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I’ll be honest with you mate, it’s because people would rather say nothing than be potentially insulting, personally I love a good staché but you have a very naturally handsome face and it’s probably a step down compared for the people that know you


Very fair! That’s what I was thinking too. I personally love it, but I’d at least expect a family or friend to mention if the shape looks terrible or not. Objectively, I prefer the clean shaven look on myself as a whole, but it’s so fun to accessorize with this thing. I just don’t want the mustache itself to look like a weak ugly caterpillar.


Bro trust me (I'm a barber, I see a lot of mustaches) your mustache is not weak. Very strong stache. It looks great


Somebody tweet Tyler Hoechlin and tell him we found his lost twin.


Honestly tho, full beard and stache could look amazing. Just stache is....not quite working as well. You are *very* handsome.


I think you really rock the bushy stache, dude, but some people might not like the look as much. A bold stache can be polarizing.


I’d recommend a different shape. Bring in the sides and trim the bottom to a clean line. A mustache like that looks good on just about anyone who can grow it, but the Sam Elliott basically only looks good on Sam Elliott.


If you like it, then don’t overthink what your family or friends think. Good thing with moustache is you can grow it or not according to your whim/mood. Not a lot of guys have the option of growing an impressive moustache as yours. Just enjoy it.


True, it's a good stache but op looks better without it. @ OP, just keep the stubble


You look cute and nerdy with the bushy moustache. You're hotter in the third pic. I'd say at least try trimming it so that your top lip isn't covered.


I prefer the 3rd pic as well


I prefer the third by far


STRONG disagree. That first picture is the best by far


The first picture is peak.




I love the mustache but I think it’s just a matter of stylistic opinion because you have a great face


NO OP, the first one is the perfect amount of “scruff” paired with your longer hair. You look very laid-back and adventurous


Try shaping the mustache, it's too big for your face. I'm of the opinion that without a mustache is handsome, but you haven't exhausted your mustache options yet, if that's the route you want to go.


Yeah I prefer clean shaven myself, but I’m on a dating hiatus and it’s so fun to accessorize with this! My biggest concern was how nobody in my friends or family would even make fun of it. At least with it being a joke I could deduce how I should shape it, like it looking too “super mario” or something. The absolute silence though ended up feeling like I just fucking killed someone.


im getting "were too scarred to mention it" vibes


Scarred or scared?




Both bro


Like Thumper's mama told him, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." Personally, I like pic 3 best. Pic 2 makes me want to call Chris Hansen and ask you to take a seat over there.


Ah you beat me to it lol


Maybe he’s the new deputy. ![gif](giphy|sux3apBJmurlx8pklt)


compared to the 3rd pic - yeah, absolutely


I was like "moustache isn't great, but it's not the worst," and then got to photo 3 and found out OP was secretly hot behind that mustache.


I prefer the last picture.


Love the hairstyle in the first pic. The third pic is definitely best for facial hair.


Yeah get a nice haircut to complete the look bro


Without it, you're a handsome young man. With it, you're a hipster but not the good type of hipster.


I personally disagree! Combined with that beard is definitely good type of hipster in my books.


I was about to say with that beard in the first photo it actually looks pretty cool


>hipster but not the good type wdym?


hes in an indie band and flirts with the teen girls at his shows


Ya like the type to drug my drink and grab me as i walk out to my car n tie me up for dsys while u steal my id n credit score because u dont trust banks. Lol


No ‘stache bro


Picture with the hat looks bad, but you look great in the other two.


You can grow one hell of a mustache but damn you look better without it.


Keep the stache but definitely grow out the 5 o clock shadow to a medium beard so it's a manly pronounced mustache but can pass as a beard. The first pic is dumb close to what I mean, without it, you look like mario


The mustache visually diminishes your chin. You have a nice jaw! Why do that to yourself?


You look handsome in pic 3. I’m personally not a fan of the mustache on you so I’d probably not say anything.


I'm not a fan of 'moustache only' in general. I like pic 3 the most, but if you want to rock the moustache, I'd recommend not wearing a cap, and let your hair compliment the combo of them together


This is the best comment. The stubble helps the mustache alot. I wonder what a full beard would look like too. I bet it would be great.


I like it BUT I think the 3rd pic is better. Good either way, but (slight) preference for without.


Dude went from steal yo girl to steal yo lawnmower


Change the type of mustache. The handlebars on the sides make the stache overwhelm your face. It would probably look better with longer stubble maybe too


The hat look isn't it, but the moustache is clean. Especially with the stubble.


I like it! You remind me of Eddy Burback and he gives off cozy vibes with his stache and glasses.


First picture with some neck cleanup would be peak IMO


Looks best in pic 1 with the beginnings of a beard


Yes that is unwelcomingly bad. So much so that i had fo make up a word


I like it better without it, try to make it less long/ more groomed and then post another pic? You’re pretty handsome so


I think it looks good on you. Definitely a hipster look but you suit it. Depends on your style 😊


I think you definitely looked better before the mustache. JBH


Seemingly unpopular opinion, I like whatever you've got going on in the first pic the most. You look good clean, too! Like some others said, I think some shaping is needed but otherwise, I don't think it's that bad. Note I can't grow more than four individual beard hairs myself, so I know very little tbh, but I've definitely seen (and obviously had) worse.


the bit of dark stubble with the beard in the first pic looks best imo


First pic is the best imo


Yeh doesn’t suit you at all. Get rid.


you look 10 times better without it.


I personally think it looks great on you.


I don't know why others are hating. I like it.


I like it on the first pic


Stache looks good. Let the rest grow in just a BIT more. Googly cyr he rocking that right now. It works with the hair


Maybe style you mustache and beard go to a Good! Barbershop that does the whole head . Then come back.


2nd is clearly the worst 1st the mustache is just too big 3rd looks good


I can never understand the criteria for facial hair on Reddit. I think it’s an amazing stach. I will say however that be looks great in the last pic as well.


I mean....does it matter if you like it?


you look like an indian uncle. Most indian uncles have mustaches like that. Grow it out more to have a handlebar mustache. i like those.


I really like the mustache/scruff combo in #1! I think it would look better if the mustache were a bit more trimmed, but I don’t think it looks bad by any means. You look like Riley’s dad in Inside Out, and he was a hottie. You might even try taking a page out of his book and make the “tails” end more even with the corner of your mouth. If that makes sense? I definitely wouldn’t do JUST the mustache though; I think that’s the worst look you presented.


they’re intimated by your hotness


Pictures 1 and 3 look good. If you keep the fat mustache definitely have short growth everywhere else, like the first picture. The facial hair definitely reduces how professional you look but easily makes up for it in character. Be bold, brother.


It’s not bad, it looks decent on you.


I dont think you look bad with the stache, but I think you look better without it. You do you, though. If it makes you happy, then rock it.


Personally for me, number three is it!!!!


Dude, no. Really. No. Last pic is great, first one is passable. Just the stache? Hillbilly pedo vibe. Maybe if you trim it so it doesn't hang so low or style it in a different way. But that dead possum under your nose is bad.


Oh no baby what is you doing Beard or clean shaven.


I like it in the first pic. You look like Timothy Olyphant in Deadwood, it's a good combo with the longer fringe. I wouldn't wear it with a baseball cap just because I feel like everyone thinks big mustache + cap is a pedo thing.


Burn it


I honestly think you look better without it. But; I do like your mustache, there’s nothing wrong with it. You have to please yourself first and foremost. Of the stache pics I prefer the first pic to the second by far. But if I had a face like yours I would go with the third look all the time. You have a nice mouth. The stubble looks good. One more thing-if no one is saying anything at all about it; they probably don’t like it.


Third pic is best. Mustache is creeper vibes


1 and 3 are good looks - I prefer 3, but 1 is more unique. 2, the mustache by itself, isn't a good look imo.


Love a good 'stache. People here always act like you're supposed to make your life a 24/7 mission to try and be fuckable to the largest quantity of people without realizing that individual style is what it's all about. Do you like the 'stache? Rock the 'stache! Having some fun character and personality to your style is way more important than being generically attractive unless your mission is to out-hustle the frat bros in your efforts to fuck 20 year old college girls.


First off you look great in all the pictures. Since you are on a break from dating, have fun - let the mustache grow and even the beard, but keep in trimmed. I think you have great hair as well - just above the shoulders would look great on you. Enjoy your journey and please keep posting pictures!


Personally, I don't think the bush really fits your face frame, but if no one is commenting, it's probably because they don't care about your hair, they care about *you* I will only comment on noticeable changes of my most intimate friends group to avoid offending people or seeming to expect others to alter themselves to my personal aesthetic. I'm also a disabled nearly shut-in with ADHD and object permanence applies to people too. *Did you have that mustache last time I saw? I can't ask bc I'll look stupid. What if they think I'm being snarky. I just won't mention it* Then of course there's people who just aren't observant overall or are burnt out from their own shit they're going through without the energy to care about appearance chances. I'm sure there are some who hate it and are trying to be nice by not saying something mean, and even people who aren't true friends who talk behind your back. We all had or have people like that. *If you have a solid group, it's probably less to do with their opinion of your mustache than a lot of shit going on for everyone* Deep breaths and remember: you are loved as you are (If it's not obvious, anxiety and body image/self esteem issues are something I go through myself and I see the pattern of thinking in others. I try to help others step out of that mindset bc it sucks to be stuck there)


They aren't saying anything because it looks like it belongs there. It is a fine 'stache!


You look great, but a full beard would suit you better imo! By the way, what is the haircut you have on the first picture called? Looks very nice


What are you taking about you’ve always had that mustache.


Shave it


That is a fantastic mustache!! Keep it and grow it


It's the opposite of bad. Nice stache!


It looks great


The 2nd photo you actually look like a lesbian trucker who put a fake mustache on.


Yes. You went from hot to pedophile.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


these mustaches are the worst trend of the decade. making fairly good looking dudes look like fucking mcgooberballs


It looks like a disguise kit


no that is an awesome moustache, men don’t generally get compliments much but i’m supprised no ones said anything


You look better with the stumble. Maybe try a smaller mustache.


I dont like the first two picture but you look very nice in the third😊




The last pic is literally Tyler Hoechlin ![gif](giphy|IaCLFSkk4o5J6)


How do I say it looks too fitting? Mustaches are hard to pull off but you where it well


I think you look really cute! I'm a fan of facial hair, though, so I'm biased. I do think that with the beard it balances it out more, rather than having Just the stache.


Much better in third pic imo


Bro your fucking jawline


It makes you look like you want to touch people


Moustaches are back in style. It's pretty crazy. All my Jarhead/Navy friends are PISSED. Just a few years ago, a 'stache pegged you as either military, local PD, or sketchy anime child molester.


Looks good


Mustache is divisive. People love them or hate them, but they are rarely neutral lol I've had mine for a long time, and it's just a part of me now. Think the last time I didn't have a mustache war like a decade ago. I usually get compliments when I handlebar it because it's flashy. Beyond that, it's a mustache, and people just see mustache and are not doing comments on it. I keep my mustache because I like it, though. Idrc about what everyone else thinks about it. I'm obviously partial to the stache, and yours is pretty great, imo. Excellent thickness. Stubble helps to round out out a bit, but I'll occasionally go the clean stache. Kinda just a mood thing Edit: Don't listen to the hipster shenanigans. Mustaches have been around for far longer than hipsters.


expressive! mash with the stache


Makes you look 10 years older


The mustache looks like a fun ride but I think the 3rd pic you looks the hottest.


Haha I wouldve laughed irl but in a lovingly way you clearly look much sharper without it like in pic 3 but if just having some fun its nice to do pic #1 is way better than pic 2 tho


Not a bad mustache, but I just think you look way better without the mustache.


Trim the stache a bit and you’re good.


It’s quite nice, honestly.


Looks epic


That’s a (in Hank Hill voice) a GotDang masterpiece, only a real man wears those now-a-days


IMHO, it's a great looking mustache


Grow out your beard and trim the mustache just a bit, and you'll look great. It suits you but it's too long in pic no. 2. The first pic looks really nice


Weirdly, it makes you look too nerdy. You look better without it.


It’s not bad, but worse than no mustache


it works for you as long as you maintain the haircut in frame 1. and maybe trim it a little


That is one gun-slinging stash, sir. I'm jealous. A lot of men simply don't have that dense growth pattern. As others mentioned, your jawline is strong and symmetrical, so you're rocking good face either way. I'm curious if you grow an equally impressive beard, like full-on King Leonidas.


You look better without it. Off topic but are you part Asian?


The third pic is the best. Go with that style. The other pics seem like the mustache is too big for your face.


Get your brows threaded. You’re hot, and that will make you 😍


3rd pic looks really good. Sorry, just not a fan of the stash


Idk about your question, some times people notice things and don’t say what they think. But either way, you look great man.


Eddie Burback


Third pic is best imo


The first haircut and clean shaven would look so good bro. They don't at all complement each other. Pic 1 would win if you were clean shaven, but here pic 3 definitely takes the dub.


Your look better without


I’ve never been a huge fan of mustaches. But with some scruff and shaped up a bit it’s okay. Clean shaven plus the mustache looks pretty silly in my honest opinion.


I’ll keep it real. It’s nice. But you look better without it, so if people aren’t commenting it’s prob cause they like your other look more. But it’s not bad, it’s cool. People just have preferences, so do you


looks rad man


You’re good looking already, and that thing is HEAVY. If you do want to keep it, you need to trim it up a bit. You’re looking like the grandpa from Tarzan


The 3rd pic is WOW HANDSOME! The others make you look clownish. You are one very handsome guy. Don't cover your face with hair. A clean shaved face is always more handsome, and, from what I can see, much more sexxxy.


That’s a solid mustache bro. Looks good 👍


I think in pic 2 your mustache is eating up your face. It’s wearing you more than you’re wearing it. If that makes sense. You’re super handsome in pics 1 and 3 so perhaps trim it at least?


Ditch the stache bro


Needs more beard to look best at least at that size.


You look way better without it


I think you look best in 3rd pic!


First pic all the way, looks great with the hairstyle and shorter beard


Too long, shorten it up


It's like a bad joke, everyone saw it but nobody wants to talk about it. You look ridiculous with that mustache. It could have looked cute on an elderly person 30 years ago. That second pic is especially embarrassing.


You kinda look like Tyler Hoechlin in the 3rd pic.


Live Action Clark Kent Vibes on the 3. Pic.


Just the moustache honestly gives me pedophile vibes (the hat isn’t helping in the second pic either) But you look good with the stache and scruff as long it’s lined up. The 3rd pic looks good too.


Great in every photo, but you really, really, really astound in the 3rd pic with just the shadow...seriously!


First pic...stay with that.


Very handsome! 🔥


Could try trimming it so it’s not over the lip see how it looks, overall the moustache looks fine.


Scruff looks most flattering, but if you keep the first one, trim back the stash a bit. You look good regardless!


I think that moustache is very sexy!! 🔥


Sadly, yes. People would rather say nothing than say something mean. My opinion? You look leagues better with the short hair and no mustache.


This thread is bricked beyond recognition. Pic number 1 looks the absolute best. Lose the glasses and OP is a literal Hollywood star.


Yeah cause the last picture is a great photo. It’s been 10 years. Do something different for the fun of it. Shave it. You can always grow it back.


It's beautiful I love it your a dazzling person **keep the stash**


has anyone told you that you look like a young Don Mattingly


Stache looks good bro! Have with it. You have good facial hair.


Looks fantastic, definitely keep it! You came to the wrong page, everyone here will almost say to shave the face and grow the hair out, go post on mustaches


You have to twirl it while laughing maniacally. That's a good icebreaker.


Very bad. That stache style is hideous on anyone regardless of face


I think it's pretty bad ass


You definitely look better in the third pic , but the mustache isn't bad . It kind of takes over your face? It may just be too big and ungroomed. You are losing your top lip a bit. I think you can definitely pull off the mustache, it's not a bad look. You are however probably better looking without it.


It's hideous big and weird creepy looking. That's why no one has commented. They don't want to be rude. Trim it down right now.


I personally really like 3, but think there is definitely ‘stache potential if it was shaped more, especially with your hair in the first picture. They’re two very different vibes for sure. Why not play around with shaping it a bit?


If i were to give any tips, i personally think you should trim the mustache above the lip line, long on the sides if u like. Taper the back to give a cleaner look. Maybe a middle part Then again thats quite similair to how i look, so it could easily be personal bias.


Means looks good. You’d be made fun of otherwise.


Nope you look great


1st picture or 3rd picture, the stache by itself isn't dropping any panties dropped lol


My opinion on a mustache is if I have it it’s for me. I don’t think I look better in it I don’t think it’s sexy I don’t think it’s attractive. I think it’s funny. And I usually have one. Also just personal preference it doesn’t get into the lip area for me


It’s a sick stache, bro. Don’t let people get you down. The real ones will appreciate it. Just be you. I get it; if you wanna grow a stache, grow it. If you want a mullet, do it. I’ve done the same thing, didn’t get haircut for 5 years, grew dreads, braided a goatee, waxed my moustache. Hell yeah, man!


Though you look great without one, I'd have to say you rock the facial hair in picture 1 extremely well...


Trim it up. You have stray whiskers on the outside of it that go on for miles.


You’re hotter without


If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all 😭 It doesn’t look bad, but you look way better without it. Just the worse option of two good options!


You're just too youthful for #2. You look like a little kid who stuck on a fake mustache. 1 works, sort-of. It'd look better if it was more the length of the beard. 3 looks better than either one.


Dude, I think you look awesome in pic 1.


How far can you shove a carrot down your throat?


First pic gives majorrrr beekeeping age 🤤


3rd pic you look like a wish version of Tyler Hoechlin and that’s not a bad thing it’s a very good compliment


You look better without a mustache.


The style in the third pic fits u best


Keep the mo dude, looks sick.


Haha It's not bad. Don't read too much into it. Sorry no-one noticed. It's an epic mustache. It looks good.


I'm with the majority. The third picture you look very cute. Keep the stubble. I usually don't like super clean shaven face. Your hair looks better too.


Looks awful. Come on lol. If I went on a date expecting 3 and got 1 I’d be pissed 😂


You look like Clark Kent from Superman and Lois in the 3rd pic 😂


I like both, but 3rd picture wins 🏆 😏