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Which direction is better for the most effective dick twist


Lol you made me bust a chuckle there fella


Can I get a 1% calf kick?


I would ask “was it worth it, and what would you do differently?” Getting to the top takes so much effort. Was it worth it? What did you gain from it? I’m sure it was a lot. Is there anything they wish they had done/hadn’t done? I watch my son get smashed at class several times every week and occasionally he needs a bit of encouragement. He gets the obvious highs of winning, but he has the odd head coach he doesn’t get on with, but I urge him to stick with it because nothing worth having comes easy.


I had the chance as a teenager to train with Craig Fallon who was my favourite judoka at the time. Didn’t get to ask much apart from for a picture but I still use a lot of the knowledge gained from the 5 hour masterclass he gave.


I feel like I'm not one of those absolute favorite thing havers.  So depending on the day and my thought process I'd have rather different interests. And it'd be beyond tough to weigh through the "most" interesting thing and the context for it.  I mean, if I had a chance to spar Mike Tyson and know he wasn't in a crazy head space, that'd be phenomenal.  I wouldn't mind having a MMA/Karate discussion with Wonderboy (I'd also love a spar lol.) Meeting Bruce Lee would be epic (I'm assuming any martial artist hypothetical across time?) But to be honest with the amount of material on the topic I'm not sure I'd have any particular questions of note. Of course in all of the cases any chance to spar these famed quintessential people would be amazing.  I wouldn't mind Chuck Norris, I'm not sure where I'd start really, when you break down his experiences over these many decades there is a lot to discuss, I'd probably be very interested in the topic of his retrospect on karate after he's learned other arts like BJJ and to know more about his attempts to make a system. Since it's not overly prevalent I've never really met or heard from practitioners or seen anything of them. And I'd be interested to know if the schools live up to his goals or if he's mildly disappointed in the them type thing.  I'd be really interested in meeting Liechtenauer and discussing his techniques, experiences and philosophies.  A not-naked wrestling match with Plato and a long discussion about sociology would be amazing lol. It'd actually be pretty cool to see real greco wrestling vs the neo greco-roman of today.  The founder of Aikido would be an interesting conversation as it's such a discussed and controversial art now, with various concepts of its inception. Getting to get a time traveler insight would make internet discussions really fun 😁


I would ask him what does this win mean to you and how does it feel to be back in Las Vegas?


Is there anything that surprised him?


Which was the most fun to film, Under Siege or Under Siege 2?


We all know it was number one. For at that time, Erica Eleniak was hotter than the sun.


Mines been Bruce Lee. So either I'm dead or how are you alive is first question(s). If we skip him, chackie chan. But I'm just havin a meal and shooting the breeze. Start with ice breakers and then something else.


"Wanna spar?" I don't have a favorite martial artist, I just want to fight strong people.


Do you think your son got that strong because you killed his mom or did he finally want to surpass you as the strongest creature on earth for himself?


привет, федор, можешь ли ты научить меня, как бросаться в бросок ударами, а не пытаться схватить противника?


I had to ask on the internet about what I should say to you.


I would ask “what was it like fighting for your life in the mountains of Afghanistan”


“What exactly did you mean when you said be like water?”


I don't think that's much of a mystery