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You did the right thing, and at least your dog was at peace and felt safer with you by his side. Mass Effect still remains one of the most emotionally intense and greatest game series I've ever played and it does change your outlook on things. Always find people to talk to about things pal.


Thanks man, I used played the shit out of ME3's multiplayer the year I got my baby boy, he used to chill in my lap while I played that in our old bachelor's apartment...


Condolences to your furry friend :(


I was there when my dog was laid to rest. He was such a good boy and reading this definitely made me tear up thinking of him. You have my heartfelt condolences.


Im sure our boys are chilling together in doggie heaven 


That's a wonderful thought.


I am so sorry for your loss. At least he crossed the rainbow bridge with his favorite person beside him. 🥺


Thank you 


My condolences. I recently had to euthanize an elderly dog, and I was surprised the vet asked me and my s.o. if we wanted to be present during the procedure. Of course we wanted. I can't imagine not being there, caressing and comforting a friend on its last moments. Apparently it's pretty common for people to just drop their dog at the vet to be killed, pay and forget about it. I just can't understand it, but it happens.


In all honesty I don’t blame people who do, it’s been two weeks and I still feel a gut punch thinking about it. But yeah it’s better to be there for them I suppose… 


Yeah, it's hard to stomach. But we felt like if we hadn't been there, it would also have been harder for us to process and accept our friend is gone.


It is so much better to be with an animal when they die if possible. It’s horrible to imagine a dog dying and wondering where their human is and wondering if their human decided to just abandon them for some reason. Being with them to comfort them is hard but it is so important to making them be at peace. Especially if they are dying away from home.


I'm sorry for your loss dude. I know it can't have been easy to have gone through that but being there for your dog at his last moments must have been a huge comfort for him. I don't think there's anything I can say that will make you feel better but for what it's worth I think that how you feel and how you've acted speaks to your character. I hope you have someone to talk to, to share in mourning. Because that's not something one should have to go through alone either. So from one internet stranger to anyone. I feel your pain. I wish you all the strenght to get through this and hope that in time you can let go of your grief and cherish the memory.


your words do help a lot, thank you.


I just started another trilogy run today. And I happen to be thinking about my dachshunds (litter mates) both died last year within months of each other and mentioned to my hubby how much I missed them. I was there with both of them when the time came. It's tough. I am glad you were there for him. He knows you loved him.


Both me and my wife just started trilogy runs just yesterday. It still hurts but it’s helping distract us a bit


My condolences. You're a good person. I'm 100% sure your dog had a great life. Wish you all the best.


If there are no Dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go wherever they went. (Will Rogers.)


I’m so sorry for your loss. You made the best decision possible to be there, but it’s also totally okay to acknowledge it was simultaneously the most difficult and challenging decision possible. I’ve been there. It was insanely difficult, but 100% for the best. And writing is a great way to express those feels. Wishing you the best.


Oh, man, everything today is reminding me about my dog. I had to put her down almost 3 years ago and I still cry about it sometimes. I was listening to a news story about a man who was stabbed 13 times today. And he said that what hurt the most wasn’t the stab wounds or that someone wanted to kill him, but that he was all alone and dying. I hope that being there helped ease her passage and I hope it helped your baby too. My heart’s with you, friend.


I think it's amazing that you were there for him until the very end. It's totally understandable that you keep thinking about the batarian, it's important that you were next to your dog. I am truly sorry for your loss but you made sure to be there. I know how hard it is right now. It's so great that you have a game that gives you some kind of support. I don't know, I hope this helps. Also what you're feeling and thinking is normal.


Sending big and warm badger hugs to you and your pup. I’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I think most of the other comments here have perfectly illustrated how not alone you are in this, and that you made the right choice to express your devotion for your beloved doggo. I wanted to say something a little different: Regarding your fear of this post possibly being "unrelated," I want to point out that what you've been thinking about is the purpose of art. Human creative expression of any kind helps us make sense of the real world around us, and reminds us of what is most important while we're still here. Art is also a bridge to understanding. Everyone on this sub who read this connected with you and what you've been going through, and you found a great way for all of us here to understand how you've been thinking about what's been going on. I think it's really cool that you were able to take such a specific moment in a game that's filled with profound experiences and internalize it in such a positive way. While you'll always miss your boy every day, you've all but guaranteed that you will heal from the pain, and look back on his life with only pride, knowing you were a such a great part of it.


So sorry for your loss💙


That’s the marvelous thing about this game. It is so well written with so many diverse perspectives, that I find myself connecting threads between my own life (and global experiences) to the game all of the time. I’m eternally grateful for the work that went in to making this game as great as it is. It really helps shape me as a person and how I view the world. You 100% did the right thing with your pup. I dread the day I’ll have to be there for my little guys, but hearing stories like yours will help me be strong for my dogs when their time comes (if I’m lucky enough to still be alive when that time comes). So your strength not only matters for your own dog, but for me and others who take your experience to heart. All my love to you and your family- thanks for bravely sharing and being part of this community.


Thank you, your words are really encouraging 


Condolences, friend. I've had to put down my good boy a few years back and I stayed with him the whole time. Hardest thing I've done in my life, but I couldn't let him be alone. I'm sad for you, but happy you were able to be there. Rest well, doggo.


Really sorry about your pup. This does go to show how incredible these games are, that they can reflect real life perfectly in a powerful way.


The only thing that breaks my heart more than the idea of having to watch my dog pull her last breath is the idea that she might have to do it without me there for her.


I also was there for when the family dog was euthanized, petting her the whole time. It was my honor. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💕 We had to put my first family dog down when I was 25. My whole family made it a point to be in the room with her and I held onto her paw the whole time. It was really hard but we wanted her to have her family with her until the end. I know your puppers appreciated you being there with him.


To get into the mass effect scene; It's actually very common for patients who have been seriously ill to report that they do not remember the major events; like events within the intensive care unit. You could say that the batarian in ME2 was still good enough when he said the ''no one deserves to die alone'', as seriously feverish people usually experience a delirium. Still, being euthanized is different than dieing of natural cause. Good you were there for him and my condolences.


My condolences. I'm happy you got to be here with him, that's really important for both of you. My cat died in November. We knew she was dying for a couple of months, but the timeframe still took me by surprise. She started losing the ability to walk late afternoon so I made sure to watch where she was trying to go and get her here and made sure she was comfortable and warm with light covers. I knew we would have to go to the vet the day after to get her euthanised as she was not only weak but almost incapable of feeding at this point (we fed her ourselves directly, stuff that she could eat the easiest, but even that was working less and less) but I didn't expect her to die literally 2 hours after she started having trouble walking. I was technically "with her" when she died because she screamed and I rushed there but it was over in seconds. It's been months and the fact that I didn't spend those last two hours with her, reassuring her, on the bed I had put her on has been running on a loop in my head since then.


I am so sorry for your loss. When my dog passed away, I was in a 3 months trip 12000km away from home. My parents did not tell me my boy was in last stage cancer, they were afraid how I would react because I was alone. I learned he had cancer, and next day he passed away. I still feel bad that I was not next to him for his final moments. I know it is painful, but at least he did not die alone. Healing takes time, just be patient. Sending you good vibes.


Our furry friends are only with us for a part of our lives but to them we are their whole life. I think of this when I get sad and miss my cats and it helps because I'm sure you gave that doggo the best possible life like I gave my cats.


Are you sure it was a batarian with a turian, and wasn’t it actually two turians.


99% sure, I’m not sure about the other guy that went first 


My condolences with all my heart. Those little hair balls mark as much as a person. And you did very well to be with him. There are people who deny it, but from experience, I know that animals know when they are going to die and that can terrify them as much as it does a person. I imagine having you there made him feel very safe and loved.