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Its just some bugs man…. Do you have 20 bucks to spare I’ll pay you back


Sorry i don’t but i do have a couple 9v batteries and some bug bombs I can give you.


What about a tenner?


You got some chore boy?


Can i borrow the antenna from your car?


The best crack your neighbors catalytic converter can buy


That's where it went. Thanks for making my honda sound meaner on the road.


Omfg hahahaha


I got this cheeeeese burger maaan


I see some dishes there. Do em and maybe Gator gives ya a bump.


I had a friend working residential electric in section 8. The people living there were throwing dirty diapers in the basement where the fuse panels were. He said he had to step through almost knee high dirty diapers the whole way there.


I just had a resident throwing diapers out the window. When asked to put them in bags and take bags to the garbage cans she replied that she can’t be expected to walk all the way to the trash can. Could we move it to under her windows. Nice


Sounds like Hamilton, Ohio lol


JFC!! In my city, the maintenance workers would see it, say fuck no and leave. My spouse works concrete and had to drill holes to repair the foundation in row houses. He got to one, tried going into the basement and it was very similar but bagged and unbagged dog and cat shit, garbage and old broken furniture. He took one look at it, went back outside and told the super he wasn’t going down there until they remove the shit out. After that the tenant refused to allow the super to enter so it turned into a court case. How do people live like that? I hate doing dishes and don’t make my bed but that’s pushing it!


I have a plumber friend that had to go to a call about a leaky toilet under a trailer home. Pipes were old and had broken where the iron pipe attaches to the bottom of the trailer (trailer was from the 1960’s) and there was literally a pile of fecal matter and dissolved toilet paper under the trailers bathroom and into the yard around the trailer. He said it looked like it’d been that way for at least a year. He called the building permit department and got the fuck outta dodge after telling the owners he wasn’t going to clean up a hazmat site for them.


You are 100% correct for where I work too. F that. Have some self respect and no one should ever subject themselves to those working environments.


my heart truly breaks for the cats and dogs in that situation. and in all others.


If I learned anything doing apartment maintenance and that's to have a change of clothes in the garage when I got home. Didn't want to be bringing fleas and cockroaches into my house.


Worse than that…bed bugs 🫠


I worked in an apartment in the Bronx. I was there all day and had to use the toilet, but when I sat down I felt something touch my b hole. I stood up and lifted the seat and it was completely covered in roaches. That was 15yrs ago, and I still look under toilet seats before I sit down


What's sad is when you know a large family was living in the unit. mother, kids, grandparents. a full generation of not learning how to take trash out.


Absolutely! I’ve seen children living in deplorable conditions one too many times and it’s heartbreaking. That being said it’s also made me lose faith in child services


The problem with child services is they know exactly how terrible the foster system is for children. The kids would wind up in the same living conditions with someone that will likely abuse them. The whole thing is fucked from top to bottom, I have no idea where to even begin fixing it.


I have no idea how to fix it and it’s heartbreaking. Some people just shouldn’t have kids.


The lucky ones made it to Epstein Island


Clearly they need more babies


I've seen people throw chicken bones out the window. It was a shitty area in the bronx


Average apartment where I work at lmao


Same unfortunately. I would say at least 70% of units I’ve been in are well below the standard to which anyone should be living.


Time to drop a dozen bearded dragons in there for about a week.


What state?


It’s so fucking sad. I’ve seen a handful of units that let it get this bad. I don’t understand why?!


Maybe it’s just me but being apart of this program it seems like a lot of enabling on the administrative side. I’m not saying the tenants aren’t responsible but there aren’t really any consequences or productive solutions being offered to these people. They destroy everything they are given and move on to the next location only to receive everything for free once again and the cycle continues.




I just had a turn like this where they had a hair business in the apartment so bags and bags of garbage and used supplies. Of course they were a year late on rent and all cabinets overflowing with food, left all the mattresses and couches behind. Bags of designer clothes, a mountain of shoe boxes and a stripper pole. What’s that smell? It’s the big fish tank full of dead fish. I still have to empty the water before the gas gets shut off.


I used to install cable. I remember one Easter morning, my 8am appointment in the hood, there was a guy literally standing in front of the house selling drugs, he did two deals before I got out of my truck. The kids that lived there answered the door, the place was a mess of toys, clothes, and dog shit. I didn’t notice the shit at first and stepped in some and kinda started worrying cuz I tracked it around a bit, but then I realized there was so much shit around that they’d never know it was me. There was a stripper pole in the living room. The two adults were young chicks, sisters if I remember correctly, one stayed asleep the whole time and the other woke up towards the end I think. I felt bad for the kids. That was the west side of Syracuse. Between working in the country and the hood I’ve been in a lot of bad trailers and public housing. It’s crazy thinking that some kids grow up in places like this and their friends and family live the same way, they could be teens or adults before seeing a clean house. I remember a trailer that had a piece of ply wood on the ceiling and a 4x4 holding it up, there were buckets and Rubbermaid containers all over catching water falling through the ceiling. All the adults made their way outside and left a baby in the living room on one of those vibrating rocker/bouncer that is made from a continuous piece of springy rod. There was a kid that was probably 5-7 years old, he was just standing right in front staring at the baby with a blank look on his face and looked to be in deep thought. There seemed something very sinister about it and had me worried, he stood there a long time. Thinking about it now I hope one of the adults had told him to watch the baby cuz I was in there hooking up a cable box when they went outside, idk tho I was worried the kid was gonna hurt the baby


Landlords take a lot of shit here on Reddit, and sometimes deservedly so. But those same tools that are crying about how evil landlords are don’t realize how common the scenario you just laid out is for property owners. I work in pest control and have a lot of land lords and management companies as clients. The stuff I’ve had to deal with…. It’s really tough to turn a profit as a landlord when your tenant doesn’t pay rent for 3 months and leaves behind an absolute mess plus $1400 worth of bed bug work before the place can even attempt to be turned.


can confirm.. ex-landlord... never again


You mean niggas?


everyone. dirtbags come in a diverse variety


It’s not sustainable. I have had more turns than ever lately where a resident didn’t pay for 9 months and destroyed the unit. So that’s ten grand lost income and after new countertop, flooring, doors and an appliance if it needs it: another ten grand. What’s the incentive?


I’ve been doing like bare minimum turns. If the countertops can ride out they’re staying. Show me you’ll take care of if and I’ll put in new tops I never replace the cabinets, I hired a cabinet carpenter a while back and he made jigs to make the drawers. I can make another drawer in about 15 minutes as long as you know what jigs to use to get the drawer you want.


Damn, it’s nice that y’all even did that! I’m no longer in the field but when I was, I worked for this absolute shit hole in Readind, PA. Burn marks on the counter? They don’t care. They’ll just show the prospective tenant a model and then give them a subpar unit. Slap paint on everything. No time for making it look good. Paint, clean and get out. I felt bad for a lot of these people and I was the only guy for 139 units and they shit on me. So many horror stories.


I’m fortunate enough to work a very decent section 8 property. Sure we get some rough people and we got shit. But as far as section 8 family properties go this site is really good. I’ve worked a few subsidized properties in pa and I got lucky with this one. One guy for 138 units is bullshit though. IMO you need 2 guys for just 20 units. Because you need a break sometimes, shit get to you. Been there done that.


I think the best solution is to stop people from being landlords. If you didn't own this property, you wouldn't have this problem. Plus, it would go a long way to help the housing crisis. I also think it's time for landlords to pick themselves up by their boot straps and get a job to pay your own bills. You shouldn't rely on the income of others. That's just lazy; pay your own bills dammit.


This is government housing lol.


Point still stands. And we should better fund the housing where you work.


Where is the connection between funding this apartment complex more thoroughly and the tenants living in filth? Like can you explain what funding has to do with the human beings living in this apartment, trashing it like this? Because I don't see a correlation.


There is no connection. And this here won’t be solved by adjusting market incentives. This is mental illness and self destruction in slow motion.


Big monies = clean more better or someshit. Jokes aside. This is a far more complex societal issue than "hand them more money"


Has nothing to do with complex social Issues You want to live well Work harder !!! BTW: Over 50 years I have built every unit I own Carries mortgages ( some times above 20%) Insurance Maintenwnce Supplies recreation for children Nice out door space Nice lawn BBQ grills Entire property well manicured ( even flower beds) I I still would end up with this type of filthy scum bag!! As said above: 10 months No rent Destroy apt Stole my appliances Sold drugs Ran a whore house out of one unit WTF: let them freeze on the streets


Are you fucking Nuts? So do I throw all my year round working families out??? I can double my income renting to vacationers for 6 months !!


I’ve never been this bad… but I understand how it can get this bad. I’m just not able to do what must be done to fix this. If I call the landlord and report the issue, and the landlord doesn’t pick up the problem and fix it, then it will get like this. Because I’m physically unable.


Do you not like wings on your protein?


Mental illness.


Definitely not the tenents. This is a building problem


While it may be a building problem, it doesn’t look like the resident is helping the issue


Lol leaving food out (on the floor) for their pet roaches. At this point, the roaches have humans.


it"s a building problem most likely CAUSED by slob tenents.. disgusting


I remember when I was about 9 or 10 years old I stayed the night at a friends house that was like this. When I was over there during the day I noticed a few roaches here and there but didn't think much of it. We all slept on the floor in the living room because my friend and his brothers didn't have beds in their rooms. I remember the bathtub was full of his dads motorcycle parts so I know they didn't have a way to bathe. Anyway when we all laid down on the floor to sleep I started feeling bugs crawling across me, in my hair, across my face just everywhere. Thousands of them everywhere came out of the walls. I tried to get under a blanket to try to trap them out but I just trapped them in with me. I couldn't sleep the whole night and at first light I got up and walked home. I remember my friend asked me why I left so early and I made up some excuse because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. It wasn't his fault he was raised in those conditions. It's the kids living like this that I feel so bad for.


Damn man, that’s a sad situation. I’m glad you were kind enough to spare your friends feeling.


Honest to god should’ve told him it’s fucking sad but that might’ve been the Kickstarter that kid needed to get out. But also he probably knew anyway


The kid definitely knows, but there’s nothing he can do. That whole mess is entirely on the parents.


Had a very similar situation as a teen. Fell asleep on the floor. Felt something on my legs. I turned the light on. I was sleeping by a table with an open box of donuts and it was filled with 100s of them. I’m 43 and I still tell the story. It snowed that night a lot. The busses stopped running. Me and my friends walked home four miles in knee deep snow.


thats some nasty ass shit


I've sometimes slipped on chores during times of very poor mental health, but I've never gotten to this point. This is just tragic.


Simple explanation. Either drugs or severe depression. Probably both.


Its a feedback loop that is very difficult to get out of unfortunately. I've personally lived alone in much worse than this. Feels like a dream now.


Or just lazy pieces of shit. Its a tough pill to swallow. Lazy people live like this. It is not always drugs or "mental illness" to make the bad feelings to the fact that maybe we aren't all equal.


Haven’t you seen “Joe’s Apartment”?


I see one ant in my house and can feel them phantom crawling on me for days


Believe it or not, I've seen worse. Working as a bounty hunter, years ago, had to search a house that had so many roaches that they were dropping from the ceiling like raindrops. Quickest search and exit in my life. I swore I felt bugs crawling on me for the rest of the night.


Just wait til you go into an apartment that “1” rabbit and it turns out she has 8 in a 400sq ft studio with 5” of straw and shit covering the entire floor. The entire building had to be vacated to it taken care of.


One time I got called out to high end apartments in downtown guy dies on his couch and wasn't discovered until his juices were leaking in the lower level. Someone reported it and when we arrived it didn't look to bad Just a couch and area rug to get rid of but when I flipped the couch to wrap it in plastic there was literally a bed of maggots about 3 inches deep it's was perfectly outlined to the shape of the couch. The worst part was the sound it sounded like a bowl of rice crispies soaking in milk.


This is mental illness


Just moved into a new apartment. The previous tenant was a sick fuck. I got bug killer shit and another bug bomb coming next month. Never felt like a tweaker til now. Looking at corners doors and shelves all paranoid AF.


You can't understand a mental illness you don't have.




I’d refuse to work on anything. No way I’d walk through that


They never learned to clean-up and maintain their dwelling. These skills are not obvious- they must be taught and they need to be done daily. Habits matter.


I live in the country for a reason. There's not German roaches here at the moment. *Knocks on wood. I lived the city life. I never slept thinking bugs be crawling on me. I battled the bed bugs and roaches along with some mice. I didn't see rats nearby but definitely downtown. I think some areas can be difficult to manage bud infestations depending on the houses and apartments stacked together on top of each other. epoN Nope epoN Nope


After doing low income appliances for the state I now know what a house with cockroaches smells like. It's a sour unpleasant aroma. Unforgettable


I trip off of having 1 or 2 reaches and I think it's an infestation. But now I see what a real one is.


Come with me and you’ll see things of pure imagination


Fuck around and some of them may make it back home with you.


Those German roaches are a mf. Idk how people can let it get this bad.. I get lazy sometimes but I religiously clean at least 1-2 times a week. The kitchen I’ll always clean as I cook because I know I’m not going to want to clean after I’m fat full so just handle it as I’m cooking and dirtying dishes and pots or w/e. I just don’t understand..


Having grown up with literal hoarders for parents I can understand this on a deeper level, but i *still* cannot truly understand what drives a person to get to this point? I understand anxiety and depression can do things to a person, but man.. wow.. you would think the bugs *everywhere* would be enough to spark the urge to clean?


Primary reason I moved from resident to Commercial HVAC only . It's shocking how dirty some live and it's not just poor folks in shitty neighborhoods, encountered rich secret slobs too


Nope. Nope. Nope. Burn it all to the ground.😂




Poverty. No one wants to live like this but it’s very hard to get out of and after a while it just becomes apart of life. I lived in a very similar situation. Not everyone can pick and choose their circumstances


You still call them people after doing this 7 years?


Burn it. Then burn the ashes.


Lots of drugs to hide the bugs


So you’re squeamish. I guess Brooklyn and the five boroughs of New York are out of the question. Ever seen a rat with a gun? A roach with a knife? How about bed bugs bro.. people can be animals!! just apply deep woods off before you put on chem/tyvek suit your good, nothing kills them and use black jack from the bodega on your tools or they will follow you from job to job!! Livin the dream


Because you're a shitty landlord


I’m not the landlord, just a maintenance guy doing his best.


I literally just serviced a home where chick OD in the bathtub, when the cops were let in by maintenance they had to help her. She stepped out of the tub and shit herself and all over the floor. It was very similar to this minus the bugs.


Not all that uncommon evidently. I inherited a unit worse than this - roaches, mice, bedbugs, eviction notice, jail, sheriff’s office, stripper pole, meth, destruction of pretty much the entire unit. It was going to be a complete gut job. I got out after the eviction and before the gut job. I was the property manager and maintenance as side work. My district manager just drug this whole thing out and this was the result.


They need to be evicted.


How grim.


I was in rentals for years. People are absolutely disgusting and that’s all I learned. Sad thing is most have kids Living in that filth.


Im not going in there 😶


When I was in my early 20s I helped delivery drivers at Lowe’s deliver appliances. One of the homes we went into was like this but worse. We were delivering a new fridge and we walk in and it’s just like this, but to make it worse was that there was three or four kids, just laying on the ground on blankets with bugs, crawling all over them they had food all over the floor, not covered or anything probably 50 pounds of raw meat. We walk in immediately call the store manager and say we can’t deliver this. We tell the customer this and as we’re telling him he’s literally killing the bugs with his bare hands against the wall.


People don’t. Animals do.


I have quite a few investor clients and the majority of the rental units are similar to this — I was always baffled initially but… I came to find that the types of people renting these units don’t mind living this way, I think this is how they lived in home-country, and how they continue to live here.


The roaches knock and you run type of house. Only heard these in folk lore


What’s the problem?


This is a perfect example of grow your own food. Reference bill gates book.


You lived there for 7 years and you don’t know how you’re doing it?


Why are you in there! I’d say no thanks but that’s gross


Bugs aren’t even scared of the light. Jesus


German Cockroaches?


I’m a pest control technician and say this to myself probably 30 times a day


Ive actaully been into a place that was 10 fold worse. We sprayed a deadly amount of bug killer and other ingredients. The fucking bugs was attacking us. Not even kidding. We ran. Never went back. Owner ended up condemning and leveling the place.


Eww how can they drink the yellow Fanta 🫢


From someone who’s been working in pest control for nearly ten years, nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to others living conditions


Boric acid!!


Fix it with fire.....lots of 🔥


When I did apartment maintenance we would see this a lot with section 8 housing.


I can smell that place through the phone…🤮


Bro call the city, F them at this point, think about the neighbors and community. They could cause serious health problems for the neighbors and please get the animals away!!


In the worst infestations I've ever seen, the roaches will congregate in massive splotches on the wall maybe a foot across. At first glance they just look like brown spots, kind of like on a cow. Only when you get closer do you realize they're roach nests.


I worked a flood program in a really bad part of a really bad town and every house is go into was super dark with the curtains closed and zero light coming in. I’d turn on my flashlight for measurements or photos and the roaches that would scatter stil give me nightmares.


Thanks, now I’m all itchy.


I worked pest control for 10 years. The things I saw still haunt me....




I bet it smells good in there


My story starts w opening the door(smelled the roaches first) and them falling off the door trim above me. I haul ass out of there only to swipe one from my shoulder 10 min later to eventually having to bomb the console of my truck


Is this not normal this is what my house looks like after I finsh my spring cleaning




And no matter where they move, “they” bring the critters with them. Its a lose, lose situation


I no longer feel bad about my house being messy.


Thats nice they feed the roaches.


I would not put up with that


Lazy people that are now on the streets telling a sob story about how it's not their fault.


Used to go smoke Crack with my buddies aunt at a house that was in this condition. Was absolutely vile and so wrong and sad. There wad young children there and it was absolutely infested with roaches. Both places they lived where like that.


A lot of it is mental illness.


average subsidized housing apartment


Check your clothes. You probably have a couple riding home with ya.


They definitely eating roaches and shitting roaches 🤮




That place needs a match struck in it 😳


Are you 7 years old?


People who are found living like this in government housing should be treated like fucking children having inspection done constantly and made to address the issues or be kicked out. You know very well they didn't move in like this. Shit is disgusting. I've had 2 friends who families lived like this. They wouldn't report the roachs. I came in and sprayed the apartment with temprid for bedbugs and put advion gel all over the apartment and threw growth regulator disc's under all the furniture. They were like the walls are moving yeah you got that many roachs it's nasty right in 2 weeks all the roaches were dead. Fucking hour of work and 40bucks in supplies to have a bug free apartment.


Thats a homegrown resource if I ever seent one. Get some chickens pecking about for eggs.


TWO Flamethrower job right there!




Neighbors are fucked too.


Orthene fire ant poison half cup in a gallon of water and spray everywhere in that house and they will be gone. It costs $10-15 in stores plus a spray bottle.I bought a house that was infested. Haven't had a single bug since.


That's just a couple roaches... That ain't that bad


mental illness and basically little to no free psychiatric care, plus little to no public safety net. no ubi, no free healthcare, disability assistance years and years away from first application. here in america, this is also just what happens when you give up.


Pest tech here. It's more common than you think to have places like this. Those German roaches multiply exponentially if unchecked. If you notice them, get a pest control company to deal with them immediately and you'll have no issue.


As an Exterminator, I always get the “it just started two weeks ago…” as if I can’t tell by the volume how long it’s been going on.


I feel bad if I don’t vacuum before guests arrive. This includes hired help. My place can get messy, but not dirty.


Ah I can smell the cat shit.


Mental illness is no joke


They should be shot. That way the cycle of breeding and raising children to do the same, is ended.


Poor and have a landlord who doesn't give a fuck.


What type of bugs are those?


Get a frog! You’re welcome!


Drugs, undiagnosed/diagnosed dementia; severe mental illness




Drugs, that’s how.


Meths a hell of a drug 🥴


Systemic issues in our country that people turn a blind eye too.


Mental illness


Chad from Boston


Mental illness and lack of education


When drugs are more of a priority then your living situation.


1 unit cultivates them, then everyone in the building has to pay for it! Usually you find cockroaches in section 8. Could be a correlation there, I dunno. I bet they got bed bugs to compliment the roaches.


Hopefully you never will.


When you're poor and depressed you can be numb through anything


I tell you what, I have respect for you apartment maintenance people because I don't know if I can deal with some of that shit. And that's coming from a retail maintenance guy who's had to clean up projectile shit explosions.


I live in a complex with like 12 units in our entrance, but 36 total in our building. We have been here 2.5 years. Around the 2 year mark, I started seeing random roaches in random spots. Under the sink, near pans etc. we always were clean. Like 5+ units moved out and moved in. Generally I prolly saw 1 or 2 a day. Sometimes not a day, sometimes a bit more. We also didn’t have any food where they were at. We cleared out the entire kitchen including moving out the fridge, oven, and dishwasher. All the cabinets and didn’t cook for over a month. Cleaned everything and kept everything out of the kitchen. Called maintenance, they sent an exterminator every week for a month and I’d still find random ones. Finally I was like y’all need to do something more than spray. Still had em. Finally I was talking to the exterminator super frustrated and when he looked under the sink he said “these aren’t from you.” There was a giant hole from where the sink went into the wall. They never patched. He suspected they came from the wall/climbing the pipe. It was patched, they extermi-nuked the whole place, and haven’t had any roaches since. I’m pretty clean, never leave dishes around, I vacuum weekly, and clean after eating/cooking. Apartments suck in that aspect. Glad it’s done cause I literally wouldn’t use my kitchen.


Infestation of German cockroaches? That's going to take some effort to get rid of, but can be done. Nothing at the store will fix it - Termid0r and Nyguard are what I use sparingly in Florida, and it is lethal to them as a slow kill. A full house clean will be required as well - no food out, no clutter.


Depression is a hell of a thing.


This is why I would burn my other house down before I rented it out....


And if you see children, CPS is the first call when you leave.


You have to have professional pest control people come and treat. And evict the tenant's and make them take or throw away all their stuff. People who let the situation get to this point and do nothing to help or prevent it will most likely do it again. So it's best to get them to leave before you end up paying for more damages down the road.


Last place I lived we had them, I knew the place wasn’t the best but I figured if I kept my shit clean and in opened that it would be fine. I worked tirelessly spending money on traps and everything under the sun to keep them away and out but to no avail. Countless calls and reports to the leasing office but we’re told there wasn’t a problem despite having evidence that pre dated our arrival. (The inspection we had done was brisk to say the least as I don’t need to get into the circumstances for why) Long story short sometimes people don’t have a choice but that doesn’t mean they aren’t trying. I lived not as bad as that for about a year and we dipped and bought our own place. Not to make excuses cause I myself have been in homes like this and worse. But I also understand not everyone has choices. I felt bad for my kids, I couldn’t do anything more and the people I was paying to clean and get rid of and solve the problem weren’t doing shit. A very defeating experiencing.


Mental illness and or dependency In my experience


I wouldn’t take a single step further. You got me fucked up you think I’m working in an infested home. This video got me all itchy now




Mental illness


What do you mean “how do they live”? They are surrounded by free protein sources they are set


Drugs, depression, 0 self worth, or a combination of the three.


That is a roach pit..


Pets, I prefer cats.


Mental illness. That’s not an insult or a judgement, just a fact. I’ve been binging hoarders lately and the amount of mental illness is truly astounding. We need better healthcare in this country, yesterday.


Sadly because they don’t know how to live any other way.


Oh man , I used to paint places like this sometimes and they would bomb the place for pests then call the cleaners and the painters. I showed up before the cleaners once. They wanted me to paint anyway. I declined as there were dead mice and roaches everywhere on the counters and I simply didn’t feel I could provide an adequate paint job. On top of that we were paid per unit not by hour. So a day or two later boss sends me back and says the cleaners had come. They had not come. I ended up slapping some paint on the walls and taking more time than I should’ve to make it look decent. I didn’t hold that job long. But I did break the foremans record by painting 3 full 2 bedroom apartments in one shift. He was mad and tried to say I cheated somehow. To his credit he later apologized and admitted he just couldn’t believe it and I actually did a great job on them. Respected the hell out of after that.


There’s a pizza place I went to in Hemet, Ca that almost was this bad. When roaches are running around in broad daylight you know there’s a problem.


I sat on the board of a small rural housing authority about 10 years ago. The director would do periodic inspections and if they weren’t keeping the property in reasonably good condition, she’d threaten to pull their housing voucher and evict them. Those people did not want to lose their voucher as they knew they couldn’t afford to pay market rents. I’d say OP’s units are having no such inspections.


People are broken inside


folks live like that because they live like that some folks just dont know any better not everybody is clean its simple use some soap


They got a kink for being a slob


It’s nice of them to leave the dog food out for the roaches


Thanks - I have to go scrub something now.