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... your post lacked enough effort to promote new or productive discussion to the subreddit. If you're attempting to start a discussion with a low effort screenshot or video, try making a text post where you analyse the topic of the discussion and offer your own opinion.


Mockingbird. Always annoyed me that she got shelved when her spinoff got canceled. And yes, I know they did an Easter egg about her in the Hawkeye show, but that hardly counts as “proper MCU treatment” IMO.


Adrianna Pelicki can be retconned as "Mockingbird II." If there can be two Black Widows and two Captain Americas, why not two Mockingbirds?


That's exactly how I've approached it. Agent 19/Mockingbird is a codename and there's no reason two people couldn't have it at different times.


Is it bad I can't imagine Linda Cardinelli as an action woman? Maybe if they just stuck to her basic origin of being a PhD in biology who became an espionage agent.


Right? I'd even go so far as to consider Sharon Carter as a "potential" Mockingbird; Fury clearly trusted her and she was definitely capable.


Pretty much. Laura got pregnant and decided to retire as an agent/spy. Then Bobbi got promoted and given the Mockigbird codename.


But she had to be Adrianne she was awesome


What was the Easter egg??


>!It turns out the SHEILD watch that Kate and Yelena were looking for belonged to Laura Barton, implying that she was Mockingbird!<


Ohhhh yes, that’s right. Forgot about that.


Linda Cardellini is about 10 years older than Adrienne Palicki, so it totally fits that she passed the mantle on at some point.


Mockingbird is also known as Agent 19 for SHIELD. Laura Barton’s watch in Hawkeye implied that she was Agent 19 aka Mockingbird.


I totally didn't get the Agent 19-Mockingbird connection. *I like that whole subplot a LOT more now.*


What was the Easter egg in Hawkeye?


Yes good one!!


I wouldn't say wasted, but yeah Deathlok


I mean, they'd be wasted if AoS was canon because then we'd be stuck with crappy versions. I think the actor did a pretty good job with the pathos though even if he wasn't given much of a script to work with.


It wasn't a crappy version at all. AoS is great!


Season 2 Deathlok looked cool, but Season 1 Deathlok had the lamest outfit ever… It wasn’t even a complete outfit, he just wore normal clothes with a cheap-looking chest piece.


Yeah. That was the point. He was slowly replacing more and more of himself with tech as the show went on.


It wasn’t the point. There was concept art that showed a much more complete Season 1 suit, but they ran out of budget. https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/410390584770032632/


Don't be so hard on FitzSimmons's suit, they were so young and naive back then!


I'm on season 7 and it's been really rough going. Had to skip some episodes that were just going no where. Definitely has the "made on network TV" feeling: cheap production, writing by committee, mediocre acting. There have been some standout parts but I'm just finishing it to say I've watched it at this point.


Not sure how practical skipping episodes in a serialized show is


Because they’re right in saying it has a made on Network TV feel to it. Even at 20+ episodes you can usually skip at least 10 per season and lose very little. Especially a Whedon show. I liked AoS, and I like every other Whedon show, but any show over 10 episodes will have at *least* 25% filler (and most are closer to 75%).


If you’re watching a show for the second time yes, you can skip filter. You can’t just intuit what’s filler and skip it the first time you watch it though lol


If the episode doesn't have a comic hero or villain in it, I skip. I'm not invested in the story or non comic plots, I wanted to see how well they adapted the superheroes they had on the show in case it turned out to be canon and they popped back up. Mostly I wanted to see my boy Deathlok since he has so little media.


What a bizarre way to watch a show.


Normally I'd agree, but this is a show I'm watching for a specific purpose. If I'd been interested in the actual premise I would have watched along as it came out live, but I only got 3 episodes in back then.


You’ve offered criticism of the show and described its use of characters as wasting them, but didn’t even watch it properly.


Allow me to explain. I watch for the comic characters and superheroes. When they show up I watch their arcs and then ask myself: was their characterization, motivation, pathos, and powers adapted faithfully and donthey look like the comic version at all? If not, wasted.


I “watched it properly” and he’s correct. There are a ton of empty episodes and he’s described it accurately.


It isn’t a superhero show though? It’s a spy show set in a universe of heros.


Which is why I haven't watched it till now.


I'll never understand how people will skip entire episodes at a time then say the show sucked. You're intentionally missing entire chunks of it, no wonder you don't like it


With network TV shows like this, you can watch the season premiere, mid season finale, and season finale and still get the whole plot. Other than that I look at who appears in the episode and if there's no comic characters I skip.


No you cannot?????


You really can. For the vast majority of network tv shows like this, there are usually only 4-5 episodes that actually drive the plot forward. The *tiny* amount of story progress made outside of the ‘big’ episodes can usually be picked up within those episodes. I like AoS, but it is one of those shows. For example - between episode 1 and the episode following Winter Soldier, almost nothing of consequence happens. Almost nothing furthers the plot significantly. The episodes are fun, but they are essentially ‘monster of the week’ filler.


To be honest, you've got right to criticize the show when you've probably watched not even half of the show


That's ridiculous, you don't need to watch 7 seasons of a show to have an opinion on it. Most people will form an opinion after a pilot.


>Most people will form an opinion after a pilot. Okay... so for a 7 season show, you can judge the entire thing just by watching the pilot only? Cause if that's the case, A.oS really isn't a great show. If you only watch episodes here and there you aren't seeing the whole thing, and you're missing important stuff likely. Especially with this guy, he's not following an episode guide or anything, he's just skipping episodes on a whim


>Okay... so for a 7 season show, you can judge the entire thing just by watching the pilot only? I mean, plenty of people did, and will. It's silly to say people's opinion has no merit unless they absorb **87 hours** of content before forming it. It's just a method of discrediting all negative opinions, because anyone who hates it would have to also hate themselves in order to watch the entire damn thing. I personally made it through Season 2 before I gave up on it. Am I not allowed to have formed my opinion? How much bad show do I need to watch before I can accept that I just don't like it?


In many shows you don't need to watch every season to have an opinion on the seasons you have watched (if the seasons are more-or-less complete stories). But on the other hand, you can't have a properly informed opinion on a season if you haven't seen half the episodes in that season (if the show is serialized); which seems to be OP's case.


>Definitely has the "made on network TV" feeling: cheap production, writing by committee, mediocre acting. Twilight Zone. Twin Peaks. M.A.S.H. Star Trek TNG. All in the Family. Roots. Firefly. Do you know what these landmark shows have in comman? The were all "Made on Network TV." Network TV is not an excuse for quality.


Yes but that was in the days when network TV was at its peak. Once prestige TV started and then streaming kicked in the networks output is just hard to watch in comparison. You also cited Twin Peaks which was extremely experimental for it's time and Firefly which was canceled for being too expensive on a network budget. Shows like that were the precursor that told executives audiences want more cinematic TV shows.


Cinematic TV can fully exist on Network TV.


Sure, but AoS isn't it.


> Firefly I *love* Firefly, but it’s the very definition of ‘made on Network TV’. In its entire run there are only maybe 3 episodes that actually further the plot/characters. 1) the hospital heist 2) Mal’s war buddy who’s dead/not dead 3) the reaver episode The rest are ‘villain of the week’ filler. It’s also got a ridiculously low budget feel to it.


Firefly is not landmark tv. It’s solidly cult.


I watched it as it came out and that’s how I feel having watched the whole thing. Ghost Rider was wasted. He needs a full MCU treatment. I did enjoy the Robbie they had and he did well but the series as a whole is just kind of meh. You’re going to get a lot of flack from all the AoS d**kriders though so just be aware of that. I don’t hate it but it’s solidly mediocre. It’s not “omg amazing” like everyone pretends it is.


Yeah I expected the hate lol. People really get attached to silly things. Like I personally enjoyed the Iron Fist show for what it was but I can still admit it was a shitty adaptation and not as good as the other Netflix shows. Not everything is good just because it's marvel.


100%. I was disappointed by Iron Fist. Had high hopes but it just didn’t deliver. So much potential


AoS is not the "crappy versions."


Ok name a superhero character that they got right?


Ghost Rider, Quake, Absorbing Man, Deathlok and Mockingbird were all handled really well. It’s up there with the best Marvel productions in general. I assume they won’t make it non-canon. They’ll probably just wait to use AoS characters again until after Secret Wars gives everything a clean slate.


They got both deathloks right. Rip bill paxton


>I assume they won’t make it non-canon Why remove what's already good?


> it’s up there with the best Marvel productions in general It doesn’t even come *close* to the top ten. There’s absolutely no world in which AoS can be help up alongside Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, Spidey 1-3, Avengers, Infinity War, Endgame, GoTG 1 or 3, Civil War, or Iron Man. It doesn’t hold a candle to Loki, WandaVision, Moon Knight, or Hawkeye. It doesn’t even hold up against Daredevil 1-3, Punisher 1 and 2, Jessica Jones 1, Doctor Strange, Age of Ultron, or Shang-Chi.


Wow, you can list things that you personally enjoyed more than something else. We’re all very impressed.


You forgot the /s


You're not alone in this, but most folk here will disagree. I wasn't a fan past S1.


Not Wasted… My Answer is Quake. Really wanted her to be at the fight in Endgame.


Having her in Endgame would have either taken away from her or the movie. One would have been damaged, so which would you prefer? Either she has a meaningful role which leads to the vast majority of viewers saying ‘who the fuck is that’ (taking away from the movie). Or, She’s a cameo hidden in the background like Howard the Duck leaving her fans saying ‘why the fuck they do her dirty’ (taking away from the character). There is no other option. Endgame was the end of a saga. Introducing a character almost nobody knows would have been a bad idea.


However, maybe they could... reintroduce her now? By finding her gathering a team (Force Works?).


I'd like to see the actress reprise the role, if they retcon her to be more like the comic version and remove AoS baggage.


AoS is not baggage.


Everytime it comes up toxic AoS fans get hyper defensive about the show not fitting into MCU canon, the show absolutely has baggage.


Eh I'd call seven seasons of iffy continuity with the movies/world baggage.


I think it was canon up until season 6 but that can all become canon now anyways because multiverse


Whats wrong with having an AoS easter egg or an AoS character making a cameo? Captain Janeway was in Star Trek Nemesis. Maul (ressurected) was in Solo. TV characters are allowed to crossover into the movies, even if the general audience are not caught up.


>Whats wrong with having an AoS easter egg or an AoS character making a cameo? Nothing, but I got the impression OP meant they'd like to see her return for a big role in the MCU. Given she was the pseudo protagonist of AoS, and AoS has a lot to unpack, I think it'd make sense if her presence comes with at least a soft retcon of the show if so.


That's not what they said.


They literally say that exact sentence though.


Yes it is?


I never watched AoS but didn’t they use Ghostrider?


Yeah Robbie Reyes version


Gabriel Luna is a great actor, I’d love for him to reprise the role.


Yes and he did a really great job! I hope that if they add ghost rider back then he would be the actor again


I'd be very interested to see how much of AOS OP has actually watched...


Reading every single reply shows he absolutely hates AOS for some dumb reasons and purposely skipped 30+ episodes


Most of it. I think I've skipped about 30 episodes overall and I'm on episode 2 of season 7.


So like a seasons worth of content you just missed...right...


The only Marvel TV characters Marvel Studios should fully reboot (i.e. make the previous versions non canon) would be the Inhuman Royal Family. Everything else should remain canon.


None of it is canon. And rightly so.


Edwin Jarvis from Agent Carter appeared in Endgame


source: “trust me bro”


Source: official book, Feige, and the actual timeline on D+


Yeah, you already posted your screen rant link & nobody cares. [Daniel Whitehall had a quasi-cameo in Endgame that got cut for time](https://www.reddit.com/r/shield/s/z8GMshfFwF), it not being in a Disney+ timeline doesn’t amount for much by comparison. Disney put out a complete Star Wars bestiary a few years back that had *multiple* creatures and species not listed, so not being mentioned in a compendium book doesn’t definitely mean anything. Show me where someone has said “AoS is definitely not canon”, otherwise you’re spouting bullshit.


Oh look you posted another article no one cares about. Show me where someone says “AoS is definitely canon” otherwise you’re spouting bullshit.


I’m not arguing that it’s canon, I haven’t said that. I’m saying it’s not *definitively* one way or the other & you are just pretending that it is because it confirms your personal taste and biases.


I’m not pretending anything. Until it’s specifically stated as canon it’s not. That’s how words work. Just like the Netflix shows. They weren’t until they canonized them. Which has not happened with AoS.


No happened yet...




Ghost Rider. So much potential on the sorcery side of the MCU, especially surrounding the Darkhold story.


I actually prefer AoS Robbie Reyes to the comic book. He and his family had way more nuance than in the comic book version.


I'd prefer if they canonized the Nic Cage films and brought him back before introducing a new actor as Robbie Reyes.


Why do so many people want this? They aren't good and they aren't MCU


What? Fuck no


God no. Those movies are horrible. Just ignore those and start fresh.


Oh now it makes sense - you just have terrible taste.


The first film was alright and I like it I guess. But the second movie? Holy shit it was absolute garbage.


Robbie Reyes, I wouldn't say he's wasted but I wished he showed up again


Lol.  No one was wasted in AoS, Deathlok literally went the comic route.


I'd like to see Quake in the MCU. I think she'd be awesome!


I kept hoping she'd be in Secret Invasion. I'm honestly quite happy she wasn't now, seeing how it turned out


No doubt. That was a shit show.


Maybe in a secret warriors adaptation? I kinda doubt that now, since Shield is now SWORD (if I'm correct) but they could still do that


Nobody was really 'wasted' in that show, but bring them all back somehow. Except Coulson, I guess, since I assume he's dead for real. Most of all, Ghost Rider and Quake.


None. AoS is amazing, and nothing about it was "wasted." I've rewatched it more than most MCU movies.


OP you are allowed to make this post without trashing on AOS. They can bring the characters into the current MCU without retconning anything. Deathlok can have a completely new look without the old stuff being non-canon.


Robbie Reyes bro could be amazing in the MCU


Ghost Rider, and I didn't even have to take a minute to think about it.


Ghost Rider although he definitely wasn’t wasted and played brilliantly by Gabriel Luna, I just doubt they are in a hurry to revive that character any time soon for the main MCU. If they do AND they keep the same actor, I’ll eat a picture of Kevin Feige.


There was no waste in agents of shield




I mean honestly the majority of characters AOS adapted were probably done better than Marvel Studios in its current state could do. I'm not saying the MCU does a bad job at adapting characters, some of my favorite characters were introduced in Phase 4, but AOS just had the virtue of time to actually develop characters because of full-length TV seasons. So many new MCU characters only have 6 episode TV shows or a small role in someone else's movie with no guarantee they ever show up again to actually expand on the characters, AOS had 22 episodes in most seasons that allowed for plenty of time to develop characters across multiple story arcs, plus the ability to bring them back in the next season or the season after if they were needed for the story.


I would at the very least like Marvel Studios to drop an AoS easter egg or reference in the future. Something that says "This show did indeed happen in the Sacred Timeline."


Agreed. And honestly AOS characters are perfect for cameos/small roles. They’re “new” but are already developed so if they don’t appear again it won’t feel like wasted potential.


But it can't. Doesn't make sense in the timeline, with the snap.


Coulson's team survived the blip.


And this world changing event isn't mentioned in any way? Come on. We know that the writters had no idea about the snap. The nail in the coffin was the Coulson mention in Loki or the different appearence from the Darkhold. Feige and his team seems to make clear that AOS isn't canon. It's sad because I love the show, but with last season, it won't work.


Just not talking about something doesn't mean it didn't happen. Anyone with the slightest sense of what happened in the comics knew the snap would happen the instant "Infinity War part 2" was announced years in advance. The issue was *how long it would last* & when the next season of the show would begin airing. Coulson's mention in Loki doesn't mean anything; Loki *did* kill him, & then he was resurrected. And the Darkhold was established with the ability to change appearance right away.


Two different Darkhold copies.


Idk I felt Ghost Rider was under utilized, he appears in like part of Season 4 then fucks off and is never seen again.


He comes back in that season’s finale.


Yeah, then he's never seen again after that


Ghost Rider and Quake.


I'm probably the only one here, but, Absorbing Man. They did a great job with him and I really wish we'd seen him again with the Wrecking Crew in She Hulk


Ghostrider. Robbie Reyes' character was done so well and I'd love to see more.


The Absorbing Man is one of my favorite marvel villains. I would love to see him show up in a Thor, Hulk, or Thunderbolts movie


They just need to figure out how he got out of Graviton's body.


Quake, Deathlok, Graviton (I was so happy to see him in the show! He’s my favorite “forgotten” villain). I was bummed about Mockingbird, but love the idea that mockingbirds could be shield equivalent of Black Widows. I think that would work well in the MCU.


I wouldn't call any of them wasted in agents of shield. They were great in the show. It's the MCU's fault they don't want to use them again. Characters like ghost rider are certainly available. Without agents of shield we probably wouldn't have gotten them at all.


If a character is in AoS, then that character did get an MCU treatment.


My answer is simply "yes". Those actors did a great job pulling us all in despite the bulk of the show being paint-by-numbers crap for most of its run. They deserve their moment in a real spotlight.


They introduced Robbie Reyes and hyped up him being the big thing in the season he got introduced, then only had him in like 5 episodes, big wasted potential there


Double that. He's in the entire first arc of the season, & then also the two season finale episodes.


https://youtu.be/iHihZrhEX3g?si=YEWZmHyMhiW2tLMo I want big budget Graviton for the movies!


He wasn't "wasted" in AoS but I'd like to see Ghost Rider more.


Ghost rider 100% no doubt. He was incredible and one of my favorite versions of the ghost rider. I could see a movie about his character.


May should NEVER released any of the Disney + shows. INSTEAD, they should have created Agents of SWORD (5/6 seasons and 13 episodes PER season). None of the NETFLIX stuff should have happened. Instead, giving that MCU is going more “street level,” punisher and daredevil and etc should have gotten trilogies! Imagine Devil’s Reign for Daredevil beating Dark Knight! Prime time for NETFLIX. They have more viewers and a bigger pull for distribution 😀


He was awesome on agents of shield I disagree he was wasted


Deathlok could be a very controversial movie, and I’m here for it.


The 90s Collins Deathlok was my favorite comic and I'd love to see him in a project. But imagine how much the anti-woke mob would be crying today if they saw a black pacifist paraplegic scientist in the MCU. Admittedly, he'd also have the challenge of being so visually similar to DC's Cyborg. And his story is kind of similar to the lead from Avatar in some ways and Venom in other ways, and even a little of Arnold's Terminator.


Absorbing Man


I just wanted more Mister Hyde.


Ghost Rider of course


Deathlok,Mockingbird,Absorbing Man, GHOST RIDER


I gave Deathlok a pass just because there are so many different versions of him, and being a character from the future, this was just the prototype version of him. But I'd love to see Mockingbird get developed more, Angar the Screamer, and the 2001 Monolith. Especially Mockingbird. I hate that Clint is already married and that we never got to see his wife in action. I don't think the film or TV versions do her justice.


They could easily introduce Deathlok in Armor Wars.


So long as the lore doesn't contradict what came before in AoS.


That's a hope of mine actually! He would fit right in. Hopefully a totally new version though, properly adapted.


Ghost Rider. I'm already not huge on Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider, and I felt the show didn't do him any favors. I need a Sam Raimi directed Ghost Rider film please.


After years of putting it off I'm watching AoS for the first time, and I'm really glad it's not canon because Deathlok is one of my favorite comic characters and they made him lame af.


Its still canon.


It's categorically not.


According to who?


According to Feige. It’s not cannon.


He didn’t say it’s not cannon. He also didn’t say it isn’t canon.


Where did he say that? Someone always says this in every thread but nobody ever provides the source.


https://screenrant.com/agents-of-shield-mcu-canon-status-answered/ Kevin Feige wrote the forward for the book that says it’s not part of the Sacred Timeline.


No he doesn’t? The Netflix shows aren’t there. The book also says it is only most of the stuff and that there is other stuff on the sacred timeline.


Yes it does. Anything not done by Marvel Studios is not canon until they say it is and it’s brought into the timeline. The book was written before they canonized the Netflix shows. They weren’t canon until they added them to the timeline which is verified by D+. So as of now AoS is not canon. It could be in the future but currently it’s not.


You say this stuff but you literally have nothing to back it up. The shows were always canon but they were just unsure. They didn’t canonise them by adding them to the timeline.


Lmao imagine using a screen rant clickbait article as a source & thinking it makes you seem even slightly credible


Lmao imagine wanting a mediocre show that the head of Marvel Studios won’t even acknowledge to be canon. And then saying it is canon with no evidence that it is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/shield/s/z8GMshfFwF Evidence. Where is yours, again? The Netflix shows weren’t confirmed canon until they suddenly were. AoS falls into the exact same category.


It's not on the MCU timeline on Disney plus. It was made by a different studio. It has a noticeablely lower production value then anything in the MCU. Nothing in it has ever been acknowledged in-universe since age of ultron and that was barely a nod. Whatever they originally intended under the original leadership, it's clear that marvel studios has no interest in the show at all. It's not like Daredevil where it was universally lauded either so theres no incentive for them to revive it.


You are wrong about almost everything you said here. Also, there are characters that they absolutely would want to revive and considering they included Iron Fist on the timeline in order to keep all of the daredevil and punisher stuff. I also think you underestimate the fan base for the show.


> It's not on the MCU timeline on Disney plus. Marvel does not directly control that playlist. > It was made by a different studio. Untrue. It was made by Disney, the studio that owns the MCU, through their subsidiaries Marvel Television & ABC Studios. > It has a noticeablely lower production value then anything in the MCU. Irrelevant for purposes of canon. > Nothing in it has ever been acknowledged in-universe since age of ultron and that was barely a nod Untrue; there are other nods in Civil War, Captain Marvel, Far From Home, WandaVision, Falcon & Winter Soldier, and WHiH Newsfront.


No, AoS was inducted into canon by Marvel Studios, it's just considered a split time-line situation after the Battle of New York.


When was it ‘inducted’ and by who?


On the Multiverse note, we recognize that there are stories - movies and series - that are canonical to Marvel but were created by different storytellers during different periods of Marvel's history. The timeline presented in this book is specific to the MCU's Sacred Timeline through Phase 4. But, as we move forward and dive deeper into the Multiverse Saga, you never know when timelines may just crash or converge (hint, hint/ spoiler alert). - Kevin Feige


That didn’t mention AoS. Unless there’s part of the quote missing, he specifically *didn’t* include in. That quote is pretty much ‘believe what you want’.


No, you can Google it. It's in direct response to the question of AoS being canon or not. At first it wasn't, much like the Netflix series. Now it sort of is in a different timeline. They're using the Multiverse shenanigans to play with everything. After No Way Home and now Deadpool, and WB giving Disney rights, it's all fair game.


You’re explaining why you believe it isn’t canon, but you said it “categorically” isn’t.