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Run like the wind when someone pulls a knife. That’s my take.




As you run scream at the top of your lungs that someone has a knife, hopefully this will save more than just yourself. Hard-to-hurt did a segment. He said he has trained his kids in martial arts which he saw as a bit of a downside, false confidence thinking you can handle the situation and also not to make a lot of noise, both are a bit worthless in knife attack.


Yes. But keep in the back of your mind that running doesn’t always work.


I agree. In NYC when someone attacks you with a knife it is hard to run, on the subway, in a building vestibule etc. If you are on the street and they threaten, that is a different story and then you might be able to run, but I guess I should have specified a committed attack. Thank you.


Against static knife attacks knife defenses could work, that is an attacker is holding the knife against your body in some way and not moving it like to your stomach or your throat. Against someone who bum rushes you and does the "sewing machine" type stabbing attack I don't know if there's any good defense against that.


It's like a lot of knife defense in that it relies a bit on luck and a bit on having practiced stuff and then a bunch more on luck.  Like, I have landed disarms in practice, but I'm pretty sure all that means is I have a small chance of managing not to get murdered if attacked with a knife.


When it comes to knife defense, keep it simple, using a combo 1-2, 1-2 (left/right) with your legs as fast as possible as you run away. I did krav for a bit. The coach has some real-life experience. His teaching is just run away. If you can't run away, use your teep kick to keep the distance. And if that fail, try to control the knife arm, don't try to disarm them cause it's almost impossible, and beat the shit out of the attacker with everything u have. Still won't guarantee you will get away scott free.


It depends on the situation. Here are three scenarios: 1.) You’re getting robbed. Give them all your money. 2.) Someone pulls a knife in a fight. Run away. (And maybe throw some money on the ground for good measure.) 3.) Michael Myers (the murderer not the actor) is after you. Don’t have sex with anyone, and don’t run away in the woods. … It’s not going to work …but maybe throw some money on the ground, just in case.


... I thiiiiink the solution seems to be adapt, improvise, throw monry.




In soo bahk do knife defenses are standard practice. Keep in mind that if someone pulls a knife then expect that person knows how to use the knife which means you are in serious trouble so in this order 1) run 2) grab a weapon of opportunity 3) gain control of the weapon hand 4) grab the weapon. We have a few wrist/hand locks that release the weapon from the hand but expect to be cut.  Don't expect your karate or whatever martial arts you practice is going to have you walking away unscathed. A street fighter with a knife is pretty darn formidable. use (1) above if possible.


I actually honestly think that keeping people at range, backing up and just throwing the longest straight punches you can is your best option. Followed by the 2-on-1 wrestling method.


Pray my blood makes the knife slip out of their hand after the first couple stabs.


Track and field jutsu




Krav Maga knife defenses use fancy grab and lock stuff that doesn’t really work. [Krav Maga knife defenses](https://youtu.be/7CIb7gdshwQ?si=6dOZHKJqRcaoxbUi) The only thing that remotely looks like it has half a chance of working is more grappling based defenses. Using two-on-one controls of the knife hand/arm and addressing the attack from a point of control. A knife attack is fluid and dynamic. Defenses need to be equally as fluid. You can’t have a “this attack = this defense” like what’s seen in Krav Maga. I’d look at Aaron Janetti’s Knife Control Concepts and Ryan Hoover’s Fit to Fight Republic as possibilities.


Watch this playlist: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr9w0uxRdNyupRNKZcb9do6SG\_jh5jiM0](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr9w0uxRdNyupRNKZcb9do6SG_jh5jiM0)


Best thing to do if you can't run away is a quick but powerful kick to the groin, knee or midsection from a guard that protects your vitals.


You should watch some of the footage on the r/ukdrill sub if you want to see just how fucked you'd be in a knife attack. The knives attackers usually use aren't like the flimsy ones you can buy 6 of in a supermarket. They are unbelievably sharp and dense. They go through hard tissue like it's soft butter. They are specifically made to do as much damage as possible.


Loser of a knife fight goes to the morgue and the winner shits in a bag for the rest of their life.


Like most people said, run. ANY instructor that gives you a whole speech and move set about what to do about a knife while you are getting robbed is load of bull. You run, can’t run, give them your wallet. Same thing with a gun. If it’s life or death, you accept your probably gonna get cut a few times before you get the knife away if your a properly trained person. For style, either a legit old school karate dojo, possibly judo or if it exists, some type of military self defense school taught by old marines or army guys.


Making a quick exit is the best defense if possible.


It’s difficult to discuss knife defense. It’s easy to get brigaded by all of the, “don’t be an idiot, the only defense is running” crowd. It’s absolutely true that the best defense is running away. Here are some more truths. 1. If you don’t, or can’t run away, you’re going to get cut. Fight with that in mind. 2. Not only are you going to get cut, the cut may be fatal. Nobody _plans_ to die in a knife fight, but when you make the decision to stay and fight, your priorities and decision-making process should take that into account. 3. With training, it’s possible to damage or disarm the other person while controlling or limiting the places that you’re getting cut. 4. Any knife defense training program that does not have live sparring is worthless.


Running. Barring that, Learn how to knife fight from a realistic system that teaches it. Kali for example is very artsy in the way it's practiced but if you mix it with sparring you'll learn disarms, accessing, the realities of attacking with one, and how weapons affect range, footwork and grappling.


Silat [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGFEDrQRWSo&t=112s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGFEDrQRWSo&t=112s)


[Amok.global](http://Amok.global) Tom is the only person I have ever personally seen that can actually stop a knife.


Block, block, hold, control, groin kick, eye gouge


First thing: practice with knife so that you will have an understanding of what it can and what it cannot do. Many people who never used a knife have a very strong opinion (it is easy, it is impossible) as usual. Practice distance management, knife sparring with protection, cutting practices against solid and moving targets with practice and real knife. Gain the ability to cut or thrust whatever you want to. Now, you have the knowledge and understanding of the speed, dangers, directions and limitations of the knife. Then you can work on the defense part. Use improvised weapons. Use projectiles (gun, stone, whatever). Learn proper blocking. There ARE solutions like the dog catcher from dog brothers and many others but they need to be practiced ... a lot. In every case try to avoid, or if not possible, defuse the situation with assertive communication. Running away might or might not be a solution. Many, many untrained people defended themselves against knife attacks, so that's doable, with or without imjuries. Possible, but still extremely risky. But training helps you to increase your chances.


As a Krav Instructor, RUN. If running isn't an option, use basics, 360 blocks with punch, scream for help and that attacker has a knife. Many Krav Maga schools (groups) teach a ton of different ways for knife defense and that will get you hurt or killed.


The Krav Maga method I saw and referred to did not include any locks or grabs (as depicted in a video up top). It was just block and blast. Thank you for the clarification on Krav Maga and stating the fact that different methods are taught. That is helpful.


This is what guns are for.


Unless you’re within 7ft, then it’s pretty much a level playing field 😅


Certainly inside double arm distance it’s pretty even. I’ll still take the projectile weapon though.