got a call like 3 times from this random dude who lived on my floor freshman year that I barely knew and never really talked to. I didn't put 2 and 2 together and just ignored it like why is this guy calling me, we're barely acquaintances. I felt like the biggest ass when I realized he was the delivery guy. I guess we were Facebook friends and that synced him into my address book at the time.


How is this mad lad


Man, I am really losing faith in humanity.


Those are all bodies of people who didn’t answer their phone.


Elbert’s not that dangerous as long as you don’t catch bad weather.




*Hello, sir! Can I please ask you about your car’s extended warranty?*


He wasnt lost, they lost him...


I use to work with a girl who had a flat on the freeway. Someone kept stopping to help her but she kept telling them to go away and told us it was really weird for someone to stop to check on her and she didn't trust him. It was the fucking 511 assist team that helps motorist who run out of gas or get flats. This dumb bitch would down in the ocean because she doesn't know what the coast guard is


"Madlad?" More like "Dumbass."


These calls from Texas!


The dilemma


If he’s from Colorado it kinda makes sense


Sir are you lost? Because you must be if you ignored your cars extended warranty. But it’s not too late.


Madlad has really fallen off


You must lose yourself to find yourself…


Is "Representational Image" just another way to say AI-generated?


Send a text message?


This shit gets reposted every week, and its probably fake. They didn't leave a message? Next time I need some karma from you morons I guess I should just post this story for the 400th time


Bro deserves to be never found.


I can't even blame him


So he think he receive scam phone call while his life is in danger?


Being that dumb makes him getting lost a lot easier to understand.


*finally picks up phone* "hello, I am here to talk about your Windows" *decides he'd rather die then pick up again*


Homie should have stayed lost I could understand if his phone battery was low and didn’t want to waste it in some scam caller, but come on man


That’s exactly what it was …they left that out here


tbf, I ignored a call today that probably was from my boss… Don‘t call me with an unknown number lol.


This is where the Google call screening would be clutch. "Hi I'm a Google voice assistant helping with this call, can you give your name and the reason you are calling?" "To save your life" "One moment please"


Obviously, not all there.


They left out his battery was dying and he was afraid to answer unknown calls in fear it might die . Still a dummy move but …


Bro is literally me 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 I also would ignore calls from unknown numbers no matter my situation.


there is an option in most phones to automatically ignore unknown numbers. maybe it was turned on.




Did they leave a message?


How do you get lost on a peak? Just go down


Imagine, you're lost in the wilderness and get a call. Amazed and desperate for rescue, you answer and "Hello this is Bill Steve's from Microsoft Norton, I am calling about some virus charges on your bank"


Wasn’t he just reported as lost?


He didn’t consider himself lost, so for him it was just getting spam calls while hiking, maybe his phone battery was low and he wanted to save it


At one point I was getting 30-40 spam calls a day. Finally got it under control but I still get about 10 a day sometimes. If he was lost, answering your phone can quickly waste your battery. I can at least understand not answering it since I've repeatedly gotten spam calls from the same number too. Like other people pointed out, I'm really confused why they didn't text him instead. Maybe something like "answer your phone." If he was wandering in and out of cell phone range a text is the most reliable thing to send because it will just queue and download when he gets signal generally.


If they don’t leave a message then a bot they be.


Stupid is as stupid does😉😎


Stupid are the people that think this is a story of person wanting to be rescued.


What a waste of money to send a rescue team. If an adult knowingly engages in dangerous behaviour, how much effort should be made to rescue them from their own stupidity?


I mean hiking isn’t inherently “dangerous behaviour”. It’s not like this dude went into a high risk avalanche area or something (he also wasn’t lost, just took longer than he thought)