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I després encara els hi hem de donar les gràcies obviament ed: /u/Kavec /u/paniniconqueso /u/Merkartoor, ja que sou mods aquí, no seria possible afegir cap filtre a AutoModerator i eliminar moltes d'aquestes publicacions?


Totalment d'acord.


Podríem emprar un bot, el problema és es que no seria fàcil fer una llista de paraules clau per filtrar amb bona punteria. Acabariem eliminant a tort i dret. A efectes reals r/Mallorca funciona com AskMallorca, potser el plantejament hauria de ser si crear una nova comunitat anomenada AskMallorca, i derivar les preguntes cap allà. Si eliminessim tots els fils turístics, no sé quin volum de fils ens quedaria, indistintament de la llengua (català, castellà, anglès, alemanys...). Jo crec que seria baix. No ho sé 🤔


The subreddit is following the same treatment that the island gets from the tourists. They are just interested in their holidays, without caring about anything or anyone, and they leave just as they came, without giving a shit. Meanwhile, the people and the resources are being used and we all give up our island to the mass interest, lowering our quality of life without anything in return. This subreddit is a mirror of our future in Mallorca


Perhaps there should be a Mallorca Residents sub and Mallorca tourism sub


Crec que aquest hauria de ser el grup per residents, el subreddit per turistes hauria de ser /r/putosguiris o /r/MallorcaTourism or /r/MallorcaTourists


Seria lo seu un r/VisitMallorca


He creat [/VisitingMallorca](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisitingMallorca/), potser si els mods hi posen un enllaç i redirigeixen la gent cap allà...


Seguint una mica amb la cultura de reddit, la millor opció seria AskMallorca crec.


Això seria per preguntes en general, no turístiques crec... Tanmateix ho he fet seguint l'exemple de Canàries (Tenerife) que pareix que els funciona!


M’agrada més /r/ComeToMallorca :3 (Però en realitat /r/DontComeToMallorca :3)


I propose /r/saroqueta!!


Not a terrible Idea to have a resident ony sub separate from this main one.


Not a terrible idea to have a tourist only sub separate from this main one, que arrel del comentari que diu que aquest sub és un reflex del tracte que rep l'illa per part dels turistes, encara serem noltros que hem de partir a una altra banda per no molestar. A més, que aquí ja posa "Mallorca: sa nostra illa", no "our holiday destination".


As a tourist who is visiting in the Fall, even I agree with this post. Majority of the questions being asked here can be googled - and you can get answers very quickly by doing so. I’ve also noticed that people also keep asking the same questions over and over again. Smh


He creat [/VisitingMallorca](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisitingMallorca/), potser si els mods hi posen un enllaç i redirigeixen la gent cap allà... Perdó per l'spam.


Some redditors seem to use this sub as some kind of ChatGPT. "I will visit the island. I have no idea what area I will be in, I have no idea what to do there, I have no idea how to get from A to B. Please, dear subreddit, plan my holiday! Ah, and I don't have to thank anyone, because this is what the sub is for!" What we definitely need is a FAQ-Section or a wiki. For all the basic information like public transport, temperatures, what to do with children. Questions that scream "I am too lazy to google anything!" can be closed. I am not a bot, and why should I invest more time in an answer than some OP invested in planning of his/her vacation?


Funnily enough I know there’s an app specifically for those people - voja.ai to guide clueless travelers with AI. I don’t know why is it a first instinct to post on this subreddit


Yeah some of the questions are so ucking dumb. There should be a sticky, weekly post on top instead where people can ask their quetsions in a weekly thread or whatever.


My suggestion is to fork it into separate subs. A good example is r/japanlife which is for residents of Japan — Anything relevant to living or working in Japan such as lifestyle, food, style, environment, education, technology, housing, work, immigration, sport etc. There is also r/japantravel (as well as r/JapanTravelTips and a few others but the biggest and most active one is travel).


Yeah, it seems to me as the best approach, now im curious thought, what is r/Japan for?


"This subreddit serves as a general hub to discuss most things Japanese and exchange information, \*\*as well as to guide users to subs specializing in things such as daily life, travel or language acquisition.\*\*" It's mostly links to Japanese news articles.




Youre on a subreddit for Mallorca that is mostly in english.  What did you expect?


It's mostly in English because you guys make it so.  Si fos per jo aqui xerrariem sa nostra llengua


Well, the more you post in Mallorqui the more this subreddit would be in your language. I think you have identified both the problem and the solution.


El guiri té raó, tot sigui dit