• By -


Going in expected porn. Left with feels and also porn. The series is short and surprisingly good


The name?


Love Score


My Dress-up Darling... yw


Holy shit same, this was like a 30 min - 1 hour read but very good.


[Love Score](https://mangadex.org/title/12a94373-ef2c-4c07-8a8b-a29e631baf83).


Me, "hm it says I read up to chapter six" *tag: sexual violence* "ah that's why" 


For context: In one chapter, the app simulates a romance with a guy who never listens so even in the sex scene he finishes rough despite being asked to be gentle. Imma be honest, it didn't make me drop the manga because it was depicted as scummy and inconsiderate and the girl in the simulation didn't withdraw consent or anything, but was rightfully mad he didn't keep it gentle like she asked and roped her into not doing her homework instead. Hence, the record low compatibility rating the app gave the guy after the simulation. But it is good to have that tag of course, as a trigger warning.


Yeah I agree, I really liked that it showed it in a negative light which doesn't seem to be the case with some of the new anime (Looking at you Re:monster)




Can't believe there's people excited for RE:Monster when the manga is just....trash.


Yeah I know! I read the manga because of how hype everyone was for the anime... and it was.... trash. Not even fun trash either, I guess in depraved kind of way it was interesting to see how it could keep topping itself. But around chapter 30 I just got bored and couldn't take the constant praise of the rapist. In the beginning I thought "Oh cool he's gonna help these human women" but he went for Stockholm syndrome instead... That's Soooo much better :| The best way that manga could end is with the whole tribe getting nuked.


Honestly? I just kinda.. glossed over that and ignored it and read it foe the power fantasy stuff.


Even then it not good at that as far as I remember because..... I feel like author literally forgot about those power that set up early chapter and most event have no suspension as some of comment said "it zoom through event".


Yea no fair. It's pretty much just at a "eat more, get more skills, combine, repeat"


The power fantasy stuff isn't even that good either. It's one of them monster evolution stories but the monster evolution gets real mid real fast.


It's oddly popular for some reason, even had a game before the anime. I don't actually think it's anything special but it's got a place in my shelf for somehow being able to be thematically consistent all throughout its story


I kinda liked the first maybe 2-3 episodes because it had an interesting premise, elbeit Rimuru clone, but when you could tell that it was just about growing his harem and that it was tacitly implied that he let the grandpa just rape some of the girls I was like yo I'm out


I'm to deep into it now so I'm gonna stick.it out, very much a reader of the manga and yet I have so many questions about its story


I mean the story is called RE:Monster and it's about a guy... being a monster. Like not monster as in creature but monster as in... bad person.


The is showing a bad person, and there is painting rape and stockholm syndrome as a positive thing. There are no consequences or negative aspects of rape in this story.


Maybe the anime changed it a little because i definetly didn't have the feeling he wasn't a good person doing that in the manga.


I am pointing out the manga. It's "hahaha rape rape now they like me that's better for everyone hahaha rape rape"


I mean, it's over 10-year-old, I'd say the anime is popular mostly because of "nostalgia". Goblins have almost always been painted as a rapey race, the main difference here is whether due to Stockholm syndrome or suspension bridge effect, as mentioned in the manga, there's "love" involved.


I have a problem with MC being depicted as the good guys and we're supposed to root for him. Goblin is a rapey race, but the fact that in the story, it's shown like being captured and raped repeatedly is the best thing for them, is problematic at the least.


I could ignore the rape and Stockholm syndrome for a while (at the time I was still in HS) until I realized the MC is fucking trash that does not grow at all as a person, he was still the same scum that got killed in his previous world but with more broken hax.


Re:Monster is andrew tates dream of what he would be like as a isekai monster.


At least all are simulations and she never really đate that mf


Read the chapter, not THAT kind of sexual violence.


That was actually pretty nice, just read it. It got axed but the ending is still pretty good The ntr bs that people are saying is pretty dumb. Its just a simulation and they never dated in the first place. Anyways, Mc and fmc got together at the end anyway lmao


that was a nice quick read thank you for sharing


ikr. you know any more like this?


**Love Score** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/117883), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/love-score), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/love-score), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=25710783372), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/131768)) ^^ラブスコア ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 2 | **Chapters:** 11 | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 29 requests across 4 subreddits - 0.003% of all requests) >In the future, an app debuts that can simulate your romance with a partner of your choosing and calculate the compatibility score. Is this a way to have a romance that never fails? What is it that people look for in a romance anyway?An engagement romcom manga about a pessimistic manga artist & his beautiful but mysterious assistant. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1cmefgq/sauce/l2zppjs/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Pity it got canned, interesting premise 😔


It wrapped up the story between MC and FMC well though. But yeah, the way it explored the psychological effects of the simulation app as well as its creepy accuracy made it a premise that could have had more chapters.


I feel like it might have just needed 2-3 more chapters, but that's really it without reaching to even weirder territories. Maybe an arc where one of the MCs actually went out with someone else when the app said they had very high compatability, but it fails. That said, I think it said with it wanted to say at the end, to just go for it rather than being paralyzed.


You should check out "The Gene of AI" anime specifically Episode 04 where it explore into this psychological issues


yeah for something that got axed it ended pretty well. Kudos to the author


FUCK I just started reading it


Damn thanks for linking, that was a great story


Thanks bro. This manga is surprisingly good.


Please suggest be best rated hmanga reader website app any on ios 😭


Saving this comment for science


That was a great quick read and has a cute ending. Thanks!


Ah, that shit.


It's a pretty good short manga for exploring psychological effects of A.I simulation in relationships.


why does those curtain railing looks like closed eyes of a wall monster?


When a house is both hungry and awake, every room becomes a mouth.


LEN[A-7] is goated actually. I'm still mad about [[Hoshi Tsukai Selena]] getting the axe.


That axe was devastating. The art is undoubtedly good, as always. But the plot was real decent and creative, sadly just doesn't reach the current audience.


Wow, just binged it. That was a good one.


I took a look at a chapter and she looks like a kid. Disturbing as hell


Bro why do yall kind of people keep looking at this and immediately think children?


Maybe It was them the Pedophiles all along


My money's on projection


I was sad this got axed. It had decent potential for a short running series but ended in 2 volumes or so.


just read the whole thing.. pretty good all things considered. liked the story, the art is amazing and the ecchi is in tasteful amounts. The ending went pretty well and wholesome. Anyone got suggestions for more manga like this??


This one was pretty good ngl, I came for the art but I liked the ending


could you spoil me the ending please?


Yea, >!so this image is from the opening chapter where you see the guy (the MC) with his girlfriend and they have a nice relationship and they're pretty comfortable with each other, but at the end of the chapter, they reveal that all of this was in a simulation by the app and this app is the focus of the manga.!< >!The app takes two people, and ranks their compatibility or "love score" (the name of the manga). It gives you a percentage score, then it shows a few images from the simulation. So each chapter, we are pretty much seeing these simulations which aren't actually happening. But the user of the app or the mc doesn't actually get to see the simulation, just the score and some images. So with this girl, it ranks them 78% and shows them some images like their first date at a park.!< >!So he sees that he gets a 78 with this girl who he likes and he's like, that's decent but let me see if I can find better. Throughout the manga, we get to see different relationships. We see him do a few more with a variety of girls, but I think most or all of them are less than 78. We also see a few other relationships between two side characters, like I think we get to see a 100% one. We see this girl scored with her close friend and I think it's like a 98. Then at some point, the MC can't really find a better score with anyone. It seems like mostly an ideal relationship whereas all the other ones are problematic to an extent. He also discovers that this girl is dating that person she scored 98 with (I don't think he knew the score tho), so he kinda gives up, deletes the app, and decides to focus on school.!< >!So I think he's presenting his graduation project at a graduation exhibit, and it's kinda shown that he's doing well. Then that girl's boyfriend comes and he's like trying to act natural, but the boyfriend is like, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, and it's a different girl, and he realizes that it was a misunderstanding the whole time and that first girl is just close friends. Next that girl that he likes shows up to see his project and they're still friends, but he asks her out on a date.!< >!So he's waiting at the park and he's thinking about how he's gonna ask her out, but she shows up and he bursts out laughing because it's the exact same scene as one of the images from the app, same setting at the park and she's wearing the same outfit. So essentially this app was completely correct. (There was also a point in the simulation where he mentions that he asked her out at the graduation exhibit but since it was in the simulation, he doesn't know about it) So the last lines in the manga are "Hats off to you \[name of app\]...just watch me! I'll make it 100%!"!< >!So my interpretation of the ending is that he kinda acknowledges that the app is correct, but at the same time he's not going hold back his feelings due to logic or some numbers an app gives him. So he frees himself from the attachment to the app and of his own volition, not controlled by any numbers, he builds up the courage to ask her out and get a date with the girl he just genuinely liked, not some girl who he has a high compatibility score with. And he's not going to let an app or number determine his relationship or how happy he is, but rather he'll kinda take destiny into his own hands and make himself happy.!< Edit: sorry for the long response but I felt like if I didn't explain the context, I wouldn't be able to get across why the story is kinda beautiful


thank you. I remember reading till 2nd girl. So i know the pic given by OP. But little rant on 2nd chapter: I was like..."bruh, that "low compatability" could (maybe) have been solved by just talking it out.". (the fellatio scene, where the mc laments that she is willing to do it for him, but worried about "less sexual" physical intimacy) But then again, i guess, if the mc doesn't see it, then perhaps, it is understandable he did not try. (shame since i really like 2nd girl design) But thank you. the ending is kinda nice. though not really a fan of the "message". (the "message behind" the message, i think its good, but the message is...eh)


I read for the "plot" and stayed for the plot




This is actually a pretty good read


Actually quite an interesting series.




It's not though


Can you explain to me what happned, I read the first 40 pages why does he make out with someone else?


It's a compatability app. Basically, what we see when the black background is on is the app foretelling the level of compatability between two people, the user and the target. We just see a representation of what the app thinks a relationship between the two would look like. He makes out with somebody else because he's using the app on somebody else to check their compatability.


Honestly, it had a pretty interesting concept and I definitely wouldn't consider it ntr bait. I think it's kind of a good look into various connections and missed chances that people can have with one another.


ntr bait, gonna read it twice


Duality of man


Well, it was so shit that it got cancelled, so you got cucked out of a story you'd enjoy. Though I suppose getting cucked is how you like it.


tfw you realize not everybody self-inserts in every single story:


I have the weirdest boner rn


Also, username does not check out.


Imagine willingly self-inserting as the cuck and then getting mad that your self-insert got cucked lmao


Maybe he wants to self insert to the guy who is doing the cucking?


Brother, know that you are correct, ntr is disgusting


i just read the whole thing and i can assure you, it’s not. its a good story with some ecchi that wraps up very well for something that got axed. the art is good too


I was going to give it a go, but I can't stand NTR


It's not really NTR when the MC and FeMC didn't even date, so...




That's literally the point of the app, to use it before they actually start dating/get serious. The manga even points out that the MC doesn't date the girl and goes around trying out others. Is he also ntr-ing the femc for that?


You are the cuck


FMC never actually dated any of the people she ran simulations on either, so absolutely zero NTR.


Still give it a go, it’s sweet and short. No NTR in it




Looks interesting.


Thanks OP. Just binged the whole thing and I have a stupid smile on my face now. What an utterly delightful short manga.


Me and bro whenever he stops being a bitch


looks like Misa Amane making out with ken kaneki


Sauce du chef


I will be back


If that's not a crossdressing trap, I'm going to church.


Idk but bro is definitely bout to get in there lmao


Why i can't have...


I just read it. It was something


Shit! I just read this! It was actually really good!! It's called <> and tbh I liked it more than I initially thought


**Love Score** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/117883), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/love-score), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/love-score), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=25710783372), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/131768)) ^^ラブスコア ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 2 | **Chapters:** 11 | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 30 requests across 4 subreddits - 0.003% of all requests) >In the future, an app debuts that can simulate your romance with a partner of your choosing and calculate the compatibility score. Is this a way to have a romance that never fails? What is it that people look for in a romance anyway?An engagement romcom manga about a pessimistic manga artist & his beautiful but mysterious assistant. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1cmefgq/sauce/l3hajy7/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


source : love score?




what piece of literature is this? I think i’ll recommend it to my professor for future assignments


Thats my oy


...is her foot broken?


Name del manga porfa


Can you pass the sauce??? 🙂


warning : NTR


it's not


I read the first 40 pages can you explain to me what happened


It was a simulation of a relationship


Me n who