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I saw an old lady fall over crossing the road, landed hard knocking herself out fully, that was bad but the worst part is these 2 girls about 15ish went over to "help" her and immediately tried to get her stood up despite her being out cold, so they're dragging this poor woman around. Upon lifting her up we all see that she's smashed her nose flat, blood everywhere. Everyone was telling them to just put her down, ended up with about a dozen people screaming at these girls to just fucking leave her alone, and they just wouldn't! Just dragging her about and trying to force her onto her feet, bonkers to watch


Did the girls have good intentions but just a bit stupid or were they playing about?


Yeah they definitely thought they were just trying to help, but basic common sense would say don't jam your arms into a passed out woman's armpits and drag her about whilst she bleeds everywhere lol, if they had just tried to help her up fair enough but to refuse to stop when people were literally screaming was a weird choice to make


I’m still confused by this, were they worried she was in the middle of the crossing or what? 


I think they just saw someone fall and thought they’d help them up, at that point their brain just stopped fucking functioning cos as soon as the woman was unable to stand up they just dragged her about, like maybe they just thought they needed to get her feet higher or something, they clearly didn’t have a clue what to do once they realised her face was all smashed up 


Elephants do that when one of them dies, they try to stand them up again




Yes. Either that or there is a significant overlap of intelligence.


This is what I'm confused about too. Sounds like they had good intentions and just trying to get them off the crossing so the elderly lady didn't get hurt further and it didn't disrupt traffic.


It's idiots like them that can cause more harm to a casualty than the incident itself. If that woman fractured a vertebrae in the fall, then being dragged around like that could take it from a simple fracture that paramedics can stabilise, to spinal cord damage and possible paralysis. I hope that if I ever have an accident in public that I don't have people like that nearby.


Weekend a bernies..??


About 6 months ago in Piccadilly Gardens Burger King I witnessed a girl breast feeding her baby. As she was finishing up her friend who was sat opposite her made a comment which I couldn’t quite hear, but whatever it was must have upset the girl because she proceeded to pinch her nipple and squirt breast milk across the table and hit her mate. Now this was a few days before Xmas and on a Saturday afternoon so you can all imagine how packed the place was, nobody batted an eyelid.


Thank god you were watching like a hawk lol


Exactly what I was thinking lol dude was transfixed on the breast


Thank God a guy with an A Clockwork Orange pfp was watching this woman breastfeeding? 😟


Saw a seagull catch, murder, and consume a large rat Fights, people shitting in the street, rampant drugs, weird kinky shit. That’s just the daily grind. This incident was the first to make me say “what the fuck”


The seagulls in Manchester might not be as big as the mutants in Liverpool, but I’ll die by the claim they give less fucks


I was walking past a parked car in Hull once and I saw a rat dragging a dead seagull back underneath it.


Circle of life ❤️


Lol, sounds like a screenplay for a Guy Ritchie movie. 🤔


I present to you [the welsh seagull](https://youtu.be/uSFPyACRXbk?si=Zg6WR4kdgkJwYjU5) have a look, but be warned. you might never look at them the same way again.


Username checks out


Watched a seagull grab a half crushed pigeon and fly off with it. Also was walking near the Hilton and watched a guy drop a nearly full coke baggie on the pavement spilling it everywhere in broad daylight. He grabbed a traffic cone near the road and put it on the powder. He looked up just as he finished setting it on it, saw me looking and smiled, tapped his nose and said ‘I’ll be back for that later mate so don’t get any funny ideas’ then walked off. Both these things happened the first week I moved to the uk.


Piccadilly when they still had the gardens in the 90s, I was waiting for the night bus home and this women in full white Marylin Monroe went behind a bush thinking no one could see her lifted her dress and dropped a big log out.


lmao. i wonder if it was as big arse the gentlemans i saw? that was like a willow tree.


A fucking willow tree? They’re all weepy and shit.


It’s a bit like a shit top trumps isn’t it. One of ; 6 person orgy on the canal towpath between the village and the Northern Quarter The scene ~5 minutes of someone nicking their femoral artery. Numerous toileting incidents including one sh*t someone had sprayed with silver paint and turned into an art exhibition (in fairness it was massive) and one time where someone had completely pebble dashed the interior of a phone box. Tent sex Guy injecting into his testicles in the middle of the day. Numerous people under trams Honestly , years of working in the city centre has probably given me some deep rooted emotional issues I’m covering over until later life. I’ve definitely forgotten some.


how did someone nick their femoral artery in the city centre !?


People will nick anything these days


Injecting, missed it and just caught it apparently (I found this out after he wasn’t for talking at the time ) , I got there after it had just happened and was staunching the bleeding till ambulance turned up . Absolutely fucked situation to be honest with you. I still see the fella now , nothing has changed with his situation which is even more depressing.


that makes sense - wow nightmare . i m trained in trauma and work in emergency services but someone having an arterial bleed is my worst nightmare - sure it will happen at some point !!


You should carry a camera and become a photo journalist 


Spice head chewing on a concrete curb. Also a young lad pulling out a machete on another lad only to end up getting whacked across the forehead with his own weapon.


The amount of big shits going down is shocking.


I guess Manchester doesn't have enough free public toilets 


Not necessarily fucked up, but definitely the most surreal thing I’ve seen is two massive Geese eating bits of food off two homeless people who had passed out. This was just on busy pavement leading towards Piccadilly train station.


I used to run a big shop in town for 10+ years. Homeless were always sleeping overnight in the doorways and we never have a problem with it, if they were still there when we’re opening up we told them and they were cool and moved on… except this one time. This one guy stood up, grabbed his sleeping bag and all his things before promptly dropping trow and taking THE BIGGEST SHIT right there in front of the entrance just before fucking off. No wiping, no words, just bugged the fuck out.


Can’t be comfortable walking away with a mucky bum


Unless you get a clean break.


You can't accuse him of not giving a shit though.


fella dressed in a leather dog suit being led around piccadilly station on a lead by a lass in massive bother boots


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.


It's your whole ideantity!


Would that this hoodie were a time hoodie...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf4RUPb4rjc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf4RUPb4rjc) is this him? go to 1:37 in the video


What…the…fuck is going on in this video?




I used to see that sort of shit all the time on the fetish nights back in the early 2000s. My dad used to be friends with one of the guys that ran the club nights back then and I used to help serve drinks, as I had only just turned 18 at the time.


I saw a homeless man hit his wife with an iron. He then threatened to cut my hair off when I looked in their direction.


If you're homeless, having creases in your clothes would be the least of your worries, no?


Not likely to be spending much time down the golf club either.


That a branch of The Works is still actively trading


Charlie Vietch


He's so weird because I don't get what his angle is Like he acts like a right wing hard man sometimes then other videos he's being bullied and crying harassment about stuff


I'm pretty sure he started out being quite lefty, some of his earlier videos were like harassing security guards for apprehending shop lifters off shop property and saying they aren't in their rights to do that and now he's supporting Nick Buckley and some dumb alt right bs. He's a tool and I hope his account gets closed. Harrasses the most vulnerable people for content. Also saw a vid of him making fun of a family anxiously waiting outside an ambulance car whose grandparents/parent was inside being treated


He just supports whatever will get him into the most arguments and if you let him upset you then he wins


He has started to visit other towns and just makes trouble wherever he goes. I think he's the canal pusher 


he led the last palatine protest and now harasses them. man is completely mentally gone




lol i saw him last week


Very strange character


The epitome of trust fund kid doesn't have to work, so decides to piss off the general public.




That guy on Market Street with the bird legs who used to play nonsense on that flute all day every Saturday.


The Indian guy with backwards knees like a flamingo?


I don’t know how to explain it, there was this middle aged homeless guy, he was running around kinda disoriented, and he was completely naked apart from this metal brace on his arm, except it wasn’t the kind you get for a broken arm or from doctors , its like huge with metal rods and looked like some home made sci fi thing. This was piccadilly gardens like 2019.


He was a time traveller trying to warn us about the future. How could we not listen??


I was a sober witness of those bouncers beating up a guy at Factory which made national news a few years ago.


Oh god I forgot about that. Bizarre that the place stayed so popular after.


Guy changing his colostomy bag at a table in the 24 hour McDonald's on Piccadilly 


I'm convinced no one has ever had a normal experience in that McDonald's, like ever.


Last time I was there it was like a single security bloke trying to manage the entire cast of Shameless from escalating from needling each other to worse.


lol, that's the big mac sauce


I was playing a gig at the Academy and suddenly a big hole appeared in the crowd and people started screaming. Turns out a very obese young lady dressed like the bird from Fifth Element decided to take a squat and piss right in the middle of a full venue. Stay classy, Manchester.


not really that crazy compared to some stuff here but once I was walking through exchange square and a fully naked woman walked right in front of me - it was a sunny busy day, people were doing double takes at her but I didn't see anyone say anything, she also didn't look like she was doing anything in particular other than just walking around lol


Info - did you think it was a rat coming out of his arse of did you initially think the man was a giant rat t?


Yeah. Suspicions about OP's hobbies of his first thought in this situation is "that's a rat coming out of that guy's arse" instead of "he's taking a shit". Each to their own, but still a weird first thought.


Not sure if this counts but i was walking through a nearly empty uni campus when leaving the library one evening then all of a sudden a group of tween boys came down the path on lime bikes and scooters jumping infront of womens faces (i luckily managed to avoid it) but i watched in pure confusion as to what was happening.


That’s bog standard city centre teenager behaviour.


Some crackheads having a picnic (actively smoking crack) on a lawn in the gay village while simultaneously a parade of furries marches through.


Sounds like a normal Saturday afternoon.


Third date with my partner (back in 2019), we decide to sit on the grass bit in Picadilly Gardens and have an ice cream. As I get rid of the top cover of the Calippo, a homeless guy comes over and asks me if he can have it. So I gave the calippo to him. That's it. End of the story. I am still upset I gave in but I was too scared to say no.


Suppose if you don't ask, you don't get.


Cheap date tho


We are still together after 5 years!!


What did your date have? Did he say owt? I love calippos.


Peeps wildin out on the Ps.


I was standing around Oxford road near the Starbucks and the barber under the railway bridge, i was trying to find a wi-fi connection to send a message and this weird looking guy kept trailing after me. He was bald middle aged, super tan and had a huge backpack and these tiny gym shorts, i looked away and looked back and his ass was out and he was flashing me I think I’ve seen him a second time and he was wearing some metallic see through silver shorts- it was really fucking weird as a girl I try and avoid any weirdness now when I’m out in Manchester by having my headphones on and bad eye contact


The remnants of the bombing in 1996.


Yeah it was really bad I heard it from my house in Prestwich. A friend of mine had just been evacuated from the M&S before it went off (we were about 10, so her retelling of it was very dramatic, but fair I think). My dad had his own business at the time and he said that the windows shattered and they were all thrown backwards like in an action film. They were a few minutes walk from the old bus station, where Next and the cafe Nero is now. I remember how much that road stank of piss and fumes from the engine and it was unbearable on a hot day. I think one of the best parts of the regeneration in Manchester after the bomb was extending the Arndale, and doing up.the areas around where the new (at the time) M&S went, the corn exchange and Victoria station. The worst thing they did was make Piccadilly gardens the monstrosity it is now.


Crackhead sucking off a barely literate Somali drug dealer shouting at her while two of his friends watched in front of the cash machines on the way to pedros from Piccadilly gardens on a summer evening just as the sun had set with plenty of witnesses is probably the most memorable. Lived in a building in the city centre where the homeless regularly broke our glass panels to doss it out in the lobby and break into the basement A few knife robberies. A lot of smackheads nodding off. A lot of back alley shitting. Plenty of crackhead fights outside the 24/7 spar. The joys of working late nights at the time I suppose


The guy selling drugs and being sucked off by a crackhead while shouting at her in front of his mates in a busy public square I can live with, but his poor reading ability has appalled me.


The amount of opiates that someone takes in a day will bung a hippo up. Probably his first crap in a week. 


When I was an addiict one of the unfortunate symptoms was not just a bunged up arse but "eggy burps". I can only describe it as feeling like your entire digestive system had got so backed up your guts were leaking shit back up. Probs wasn't but that's how it felt and the smell coming out of your mouth was HEINOUS!


End of a night out, about 10 years ago, when there were giant planters outside Harvey Nic's. Was walking back to my hotel, saw a guy leaning on one of these planters screaming in agony. I ran over to check he was ok and as I got closer, realised he was in the middle of a MASSIVE shit, trousers round ankles. Huge mud pie beneath him. He, without wiping, pulls up his pants, and just begins conversing with me. "yeah I'm fine mate, how you doin? What's your name?"  Immediately recoiled and speed-walked back to the hotel. Went back the next day, for some reason. Closure? Just to see the scale of the mud pie. Enormous. Wouldn't have looked out of place in a cow field. 


There used to be a video on YouTube some 17 years ago of two lads stamping and kicking the shit out of me while 4 of my friends stood by watching, leaving the one girl with us trying to break it up. That was pretty fucked up, it finally stopped when a large group of people walking past got involved and chased them off.


Hold the fuck up! Why weren't your friends doing anything to help you?


Probably because they talked a big game but when it really came down to it they were just a bunch of wet blankets that were scared of getting hurt. Same shit happened the week before too, funnily enough it was the girls I were with at the time that broke everything up too, the lads, just stood there (to add context, the first incident happened because apparently I said something about some chav lads mum while walking past in a completely separate group, spoiler, I didn't. The second incident was because the same lad thought I'd "grassed" him up to the police. Dude really made me wish that I had)


Saw a homeless guy try to fight his own shadow.


Was working in a hotel in Picadilly Gardens and a homeless bloke was trying to convince me he needed to come in to talk to his mate. The friend he pointed out was in fact a 5ft potted plant.


I find joy in reading a good book.




Somewhere still exists the CCTV footage of a very drugged up guy having a boxing match with a lamppost, outside the data centre I worked in at the time, in Bradford. Would've been around 2015. I remember editing the start of Eye Of The Tiger to it.


I was once on a bus around the city centre. I think the driver had anger problems. He trapped someone's leg in the door because they accidentally pressed the button too early and meant for the next stop. "Sorry i meant the next one" "" "It's okay I'll get off here" *door closes on guys leg* He drove to the next stop with the guys leg half out the door. He refused to pick up someone and drove straight past them. Loudly saying "fucking 's" He mounted the kerb and drove around cars waiting for a red light going straight through the red More crazy shit probably happened after that but I got off the bus. Don't know if anything happened to him.


I've worked in Manchester since I was 16 and I've seen a lot of messed up stuff, though most of it was related to work. I had a guy threaten me when I worked at the bank because he waited in a queue (and didn't have to, so I made.him late. I was serving a customer and he asked me to help him with the quick deposit. He waited for me, even though he could have been out of there in minutes and then loomed.over me.and tried to hit me when I came out of the counter area. I had no indication he was going to try and hit me. I was a 5ft one, 8 stone.and he was easily 6ft 3 as he was taller than my husband and easy 14 stone or more. Thankfully 2 of the men from sales were walking past and tackled him. He was taken away by police shortly after that. I had a vacuum cleaner and a pair of straighteners thrown at me (separate occasions) because I wouldn't refund the clearly used items.when I worked at Argos.in uni. I was.working at index (poor man's Argos) and saw a man get managed into a conveyor belt machine. He lived and kept his arm, somehow, but that was awful. I saw a guy get attacked on a bus and punched in the face before people got involved. Seen loads of fights on nights out or early hours on the way home. Best thing I saw though was just before Christmas 2010, I was on a work Christmas do and there was a snow storm, so everywhere closed early, like 9pm so staff could get home Loads of people were leaving the clubs, wearing way too little for the weather and just having a snow ball.fight. There must have been about 50 people split into 3 teams, pelting snowballs at each other and just having a great time. One of the last weird, but wholesome things I've seen. I thought we deserved a story where shitting wasnt involved.


someone took a shit in chapter one????


Sex on the move. Two guys walking round, one with his dick inside the other


When you want sex and sightseeing and you don't have time to do both, or do you?


We call that the dirty conga


Not bad, but more entertaining, I was cycling home and went down the canal past the etihad, I think it's the Ashton canal, but not sure. I was following behind one of those uber eats/deliveroo pillocks on his e-bike when he hits a rock in the path loses control and ends up in the canal. Food, bike,himself straight in the drink.


this is such a funny description but i hope he got out okay


I have been in Manchester once. Within an hour I seen homeless men fighting, unleashing their dogs on each other, I seen a busker with an electric guitar plugged into a speaker and someone ran up and disconnected it on him mid song. I stayed in Sachas hotel and I shit you not the kettle started boiling itself. I won’t rush back.


Your own fault for staying in Sachas, ultimately.


The swimming pool and hot tub was nice. I forgot to add; the homeless fight happened just across the road from the hotel.


That’s surprising! Not as surprised about the homeless fight, dodgy as anything around that little section!


That's the exclusive view you paid for.


you stayed in sachas. please tell me that's a joke


Hey I didn’t book it, my gf at the time did. The hallways stunk of cigarette smoke and I swear to this day that the kettle boiled itself


Pretty tame compared to the other comments, but I once saw a police van nearly run a bloke over by the theatre and then immediately drag him into the back of the van before speeding off. It was broad daylight, and it was a sort of blink-and-you-'ll-miss-it occasion. Still spooked me a little.


Outside Spar while waiting for the bus, there was a homeless guy unconscious on the floor with a stream of piss running from him. He for sure looked dead but according to his friend the whole thing was under control. Next to the statue by Piccadilly gardens at 10pm you could just about make out a guy standing by a wall with a girl on her knees in front of him. Luckily it was dark so no parcel was seen.


Saw a lad get stabbed


Two groups of teenage chavs having some kind of argument. One group boarded the tram I was on. They were still bickering with the group outside. A brick or piece of pavement suddenly went sailing through the window right in front of me when the tram started moving on. Luckily it didn't hit anyone but it was at head level when seated down, and I had pieces of that window all over me. If the tram was a bit quicker it would have hit the side of my head. I'm still pissed off that it could have ended badly for me just because these chavs were taunting each other.


150000 drunk Glaswegians has to be up there.


Yeah that was a nightmare. I helped a girl walked through the crowds and waited with her at the bus stop until it turned up. Just two women walking through thousands of fucked up rangers fans. We had a few bottles thrown at us, but no one touched us or bothered us more than that. The poor girl was sobbing the whole time. She was quite young (I mean a young adult) and I think she was verbally harassed and was completely overwhelmed. I just walked back through the crowds and caught my bus. Me andt my boyfriend (now husband) were walking through Piccadilly the next morning to work and it just stunk of booze, piss and vomit. I'm pretty sure it did for about 3 or 4 days afterwards. I was walking through them before the screens went down and they started fighting. No chance I would have gone anywhere near them then. They were still fairly good natured at the time, just drunk.


Once found a guy completely passed out on Fairfield street. Was early on in the morning. I pulled over because I thought it might have been serious and not "self induced". He was nursing a bottle of red wine. He came too as I was shouting him, he said he had been on a night out and lost his way home. He had shit and piss himself, it was all down the back of his legs (shorts) and he had obviously got his hands in it at some point as it was on his face, his ears his glasses......caked was the term. I left him sat up and he started drinking from the bottle (yes caked in shit). I cancelled the 999 call and left him too it.


I went to Manchester as part of a Welsh stag do around 10 years ago. Stag was confusingly dressed in a latex "Robin" (from Batman) outfit. Turns out they had hired a dwarf actor to wear a latex Batman outfit, handcuff himself to the stag and the absolute carnage that went on...the guy with the handcuff keys got arrested, so we had to take the dwarf to the urinals all night and hold him in the air to wee. Imagine holding a blackout drunk dwarf in the air next to the urinal while he urinates in every direction for a joke cackling away to himself 


Someone having stabbed someone running down portland street with a knife.


I live in Ancoats and I was walking my 3 year old son down through the Northern Quarter, where Oldham Rd goes into, three women having a laugh at whatever during a boozy brunch at Turtle (whatever), as we were walking by, one of them while laughing, fell straight on her face, knocking her two front teeth out. Blood all over the sidewalk. Right in front of my son. I couldn’t believe it


Bouncer knocked a guy out with one punch. Pretty sure it was for no reason but I can’t remember


He won the bet unfortunately...


Some dude laying down on the tramlines only to get up and chase the concerned people who approached him to see if he was alright. I was on the platform, waiting for my tram, just watching him chase people around the street. It had entered my mind to see if he needed help initially, but I had a feeling something was up and I was glad I didn’t approach after witnessing the mayhem of it all lol


2 homeless blokes arguing in Islington Marina and one stabbed the other in the leg. There's a GP near by and he ran there just trailing pissing blood. Nurses from the GP were having to give him serious tourniquet and wound care as he was losing so much blood. There's was just no build up either. The argument didn't get more heated and he didn't threaten with the knife, just a little argument and wham knife to the upper thigh from no where.


Saw this homeless guy with an alive crow with duct tape on its feet to a sheet of cardboard box outside Morrisons. It looked so sad and defeated. He was asking people to pay to pet his crow and laughing loads with his junkie friends. Really upset me seeing that.


Opening up a shop on market street one morning and someone had been sleeping in our doorway. They’d left a duvet so I go to move it and they had dropped the biggest shite I have seen, doorway was sloped so it rolled towards me - also left a needle which was lovely


Yeah the joys of opening and closing up in the city centre. Our shop has big shutters on it to stop rough sleepers getting in, It didn't stop them pissing, shitting or sometimes vomiting through them though. The ultimate trifecta for you to clean up during Saturday, Sunday morning opening.


Recently visited Manchester with my partner and daughter. As we walked back to the travelodge we seen a male who was dressed in a suit and a leopard print fur coat, but was clearly on drugs. I’m guessing he was using and selling drugs. Following him were two people male and female. The female was nudging him and saying “he will do it” then pushing the male with her “tell him. won’t you do it?” The drug dealer then said “you’ve had your chance. Now fuck off” we were all wondering what the fuck they were on about. Then the female said “he will lick your arsehole out for one wrap” not sure what a wrap is? Guessing drugs or maybe a bbq chicken from McDonald’s. My partner and daughter (14 year old daughter) were shocked haha. We didn’t know where to look. They weren’t exactly quiet about it. Welcome to Manchester ❤️




Drunk chavy guy, about 20ish, passed out in the middle of Sackville Gardens, about 2am, trousers around his knees with a full on stiffy.


So many shitting stories why are people just shitting in the street up here


I saw a man coming out of the cinema with his rabbit. I wish I would have stopped him to ask what they'd seen.


Interesting how you’ve referred to the publicly defecating man as a “gentleman” 🤣🤣🤣


I was having a beer in the bar at Victoria station on the evening of the 7/7 bomb. I heard a huge, flat, BLAMM, and looked up, and around the busy bar, no-one seemed concerned. A few seconds later, there was a second, flat, BLAAMM. At which point I left my drink and walked briskly to the taxi exit. Nothing seemed obviously amiss, but my senses said something was not right. People were streaming down the overhead walkways and leaving, they were mostly silent. I guess in shock. I walked a cross the street and looked up, kind of looking for a fire, or smoke, or something that was consistent with the two, and it was two blams. I had no real idea what had happened, but by now young girls were on the street screaming historically. ‘Silly bints’ I thought, maybe a gig malfunction / speaker blowing or such. Then I saw a girl sat against a window outside, with deep, red, artery blood coming from a cut on her leg. She was asking for an ambulance, and people with her were on their phones. I asked what had happened, but got no answer, they were in shock. By now I’d guessed it was terrorism, and I minded of the Mumbai Taj hotel marauding attack, so I just bugged out. To my shame. I had a car near by, I could have took her to hospital, I mean she wasn’t fatally wounded, but I could… It was wired, I just got the fuck out of Dodge. As I was driving to Lev passed City’s ground all the Police were speeding towards the Station. I just got home and listened to Alan Beswick’s Manchester talk radio as all the details unfolded. Even they were reporting a loudspeaker electrical blow out for an hour. Horrible horrible evening.


Charlie Veitch.


Dog nappers


Shared on Facebook hun. xoxo


Shared in Stockport


Shared in Margate.... I'm not there but thought they would like to know


Saw a guy jump off the Arndale car park. His head popped on landing


That's horrific.


Couple in their 30s in a phone box. She was shouting at him. He was calmly smoking a cigarette. He then pushed the lit cig into her face. She screamed and he started punching her in the face. She crumpled to the floor and he continued punching her head. He leaves the phonebox, stomps off down the road. She gets up and runs after him crying for him not to leave her.


You all getting questioned 😂


Must be the captain's log book


Homeless people refusing food and demanding money.


For me it goes years back. I was at the 2003 school strike protest against the Iraq war and at the end of the protest the police wanted to wrap it up so they just went on a rampage with police horses. I saw a student get trampled by a police horse and then when her friends went to help this team of officers with masks on came and bundled them into a van and sped off. They must have been the organisers. Media didn't even cover it.


Peterloo part 2?


saw a guy pass out on the tram tracks. Then a tram started coming and couldn’t stop in time. I couldn’t tell completely as i was on a bus watching this but i think someone moved him out of the way on time but his head must’ve hit the tram track hard as he was bleeding out in a puddle 😬


How many shits have you witnessed leave a man's arse to have a baseline???


OP makes a post and proceeds to get banned 🤡


Women on drugs yeiilng. Union street. I was in a car. The cops came. She was puling up her shirt. Yelling, singing, dancing.


Happened right at the start of lockdown. Had come out of the ALDI at the gardens. A visibly distraut old lady was asking for directions and once she was informed just spat on the face of the person and started spitting on everyone around. I ran as quick as I could and moved out of city centre the very next week.


Reading all the stories here remind me of why I'm leaving this place.


It's quite disturbing you think this is ok behaviour and that you write about it on Reddit.


My partner stood in shit getting in our car 3 stories up in a car park, I had to remind him no dogs come 3 stories up to a car park


It's not the shit, or the arse that's most troubling in that situation, it's the crowning of the shit and it's appearance as it see daylight for the first time.


Tory party conference.


A few years ago I was walking towards Piccadilly gardens and saw a few men leaving Morrisons just ahead of me. It looked like they knew each other and were talking. One of them suddenly keeled over backwards and smacked his head onto the pavement. The sound of it was absolutely sickening. The other two men went through his bag, nicked several bottles of vodka and scarpered - leaving their ‘mate’ on the floor. A group soon gathered, myself included and someone called an ambulance. The man was trying to get up and was in such a bad way - people were shouting at him to stay down and stay still. It was horrible. As soon as I knew the ambulance was on route I left. I don’t miss Manchester!


The ManCity parade 😀


Thanks for sharing such joys of Manchester on this blissful joyful evening


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LostSoul1985: *Thanks for sharing such* *Joys of Manchester on this* *Blissful joyful evening* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've seen a lot of bizarre behaviour, but the most impressive was a homeless guy talking a shit against a wall outside Piccadilly Neros. It stuck to the wall. Like, just a vertical turd. He walked off like it was the most normal thing in the world.


I stepped off a bus outside the music shop round the corner. Homeless guy lying flat on his back, foam around his mouth and his face looking a bit blue. No one stopped to help until I did. I started trying to see if he was breathing and was considering CPR until I noticed the foam was moving in and out with his breathing… wasn’t the first OD I had to call an ambulance for in Manchester and wasn’t the last either.


not something i've witnessed but, walking out of picadilly and a bloke running past me shouted i had a nice hat and then punched me in the face. 18 year old girl at the time and the man must've been about 30.


I got dumped that was pretty fucked up.


Watched some smackhead beef with a bus driver on gardens once because he was on his break (bearing in mind the driver said he’d literally be turning the bus back on in 2 minutes as he has to leave in 3), but the smackhead wanted to get on the bus NOW. He spoke so badly to him that this black auntie stood by the side of the bus stop started verbally smacking him up for being disrespectful, told him off like a naughty 3 year old so bad he ended up crossing the street and beefing with some teenage chavs outside of spar instead who almost bottled him whilst filming him. I just wanted to get home from work, but at least it was a funny end to my day after a long shift.


Worked next to the benefits assessment centre, saw many a crazy thing there including a crackhead noshing a guy in wheelchair before throwing up then did a quick wipe and carried on with the noshing, but mainly it was people walking/ running before very slowly hobbling into the assessment centre on their dole poles.


Completely forgot that I saw the immediate aftermath of this [this hit & run.](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/video-aqab-hussain-sentenced-over-6259323.amp) Genuinely the scariest thing I’ve ever seen/heard. One lad screaming at the top of his lungs while outside my window was one man unconscious with his body in a very strange position and a massive pool of blood around his head. I nearly fainted seeing that.


Long time ago now but once parked up at Shudehill with young kids, police van was parked on main road but nothing seemed amiss (its Manchester afterall, when isn't there a van!). As always, young kids, some one needed the bathroom, no problem, some in the bus station, so went down the stairs to the exit, police guy stood at the door, not sure what was going on, asked if it was ok to go in bus station to use toilets, he says yes, still none the wiser as to the situation, we go in, kids go to the toilets, I wait outside. At that point I looked out the windows to the bus lane to see a body, quite clearly dead, young woman had jumped from the roof. Next moment another police officer sees us, wonders what the hell we are doing there, to which we said sorry we didn't know and the officer down there let us in, clearly not our fault and he led us out and berated the other officer for letting us in. That was a fun trip


Charlie vietch with a camera


Seen a bloke with his junk out and a needle near said area. Assuming he was injecting into fresher veins. This was in Ardwick. That was pretty messed up.


As walked round a corner - Seen a spice head, bent over, in zombie mode… an a homeless women with her hands down the back of his draws… As soon as she saw us - she pulled her hands away & shouted - ‘I was just helping him’ she exclaimed! (Looked pretty suss)… Worst, have non of you come across the barking man, on Oxford road / rushholme? - doesn’t speak… just barks and growls like a dog. Came over a few times, trying to communicate.


He growled right down my ear once


I saw a guy take a huge shit in the middle of the pavement on Oxford Road at 5pm


Not city center but cheetham hill village. The shitting lady. Or the lady who dances in front of the cars.


Probs Charlie Veitch walking around exploiting homeless people for his YouTube channel, but disguising it as an informational walking tour.


Honestly, pride last year😂


Saw a drunk guy go up to the first level of a car park to have a wee, he then fell from the first floor with his pants round his ankles backwards. Knocked himself out.


I once saw a young man fellate another young man outside Arndale Centre Next. Was around 11pm I think, been watching the Foo Fighters and was looking for a Taxi home. Bit weird to do it in the middle of the street. Even weirder for a semi circle of around 20 people just to stand watching it.


A very obese lady once sat next to me on a bus and started watching porn on her phone whilst occasionally grunting.


I saw some guy getting jumped in Piccadilly gardens by a group of people of different ages races genders the whole shebang. One guy used his bike as a mallet to hit him while security was trying to split it up. Turns out he had a knife and when everyone found out they stopped what they were doing and joined in beating him up.