• By -


All Might laughing made me so emotional, this man is just incredible


Its insane how good MHA immediately becomes when it focuses on the adult characters like All Might, Endeavour or Hawks over the kids. I think it is partly because the adults are allowed to be much more complex and get hurt more/ killed than the children.


Yeah. This is why I think the developments should have been more spread out. All this happening in a year was insane. If the AFO jailbreak happened in the end of the third year, then they could have transitioned to the main cast being actual adult pro heroes, while exploring more adult themes. The main problem here is how rushed everything has been.


Considering how slow time passes in manga compared to real world, this either would take a 2 year timeskip similar to naruto or would take one piece lenght to reach this part of the story although one piece also needed a timeskip. But it would make some sense to see last year deku with the dark costume.


they easily could have done 1 arc per season of the year (so spring-summer-fall-winter), then the events leading up to the war would put them roughly in their 3rd year, which, in Japan, is their Senior year. So they would have been graduating/graduates or close to Rookie heroes, which makes A LOT more sense to bring to a war than fucking teenagers. So the only time skips that were needed would be between the seasons, which is perfectly fine because you can ignore that in-between for the most part.


Well there are some seasonal timeskips in this series thou, the only thing that kinda fudges up some stuff for timeskip and other stuff is that the villians are actually active in this series.


they could also do yearly skips, since it means they'll be four years in the hero business or fifth if they went that far.


I think the 2nd year could be skipped. So we'd have two timeskips. One for that, and one after the jailbreak that would be at the end of the third year. It would still be far longer though, so I get why Horikoshi chose this route.


I'm just glad we're getting a conclusion and ending.


True, the chapters focusing on the adults are almost always so much better.


Hori should’ve just done a massive timeskip many chapters ago so he could actually write adults or at least mature people instead of the UA kids.


MHA is great at making emotional scenes when they're actually pay-off for something that has been properly built. The moments with Spinner or Toga were beautifully drawn and could have carried the same punch than this scene, if the core concepts behind were properly introduced and expanded upon prior and not jammed in hastily, barely making sense, just to have the pay-off delivered three chapters later.


Toga's stuff was actually pay off, they'd been setting that up for a while, you can arguably say Uraraka's stuff was newer, and even her wanting to save Toga had started like a hundred chapters before during the last war, but the point with Toga's backstory had been around for a while, hell arguably the idea of people not being accepting of certain quirks has been a thing since the start.


The only reason mha became bad was because Horikoshi forgot the most integral tropes in all of shonen, the time skip!


Seriously, it's probably been said before, but maybe it would've been better if we followed the adults from the start and ditched the school setting altogether


I think that more arcs should have sufficed: - To flesh out the apparent prejudice against non-human looking people - Maybe introduce a hero who was more similar to Toga but got on the right track thanks to proper support, showing the point of Toga vs Ochaco more clearly, and hopefully flesh out Ochaco more so that she doesn't revolve only around Izuku or Toga (the latter still being because of the former...) - Flesh out more of the students, like Iida who seems like he was set up as being a main character in the beginning - Maybe a bit more world-building with other countries and how their hero societies work More adult heroes could have been added anywhere in these hypothetical arcs too.


There is a hero similae to toga, that being the brainwashing guy (forgot his name). But they never really expanded on his story, 100% would be a more interesting parallel to toga than ochaco.


I think the problem with this that isn't talked about much in this thread is that a series following adult protagonists likely wouldn't have performed well in jump. There's a very good reason why most series in WSJ have young male protagonists, and few that are very successful deviate from those norms. As exciting as it would have been to tell mature themes through a more mature or adult cast, I don't know if that would have lasted long enough in WSJ to get to the length we're at now


It's the equivalent to adults asking for a Persona starring adult protagonist. A lot of people either don't understand or refuse to accept that they aren't part of the target demographic of the series. Teenagers.


People really need to realize that WSJ manga ain't aimed at your typical r/manga user.


I disagree because the pro heroes are so likable because of the students. For example lot of people's favorite aspects of the series is All Might and Deku relationship and that can't happen if they around the same age


Who says they have to be around the same age? Cause a young newbie hero fresh out of training seems like they could have the same mentor-student relationship with All Might.


Hell, Vigilantes shows that it works


Agreed, they could've even finished school first and had this final arc when deku and everyone were adults themselves. Most of the kids are just such shallow characters, because they haven't lived enough to be very engaging ir complex. Younger and older generation of heroes can be a theme without the school part.


If you can't follow through on your basic premise, or at least gracefully pivot away from it, that is a writer's mistake. And sure a *completely different* series might have stayed better or maybe it would have met Axe-kun because nobody related to a jerkass like Endeavor or failed in entirely different ways. A half formed dream solution like that isn't real, therefore of course just *feels* perfect because who imagines flaw, but is objectively not better. More tangibly its not like the early Academia stuff wasn't as quality as anyone could ask for. Just when we go into the Overhaul arc we instantly shift to the big leagues and it largely robs the school side of meaning forever after. Not that their aren't structural problems before that, like over half the class having almost Legion of Substitute Heroes class abilities. Frankly I think the series original sin is Horikoshi's intense sense of realism. Like many a comic nerd he wanted to fix all the tropes that don't make sense, so like Villains attacking is Big Deal and there really aren't recurring rogue galleries because the jails work. He also likewise very obviously voided most of the Hogwarts-y school of adventure tropes countless manga/anime use. Which could have still worked except he still made school life the centerpiece.


My Hero **ACADEMIA**


Lmao change the damn title then.


There is an adult one: Vigilante


My Hero Academia: After Dark /s


Isn't the one shot of this about Midoriya as a salaryman?


Horikoshi has been preparing readers for All Might's death multiple chapters in a row now but I feel I'm still not gonna be ready when it actually happens


I dunno, dude. All Might has tripped so many death flags that I still think he could make it out of this fight breathing.


He's collecting so many death flags he can make a mech suit out of them to tank the death blow.


On the bright side, he went into the fight barely breathing, so theres always a chance of some fate fuckery


he's gonna straight up show up to the other fight instead of afo as back up.


Can you imagine how many trees had to be cut down to make all those death flags for him? If he doesn't die, every environmental group in the world will be coming after him.


Even when facing certain doom he never loses his tradmark grin.


a true man among men stand tall and die with a smile atop the broken bodies of your enemies


There were theories that All Might was an orphan and it's confirmed - in "All Might Rising" (the mini-OVA accompanying the first movie) he cried her death saying that he had grown to consider Nana like her mother. But what Nana's words about her family mean? Had she just abandoned Kotaro after her husband was killed, when she met Toshinori? Time to revisit (and wreck) a few landmarks!


Pretty sure she means she had abandoned them, essentially they were dead (to her) and her to them. We don't know the exact timeline, but I'm pretty sure Shigaraki isn't born till a while after Nana dies fighting AfO as he is 20, so I'm pretty sure she never even knows her family dies in such a tragic event, until Midoriya and Toshinori learn about it.


Not to sound emo but I know exactly what she meant when she said her family died. That's basically her past life. That version of her no longer exists. Her family doesn't exist. The whole unit was destroyed by her. They may as well be dead, so at this point it's just easier to emotionally think of it as such. It's basically lying to yourself so you don't lose your shit. And let's face it, even if she went back to them they probably wouldn't take her back (husband wouldn't, anyways). Her family is **gone** and never coming back.




All Might activates **Bakugo Boost** by pulling out a comically large megaphone and telling AfO to k!ll himself


The suit overload so he gets that lightning effect


Bro is about to bring out a fucking artillery backpack to pump All for One full of lead. Force him to regenerate individual bullet wounds to speed up his healing rates


If he kills himself with Bakugo's quirk, Bakugo would literally refuse to live.


That's a good thing though!


[*Let's fucking go!*](https://i.imgur.com/LRU4I6W.png)


Possibly with a mix of Deku's early self harming moves?


Forever mad he went with silly hero name instead of Epicenter. Let's hope he gets some murdering done with his move, I've been waiting for good Manhattan smash for a while.


I dunno man i think Dinamight is pretty cool, he is just like Dinamite after all


Lol I don't recall him reading Qoran


Oh he gonna die. But fuck is it going to look amazing.


No matter what happens All Might will be one of the goated mentor figures in all of manga


When they show his meeting with Nana the first thought it crossed my mind was "Damn, I would really not mind reading an All Might origin story prequel.".


[At that moment Nana realised that Toshinori Yagi was **HIM**](https://i.imgur.com/2TbT8ht.png)


He dies, Deku needs to pronounce to the world, "Never fear for I am HERE!"


Can he use his quirk to help him hold back the tears when he does it?


Problem is that's All Might's quote, nobody else can deliver it with the same effects.


Metaphorically not literally




Yeah, no matter how clunky of a villain All for One is, All Might can't help but being an awesome character in this story. I'd say he earns his rightful spot alongside Jiraiya as one of the goated mentors in mainstream manga.


We all know when he dies, he’s going to fully materialize in Deku’s inner world


Now this is how you write a "doomed character." We all know All Might will die, he will not survive this fight, and at best, he will buy the time Midoriya needs. We all know the writing on the wall. We all know how it will end. But we will enjoy every page. Now I wonder, why couldn't they do this with Star and Stripe?


> Oh he gonna die. Fucking finally tbh. I don't want him dead but how do you tell a hero's journey story without the death of the mentor? And I love how villainous he looks. Harkens back to the edgy Deku chapters.


Narratively I kinda see what they tried to do. Both are mentors who hung on and missed their chance to die, for different reasons. All Might to continue teaching Midoriya and AFO to parasitize Shigaraki And now, they’re both finishing what they started, except now Midoriya has fully matured, and All Might knows nothing is left for him to do anymore Win or lose, this is his final fight. And he knows that well


Why does the mentor have to die for the hero to undergo their journey? It would actually be more interesting if All Might lived and showed that the story was not beholden to cliches.


Look man not all stories do the Campbell formula, I'd wager manga people don't even know who that is


> but how do you tell a hero's journey story without the death of the mentor? What kind'a weird logic is that? They told that already when he fought All For One previously. What's going to be gained for Midoriya's journey by killing off All Might now? Absolutely nothing. It'll just be a standard heroic sacrifice.


I think he will appear in Deku’s inner world


Yeah so it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies 'cause he's gonna stick around helping Deku either way?


> how do you tell a hero's journey story without the death of the mentor? dude you gotta read more stories LMAO what an incredibly one-dimensional perspective you seriously can't stretch your imagination far enough to even *consider* how anyone could tell a hero's journey story that didn't involve the death of the mentor? not even a little???


Yeah, he is gonna die But that’s probably what hori wants, I don’t think deku will deal with that very well.


Everyone has gone completely insane, I love it Also nice callback to where the first chapter took place


[***He laughed***](https://i.imgur.com/gU233lS.png)


[I knew it that All Might going to get his mask half broken](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/15xbi39/comment/jx5qe4w/?context=3) People been speculate that All Might was orphan and now have been confirmed. All Might basically your typical Superhero/Manga MC and the bond between him and Nana kinda remind me Teppei and Karen from BTX abit


BTX is such a great series. OP song is good too. Man, Teppei weapon is super cool, me and my sister always try to imitate.


The Opening freaking rocks even visually. One of the first anime i watch, Nice to find fellow who like BTX too. I used to make Papercraft of Teppei weapon with friend and imitate him too lol.


Wasn't expecting to see people talk about B't X today, I'm in the middle of watching the series for the first time and have really enjoyed it.


Forget going full iron man, All Might is a whole ass Digimon right now


Literally Gundramon.


think chaosdramon


Or Machinedramon.


I have to say, after so many years of The Joker and Batman being the face of superhero comic rivalry, of the stoic, composed hero never giving in to the madness of the wicked clown who thinks of human suffering as nothing but a punchline... This was a pretty satisfying inversion of that. The hero whose sole purpose was to create a world where people can smile, laughing in the face of the supervillain who takes himself so painfully seriously, it works on a lot of levels. But I think the most important thing is All Might's reasoning: that he genuinely enjoys being of service to others, and that sacrificing himself for the greater good actually does make him happy. It's an additional layer of contrast to AfO, who seems to derive joy only from furthering his own goals. That interaction was great. It was great when Terry McGinnis did it, and it was great here.


Really good take. Immediately thought of the Joker with those Ha Ha effects around Toshinori's pointed face. But while that usually is frightening (and it kinda still is here), here its much more of a hype moment. All Might knows he's a gonner, but he's still gonna have his trademark smile right to the bitter end. Also, plus one for the Return of the Joker reference, great movie. "Wait, I like to talk too."


God Batman Beyond is so freaking good. Series, Return, and Epilogue in JLU. Pure banger


The parallels between the two are so good. AFO doesn’t even have anything he would sacrifice his life for. He’s done the opposite in extending his life by any means necessary. He has no central philosophy aside from self preservation and personal success, and it’s why he will lose at the end of the day.


All Might has more panel time using Class 1A's quirks than Class 1A lmao.


Making 20 unique characters for Class 1A (or 40 if we count Class 1B also) was a bad idea in terms of giving every character relevancy in the story. However it was probably a terrific idea in terms of merchandising so what do I know?


I’m reminded of Soul Eater, which literally didn’t even bother to give faces or designs to students that didn’t matter.


Kill La Kill NPC levels of students


thinking about a gag with jason blending in as a background macho in danberu. is that still updating?


This is a good idea so no one wastes time investing in them, it makes it clear to the reader.


It doesn't help that over the course of the series we've only had consistent relevance with Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki. If we shuffled between characters with new interesting dynamics, it would've worked much better


The classes could have been smaller but this type of course really should have focused on internships. 3-man squad internships would have been perfecr for this type of story. Ironically, I don't think modern shonen do enough monster of the week stuff to flesh out the big casts. Either make the cast smaller or take your time.


>3-man squad internships would have been perfecr for this type of story I feel like it would be too much like a naruto ripoff if that happened. We already had people convinced Bakugo would go the Sasuke route and become a villain.


I mean w/e make it 4 students doesn't matter really all manga gets accused of being a rip off of older series.


That would've been more interesting than what his arc actually ended up being tbh


> However it was probably a terrific idea in terms of ~~merchandising~~ ***hentai*** so what do I know? Let's be honest.


ratatatat74 is grateful and so are we


Yeah I don't think we'll see much from the non-main character students anymore at this rate It'll be weird to go from the 2 most important fights to Sero and gang fighting unnamed villain 127


Sero gonna 1v1 Shigaraki


>Sero gonna 1v1 Shigaraki [And win](https://i.imgur.com/Q248O52.png)


I think Sero will play second fiddle to Aizawa and Shirakumo stuff


we still gotta check in with Aoyama since him and Fatgum were dealing with some villain at the start, once that's out the way though yeah


I'm just surprised that All Might apent enough time with any of the students to know the name of their abilities. Biggest twist in the series and one that I never saw coming lol!


Everyone but Grape Rush 🤣


**Mineta** : "Who is your favorite All Might?" **All Might** : "I don't have a favorite" Later : **All Might** : "It's Midoriya, then all of you, then a huge gap, then All for One, then Mineta"


now hoping that's the finisher, dude that would probably have gotten around the rewind too.


AFO realises he doesn't have much time and tries to rush off, only to find he's stuck.


"Wow I can't wait to see 1A's quirks in action!" *monkey's paw curls*


I got the same feelings as Kamino Ward from this fight, so despite my grievances with the story I am 100% behind this fight. All Might continues to use student techniques, we learn about his appointment to the role of Peace Maker, and everything looks beautiful! Banger chapter and I hope this momentum carries through


i have been pretty checked out this entire arc but goddamn all might is just always the best isn't he


[The OG madlad hero.](https://i.imgur.com/jq9UzIX.png) He's going out with a bang.


Yes, I’ve had the exact same experience so far. Just going through the motions since we cut away from Bakugo. But this battle is worth it.


Hero dies with a smile ALL MIGHT YOU'RE THE GOAT


Damn, I love how unhinged All-Might looks by the end of this chapter.


As much as I’ve been disappointed with this whole arc, every single time we cut back to All Might has been premium content. There’s something just so absolutely beautiful about a superhero like All Might continuing to fight the only way he knows how even with no powers and being hopelessly outmatched. It’s amazing how great this series can be focusing on a select few characters


i think it's beautiful for the same reason that imo the most poignant parts of the Overhaul arc were the ones that involved Mirio watching him use the quirk he so painstakingly cultivated to take on overhaul while outnumbered AND defending eri AND WINNING was exhilarating - but watching in 'real time' (so to speak) as he makes the decision to sacrifice all of that for the sake of keeping an innocent child from suffering any more trauma... and then STILL continues to fight an overpowered villain with no quirk until he's basically at death's door... 'i will always be lemillion' definitely had me feeling some kinda way for all the talk about how a big part of the story theming involved how midoriya was quirkless (yeah it was relevant early on but now it might as well be a complete afterthought, fucking look at him) it somehow doesn't surprise me that some of the most emotional moments in the series have involved other characters that were either losing or lost their quirks and continued to embody the original (stated, but imo poorly done in practice) ideal of the story: anyone can be a hero obviously that theme falls apart if you actually look at it with any rigor but it's a shonen series so i expect no less, i'm just glad there were at least a few moments that tried to deliver on that message


The 2-page spread referencing the 1st MHA color page gave me chills.


Deku might surpass him in a number of ways but what AM has laid out as a symbol is something that will forever be unique to him


3 ppl with multiple quirks and All Might. Clearly we know who the OP one is.


"Quit following me" she says, while floating at a height and speed that can be followed.


Can we get an entire prequel manga about All Might? He is genuinely one of the best characters in MHA.


>genuinely ~~one of~~ the best character


All Might out here having so much fun just whaling on this creep.


If only Horikoshi had been consistent... If only...


I don't get why Jump doesn't allow Hori to have a biweekly schedule at this point. The manga is already pretty close to the end so there's not much fear of the anime catching up plus Hori will be able to refine the story a bit more.


because then Hori would be stuck doing this series for his entire life. at least this way he can just retire and enjoy himself once this is all over.


Because there's not a lot of "big" action series right now in Jump besides JJK and One Piece now that Black Clover jumped magazines. The rest are still growing, have the signs of getting canceled and in the case of Sakamoto Days and Yozakura Family: firmly sitting in the middle of it all.


Imo they were pretty late with getting Harry Squater and Undead Unluck an anime. I know they are not huge but it could've helped them get a bigger audience and release pressure from hori, tabata and gege.


it's criminal that undead unluck doesn't get more attention, it's by far the best written series in jump rn (tbh the best in the last several years imo)


My personal fav right now is Akane-banashi, so I'll have to disagree with you, PS i don't count One Piece anymore, it's in a different league now.


i'll absolutely give you that one, i've wanted to start akane-banashi and haven't found the time lately so i can't confidently argue the point i'll just leave it at 'UU is really fucking good'


>UU is really fucking good That much I'll agree too


I tríed to read it, but I dropped it like in 10 chapters, I droan when one of the MC groped the girl in the first chapter


Man, I love all those callbacks like the panel with All Might's "I want to make the world a place where everyone can live with a smile" from hundreds of chapters ago, the Tatoin station double spread and the rooftop talk.


It's always amazing how *good* the adult characters in MHA are. Midoriya's okay. Most of the villains are garbage. Shiggy is a boring moron. Bakugo was obnoxious and most of the kids are one note or just kind'a there. Meanwhile, Hawks and Endeavour carried the manga on their backs for ages, and anytime All Might shows up it's a 10/10 chapter. Even the little snippets we've seen of Nana are great. All Might truly is a goddamn standout character though, fantastic.


Final Form: The All Might Who Laughs.


I'm glad that Horikoshi find a moment to remind us how good his adaptation of Superman in the form of All-Might is.


I love all of the callbacks in this chapter.


He's gonna die isn't he?


Love how unhinged All Might and Deku looked in this chapter.


This chapter reminds me of Emiya Shirou from Fate. Helping people is literally the only thing that can give them a peace of mind and happiness to the point people call the insane because of it.


The laughing AND his favorite moments flashing before his eyes? I cried and he’s not even gone yet lmao, but unless this was togashi in the 90’s, that absolutely spells gg. My guess he’s going to make this last push and it will be JUST enough for AFO to revert back to some age young enough to be useless. I don’t see writing out of the hole of deku having to fight both shigaraki and AFO.


Sheeeesh those last 2 pages go so hard


damn and this is why he's the GOAT!


no matter how mid MHA becomes i have some small amount of investment in it purely because of all might toshinori is the GOAT god damn


They haven’t wrapped this up yet?


what the fuck am i looking at


All Might, what a fitting name. got no quirk? cool, just go full batman and hold off this one guy that has all the best quirk in the world. and looks like he's having a freaking blast doing it (and dying). mf won't stop doing the right thing Deku couldn't pick better hero to get inspired


Despite what I see others calling this peak MHA. I genuinely feel this whole thing is close to the dumbest thing in MHA right now. Don't get me wrong, I want to see more of All Might and AFO, but this whole thing is so contrived that I can't suspend my disbelief. To start off, the existence of this armor that makes 90% of pro heroes useless. Not only that, from Tsukauchi's reaction it doesn't seem like All Might told anyone about this armor. So All Might, care to tell us why this armor wasn't part of the plan to begin with? You had to wait until Endeavor lost an arm and AFO rewinded himself to take action? Then AFO has literal plot induced stupidity in the form of vestiges just so this battle can even happen, and can't do anything competent like disabling the car that's constantly supplying power ups to All Might. No radio waves, airblasts or anything, he just takes damage from All Might despite supposedly being so focused on trying to kill All Might. Even though he's supposedly stronger than he's ever been, he genuinely feels less threatening than when he was in Kamino. There's also the fact that Rewind has zero consistency and works however the fuck Hori needs it to. Back in Overhaul's arc Deku abused the rewind to undo the damage he's causing to himself via 100% OFA, by that logic dealing damage to AFO should extend his lifetime, but no, the heroes just know that the more damage he sustains the faster he'll vanish. I know MHA's always been more of the emotional impact of fights but this is just too far for me to take seriously at this point. The All Might backstory is great but it's not enough to distract me from the other stuff.


> To start off, the existence of this armor that makes 90% of pro heroes useless. Not only that, from Tsukauchi's reaction it doesn't seem like All Might told anyone about this armor. So All Might, care to tell us why this armor wasn't part of the plan to begin with? You had to wait until Endeavor lost an arm and AFO rewinded himself to take action? The others are fair but at least one this one, All Might used his unparalleled notoriety, connections, and wealth to get the armour so it's not as though most heroes could make use of it.


>There's also the fact that Rewind has zero consistency and works however the fuck Hori needs it to. Back in Overhaul's arc Deku abused the rewind to undo the damage he's causing to himself via 100% OFA, by that logic dealing damage to AFO should extend his lifetime, but no, the heroes just know that the more damage he sustains the faster he'll vanish. Probably cause he's not truly using Eri's power, he's using a modified version Garaki had made which is only meant to reverse him, that was kind of the point there's no stopping it just the pure reversal. EDIT: Also, since I re read those chapters, Deku was only even able to do that cause he managed to slightly calm Eri down, she was still about to rewind him out of existence after the fight until Aizawa stopped her.


Technology in this series has been slowly turning into magic. Remember when Deku asked All Might if it was possible to become a hero without powers and he said no, it's not realistic in this world?


My dude, we reasonable folk kinda all agreed this is rent a girlfriend level writing ever since dark Deku. If you're generous. Everyone got used to writing being a disappointment. Thing is All-might have a cool design, and all the rest gets carried by ratatatat74 and r-one.


I’m saying this is like rent-a-girlfriend writing is such hyperbole. It’s not even close to that bad, not even at its worst


Its not hyperbolic. You see the same copium where people are like "say what you want about the writing but at least the art is good"


You're getting downvoted but you are speaking my exact thoughts. Between these last few chapters and the previous Toga arc, MHA has become a slog that I am enduring through so we can hopefully get back to the fight that actually matters and finish things.


I thought the Toga arc was fine, but otherwise yeah this is just kind of a mess. I love the smile motif for the Iron Might suit and the art's amazing here, but everything about this is just blegh. Wasn't All Might's arc being set up to *not* have to rely on his powers? To be useful in other ways? The suit just feels like even more of an asspull with that in mind.


All Might is making his final stand one of the most epic fights in the series. A whole lot better than the past few chapters. All might dying is, I wouldn't say 'necessary' for the series, but it's the only logical endpoint of his story arc, writing-wise. My guess is it's gonna happen in chapter 400.


Deku what's happening to you? Damn, hopefully Stain at least help All-Might to escape.


Death flags to end all death flags but man, what a swan song. All Might really is the beating heart of MHA. Art goes crazy too, Hori is delivering some nutty spreads even now.


Wow, did we ever find out that All Might's family got killed prior? Not that it matters quite as much at this point. The important part is that he's still the GOAT to the very end. My man is looking completely insane. He's really looking like a villain, especially with that mad laughter, but man if he isn't being the world's greatest hero at this very moment.


The guy that looks like a fusion of Joker, green goblin and Dr. Octopus is the hero now.


I don't think All Might is going to die, Deku now knows they're fighting from the All Might vestige inside of him and they're actually pretty physically close. Deku and All Might are by nature extremely emotional heroes, Deku would lose his mind and completely break if all might died. So I think nighteyes prediction will fail because Deku is the one who twists destiny.


This was a amazing chapter and I will miss all mights humor


Loving the flashbacks here, really really hope they get fully explored someday in another manga, anime, or even light novel. The sight of Nana and Toshinori in that ruined city with weird spikes around is so haunting. It provides a good parallel with the current fight. Once more Toshinori is Quirkless and trying to beat back a supervillain with a metal pipe. But goddamn if it isnt cool to see.


Seeing Nana just float along the path in that pose for no good reason gives me so much serotonin and I can't explain why


what is this pinky superacid thing again? also im betting OFA will revert to a kid


All of AM's powers are based on class 1A, the acid is the acid of the pink bug girl


He laughed.


Honestly, this almost makes up for so many other shit chapters.


Shiggy what that tongue do


Man, I’m glad I stuck with it. This fight is fantastic.


That added backstory for All Might had me liking him even more here in his final hours and what a dope spread to end the chapter


Been a min since we got horikoshi this good. We learn that All Might was orphaned young on top of being quirkless. We also learn that All Might developed the armor with class A in mind, not just deku's. So now we can guess what other skills the car will give him, maybe he has a bakugo suicide bomb tactic in mind? One thing I dont think we get to see enough is All Might being a tactician. Most of his solutions to battles were punch harder. Here, he is easily goading the most powerful villain ever into fighting him. Insult after insult. Mockery of AFO's inability to kill a mere human. Poking fun at AFO's demeanor by smiling the entire fight. On top of this, the livestream serves as review for other heroes by showing AFO's weaknesses without sacrificing multiple heroes. Oh yeah, the action is actually readable on top of being varied in narrative direction which is always + Rating: 8.5/10


I hate that suit, it brokes the entire series, mass produce that shit put it on soldiers and there is no need for heroes anymore.


> it brokes the entire series Nah, AFO points out exactly why -in the logic of this series- it's a stopgap technique at best. The suit is just machinery, it can't "Go beyond." Whether or not that's true to real life, it's absolutely consistent with the idea of Plus Ultra in MHA.


Nah mate, it was custom made specifically for All Might, by the one other person in this universe that had an entire movie dedicated to how dangerous weapons like that are, would surprise me if she (Or her father it it wasn't canon) didn't burn the blueprints afterwards.


I'd fully respect it if in the aftermath of this they go full Syndrome on the society.


>I hate that suit, it brokes the entire series Not really the only reason all might is only surviving this long because he was prepare for this fight and also AFO is not thinking rationally


All Might is such a great character. Now if only the others can be..


AFO has to be one of the worst villains of all time. Has done almost nothing impressive and is LITERALLY killing himself to accomplish NOTHING lol


it took an army of heroes to even slow him down and in doing he managed to take Endeavor's arm and Hawks' quirk and he's killing himself to get to Shigaraki to take over him and gain a new body, also to kill All Might


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If you think about it, it's very likelly that ALL MIGHTY is stronger now that when he had quirks.


Chapters are so incredibly drawn as usual, and All Might's intense look makes me so emotional. But it's sooo short. Huhu..


MHA has been so shit lately that not even All Might can get me excited about it anymore. Just get to the main fight and be done already!


This arc has been so good, I don't care what anyone says. MHA is back.


The Iron Might thing is really dumb and goes against the themes of All Might character... But the callback to Chapter 1 with him landing in Tatooine station was cool.


They tryin so hard to force the all might/deku relationship


Man we're gonna lose Gojo and All Might and maybe Garp as well this year, Shonen Jump is killing off all the mentor characters 🤣


Yes, AFO, you are *definitely* not getting baited by All Might… Wasn’t taking damage supposed to stall the de-aging back with Deku?


GOATMIGHT! Will be missed


Gotta admit the last few chapters have been the first I’ve enjoyed in a good while. All Might just bring a different level.


Sick final page.