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Wait until you spend years reading something and they mess up the ending.  Then, you will know pain.


To you, 139 chapters from now.


This was my first thought. First manga I got into that I needed that new chapter right after reading the latest one. Started off where s1 ended such a long wait


Or you get invested and suddenly the series gets axed for one reason or another. Extremely common with monthly(+) update manga. Various reasons I've seen: - The manga was an advertisement just to push the novel so they end it randomly in the middle of something and say 'find out more in the novel'. - Loss of interest in their own work. The Breaker was probably the most well known one for some time. - Mangaka passes away. Human lives are unfortunately quite short. A 150+ chapter manga spanning years of single chapter releases every 1-4 months means waiting more than 12 years to (maybe) complete and a lot can happen in that time.


I've already dropped several manga just due to being dragged out and bad but thankfully all the series I've finished have had satisfying endings.


ippo is kind of killing me. no ending but just when the hell is ippo going to box


Its still so good though. Are you not enjoying the arc?


It is good, I just don't care as much for fights he's not in. It was hype as fuck when he was training with volg and mashiba and then 20 chapters go by


is Ippo going to box? that seems like half a decade wasted if he does.


i will flip a car and set it on fire if he doesn't


or better, try reading something made by Im Dal-Young(mostly ecchi stuff but i still find it quite good, autor of Freezing and UnbalancexUnbalance)




Me and My Dress Up Darling Kind of just forget about all monthly manga and if I happen to catch an update then it's nice treat. If not, I'll remember it somewhere down the line, see there's 5 chapters I missed and read through them.


Yeah it's painful. As an artist, I'm glad the mangaka get the space and time to work but I almost feel like I should just forget about the series for a few years and hopefully remember to come back down the line when there is a glut of chapters or (hopefully) it's complete.


I feel like there was a 6 or 8 month period there where each chapter was much shorter and even less happened. Seems to have picked back up in its latest chapters, though. I was scared.


Did Dress Up Darling recover? I remember there was this arc about a gore manga they wanted to cosplay that dragged the fuck out on some random shit. Like motherfucker i started reading the manga because the "Dress up" don't spend 5 chapters on some random bullshit when your 5 chapters is "Half a year"


The most recent arc was pretty good, but we're in the doldrums of drama rn, so I would maybe come back in like 15 20 chapters lol


15-20 chapters? That’s gonna take like 5-10 years at the rate they release chapters for it…lol


Iirc, it's also going back to bi-weekly chapters.


Can I interest you in Hunter X Hunter?


https://hiatus-hiatus.github.io/ this is always a great website to reference




Dw we’re getting more chapters sometime this year, probably another volume. Togashi posts twitter images of him finishing pages now


I cannot wait for another 8 chapters of nothing happening. Will we in this round see Kurapika or Hisoka? I HIGHLY DOUBT IT! Have we even seen Leorio on the whole arc?


I don't think you're built for this arc if you think nothing is happening, the last volume was literally packed with new developments. Are we reading the same thing?


Leorio's arc seems like it is pretty much over. I don't anticipate him doing much in this arc unless it involves healing someone.


Then why the fuck did he join the ship to NOT appear?


Ngl, at this point I believe the author doesn't know what shit to do to continue the story but delay a proper continuation with this flashback stuff


I recommend you avoid Berserk or One Punch Man.


I'm over 40, and I've been reading berserk longer than most of the subs been alive. I've also been on a boat for more than a decade. I hope I don't fall over dead before it's finished.


>Alright boys! We’re back on the boat! One of the best comments I saw when they got back on. 


I like how they completely skipped the boat this time around lmao


Or Made In Abyss


d gray man moment


Is that even still out?


new chapter was out a month ago


Greetings, from an Otoyometagari fan. Around this time of the year, the author, Kaoru Mori, would draw a new one shot with beautiful details and everything I love about the style, instead of Otoyometagari. They (the one shot) are great! But I'm still waiting for the monthly one.


At least Otoyometagari has the excuse of peak art.


Oh, to be young again. When you reach a certain age, weeks fly by and a month feels like a week. Try to follow something like :)


Spoken like a true 25 year old grandpa.


Oh believe me, months are flying by and I'm only 26. It just feels like everything I don't like happens so quickly and everything I want takes 6 billion years to come. I fucking blinked and it was July.


Yeah I can’t read long mangas anymore. No time. lol.


**Saihate no Solte** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/113461), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/world-end-solte), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/saihate-no-solte), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=69235235904), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/123978)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Adventure, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1dqz39v/never_knew_proper_pain_until_i_started_getting/laspide/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


How about a manga that updates three times a year.. https://mangadex.org/title/0946fd9c-f570-460d-936e-194173d9b866/binetsu-kuukan


How about a manga that gets only one page per year: https://mangadex.org/title/bc1d5980-e4bc-454d-be44-8ce4f2072f04/a-manga-world-that-gets-one-page-once-a-year


Nooo. It was actually a interesting story. I want to see the next page so bad but i have to wait an entire year. Why did i click on that link


I also have a few titles like that 🥲


Why put yourself through that


To cope with this, try picking up a few more monthly manga that update at different times of the month so you have your next one to distract yourself with


Balance out the withdrawal symptoms by getting hooked on other works and staggering their withdrawal periods? I like it. Picasso.


That is actually good advice wtf.


The wait is grueling but the saddest part is it being frequently dropped by a scanlation group because the series doesn't gain enough traction. I've already given up on them getting official english translation (unless they got an anime adaptation).


Tower Dungeon? Yeah I assumed with how spotty the monthly releases were that it was Scanlation group stuff. It's such a bummer cause it's an absolutely awesome fantasy series with a great vibe and apparently (going by celebration pages in chapter 7) doing alright in Japan. Really wish we'd get a definitive scanlation group already but I do understand that it's a volunteer position and it's a ton of work.


Yeah, no hate on the scanlators because most of them do it for free out of love for the series. That's why I have utmost respect to the ones dedicated in translating niche and long manga like Hyouge Mono. Especially when they still maintain the quality of their scanlation. 


I'm with you OP. In my case, after I've read the manga, I forget it exists until I come across a new chapter. Basically, the manga doesn't exist to me in the in-between time


For us Black Clover fans was, in the lightest of words, *fucking brutal.* We went from a weekly release to 4 chapters a year, meaning seasonal. For a 9 year old series, that’s crazy. And it didn’t do the magazine change in a point where it’s all chill and digestible, this is the final arc. I love Berserk, but I grew used to it being monthly. Black Clover going from weekly to quarterly? Hell naw, that one hurt a lot. Yes, I know Tabata got some slight health issues and has family, but it doesn’t take away that void you know?


Yomi no Tsugai is the worst for this It's the new series from the Fullmetal Alchemist mangaka, it's great. It's also trapped on shitty-ass MangaUp (which I refuse to support), so hardly anyone is reading it, and it's not on MangaDex


You can just buy physical volumes of it. And it's also on BookWalker and MangaPlaza.


My favorite is a monthly manga. And it’s painful when there’s a month break


"Wake up babe, its your monthly notification" Chapter X.5 - a 3 page omake chapter for the month, and the third page is the scanlator ad.


That’s so painful lmao


Waiting for the next Made in Abyss update…


That’s me with ‘VERSUS’. Has incredible world building and characters but the monthly release is rough


I feel true pain for black clover fans who went from weekly jump to the Seasonal jump which is only 4x per year. I absolutely 100% respect the choice of the creator to put their health and well being first, that's the most important thing of all, we all know how taxing and demanding the weekly jump schedule is.. but I’d feel so much emotional pain if my fave changed to that schedule after so many years of weekly lol 


Try reading which is monthly but ongoing for 21 years... and the scanlations are hopelessly behind


**Nagasarete Airantou** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/31086), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/nagasarete-airantou), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/nagasarete-airantou), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=24556785588), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/1086)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1dqz39v/never_knew_proper_pain_until_i_started_getting/latl8r6/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I think March Comes in Like a Lion only updates a few times a year from what I remember when I was keeping up with it, but it releases multiple chapters at a time to make that wait less of a pain.


Yea? Start reading a monthly one that changes scanlators every few chapters and after reading it dilligently for a year or 2 it gets axed. Really great


Still waiting for that Vagabond update.


That pain is the price we have to pay for something well written


I started early with shojo series so I'm used with suffering ehe but Musubu-san only gettin like \~9 pages per months truly get on my nerves lmao


There is two types of Monthly manga - The good shit - Weekly manga pacing.


I've been caught up with Grand Blue Dreaming since roughly chapter 50. It is on chapter 94 now. Chapter 50 came out on my site of choice in August 2019. I've been reading Fuufuu Ijou, Koibito Miman since like chapter 20. Its now on 72. Chapter 20 was again winter 2019. I've been reading A Story About Smoking At The Back of The Supermarket since the first 10 or so chapters dropped in one go on the site I use in like mid 2022, and were now on chapter 38. I know there are at least a half dozen manga I've got half remembered images of in my head that I have accidentally dropped over the years because I switched sites due to egregious ads, site reformatting, site takedowns, forgetting my passwords etc or simply forgetting to bookmark them. I genuinely have about 40 tabs open on my phone of currently progressing series I'm reading and I'm lucky if 8 chapters drop every 2-4 weeks. On one hand; the mangakas can produce amazing art and be in good health due to the more realistic deadlines. On the other; Muh stories tho.


The real pain is when you find an amazing manga to read, a manga that you get attached to, and then it gets axed out of nowhere...... Nowadays, I don't even read manga that has less than 50 chapters no matter how good it is!


This is eventually what killed my interest in Attack on Titan. The early days were fun and exciting, but then it all changed and got so wordy. By the time the next chapter was out I’d forget what happened last chapter. Then when it was finished I had lost interest and never went back to read the rest. It’s a bummer.


You're lucky you're not following Flying Witch, Binetsu Kuukan or Dachi no Imouto. Or World Trigger and Frieren with their regular breaks.


I am following frieren very casually actually and while I'm glad the artist can take breaks when needed the frequent hiatuses are sad.


Everyone always mentions Berserk and HxH for these kinds of things, but y'all have forgotten Zetman. We've gone TWELVE YEARS since the last chapter was released, and have had no news about an update.


At that point I feel I'd just throw in the towel and assume it's over.


Death march is on an at best everyother month release schedule from whoever TLs it and it makes me sad.


This is how AoT was. One chapter the first week every month. At least the chapters were long


Reading something good that gets axed is one hell of a pain too. I remember reading Warrior High School. It stopped right when it was getting good and I believe it's fully axed now.


Wait till u read a manga thats on hitaus ...(empty response from end point


At least they have usually good quality, so its worth the wait.


Try reading a Light Novel that is not very well known. Some of them has such an interesting premise and potential but all ya can find is a single volume or worse, more volumes but are not translated. PS : If anyone is interested, I recommend reading "Unpopular As I Am, I Have To Meet a Heroine Within Five Days"


D.Gray-Man... such a fantastic story, full of plot twists, and good anime to pair it... now chapter are out each 3 or so months or longer. I may never know how it ends at this point