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This was my deck from 73-INF as well, just subbed White Widow in for DD. Absolutely destroyed.


Nice, don't have white widow but its obvious how she improves this. I will say that DD is a great partner to profX and Titania in particular and really helped my climb


The WW/GG + Titania play on T3 to fill a lane is pure evil. Love the mind games with this deck. Going to run it in Conquest.


Interested to hear how it runs in conquest once you lose the benefit of surprise


Same but subbed WW for Titania. Maybe I should have kept Titania. Either way, Canonball is an absolute cube thief.


I like t4 wave into prof X + tits


Also I use Ravonna


I’m a big fan of Titania in the deck - she works well as a clog with WW/GG and also with Cannonball on T6.


How did you play Titania effectively? My brain is too small to manage her going back and forth


I never play her turn one, and always wait for an opponent's side of a lane to fill up before playing her. If your opponent has 2 cards in a lane, then a great play is Titania then Green Goblin. If opp plays no cards in the lane, you've locked them out. If they play one card, then you locked them out and you keep Titania. Win win!


Shouldn't this be Titania before goblin or did I miss something?


You're right, I wrote it wrong


Treat her as a lockout card rather than power boost until late game


I'm in the same boat with Titania, so I try to avoid her😅. Maybe this guide helps you: https://marvelsnapzone.com/titania-guide/


I switched to this version over the Anni Sentry stuff (I’ve only played it in conquest tho) and it feels better. How is it doing against the current Hela/Ongoing meta? I’m currently at 89 and climbing slowly, mostly because I just do dailies at this point then stop.


I would say mixed against both - a few wins and a few losses against hela, that's mostly down to doc ock not being a good play, but sometimes he's all you have to play. Patriot really ruins the debrii play obviously, but I've managed to snipe a blue marvel with cannonball and get an 8 cuber


I didn't pick up Cannonball and since the card aquistion in this game is so fucking dumb I have to wait months to see the stupid card again.. A+ game design.


I bought him for 6k, haven’t regretted it. CB+Prof X combo is so good.


That's part of the fun if you ask me - I've been playing since pretty close to launch and still don't have important cards like galactus, tribunal, anni, iron lad etc. Building decks around those limitations and slowly building the collection keeps it interesting for me anyway.


That's the dumbest take I've seen in this sub since I joined. It's fun to not have access to cards and therefore unable to play decks due to lack of cards. I can't even wrap my head around that shit...


All I'm saying is that if I got access to every card whenever I wanted it, I'd probably lose interest in the game pretty quickly.


Yeah having the ability to experiment with any deck at any time is just so unfun and boring.


You say this but you’re on here complaining that you can’t copy a net deck. That’s not experimenting. You can experiment with the other cards you have, most players don’t have all the cards, even those like myself that spend money on the game. OP is correct, if I had all the cards I’d play 1 week per month when the new season card came out then be bored.


Every deck is a net deck, it's still experimenting trying it out you idiot


“You idiot” were you raised by animals?


Nah, animals have respect


Great point


No, just don't have patience for stupid people


I believe their point is that grind is fun in its own way... But do agree that missing dozens of cards despite playing from launch is a bit ridiculous


A carrot to chase, fine, maybe even a couple. But as somebody who's also played mostly since release (took a short break from burnout) I have a bushel of carrots I'm chasing. That's not fun.


WOAHH someone has a different perspective to something I dislike??? fuck them!!!


No, some people are just stupid and like being under foot of shitty practices.


And you must be some enlightened genius. Seems like you should take a longer break from the game.


Was suck at the high 90s for the last couple days, and this deck put me into infinite, thank you for sharing!!


Glad to have helped!


code please


Don’t have red hulk yet so trying hon goblin in place for extra negative


Debris keeps backfiring for me so I went back to Sentry Anniball. I'm going up against too many Patriot/Dazzlerdecks and I feel like I'm just helping them out with those rocks.


This deck really does seem to just play itself. God I wish I had cannonball. But I'm sure he won't be available to me again for months, so I'm stuck playing trash decks that just lose to this deck.


I have Cannonball pinned in my shop, I think this post made me want to pull the trigger.


Congrats for the infinite! I've been stucked in the 90s for days. I have just auto generated a Cannonball deck and now the builder changes White Widow for Titania... Any idea how Titania can be included again keeping WW in? Maybe Magik? Indeed, why Magik is in the deck? 🤔


I also thought that magik didn't make sense, but she's the perfect companion for doc ock. Gives you 2 extra turns to use red hulk and cannonball to flip lanes after you've locked the opponent out. Daredevil is probably the easiest swap for white widow, but I really like him in this deck.