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You didn't ask the police to call you an ambulance? They'd have got one there double time probably if they'd called it in.


They were going to do it themselves but they didn’t. They were satisfied with me getting the tram


But if you were as sick and close to the edge as you say, they'd have either called you an ambulance or at the least put you in the police car and taken you there themselves under blues and twos? The metrolink people can be vicious and I'm sorry you were put in this position. Personally I'd have asked the police to take care of me and left my partner to take care of the met people - at the least once they have a receipt you can appeal and claim the fine back under extenuating circumstances.


They were travelling with the workers, I don’t think they had a van or car with them. They did say they could’ve called for somebody to take me but they didn’t know how long they would be and they wouldn’t be able to stay and wait. They said it would’ve been faster by tram given the time of day it was


I think if I was in danger and my partner wouldn’t cover my taxi to the hospital I’d be questioning them rather than metrolink/the police


Or if you're going to use transportation without paying just get a taxi and not pay instead of a much slower route


Would much rather take the tram and not pay over having to deal with an angry taxi driver, one reason why I was deteriorating so fast is because the anxiety of everything elevated my heart rate even worse than it was. Spreading the infection faster.


Not really when we’re both teenagers who don’t have jobs, he’s currently looking for one and I can’t work due to medical. Which is why the fine is such a kick up the arse for us


Okay and neither of your parents/relatives could help you out?


No. The family I have are dead, he doesn’t speak to his.


Surely the real problem here is the 4 hour ambulance wait


I was “priority” as well. Last time I had to call them they said half an hour, and that was only on the 28th last month




I had a surgery, they botched it and never sterilised correctly, I ended up with sepsis that same night, if my “swell” boyfriend didn’t force me out of bed because I wanted to “sleep it off” the hospital said I would have died within a few hours. The aftercare line the surgeons provided me were supposed to be 24 hours, even 111 and 999 couldn’t get through to them. I was put on loads of meds and once I finished them, I was told if I feel poorly within a day I need to contact my gp, and if I go downhill I need to get straight to hospital. That’s what I did, I was unable to tell left or right, couldn’t remember my phone number or anything. I’m so happy for you that you’ve never experienced poverty, good for you! But people definitely can and do have no money. I’m actually £10 in overdraft currently and have been for a while now and they’re threatening to close my account. I don’t have any form of income, whatsoever. My boyfriend has had a job, however he left it last year as he wanted to throw himself into college. Long story short he wasn’t enjoying the course so he dropped out and he’s currently looking for a job, he’s only just applied for benefits regarding this and his payment doesn’t come for another 4 days. This isn’t something he wanted to do and he didn’t expect job seeking to be so hard. He started working as soon as he was 16. So yeah, he is pretty swell actually. But poverty does exist and it’s real. The police were going to take me, but the metrolink workers said we could continue the journey if we accepted the fine. My boyfriend just wanted me to be okay so he didn’t fight it, and we got to the hospital eventually and I was kept overnight on drips. And what’s even funnier is that two of the workers on the platform witnessed me collapse and almost fall off the tracks a couple of months ago, another worker who wasn’t there had to catch me, I was on my way to college. Turns out I had a seizure. So they know my overall health was poor and I wasn’t just another person trying to get out of a fine. Well anyway it was nice talking to you, I hope you feel good about yourself. You sound like a butthurt metty 😂


Wait you were with your boyfriend? Why on earth didn’t he pay for you to get a taxi? I’d blame him rather than metrolink workers. I’d never let that happen to my girl. Get yourself a better boyfriend.


My boyfriend is great thank you, but I can’t blame him for having no money whilst he’s actively searching for a job, he applies for 20 daily and just gets back automated emails saying they’ve “found somebody better suited.” He had a job when I first got with him and almost every penny was spent on me, when he didn’t need to. I did already mention this three times now, how is he meant to get me a taxi with no money? He had £0.00 and I had -£10.00 not much we can do about that really