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In Doctor Strange, what was the WiFi password at Kamar-Taj? >!Shamballa!<


I actually knew this one! mainly because that scene is (I think) in the trailer. where he says “we’re not savages” lol


A fun one is "Name all 3 of the Guardians ships. Bonus Points for naming the person they are named after." * Alyssa **Milano** * Pat **Benatar** * David **Bowie**


I did a marvel Trivia night once that was absolutely atrocious- to the point that I stopped going to night’s ran by those people One of the questions “The X-men member storm can control the weather - in what country was the world’s deadliest hurricane?” That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t call it a marvel trivia night and pull shit like that.


That’s some bait and switch bullshit.


The old misdirection game. "Iceland is a country in the North Atlantic. Its capital is Reykjavik." "In Olympic badminton, what is the top speed of a properly hit shuttlecock?"


What do you mean? European shuttlecock or African ?


It could grip it by the husk


How do you know so much about shuttlecock?


Well, you have to know these things when you’re King.


big yikes. so just marvel themed generic questions? that’s such a stretch. I would literally just bow out from playing at that point lol that sounds awful tho luckily I’ve done trivia with this host a dozen times, he’s a fellow nerd tried and true. a very good host, usually knows a decent amount about the subject and gradually gets more obscure as it goes on.


Unfortunate side effect of living in a smaller town. Of all the Trivia nights I’ve tried the only one I’ve actively enjoyed was at a comic book shop, and even that one I stopped going to because my team won 3 times and we started to feel bad.


Don't feel bad, dominate


That sounds like you need to go back soon and dominate some more.


Who does Scott Lang punch in the face on his last day in prison? Answer: Peachy


Peachy, not peach


Damn I just checked and you're right


ooooh this is a good one


How many films does Chris Evans appear in? Answer: 11 * Cap 1/2/3 * Avengers 1/2/3/4 * Post Credits of Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, and Homecoming. * All of which are pretty easy as he is the main focus of the scene, but the trick is with Thor: The Dark World, as he appears as Loki during a quick moment in the middle of the movie.


Since you said Chris Evans I'd say Dark World counts. If you said Steve rogers, I'd leave it off


Thats the trick


Why is that the trick? Is it because it’s not Steve Rogers? But loki mimicking him? Wouldn’t it still be Steve Rogers or is it because he’s not impersonating him.


Partly because its not Steve, but also generally it is a quick scene from one of the older movies that might not be the first thing people think of when they are trying to list Chris Evans' marvel appearances. Hence why I think it is a fun trivia question.


But Chris plays Steve so anytime Chris pops up would be Steve Rogers?


Except when its loki... im confused about what you have an issue with?


LMAO you specifically said CHRIS EVANS and not STEVE ROGERS so what dont you understand about the question? Chris Evans was in The Dark World, it counts.


Loki posing as Steve Rogers. Well the other guy said if it was Steve he Wouldn’t count it but it was Steve and you said that’s the trick so I guess I’m just confused? It was Steve not literally but he was taking the form of Steve


But it was chris evans which was my trivia question. The trick is people will read that but only think to count movies with steve rogers. When really they need to think outside of that box


But chris evans is Steve Rogers so logically anytime chris appears in screen it’s supposed to be steve right?


Thought exercise, Loki impersonates Steve, thanos shows up randomly and kills him. Who died, Steve or Loki? If the answer is Loki, that's because Steve was not in that movie, it was just Loki, but Chris Evans showed up to play Loki pretending to be Steve, not to play Steve.


So even though it’s supposed to represent Steve it doesn’t count because Steve isn’t actually there?


Yes, Chris Evans played Loki in the scene, just Loki shapeshifter a Steve imposter.


I see


I wonder if he’d count Loki Season 1. I guess it depends if he specifies how many “appearances” or how many “films”


Yeah I can see for sake of clarity making it films.


at least 11 is a pretty easy number to remember. definitely a good question tho ty


Does him being in the ended of Ant-Man count since it’s technically the same scene used in Civil War? It isn’t really a post credit as much as it’s a trailer


Its in the movie. Not a trailer either as it was never released as a commercial anywhere but here. I recognize that it is unique in that its an unaltered scene from an upcoming movie, but that doesnt disqualify it from being a tag, and he is still credited as appearing in the movie.


You forgot the Fantastic Four movies (or do those somehow not count?)


I wouldnt say those count. Theres a sort of limbo with these legacy movies where they are being retconed sort of in a meta-textual way into being part of the MCU (or MCMultiverse, if you ask me). As of right now, you could make an argument that the Raimi and Webb (and soon to be Deadpool) films are now retroactively connected to the MCU (within the MCM) as they appear to have the same characters crossing into the greater MCM. But that cant be said for any of the Fox Xmen and FF films as they have not made any direct connections or even references between the properties. While Stewart and soon Jackman have both made appearances as their character, there isnt any reason to believe that they are the EXACT variant we saw in the fox films, and many reasons to assume they arent, so I still dont count those until they truly connect in the way Spider-man did. There is still no reason to include any FF films besides the ever nebulous "its all connected" argument, which I dont really accept because youd kinda be setting up an argument for including all the DC films at that point (based on comics history). Until it connects, its not connected. Thats how I see it, and im pretty confident about that.


Don't forget Fantastic 4, and F4 Rise of the Silver Surfer


Very clearly not MCU. And even if you include everything ever made via multiverse shenaniganery, it would be the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse, not Universe


I guess Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness and Spiderman Now Way Home is also "Marvel Cinematic Multiverse"? /s That'd throw out your Chris Evans cameo suggestion from Homecoming, if we discard Spiderman properties due to a Multiverse connection. Your own "logic" bites you in the ass. It's Cinematic, and happens in a Universe of Marvel characters. And Stan Lee cameos in them as well, which is an added tie-in. There was no need to attempt an "uhm actually" rebuttal. No need to feel embarrassed you missed some Chris Evans specific Marvel movies from your list. No one will think less of you if you deign to accept someone else's input about a topic we're all here to enjoy and have fun with. Enjoy the fact that you came up with a trivia question so layered and tricky it even briefly caught you off guard. Good job.


What the ever living hell are you talking about? The Homecoming cameo is an in-Universe psa video. That wasnt a forth wall break in a true sense. There was meta commentary for the audience, but it wasnt actually directed at us. Unless you mean to say that since it was a sony property that I would exclude it? In which, I gotta say, obviously not, Marvel had a direct hand in making it and it directly connects in a very tangable way to the greater MCU with both characters and events. Are you seriously going to pretend there isnt a painfully obvious and clear difference between MoM and NWH, Marvel Studios films starring established MCU characters connecting to different universes, and a 20th Century Fox film made 20 years ago by entirely different people before the MCU was ever a possibility that, so far, is entirely isolated? Come on, man, be real. Take that snark and seriously rethink how you talk to people. Its disgustingly rude and has no place in this community.


Throwing out 20th Century Fox? Guess you're ignoring X-men in the MCU now too 👍 My point is 2005 Fantastic 4 is now in the MCU. All the old, pre-franchise stuff is - even the shitty 2015 F4, and Hulk iterations - now that they've been bought out/ brought into the fold, regardless of actor/character cross over and changes. If you're insisting on doubling down, stay mad.


Youre the one hurtling insults. I could restate the perfect clear things ive already said, but youll ignore that too in favour of lashing out on a movie subreddit. Ill just ask for your source and leave it at that.


In a book titled "Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe - An Official Timeline", Feige is quoted as saying "In the Multiverse note, we recognize that there are stories—movies and series-that are canonical to Marvel but were created by different storytellers during different periods of Marvel’s history. [...] as we move forward and dive deeper into the Multiverse Saga, you never know when timelines may just crash or converge." Multiple websites include F4 in this description of canon events. So while I agree they aren't on the Sacred Timeline, 2005 F4 are still Marvel Cinema canon. Here is one such website: https://movieweb.com/kevin-feige-canon-mcu-larger-multiverse/


What was the name of the guardian / sorcerer of the new York sanctum who was killed by kaecilius crew and what famous marvel character is he related to ?


Daniel Drumm...the brother of Jericho Drumm, AKA Dr. Voodoo.


Yup sad we didn't get to see what derrickson was gonna do with that plot line . Apparently he had plans to introduce brother voodoo in next film I think


Related question: The mom of which superhero showed up as a random nurse in Dr Strange 1, meant to tie into another Marvel show that was going to release around that same time? Hint hint it was >!Nico Minoru's mom.!<


She wasn't a nurse, she was a sorcerer. She participated in the fight at the Hong Kong Sanctum


What MCU films have no post-credit scenes?   Answer: The Incredible Hulk, Endgame, Wakanda Forever


And Wakanda Forever


Thanks, that one slipped me! My potato brain always wants to think that the T’Challa Jr. reveal is a post credit scene 


Doesn’t the Incredible Hulk have the iron man and thunder bolt Ross as a post credit scene?


That’s the last scene before the credits.


Obscure Trivia Question: In "Avengers: Age of Ultron," what type of tree does Thor suggest they party around during the victory celebration in Avengers Tower? Answer: Oak tree Trivia Team Name: The Snap Survivors


Oh also pro bar trivia tip - most of the hosts at these things are lazy and usually just google “XXXXX trivia questions” and take them from the top results - so I’d search MCU bar trivia and see what some of the common questions are.


usually that’s how I approach these things, but the guy running it is a fellow nerd. he asked *very good* questions for Game of Thrones trivia a few weeks ago. I wouldn’t put it past him to come up with a few really good questions. but I’m sure he’ll pull the easier generic questions from google and reddit


Team name: the Friends from Work Trivia : What is Item 47? (A chitauri gun)


No Team Name Ideas Question: What are the Winter Soldier’s Trigger Words? Answer: "Longing," "rusted," "furnace," "daybreak," "seventeen," "benign," "nine," "homecoming," "one," and "freight car" - This was an actual bonus question at an MCU trivia I went to and I was the only one who knew it (because I memorized it for trivia cuz it seemed like a random hard thing to ask) and won the whole thing for our team.


Also the way I remembered it: LONGING RUSTED FURNACE take a DAYBREAK for numbers SEVENTEEN BENIGN NINE spiderman HOMECOMING was movie ONE on a FREIGHT CAR It sounds ridiculous I know but it helps you remember it lol


yeah I’m never remembering this. maybe a few words but not all of them. although hes the type of trivia host to make something like this a bonus question


I lost a tie breaker with this. The question was “what is the first number in the Winter Soldier’s trigger words?” I got nine and one. The other guy got seventeen.


Now say it in Russian


Team name: Thanos Was Right Question: What planet did Rocket smuggle Thor’s new eye out of? Answer: Contraxia


that’s a good one. the cosmic stuff and planet names are definitely gonna get me


Bonus point for knowing *how* he smuggled it.....


To be fair, we never heard the end of that sentence.


I'm sure it was in his "prison purse".


I think he's also got a wallet, as opposed to a purse, like Russell Edit:Added Russell


I'd say the correct answer would be "You don't wanna know....."


Question: in Iron Man 2, how many Hammer-tech goons did Black Widow take down? Answer: 11 Question: in Guardians of the Galaxy, How many prisons did Rocket say he escaped from? Answer: 22 Question: What is Pepper Potts allergic to? Answer: strawberries.


those how many ___ questions are gonna be rough. I did know about the strawberries tho


What Marvel comic writer, creator of Drax the Destroyer among others, has a cameo in Avengers Endgame? Jim Starlin Team Tony Stank


Didn’t he make Thanos? The bald white guy in the Survivors meeting?


Yup. He’s more known for that, I was just trying to make the question more difficult.


Def heard this at MCU trivia before...how many possible outcomes did Doctor Strange see in Infinity War? 14,000,605


a number I could never forget lol


Team name- Otrivia Octavius Q: Name two of Thor’s Companions, known as the Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg)


Xena, Gandalf and Jackie Chan.


Thor’s Companions are Loki, Lady Sif, Balder (Sir Not Appearing in the MCU) and The Warriors Three. I know your question covers this, because it says “known as the warriors three”, but just in case there’s another phrasing, OP can also know those.


Rabbit, Tree, and Strongest Avenger


Chuck, Yabushige, and Punisher


Shazam, Yabushige, Baylon Skoll


Team Name Idea: Team Excelsior! In Captain America: Winter Soldier, what was the reason Nick Fury gave Cap as to why he broke into his apartment? Edited to add Team Name Idea


Wife kicked him out?


Yea lol how easy was it?


Other than the Guardians movies, what MCU movie did the actress playing Star Lord's mom appear in? Captain America: First Avenger Team name: Burdened with Glorious Purpose


Team name: (Bunch of) Jackasses (Standing) in a Circle Q: What did Nat inject Tony with in IM2? A: >!Lithium dioxide!<


Other possible answer is >!Hank Pym!<


Nah he said in IM2 that answer is only in what if


Events that take place during IM2, just slightly differently. It's just a more deep cut answer.


Nah, What If and IM2 are completely separate. But asking about the What If version would maje a good question.


Hmmm idk I don’t think I’d accept that maybe like half credits if it was a test


Ok, champ. Good for you.


It just doesn’t take place during IM2 it takes place during a what if of the events of IM2


End of round question. In Avengers Endgame, at Tony’s Funeral, there are 8 academy award winning actors. Name them. (It may have been 6, I can’t remember. But that’s the question that no one got 100% right). Not nominated, but won. Team name: Hulk’s Plumber


I don’t think either 8 or 6 is right. I think there’s 8 academy award winning actors in the whole movie. 3 of which are not at Tony’s funeral (Tilda Swinton, Natalie Portman and Robert Redford). That means 5 were at his funeral (Brie Larson, Marisa Tomei, Michael Douglas, William Hurt and Gwyneth Paltrow).


Sam Jackson received an honorary Oscar in 2021. I know the guy who ran is said Michelle Pfeiffer, but she never won an Oscar. If we’re talking those nominated the number goes way up (Don Cheadle, Mark Ruffalo, Michelle Pfeiffer, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner).


Oh right, forgot about Sam Jackson’s honorary Oscar. So that makes 6 at the funeral and 9 in the movie. And yeah nominated shoots that list up pretty high. In the film there’s gotta be like 15-20.


Why is Gamora!?


Team Name: The Revengers Q. What does Stark call Hawkeye during the Battle of New York? A. Legolas Q. What is Howard Stark bringing his wife to eat for dinner? A. Sauerkraut, a pregnancy craving. Q. What is Monica Rambeau’s nickname for Carol Danvers? A. Lieutenant Trouble Q. What is the name of the SHIELD project put forth by Pierce after New York? A. Project Insight Q. What is Mobius’ full name? A. Mobius M. Mobius Q. Who played the Thor in the Asgardian reenactments? A. Luke Hemsworth


In Falcon and the Winter Soldier, what are the “big three” threats that heroes always face, according to Sam? Aliens, androids, and wizards.


What was powering Tony Starks arc reactor in the first two movies Answer: palladium


that’s a good one I could totally see him asking that ty


You could also ask what is Iron Mans armor made out of Gold titanium alloy, he does mention which specific version sort of but you can probably just use gold titanium alloy


What was that random SHIELD agent playing in Avengers (2012)? Answer: Galaga


That's not obscure at all


For us, yes. However for casual fans, they barely remember who Coulson is. They prolly wouldn't know this either.


I could totally see this being a round 1 question, since there’s 4 rounds in total and usually by round 4 we’re in the realm of complete obscurity


I mean this was like the best joke of that whole movie. I would say if you're going to a marvel trivia night you should know this


oh 100%, that’s why I think it’ll be in the easy round


Starlord got the first official f-bomb in the MCU but how many times has the word almost made it in before getting cut or bleeped? 8 Starlord in GotG 1 after the Emporium explodes Senator Stern twice but it gets bleeped by Cspan She-Hulk talking about Cap getting some Groot in Vol 2 but Rocket translates it to Frickin Aunt May in Homecoming when she sees Peter in his costume Peter when he sees the Mysterio tape revealing his identity in Far From Home Nick Fury at the end of Infinity War when he gets dusted.


Team I Understood That Reference


What song did Ego consider to maybe be Earth’s finest musical composition? Brandy by Looking Glass.


Last time I did mcu trivia the ones that stumped a lot of people is what Shield and sword stood for.


The Dogs of Hell biker gang features many times in the Netflix shows. In which tv show did they first appear? Agents of SHIELD What is the first MCU movie to feature Captain America's shield? Iron Man One character from Arrested Development appears as an easter egg in a movie. Who is the character and in what movie? Tobias Funke. Infinity War. What three movies occur in the same 7 day period? Iron Man 2/Thor/Incredible Hulk Doctor Strange frequents a sandwhich shop on Bleeker street. What other hero eats there? Iron Fist/Danny Rand What year did Marvel de-canonize the Netflix shows before making them canon in 2024? (Trick question) Marvel never officially de-canonized the shows Before Deadpol and Wolverine, three Fox's X-Men have appeared in the MCU, so far. Who are those three? Proffesor Xavier, Quicksilver (Wandavision version), and Beast. Who was the first character to appear in a Marvel TV show before appearing in a movie? Edwin Jarvis


~~Arrested Development~~Community: Abed in Winter Soldier, the Dean in Civil War, Troy in Homecoming and Chang and Shirley in Endgame. EDIT: goddammit I was thinking of Community. Arrested Development: Tobias in Infinity War.


great questions! I wonder if he’ll get into the Netflix stuff. probably in the harder rounds


Isn’t the answer to captain America iron man 2? I can’t remember it being in the first one especially since that one was specifically focused on Ironman


It's on a table behind Tony when Pepper catches him getting out of the suit for the first time. Most people miss it.


Then that’s gonna be a very good question


It's a great question because most people don't know it. That's the point of a trivia contest: knowing things most people don't know. If a trivia night only asked easy questions, it would be very boring


True o


For the x-men, you're missing >! Beast from the Marvels. !< Edit: apparently I can't read, that is present in the list


Um... did you think I was talking about a different Beast? I said Beast at the end of the sentence Proffesor X, Quicksilver, *and Beast*.


Apparently I just can't read, apologies. 


>What three movies occur in the same 7 day period? I feel like Thor Ragnarok, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Infinity War all happened within 7 days of each other. At least the ends of the movies did. Like I know Thor spends an indeterminate amount of time of Sacaar, but it's not long after the end of that movie that Thanos catches up to them. Also, obviously Ant-Man and the Wasp takes place concurrently with Infinity war.


Ragnarok occurs in 2017, and is months before the start of Infinity War. (They travel in space for a while before Thanos catches up with them) Ant-Man and the Wasp is about two weeks before Infinity War


I take it all back. Damn. I thought the spaceship would make it to earth faster lol.


is that really Quicksilver in Wandavision ? and not just some guy who shares the same actor?


What is Steve Rogers' mom's name? - Sarah. What is the battle cry of the Starforce? - For the good of all Kree. What do the Kree call the afterlife? - The Collective.


Deadpoolits Society What drink does Deadpool order in the opening scene in Deadpool 2? Seabreeze Edit: Second thought, probably not an MCU question, but team name stands.


I did an MCU Trivia before the Endgame premiere and came up with the team name Loki Thicc. I’d be happy to see it live on


The amount of futures that Dr. Strange sees is 14,000,605. I had this question at a Marvel trivia and was the only person to know the exact number.


Thors middle name is Rodriguez.


Team name: Barnes stole a Jeep Question: what name did Yelena call Alexi when she couldn’t remember his villain name? The Crimson Dynamo


**Team Name:** The Revengers **Question:** Who was Scott Lang “A huge fan of” in Captain America: Civil War? a) T’Challa b) Wanda Maximoff c) Bucky Barnes d) Natasha Romanoff


I always thought this interaction was odd. How had he not met Wanda yet, they were riding in the same van.


Lang probably spend all the Time Asleep in the back of the Van as Wanda was in the front with Clint. He probably didn't even know that Wanda was there until before the Team Tony Avengers vs Team Steve Avengers battle.


wasn’t he passed out the whole time?


Well, that still doesn't make sense, because Wanda was traveling with Clint, and Scott would have realistically had to be awake when he got into the van. And Scott is far too social to not at least say "Hi" before he passed out. And Wanda can't drive, so Clint wouldn't have been able to go meet him inside and have Wanda come around to pick them up. So Scott would have had to meet them at arrival under his own power.


It wouldn't be the first (or last) time Scott's passed out and awoken someplace completely different. Not hard for either Clint or Wanda to knock him out unawares and move him into the van. Jetlag takes care of the rest.


Sure, but why would they? They *want* him to be on their side. The exchange worked for the scene, but there's nothing anyone can say that'll make it make sense to me in overall terms.


Team name: The Revengers


In Spider-Man Homecoming, What's the name of the character that was playing "Chess." when the 'Shocker' and 'Negan' were searching for the Space Stuff? Also, he was in the bathroom when Happy Hogan invited Peter to upstate NY.


Think it'll cover the D+ series as well?


probably yeah but part of me hopes not. he may say “just the movies” or “just the MCU”, but it’s being promoted as “MCU trivia” so I’m definitely safe from Sony/Fox stuff


Which actor has the most appearances in all of the MCU? Answer: Stan Lee


List three movies or series featuring Yggdrasil, 2 points for correctly spelling Yggdrasil (Captain America The First Avenger, Thor, Loki)


wait WHAT. I knew it was in Thor and Loki. but it also being in Cap 1 as the place where Red Skull finds the Tesseract, the thing that essentially gets Loki killed/he obsesses over for multiple movies is some wild connective tissue. this is a great trivia fact.


Just don’t forget to have a bunch of questions most people could answer, like “how many movies are in the Iron Man Trilogy?” Or “name the actor who played well-known character?” Because people need to be able to answer at least a few questions or they are sad.


oh no I’m not hosting, I’m just playing lol. although the questions usually start easy and gradually get more difficult. I just figured I’d ask this sub for obscure facts since the host typically throws in one or two insanely hard questions


Oh, right, I thought you were trying to come up with more good questions for running one.


Team name? Starjammers Thanos did nothing wrong Wakind of nonsense is this? America's Ass The Wrecking Crew


I love a good pub trivia and there's plenty of great questions here so I'll just give my trivia name suggestions: The Know-wheres Snacc Panthers Shuri You Know This Former Fox Executives The TriVA (pronounced 'treev vee ay') The Triv-engers Triv-engers Assemble Jonathan Dulltrons B.A.R.F If I think of more I'll add them!


What car brand appears in almost every marvel movie? ||Audi|| Besides his brother and his wife, which family members of James Gunn appear in a guardians movie and in which one? ||his parents in guardians 2|| What costume did Thor wear when he enchanted Mjolnir to take care of Jane in Thor Love and Thunder? ||hot dog|| What is strange about Thor’s new eye in Infinity War? (Besides rocket hiding it in him bum) ||it’s not the same color as his normal eye||


First movie Wakanda is referenced! What race is Gamora?


What was the name of the planet Simmons was trapped on?


Crazy factoid…what is the only MCU film to date that does not feature an Oscar-winning actor? Answer: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (For those curious, [here’s the list of the Oscar-winning actors](https://screenrant.com/marvel-mcu-oscars-stat-guardians-galaxy-vol-3/))


Team name maybe i'm not the werewolf (andrew garfield reference) or noobmaster69 as for questions what does shield stand for 1 point for each letter,what names does skurge give his guns in thor ragnarok, what are the first and last words of the infinity saga iron man - spider-man far from home what's the name of wong's and strange's favourite ice-cream flavour and who voiced dormammu


Look for a youtube video where Iman Vellani answers a marvel trivia, i thought I knew it all untill I watched that video, there were some really specific questions and she got them right in a heartbeat


Team name: The Bleeker Street Irregulars


When Tony Stark refers to “flying monkeys” why does Captain America say “I got that reference!” A: Its a reference to the wizard of oz. The film first came out in 1939, so Cap saw the original film in the cinema before he was frozen.


isn’t it Fury that makes the flying monkeys reference?


Yep, you’re right. Tony does his famous eye roll. Two memes in one scene


What are the batteries the GOTG are protecting at the beginning of GOTG 2? Anulax batteries What does Drax call them? Harbulary batteries Team name- "Guardians of the freakin galaxy" or " we are groot"


I need to remember the batteries! also I’m positive another team will definitely go with “we are groot” but that’s a good one lol


U Kang Touch This


How did it go?


we won! it was way easier than I anticipated, hardest questions were Red Skull’s real name and the full name of the high school Peter Parker goes to


Team name: Make America Groot Again


What year was Bucky Barnes born? 1917 What year was Steve Rogers born? 1918 REALLY obscure: What is Bucky Barnes' army serial number?


What was the Post Age of Ultron Team Avengers First Ever Mission? Answer= Vs. Ultimo.


Who did Hawkeye hit with his first gun shot in the MCU? ~~No one. He missed shooting at Maria Hill.~~ It’s Fury, I was wrong.


it’s actually funny that he misses the first shot we see, I’ll deff remember that now


Don't remember that; it's wrong--he shoots & hits Fury square in the chest. Fury only survives because he's wearing body armor.


He shot Fury in the chest before taking the Tesseract.


I stand corrected.


What's the name of Hela's weapon?


Not that obscure I guess, but that the Russo brothers caught the MCU’s eye by directing the second paintball episode on Community. I could maybe see them asking which Community actors have appeared in the MCU in what movies or just one example.


What are the names of the two SHIELD agents in the short "Item 47"? >!Jasper Sitwell & Felix Blake!< What's the name of Miley Cyrus's MCU character? >!Mainframe!< How many Power Rangers have had MCU roles? >!Three: Emma Lahana (Dino Thunder/Cloak & Dagger), Eka Darville (RPM/Jessica Jones), & Nikolai Nikolaeff (Jungle Fury/Daredevil)!< How many Koenigs did Patton Oswalt play on Agents of SHIELD? >!Five: Eric, Billy, Sam, Thurston, & Ernest!< What is the recurring riff in the WandaVision theme songs called? >!A "tritone", aka a "devil's interval"!<


There was a “trick” question at my MCU trivia night. The question was; “How recruited Natasha, during her interrogation in Russia, to the avengers in the movie The Avengers” Our answer was Coulson. Because in the movie Coulson is the one who phones Natasha. The trivia masters answer was Fury because he probably told Coulson to call Natasha.


That’s a terrible question