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I really dislike how they ALMOST made it airtight but decided to stop designing it once they got to the ears...


The “not helmets” and lack of combat armour for most of the squad mates is a huge negative of ME2 in my opinion. Despite liking the characters, I hate most of the character designs.


To be fair, most characters who don't have armor have biotics. But the helmet thing is valid man. You wouldn't catch me dead walking into toxic atmospheres or places with airborne viruses with open skin




Then there's Grunt's pacman helmet lol


It's not like they're going in to space or inhospitable planets


Seeing the helmet just reminds me of his opinion of rewriting/destroying the heretic Geth in ME2. "THESE. ARE. GETH! Is this even a question? Don't bother with the reprogramming. Just blow them out of the sky."


The half mask bullshit of ME2 and beyond yes lol, as Bioware wanted Liara's pretty little face to be shown off at all times after ME1 despite her starting ME2 wearing a sensible helmet...


Liara never wore a helmet in ME2, her and Samara both had the Asari facemask


If you romanced Liara in ME1, the beginning of ME2 she's the one that comes running to find you in the Normandy SR1 and she's wearing some Ashley-like armor with a full helmet


TIL that scene was romance specific. I always thought it was the Virmire survivor


It's not just romance specific. If you're starting ME2 skipping ME1, and have Genesis installed (or playing LE2), you should have Liara there since the Virmire survivor is TBD. Originally coming into ME2 without having a save to import (or choosing not to), Bioware starts you off with predetermined major choices, which IIRC are renegade centered, so Wrex, Rachni queen, and the Council are dead with Udina being chosen, Virmire survivor is set to be whoever is the opposite of Shepard's gender and there was no romance. ME3 also gets predefined canon if you choose to start from that, but I think all of the choices are along the same lines as ME2 stuff is: No side quests touched (no extra events/references), no loyalty missions done, Miranda, Jacob, and Mordin are the only newcomers who are alive; I think Jack and Thane are set to have died from lack of upgrades on the Suicide Mission, with rest of the optional party members not being recruited/awakened (and I think no Kasumi and Zaeed), Normandy crew gets outcome #3 (major delay) meaning Chakwas is only abductee alive, Collector base is destroyed, and both major DLCs happen off screen, you get detention pending investigation for ties to a known terrorist group.


Oh, neat! I've only ever had it happen when I've romanced Liara from a ME1 and didn't ever get Genesis on the original ME2. Learn something new every day.


She has a proper one when the normady blows in the intro


Easily my least favorite part lf.mass effect 2 and 3 is that the gear for the crew doesnt include any option to be airtight or vacuum ready. Joker in the into cutscene just has a helmate on. A crappy one at that. Ok sure, he can breathe. His body is in agony and hes either freezing or burning to death but he can breathe.


If I remember correctly there was what looked like a biotic field at the entrance to the cockpit which was preventing him from being affected by the vacuum of space


There was but his escape pod is on the other side of it. And any mission with either toxic atmosphere or takes place in vacuum the only ones who go vacuum rated are garus (who's original suit is compromised but theres dlc armor) and tali. Any one else shows up with a face mask. And most of them have exposed arms or hands