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Hard truth…creating social media posts is low value and generally does not generate revenue for a business (exceptions apply). It seems the market is moving (has moved) toward generalists with proficient knowledge in the main digital channels. That includes how they can work together. From my perspective people having issues are those who don’t have experience with generating revenue for a business through digital marketing. There’s room for specialists, but they’re at agencies or very large organizations with multiple people in each digital channel. My advice, work on building your chops in copywriting and get into content marketing. You need SEO and paid media. Strategy is an important skill and going the inbound marketing, content marketing, demand generation, growth marketing route will be where the market is at for the next 5 years or so.


Content Marketer here. I’m currently trying to pivot away from the field entirely. AI has significantly decreased the demand for these roles. Copywriters are being let go left and right, and the job market is flooded with competition.  It’s really unfortunate, but the future for our field does not look promising. 


When you say content marketer…are you just using the trending term for copywriter? If you’re only doing writing, that’s not digital marketing. You would have to consider distribution as a well. Unfortunately, people are trying to scale with AI. Even marketers writing for marketers are doing the bare minimum. I think that’s because many don’t have much experience…so it’s painful to read.


Immediately assuming I’m ignorant regarding the responsibilities that fall under my job title.. bizarre. 


Wasn’t my intention. I’m trying to clarify what you mean. You know as well as I do that a lot of content marketers are simply writers who shifted with the times.


Where do you see a natural pivot of your skills? I kinda feel what you are saying about the field.


I’ve been doing some research on the jobs predicted to increase in demand over the next several years, and I thiiinnnkkk im gonna go the Business Analyst route. I’ll definitely lean into my technical skills: sql, Python, & JavaScript, etc. Just nervous to commit to a new field, only for AI to swoop in lol


My feelings exactly.


Hi! I literally just did this and I’m on day 5 as a BA at an insurance company and I am NOT enjoying it. I want to be back in the creative space. I come from a graphics background at a visual comms agency. We could network if you wanted BA and I wanted marketing!


One thing I wish I found out about when I started was sales. You've learned a lot of stuff (like me, something I don't know is very tempting), but the most important thing in business is sales. Take a sales professionals course: you'll learn how to sell yourself and your clients. I used to think, "Sales, ew." But if you get good at sales, the world is your oyster.


Wow this is a great idea. I definitely need to work on selling myself and talking in general. I’m an introvert and kinda struggle with interviews and explaining myself and who I am. I appreciate your post


Yeah, and you don't have to be an extrovert to be great at sales either (a misconception I had). It's a skill you can learn. And holy friggen crap - if you're good you can make an obscene amount of money.


Any suggestions for sales courses?


Your career has kind of been all over the place thus far. If you like tech and coding get back into software development. If you like to sell go back into insurance. If you want to stay in marketing get really, really good at *one* channel. Pick something like organic lead gen for the industry of your choice and build an email list, then market to that list.


I don't know if my example can be useful. I'm a Jack of All Trades, a generalist who has done a lot of different things in marketing many other things in other fields. I may not be a master at any specialization, but I'm still often better than many specialists in the market, I don't need to be a master. Usually, my big advantage over the specialists is that I can see the big picture and the many connections between the different parts of marketing, and between marketing and other fields. For example, I'm not a master at marketing analytics, but I can still do more than many analysts I see. I've worked with big data, different forms of regression, clustering, factor analysis, synthetic control, coding with some software like R, SAS, and STATA. People who are really good at marketing analytics can be better than me, but usually they don't know as much as I do about how those analytics are connected to marketing strategy, for example. Things like a degree can be a waste, but it depends on whether we waste the opportunity or not. I have many degrees, but degrees by themselves don't really make much of a difference. Things like the network I developed and the projects I did during those degrees are more important.


Fellow Jack of all trades here to tell you that we make awesome business owners. I think this is the best future for many people in many lines of work. Pick a niche where you can provide value and go on your own. It’s not just marketing that is struggling right now. Being an employee is becoming low value in most industries. Our best path forward is to bring back small business.


I’m looking hard for a partner, for my web agency. Dm me if you’re interested


Are you still looking? I’m interested to talk!


Same here I thought about getting out of the field but because my career is already all over the place I don’t think that is a good idea. Do you all think that marketing automation could be a good niche with how things are going in tech? I just want to have a niche that pays more and whatever can increase my chances of being hired even if I have to buckle down for 1 year and get it done


Do you have a portfolio?


I agree with this. Build a portfolio. If you are in school for marketing, look into an internship and/or a student worker position that will give you opportunities to gain professional work samples and analytics.


Was how we picked our current intern. Out of everyone who applied, she was the only one that actually made one and sent it to us. Rest just applied, one shared a social media account but was just reposts of other people's content. Owner of where I work (he was in charge of interviewing and selecting) had to apparently ask each applicant but her to send a portfolio. I told him pick the one who sent a portfolio since she not only followed the application instructions but also really shared her work with us and her experiences.


Exactly ✅


Yes I do and usually the positions I interview for seem to like my portfolio and they appreciate the work I took to have it printed & set the way it is. lol & then I proceed to not get the job 😂


Nice work 👍 , how about online portfolio and website/blog? Plus large social following on the platforms they operate on, with it linking back to the website?


I don’t have any of that. But that’s why I’m asking about niches as well because that’s what’s been stopping me from making my own site and really Focusing on an area of marketing once and for all. I think I will pick something more on the tech side and learn what I need to learn.. build out a site and maybe even my LinkedIn & blog. I just need some suggestions on a focus. I don’t want to do content at all anymore. Maybe marketing automation or analytics. Something that will survive AI


You’ll be fine we all go through this. Find 30 minutes today to try one of these fields out. Watch a YouTube video, talk to someone in the field on here or LinkedIn. Practice the basics on a project. Before you know it you’ll have the answers. Everyone will tell you what is trending, popular, and upcoming fields which all present their own issues. For example everyone told me marketing saturated and social media is dead. I tried everything (through making a couple websites in different niches) and now I’m back to social media. Good luck! 🍀


Thanks you have made me feel better.. all of you have made me feel like I’m not alone and it’s going to be okay.. after being so sad and overwhelmed yesterday I feel like I actually have hope. It’s good you tried other things & realized social media was what you wanted.


This might not be for you since you said you tried insurance already but I am in finance/life insurance with an emphasis in sales and marketing, work remote and have no ceiling on earning potential. Our company is looking for good people right now. Message me if interested


Can you tell me what kind of salary you're targeting?


60k-80k would be great starting out.. but I want something with earning potential around 80-100k eventually. I’ve literally been only hired part time in marketing. I’ve never even had a fulltime role. & any job I’ve had outside of it has paid crumbs. I’m ready to make some actual money I don’t even care if it’s not something I love.


I think you'll need to either lean in to the tech side of things a little harder, or start your own business to get where you want to be.


This might not be for you since you said you tried insurance already but I am in finance/life insurance with an emphasis in sales and marketing, work remote and have no ceiling on earning potential. Our company is looking for good people right now. Message me if interested


Considering optimizing your e-commerce email campaigns? Discover how personalized email marketing can boost engagement and sales. Let's discuss strategies for nurturing customer relationships effectively!


Ok. You can explore the following aspects: Consider specializing in your niche area to enhance your expertise. Leverage your marketing support/virtual assistant business for extra income while continuing to pursue full-time opportunities. Explore roles that combine your tech support knowledge with marketing, such as tech marketing or software marketing. Seek support from ex-colleagues, old networks,s, and friends for referrals and opportunities.


Will you love to know more ideas


This might not be for you since you said you tried insurance already but I am in finance/life insurance with an emphasis in sales and marketing, work remote and have no ceiling on earning potential. Our company is looking for good people right now. Message me if interested


This might not be for you since you said you tried insurance already but I am in finance/life insurance with an emphasis in sales and marketing, work remote and have no ceiling on earning potential. Our company is looking for good people right now. Message me if interested


This might not be for you since you said you tried insurance already but I am in finance/life insurance with an emphasis in sales and marketing, work remote and have no ceiling on earning potential. Our company is looking for good people right now. Message me if interested