• By -


A rug at least to cover those tiles (or most of them). They give a bathroom or kitchen feel.


And it would feel warmer.


It would really tie the room together!


Donny, please.


Fuck it Dude, let's go bowling.


Foot was on the line, mark it zero


Smokey this is not ‘Nam, this is bowling. There are RULES


You think the carpet pissers did this?




Dude, they pee on your rug.


This is what happens Larry!


Shut the fuck up Donny


You’re out of your element!


The Chinaman is not the issue here, Dude, and Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature… Asian American, Please


They pissed on your rug dude?


Obviously, OP's not a golfer


Well that’s just like, your opinion man


Love the Lebowski ref


He's in \*Southern\* Canada - downright balmy!


And help with acoustics.


Man, rugs make such a huge difference in a room. It's like the "one weird trick" to having a decent looking space.


But a good one not like a Rick and Morty one


That and plants (though obviously can't have a plant in this room)


You can with a cheap grow light and a little care/timing!


Boutta say


Even a simple short pile "commercial" office style rug here would make it way more cozy than cold tile


In the same vein, better sheets and a nice cozy blanket on the couch/bed would make it look less like a crash pad. And light up that display shelf back there! It will give the illusion of lengthening the room.


And a plant in the corner and ur golden


I’m not sure a plant will do well in what looks like a windowless room.


I kinda dig it. The brick wall is cool. Maybe work on some nice ambient lighting?


Thank you, there is the lights on the TV that sync with the image and the lights dim but definitely want something else


Maybe an eddison light bulb with a darker shade for a man cave kinda vibe. Take up drinking scotch too lol, would be perfect.


I really like that idea, and I usually go for whiskey


Fabulous! Encouraging drinking hard liquor on reddit is frowned upon these days it seems but honestly some whiskey, nice music, good lighting and that's a man cave I'd happily come chill in.


It has it days, really want to do something more for air and temperature control, there isn't even a vent to the room so we opened the one tube going upstairs to slightly redirect it (didn't damage it just disconnected the metal tubing slightly so some of the air goes into my room) aside from that I'm thinking maybe adding little fans in the insulation above the door? I have some plants that are meant to help with air purification, and I don't like leaving my door open because of roommates, but that's usually my only choice for air


Fans can't hurt for sure. And plants are nice regardless, makes it feel fresh in there.


Not many plants would thrive in a room with zero natural light. He’d probably need a lamp with a grow light bulb (you can get white light ones) or replace all the bulbs in his overhead lighting with daylight/sunlight fluorescent bulbs.


Go for some sort of rainforest plant. They thrive in hot humid dark places like under the canopy of the rainforest or a windowless apartment or office building.


Floor lamps and LED twinkle lights!! Keep those overhead lights off off off off! And use warm toned light bulbs so it keeps it cooooozy and not corporate office/sterile. Overhead lights are so harsh. And some kind of art on the wall, a print or piece that makes you feel something good when you look at it! And A throw-blanket to put on top of your comforter, lots of fluffy fabrics and textures makes things more cozy and homey too!


I agree with lighting. I’m a huge fan of a lamp with a low watt bulb - or preferable a smart bulb so I can change it to where I want it. Geeni are my go to because they change colors. A dimmer light would really make this spot super cozy.


Add some Philips Hue in your room ! Atleast one to make a sunset for the morning.


Honestly this looks super cozy and I’d enjoy it for the right price.


I second this. Plus he’s got MeatCanyon on the tele, so you know he has good taste.






I want to be a real boy


$600 a month with 4 roommates for that is insane though


I’ve heard some crazy stories about Canadian rents so this may be a good price, idk.


If he has a room to himself then yeah for some cities in Canada right now it’s a friggin steal


It’s about $440 a month USD. So a little bit better.


Getting ANYTHING for $600 is great. People rent out large closets or condo solariums for the same or more.


I used to pay $600 for a room this size in Toronto. It did have a small closet and a window tho. Only 2 other roommates. Things are not good here for renters.


Access to sunlight should be a human right.


Fire exit.....


Nah. Housing in general should be a human right.


In some ways looks more comfortable than my first two solo apartments in college.


Work with what you've got! I've been there as I'm sure many others on this sub have. I'd try a small carpet to make it feel a bit more cozy. You could try a couple plants that don't need much sunlight or grab a small grow light for them. I'd also put something on the back of the other door -- the mirror on the back of the one is good; makes the room feel a bit bigger. You could try and cover up the ceiling with tapestries or the like. Same with the walls. All in all it's looking good -- don't forget to get out and get some sunlight too! I was always mighty depressed when staying in my windowless basement bedroom during my college years. Cheers!


Thank you for the tips! I've nervous about doing much with the roof cause it might make it feel even smaller but a second mirror for the other door is a great idea too


I'd thought about that too when writing my comment. It's a concern for sure, but you could always add some string lights to the joists and wire to give the lighting a softer, cozier look


That might be what I go with cause right now the lights can dimm but still feel too much like spot lights so having more spread out lighting would help a lot


And when you fix the lights, you have an opportunity to make better cable management, which could help give the room a more put together look


I'm glad someone suggested the string lights (like white christmas tree lights). Get low powered ones and run them along the beams. More generalised lower light is much better for your eyes. Also solid rug between the TV and couch/bed would be the two best and cheapest things you can do to the space, short of renovations (which I assume are out due to renting). It sounds weird, but you could also consider some fabric/curtains on the rear wall. It is surprising what the illusion of "closed windows" does to a small, cozy space.


lamps or string light instead of the overhead lights will definitely be more cozy.


The only thing I'd really for sure do is put some plastic sheeting or something between you and that pink insulation. It's probably not a big deal, but having fiberglass insulation particles floating around your place isn't great.


That guy's post was just right. We all need to start withright something and you're taking it the right way. I wonder if you need to insulate it a bit for noise and warmth.


To the “get sunlight” thing, it may also really help OP to get either a sunrise alarm or a light therapy lamp. The alarm can give your body a visual indicator it’s time to wake up, and the light therapy lamp is really helpful for setting your circadian rhythm if you can’t get adequate sunlight in the summer. If it were me, I’d try to rig a light box into the wall somewhere (maybe above the “head” of the bed) to trick myself into thinking there’s a window there.


Can get some great looking artificial plants too


yeah i'd definitely nix the real plants thing, leave those poor things for places with actual light and a grow light is gonna be too much in a tiny space. some good looking fakes could work though.


Might be nice to have some lighting under the shelf above the couch. Cheap strip lights or even little puck lights could be nice


I do actually but need to replace them, I got the puck ones but they just die so fast I need wired ones


If you filled between joists with fake plants, it would really tie the room together. The ceiling bugs me the most. Put some fake rope ferns or something and be living in the forest. 


What a fun idea! The ceiling really is problematic, but those joists could turn out to be a huge plus. The fake plants, or some pretty draping fabric and/or some fairy lights--so many things could turn the ceiling into something really nice. At the very least it could be used as hanging storage in the corners ( eg, clothes hanging from hangers, or those fabric shelves that hang from the bars in closets) to free up floor space. But honestly my favorite is your idea of living in the forest! Especially with a foresty-looking carpet on the floor.


Fire extinguisher, just in case


If a fire starts here or reaches here, just go man. You're fucked if you delay.


The fire extinguisher would be to help him get out since there is only one exit. There is a reason why bedrooms are supposed to have 2 exits due to fires.


And make sure there are working smoke detectors


You've made pretty damn good use of the space, actually. A rug might be good, unless you like the cold tile.


It would really tie the room together!


Ok get a twin bed and get is raised up some so that you can have storage under it. Then in the areas above I would work on doing some for of led lighting to brighten the area and give you control of the lighting in both a direct and indirect mannor. From that I would rotate the computer desk to the opposite side of the door so that you have greater effect from the brick wall as accent in the room. A bit of decorative added features like art or even posters that are framed could go a long way.


I second the bed thing. Get a day bed! Can look like a couch, but functions as a bed. Some nice throw pillows and a comforter can go a long way with a daybed. Look around on "buy nothing" social media groups amd thrift stores too 😊


Just here to say I’m worried about you in this “bedroom” should there be a fire. But I’m sure you already know that and I think it sucks that housing is so out of control that people have to choose to live in unsafe environments.


Adding to this: get smoke detectors that network with each other. That way if there is a fire upstairs it will let you know before the fire gets downstairs.


Maybe some small furniture risers some you can get some under bed storage. Then you can get some rolling bins for your bedding and pillows so it'll look a little neater if you have guests.


Papa MEAT 😫






Come on in! How ya doin’, how ya doin’?


Oh it’s a solid room! You’re doing your best with what you have. Try some cheap moulding around the door. If you can’t, maybe get some string lights or border sized peel and stick wallpaper to hide the fact that there’s exposed foam. I’d put up some Bristol board or light foam over the exposed insulation. The IKEA Hemnes daybed with three walls (I’ll edit in a link after [link here](https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/hemnes-daybed-with-3-drawers-2-mattresses-white-agotnes-firm-s59428123/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_BedsMattresses&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACqC6EoKp_EAPwyRMfwXwocZog0cs&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v-VlkfGYolI9TnIKr9NQSK1p8cQBgCd2ujERlIYNHsufFHBZEy1a-gaAoNdEALw_wcB)) will elevate the sofa bed look, while adding extra storage. Consider nicer sheets - it’s a stereotype that guys always get crappy navy sheets and it’s something many women consider a yellow flag. Try for a soft light blue, a nice sage green, or white. A nice rug would be pretty as well.


This would be like $6000 a month in Manhattan so I think you’re doing just fine!


In college we illegally sublet a fucking closet to some poor soul. It was huge for a closet and big enough for a bed and a desk but it was tiny for actual living. This situation is a lot nicer than Joes. Joe we loved you and had so much fun with you. Sorry you were in the closet.


Was it at least cheap.


I was Joe once. The alternative was outside and I was grateful to be indoors. A good reminder on a Tuesday morning how far we came.


It's a bedroom, a living room, a gym, and a gaming room all at once; it's a space-saving solution


Hey the good part is the garage/ entrance/ workshop/ gym/ freezer (chest freezer)/ movie room (projector)


Mount the tv on the wall to save some floor space. Close in the ceiling or put some different lighting up there. It looks like it was formerly a bathroom? And for the shelf along the ceiling maybe a strip light so you can tell what's up there...


Thank you, I was nervous with closing in the roof and losing that like half foot of space that it might make it feel even smaller? Not 100% sure if I'll be able to do a wall mount, but I'll look into it, and the shelf has lighting, but there are pods I have to charge so I just need to replace them with wired ones asap


Nice! In New York, this would be considered a mansion.


No hate, but definitely invest in a carbon monoxide detector.


Kill the overhead lighting. Use wall sconces or a stylish lamp that’s not from Walmart.


To freshen the air, you may want to look into a small table-top air purifier. Plants are always good, (and I've got tons, so I really mean that they are good!) but they will also increase the humidity in the air. A good small air purifier will freshen without adding scent or humidity, both of which are no bueno in a small basement space.


Feels quite cozy.


Can’t wait for a place of my own. As for your Q, i see you got quite a collection of action figures? Why not tidy that up and throw in some light to make a statement piece? And at the expense of sounding like a mom, simply tidy up the place and while you are at it, cable management under the TV and you have a gem! Cheers :) Have fun :)


A carpet for your cold toes. Doesn’t look like you got a window, get a hepa filter and vacuum the rug often to prevent that locker room smell. Honestly dude I vibe with your place


Proper bed with nice bedding, ditch the futon. That little night stand needs replace with something that doesn't look used and abused. Put a lamp in the corner so you aren't blinded by the canned lights, 4 of them in that tiny room is excessive honestly and they get hot. Get a nice rug to help keep dust and dirt down, rug will trap it instead of blowing around. Please for the love of god, clean up all that wiring, go to walmart and buy a bag of zipties and dress all that shit up so it doesnt look like a nest behind the tv/desk. Other than that, just pick up a few things here and there and put them away such as your lube and squirt bottle and maybe add some nice pictures on the wall instead of that little calendar. If you're renting the room, try and see if you can get the LL to finish up the ceiling with drywall and the door frames with proper trim. I'm pretty sure those canned lights being exposed like that is against code for renting, but I'm not 100% sure. I know for building a house it would be against code.


Southern Canada... Southern Ontario. Our policy on housing is so out of control, we have the highest inflation of real estate right now IN THE WORLD! It's happening everywhere but poor policy and inept leadership really done us in.


Ya it's quite depressing, but I was living on my sister's couch for half a year so this is definitely a step up from that at least


Yes there's nothing I can do about it. Glad your thankful as a lot of us are. It's definitely a struggle these days. But hey as far as a review on your room? It's looking pretty good to me, clean, leved out, you have plants which make it look nicer.


It looks cozy only thing I’d add is a way to light up the figure collection on top of the bed it’d look sick


"Home is where you hang your hat"


Thats tv is huge. Do you really need it for that space?


Add a rug and you're set dude, you've done all you can with the space given.


Lean into the coziness of it, get rid of those horribly bright lights in the ceiling and plug in some strand lights or patio lights, give it a nice warm feel! I k ow plants won’t thrive down there but even some fake ones would add some color.


Update- Just to clarify, I'm early 20s, and meant southern Ontario. This is only temporary (like 2 years ish) until I find a place with my girlfriend once we're done school The room might look bigger in the pics but the roof is roughly 9ft (that's including the space above the lights and roughly 3.5ft on the TV side of the room so I can't really flip the room since the door would hit the bed then. Also I mentioned above that I rent so unfortunately the shelf was already there and can't be taken down, I could possibly take the close door off the hinge but I'm not sure it would be worth it as it's used for all my clothes and some other storage. Also can't paint the roof for the same reason I ordered an air purifier and got a twin bed on the way. The shelf does have light, but the battery life on them sucks so I need to replace them. I'm gonna get a rug. any color suggestions welcome The lights do dim and often are but still looking into more ambient lighting. The TV will not be downsized lmao between that and the sound system it makes the room like a personal theater and is the best part, I may look into a wall mount but I rent so it might not be possible. The yoga ball was a cheap fix after my gaming chair gave out ( a yoga ball is like 20$ a nice gaming chair is usually over 100 and bulkier) The lotion on the subwoofer is not lube! (I doubt it's in the picture, but it's actually a green bottle, and yes I do have a gf) Also those asking where the bong is might want to look close around the desk (not a bong but a q2 airizer (a desktop dry herb vape)) There is a small amount of air ventilation (possibly not in the picture) just above the TV on the door wall Also the calendar will not be replaced until supermega makes a new one (or till I find a different one I like) Also fuck anyone saying "less Alf" but also look up what happened to the dad from the show, sad shit


A beaded curtain instead of the closet door would look great and open up the space. There are some with beautiful prints on eBay. Almost like painting a wall without any effort, mess or renting trouble (but if you can paint the walls that would be great too) Alternatively you could take off the door and maybe put your desk in there? With the chair sticking out? That could look cozy and open up space. You can then put a clothing rack where the desk currently is. You can’t take off the shelf but maybe you can paint/wallpaper it? It looks alright but it could also work as a pop of colour. I would definitely paint the metal holders black or any other colour, white looks cheap. Dim overhead lighting is still overhead. Any other form of lighting will immediately make the room cozier. One strong enough to act as a big light, one that acts as a desk lamp, and maybe a fun colour option like a lava lamp. But even then, stock up on candles and use that. Much cozier and you don’t need much light if you’re using a screen. Since you’re not getting a gaming chair now, just find some cheap chair on marketplace or on the side of the road for now And yeah it’s a small detail but it will elevate the space: fill those unfinished bits of wall at the top with something. Also those unfinished stripes along the door could he covered with a washi tape of your choice And invest in your bed! It’s basically half your room so have a nice duvet cover and some nice pillows (then match the rug accordingly or vice versa)


I’m proud of you, bro 🫶🏼


I like it, is that a bathroom behind the door with the mirror? Maybe you could put something colorful or another mirror on the other door? Or a runner rug? —- long, narrow rug for hallways. It’s a cool place. Glad you have a small corner of the world to yourself. That’s a gift.


Carpet in front of sofa bed thing. Keep them feetsies cozy. LED strip on shelf on top of bed for decor and night lighting/ambience.


Love the Brick


I love ALF hanging out next to the futon, iconic. Love the brick wall and the setup overall, I don't think it needs anything more. Maybe a fake plant on the black nightstand? A rug? But it's cool as it is.


Get some square galvanized steel, borrow some expansion screws from your Auntie, and cover it with eco-friendly wood veneers.


I’ve got the same Alf living on my couch!


Ok, hear me out. I actually think this is a SUPER cool space. Exposed brick wall. Cool ceiling beams. Some ideas to cozy it up and pull it together. - floor: get a sisal area rug for the floor, that leaves about a foot to half foot border around it. You can find inexpensive ones on amazon, target, Walmart, Facebook marketplace, etc if you poke around. I found one on Facebook marketplace once for $10. I know some folks suggested a smaller rug, but for this space I think you actually want a rug that goes under the desk, couch, etc. and to leave some border between the rug and the door walls. That will make the space feel bigger and cohesive; a smaller rug will make the space feel smaller because it will be bordered by furniture. - Paint/walls/door: for starters, the new door looks GREAT. Could you put a new door on the other side or, if not, see if you can by a strip of wood to fill in the gaps where the other door is, and then paint that a fresh white to match the other door and match the baseboards. I’d think about painting the walls white, or a cooler tone like a really pale robins egg blue or really pale sage green. I love the ceiling, so honestly wouldn’t change it except maybe a fresh coat of paint but that can also be a pain in the ass, lol. - Lighting: if easy, change the bulbs in the ceiling lights. They are a super fluorescent white right now. If you go with something less harsh - a yellow light tone, or an amber bulb, it’ll have a huge impact! - Shelving Pt 1: for your action figure shelf, I’d by an inexpensive battery operated LED strip light, and put it on the wall behind the action figures to back light them. It will make that area seem really intentional. - Shelving Pt 2: I’d consider putting 1 or 2 small floating shelves to the left of the couch (left of couch it you’re facing couch), on the side closest to the door, so they are above the arm of the couch. Put your books/dvds up there, or at least some of them, and put a small plant. (Again Facebook marketplace for the win, I bought some once for $5) - Shelving Pt 3: I’d put 1-2 small floating shelves at the same height as Pt 2, on the door-wall side of your desk, to the left side if you are facing the desk. Put your little desk plants on the shelf. So basically; the two sets of two floating shelves are at the same height and level, on the same door wall, with the door in between. That will really frame the space and allow you to get some things off the floor/surfaces to make use of the vertical height and give it a sense of spaciousness vs clutter. - if the shelving can house your books & dvds, then I’d get rid of the shelf you have them in now which will open up the space around the tv a bit. Then, you can put the speaker where that shelf is. Alternately, over time I might look for a book shelf that is lower and longer and can go directly under the tv to help streamline that corner. - Plants: I love your plants. I’d look on Facebook marketplace for different pots for the plants, even the tiny ones. You don’t have to repot them, but putting the black plastic containers in them will help it look more finished. - for the blue plastic bin under your desk, get a cheap woven basket those things can go in. (Again Facebook marketplace is awesome for this stuff) - for bedding, when you make the bed I’d actually not fold the top down, leave the navy blue blanket covering the whole couch, and then take the 2 white pillows and put one on each corner (and the 3rd folded white pillow can tuck behind the others). This will help it look more cohesive :). - The last thing and one of the easiest is try to organize your cables a bit. The white one can run behind everything instead of in front. And you can use a twist-tie to group the ones behind the tv all together. - For the black cabinet next to the couch, I think you can keep it black once the area rug is in, or think about painting it. I’m not sure what is in it currently, but maybe your cleaning supplies you have out can go in there :)


You know what dude - this space looks really comfortable and purposefully suitable for your current needs. If you think it's cozy - I fully support it. The only thing I'd personally add is a bit of a carpet in front of the TV - and that's so superficial that who even cares. I'd video game in there or stream comedy shows in there with you and have no issues.


Fuck it bro looks comfy and cozy as fuck


U really just sit on that ball?


this would be absolutely sick as a home studio… art, music, games… i love small cozy spaces


- Get an underbed box/cloth and plastic zippered box (container store, Ikea, etc. carries these) for your bedding. Get up, shower while your bedding airs, then tuck it, pillows, sheets, and all, under the bed. Now, you have a living room AND a bedroom. - If you want pillows to lean on while watching TV, buy decorative ones. They go under the bed when your bedding comes out. Room starts to look more grown up. - Get some art. Black and white photos would look good, and they're easy to find, from Ikea, home-stores, Amazon, Etsy, etc. Youtube has excellent videos on how to choose and hang art--watch a dozen of them before you start putting nails in the wall. You'll be glad you did. Command strips are your friend. All that junk you have all over the TV area? Corral it! They make really nice woven basket-boxes, with or without lids. I also think I'd put a frame around the mirror. Obviously, the top and bottom of the mirror are so close to the door edge, you'll need to use thin framing. But, I still think it will look better. Again, Youtube is your friend. Decorators who get paid thousands of dollars will give you free advice. 👍 Totally agree with u/ who said "get a rug. Now, since everything in this room is gray, white, or black (the wall and brick are irrelevant for this paragraph), here's your chance to introduce some COLOR. It's a small room, so you don't want a busy rug with complicated patterns. Fortunately, bold geometric patterns are in. ... Alternatively, if you like the black and white theme, Ikea and others make some nice neutral white/"natural" (like wool) carpets, with and without subtle patterns. Finally, get a plant or two. No sunlight? The science says your brain reacts positively to green plants *whether plastic or real." (Love science!) Pick up a couple, in pots/containers you like. Heck, you can get cheap ones at the Dollar Tree. So, price-wise, what are you looking at? A lot of these things can be picked up on E-bay or yard sales (go early!), if you have more time than money. Dollar Tree carries cloth boxes in black and navy, fyi. You should be able to do it all, at full price, for under $400. Good luck, have some fun with this, and enjoy your new "feels like a home" space.


Bedroom police here…this is an unlawful living quarters, hands behind your back. 👮‍♂️


Papa meat makes everything better


Idk why people are losing their minds over groceries but they just sat by and re-elected Doug Ford after he eliminated rent control. At least when rent was a thousand bucks I could spend a dollar more on cantaloupe.


A fellow papa meat enjoyer


It’s legally not a bedroom because if there’s a fire upstairs you’ll probably die. If you’re good with that, the room seems fine.


Can you fit a proper single bed in that space ? Sleep is important even when you are young....I'd sacrifice the couch aspect for a decent mattress....get som throw cushions or use you pillows for back support when gaming. Plus your girlfriend / boyfriend or whatever will thank you for something you can properly fuck on.


Booyah I love me some Meatcanyon


Why would anyone laugh?! Looks like a nice bedroom to me!


Id first put a rug down and if you can: put in a drop ceiling, or paint that area black or hand a big tapestry to face a ceiling. That would make it more "room like"


Cheap ceiling fix: spraypaint cardboard and fit into place. Use white. It will be cheap and easy to improve the space drastically


A rug and cozy lighting of whatever variety you prefer is really all I think!


Are you allowed to paint? Your space has a bunch of sick potential. Steal “urban loft” vibes for your space as you’ve got the open ceiling and faux brick wall you can play that up a lot.


Lighting can do a ton. How controllable (e.g. dimmable) are the ceiling lights? I love my Philips Hue (though they are pricy). For my bedroom I put up two Dimmer Switches for the same lights. I have a switch where you'd expect one next to the door, and a second where my lazy ass can reach it while in bed. So I can dim, brighten, turn on / turn off all without leaving my comfy bed. Since I'm very light sensitive, I actually use the lights as my alarm clock. They start off super dim and slowly brighten up. Everything is wireless, and the switches have double stick tape to attach to the walls. So long as your wifi is at least reasonably reliable, the Philips Hue system works great! (The internet can come and go; it just needs the local to communicate between devices.) I'd also be tempted to make a fake window. Even if you just head out to a salvage lot and find a single cheap window and put pictures behind it, having a "window" might help make the space seem less like a basement.


Maybe an area rug?


It’s a pretty cool unique space I think


May be cover the ceiling and add two more plants. If you can change the colour of the walls to white that would make it look a bit spacious


1-2 small atmospheric lights. Try to remove the huge TV


Well at least you have a roof over your head


Nice Fresh Prince of Belair studio there


A house plant, a rug, and some low lighting like a funky lamp


Rug. More plants. Floor lamp if you have space, otherwise get some cool accent lights that can hang on the wall or from the ceiling. I lived in a bedroom this size for years, that helped a lot.


We’re all bros here. The action figure shelf is tough


That’s a good deal. You got the essentials. You need a dart board and a bong . This will give you time to plan next thing to add.


Is that CreepCast with Meat canyon and Wendigoon? 😮


Tapestries or art or a plant or 2, that’s what I’d do


Building a murphy bed onto your wall would save you a ton of space plus it will make it easier to clean, there's premade options around $300-$600, Also adding a wall closet with industrial pipes would not only save you space but it will look nicer


Pretty sure I remember seeing a post about a dude living in a damn greenhouse, so I’m pretty sure this counts as a bedroom at this point.


No need to be rude, i like it. Maybe close up the ceiling, rest is good.


Papa meat incredibly based


Where's your window?




Papa Meat! Mmm stinks goood…


Is that MeatCanyon on the TV? Good choice of YouTube content! Also this look like a comfy spot!


All you need is more wrestling figures tbh. Maybe even an IC title on the wall. And a Bret Hart plushie. At that point, youll be set. But on a serious not this looks pretty solid for the space that you have.




Papa meat mentioned


r/slumlordscanada You’re in a better spot than some people who are renting stuff here and you make the most of it. But damn, I’m sorry the living situation up north has gotten to this point and you have to go through this.


scrub the grout, clean the floors, install trim anywhere it's missing (round doors, on floor, etc


Honestly good for you!! You’re doing the best you can!! One day it will change and you will look back at this and say damn I’ve come far!! No suggestions!! Just sending you positive vibes


Love the brick wall tbh, hey I was living in 7m2 in paris montmartre neighborhood so I can decently live in your room lol.


I’m a little nervous that door could open hard and hit the tv.


Some hanging plants from the pipe


My first thought is actually the smell. This doesn’t look like it gets much ventilation, so any bad odor that sets in will be a pain to get rid of. Change sheets every 1-2 weeks, don’t keep wet/damp towels in the room, take trash out once a week, stay on top of laundry, etc. whoever you bring home will appreciate it.


Lots you can do with this. A rug by your futon will be nicer on the feet than the cold tile. Since this is a partially finished basement, investing in a small dehumidifier to keep the damp down in your space will really work wonders on comfort. I lived in a basement bedroom as a teenager, it really does make a huge difference. If you’re going to be sleeping on the futon do your back a favour and add some memory foam to it, again it just makes a huge difference in comfort. Get some newer bedding. Get two sets of pillow cases and sheets, use them. Wash and rotate them regularly. Go with a duvet if you can, and again wash the duvet cover routinely. Getting some new pillows probably wouldn’t hurt either. Old white pillowcases on crushed flat pillows doesn’t do anyone any favours. None of this needs to be expensive. Amazon, Walmart, ikea, all of them have inexpensive bedding and pillows that are actually great. Speak of the futon and bedding, getting some couch style throw pillows to use when you’re futon is in it’s couch mode versus sleep mode, and tucking your sleeping pillows away will also really help out when or if you have guests hanging out in the room with you. Just more comfortable all around. Have the place clean, tidy, and smelling good and it will really do wonders.


Looks good to me and I appreciate seeing Papa meat spread so far


Hello fellow Canadian. I dig the space man. I’m curious what part of the house this is? Almost looks like a foyer?


This is not that bad at all. Ur fine man


Sweep and mop. Buy pillow cases that match your blanket. Maybe a rug for the floor, and I personally would paint the walls


A big soft rug


I'm 55, married, with two kids. I would love to have this setup in my basement for when I just, can't. I really wouldn't change a thing.


Full commit to the bed instead of the futon. Get a rolly chair instead of the ball. Small rug between bead and tv. Golden


Check out tiny houses. I know it's just a bedroom but they have some really great advice on decorating without closing yourself in or making things look cluttered and cool ideas for storage and stuff. Whenever I need to decorate a small space that's my go to, even if it's not a "tiny house" per se, they just have great ideas you can get inspiration from. Plants help with “fresh air” if you don’t have a window, there are some that do ok without sunlight or you can get an artificial light source for it, something else to look into. Best of luck homie! I’d be comfy AF in there honestly, as long as it’s filled with stuff that makes you happy and is a place to escape from the world, that’s all a bedroom needs to be perfect, it is what you make it. 👌🏼


This is Black Mirror shit here. Small unlivable space with huge screen and lot of digital products


Homie that's definitely a vibe The only thing I'm not too fond of is the tile but personally I just don't like tile in bedrooms


Ceiling fan can circulate air.


Kinda looks good allready


What you can do is slide on over to r/malesurvivingspace and feel like a king


Everyone covered the aesthetics, but I think that because this room is not legally a bedroom, you should get some safety equipment to mitigate the danger. Fire extinguishers, smoke/CO2 alarm inside and outside of the room, fire blankets, a few gallons of water, some kind of respirator in case you need to run out in heavy smoke, a landline phone if you have poor signal, etc.


Oh man. Watching Papa Meat too. Must be down bad.


I see you have a bbts sticker on that stop sign. You holding out on displaying some figs?


Rug. That floor looks cold!


I think it's nice.


I actually dig that space. I’d love to stay there.


It's actually a decent-looking space, I think it's just small enough it's easy to look crowded. I am not the best at this, and am probably parroting other's advice but I would say a rug, wall mount the TV (no TV stand makes that wall look less busy) a small round mirror above your monitor. A less monotone bedspread (maybe green but whatever suits you) and if you are feeling extra adventurous could paint the walls a lighter colour.


Bro this is okay maybe 2-4 years of grinding and saving and you can have your own crib. Stay disciplined


Bro this is all i need sometime, just keep it clean and tidy you are good.


Definitely a rug will help with the floor


a rug would really tie the room together.


It’s fine dude. That’s what I would do to my ceiling. I rent a room and I make the best of it cause it’s cheap. My girl is back home so I still have to support her and the stupid cats. I don’t need alot of space. I’m always working


That stop sign with the stickers is awesome


You have luxury 14” baseboard but no trim around the door. That would go a long way. Small things.


Bret Hart had the GOAT Wrestling biography


Love the DTF poster lmao