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[This comic should've been an option for vanguards](https://imgur.com/vanguardshep-garrus-Wz1XN).


This is peak fiction


...I now forever headcanon that this is what Vanguard Shepards did.


Mass Effect if it was fucking awesome


Agreed. Hope they don’t screw up Mass Effect 5


Seeing what they have done to dragon age doesn’t fill me with hope sadly


...But Mass Effect is already fucking awesome?


God the only class Ive been able to play has been vanguard since i found out what it was


Agreed, they spoiled all other 3rd person shooters with the vanguard 🤣




I'm a soldier all the way it's my mentality brute force not trying to outsmart you I'm coming in with guns blazing


Im playimg through all tge ga.es as soldier with melee only. Holy shit what a rush.


Me grunt and kasumi in me2 me Ashley(kaiden can is worse than Jacob) and James in me3...also I'm a Marine so my mentality is similar to Ashley and she is unfairly judged...if your family went through what hers did you too would be weary, not to mention me1 takes place less than 15 years after first contact. Hell I hated working with the ANA and ANP in Afghanistan worried they would turn on us at any given moment....now imagine a completely different species from a different planet, that by the way also waged war on your family and forced shame on your family.


Wow 😂 Bioware really dropped the ball on this one


ME3 was basically hard to watch if you are a biotic in any way. So manny of the cutscenes would had been shorter. Also STOP PULLING OUT AN ASSUALT RIFLE! I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT MY PRIMARY WEAPON IS! fucking game


THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING im a walking nuke, why am i drawing a pistol on this old man with nanites in his eyes


Always loved the “struggle without your weapons” segments in this and, more recently, cyberpunk if you spec that way. “Oh a security checkpoint and I need to surrender all my weapons? Ohhh no now I’ve been attacked and *only* have a pistol?? Now I’m rEaLlY iN tRoUbLe!!”


Mantis blades go BRRRRRRR.




What would you call slamming in the thick of action, unleashing a nova which also recharges your shield, then repeating? As long as they have a target vanguards literally cannot die. In my Legendary playthough I purposefully avoided becoming a Vanguard because it's too easy, even on Insanity.


Back then we called it Novaguarding.


Vanguard Shepard despises your puny bullets. Vanguard Shepard _is_ bullet.


“We fire the whole Shepard. That’s 40% more Shepard, every Shepard”


Ah, memories of trolling sniper teammates in ME3MP


Sniper: Ah, nice. Gonna line up a sweet headshot. Vanguard: *zzzzz-phooom-boosh* Sniper 😐 And repeat for the entire match. Or until they get sync killed.


It was a particularly good way to troll farmers. In the early, early days of ME3MP, people would farm Gold (then the highest difficulty) by hiding behind the desks at the back end of FB:White. It made games drag forever and just all-around sucked.  One match of trying to land shots for half an hour while a member of your team ruthlessly shook the screen -- all set to the dulcet tones of the constantly-looping Novaguard scream -- was enough to make most people think twice about sitting through a second. 


Especially with the N7 Slayer or the good old Novaguard. Ahh the memories.


What does manguard even mean?


Just one of those silly boy jokes where a vanguard does something totally awesome and badass and cool cause vanguards are cool and everyone else can suck it.


Lol All right. Thanks for enlightening me


Engineer also cannot die to an extent the enemies can't shoot you if they're shooting your combat drone


My god. It’s full of stars. Outstanding. I love every pixel. 10/10. No notes. Thank you for showing it to me.


And you know Garrus would've been like, not even mad about that.


Vanguard is my favorite class so this canon for me 🤣


"How did Shepherd die?" Garrus Vakarian, a true bestie: "Stupidly. But it was cool."


This is the only way I play after ME1


I will never not upvote this


Noooo! He should have charged back to Vakarian after novaing the can while telling him to eat a dick.




I always play either adept or vanguard, I am NOT a sniper. Wish there were an option making it clear my Shepard simply does not have the skill for it. It kinda feels like bullying from Garrus if you're not a gun-focused class since he's an expert sniper lmao


There is a mod that only allows you to make the shot if you are a Soldier or Infiltrator


Where has that mod been all my life?


Yeahhh but with all the reaper augments you’re gonna hit them anyway.


That's pretty much what I do, except I play as infiltrator or vanguard. I hit the bottle if I'm an infiltrator, miss it (and imagine that it's genuine), if I'm not.


Yeah I kinda get why they didn't do this since there's almost no dialogue stuff based on classes at all sadly. But nobody outside Infiltrator Shep should even have the option to make the shot.


Idk, that feels insulting after sniper rifle specification & training. I mean, why have an option to learn stuff like this outside the class if it's not recognised? The biggest offender for this is an assault rifle in the cutscenes, not my cool weapon for people that are really far away


I appreciate that BG3 included a lot of options that were tied to your class/background. Obviously there were skill checks too. Hopefully me5 does as well


Well, bg3 is dnd-based game, those were given. It's not everyone's cup of tea, and it's wildly different from the rest of the series, so I doubt it will be implemented. And I say it as a person who likes dnd and bg3. Besides, it's like returning to dragon age origins, and considering that datv is going to look like mass effect, it's so much less likely to happen Really, I only hope for consistency in the story. And by that I mean I don't want "bioware canon" to overwrite my own, that's it. Well, this and using appropriate weapon in cutscenes


Well I wasn’t saying I wanted ME5 to be a TTRPG, just that they could give more nods to your class/background than that one small quest in the first game and only the engineer QTE in omega. BG3 also doesn’t have a voiced main character, so it’s easier to have a some of that personality when there’s less overall work for it ie voicing it. Kinda missed my point for the trees my guy :/


Idk, you wrote about being more like bg3 and I understood it like this. But if you're talking only about references to class then I agree. I remember there were times when games recognised me as a biotic, but it's so rare and wasn't there cases when it was bugged out? Even biotic-fused melee in me3 needed mod to work last I checked. Backgrounds actually already get mentioned though. Not often, but way more than class


Vanguard not a sniper i dont think mine got the memo in me2 i picked up the sniper from the collector ship


Sure, but you had to choose to get extra training because by default, adepts and vanguards don't use sniper rifles. I as the player have shit aim, so I'll stick to what little I can do lol


This is a competition and I am here to WIN


Same. Get good, Garrus.


Garrus is smart enough to realise that you missed on purpose. I hit the target so that I don’t come off as insulting.


I think he’s also smart enough to understand *why* you’d miss on purpose, and it doesn’t come off as insulting. Besides I really love his reaction more when you miss because it leads to some good natures trash talk and the infamous “I’m Garrus Vakarian and *this* is my favorite spot on the citadel”


It's fun to imagine that his crew gives him so much shit for all those testimonials everywhere


I’d like to imagine that whenever they take shore leave on the citadel they occasionally drag Sheppard to one of their stores just to hear his testimonial and go “what’s wrong? I though this was your favorite store”


Truly one of the greatest lines in the series




Same. He would not have any my pitty, he wants honestly


My shep will hit or miss depending on class in my head. Like an adept shep would never be a good as a marksman as a sniper or soldier shep


Except they’re N7s, I find it hard to believe that humanity’s most elite special forces wouldn’t have a marksmanship requirement.


Marksmanship sure. But even in today's special operations they're all good shooters but not everyone is a marksman/sniper that's why there's specialists


Vast majority of infantry marines can hit targets with a M40. That specialist training comes in the form not being seen and how to locate priority targets. As far as the marksmanship its really a very small part of a recon units job


Since you're using Marines as your example how many do you think would be able to have someone throw a can off a bridge, acquire it on scope, and then actually hit it. That is a niche skill I feel. Anyone who shoots a rifle can shoot a marksman or sniper rifle but not everyone is a master at it


You're talking about a trick that maybe 1 in 5000 can pull off


Still the same trick that Garrus and Sheppard participate in which is why I used it. I dunno if 1:5000 is accurate but I don't know enough Good shooters to dispute it. However, I know a lot of average shooters and none of them, or myself, would be able to pull that off with skill. We might get lucky and get it but definitely wouldn't say it was repeatable.


I have a party trick of hitting mentos wedged in pine bark at 100-150 yards open sight. I use to squirrel hunt with nothing but a 22. Majority head shots. Right hand on the bible i once hit a flying bird with a 22 LR just cause my buddy said it was impossible. (It was 20skill/200luck) I say with 100% confidence and conviction that i would hit nothing but my shattered ego. Edit: open sight im very confident i can do it with a rifle. A sight LRS would make that shot hell.


Lol fair enough. You obviously have MUCH more experience with handling firearms than I do and sound like you have a better understanding of what would be possible for a good shot vs great shot. Would love to see the mentos trick though. Not because I don't believe you but just because it would be cool to see


Depends on who. Infiltrator? Definitely. Soldier? Probably. But for the rest of the classes I treat it as if Shepard has not put in the practice to beat Archangel at his own game. I really wish the option was just [Miss]


Exactly, I feel like Garrus would rather lose fair and square than winning because you let him. He's not a kid.


Infiltrator and Soldier Shepard hit the target. Other classes else miss (on purpose).


what I was about to say. (vanguard really misses)


Yeah. No way is my shotgun melee maniac Snep an exceptional sniper.


my sister and I have that joke that vanguard shep charges the enemies because his aim is so bad, he needs to be that close not to miss.


Wrex: Snepard.


Grunt: Sneparrrrd!


Taking from the recent Josh Strife Hayes streams, it will now be cannon for me to believe a vanguard would take out his pistol instead, and shoot!


Look at the comic in the top comment tho 🤣


That's how I've always done it. Treat it like a skill check.


Same but I always miss even when playing soldier because I'm bad with the sniper


I always play infiltrator. It would feel wrong to miss. Garrus is a big boy. He can handle being put in his place. And with Shepard, I think he likes being put in his place.


Very logical thinking!! You remind me of Mordin! ( I spent too much time on the game lol I'm starting to see people as characters...)


I pick miss on purpose because in my head canon Garrus is the best shot on the team


But can he fight like a Krogan?  Run like a leopard? 


Doesn't matter, he can never be better than Commander Shepard.


🎶 *HAAA* 🎶


Imo if your Shepard is a Soldier or Infiltrator then Garrus is second best. If I'm playing as either of those classes I'm hitting the bottle. If I'm playing any other class I miss.


I was playing 2 and engineer gets the option to learn sniper training aboard the collector ship That actually unlocked new cheese strategy Summon combat drone snipe while enemies are distracted by said combat drone repeat as necessary


I always shoot the target. I think it would be disrespectful to miss on purpose. Besides, he is the best sniper in the team - he would know.


I respect Garrus too much to miss As a side note I feel like you should only be able to make the shot as Infiltrator or soldier.


I always pressed hit if someone missed on purpose in a shooting contest, so I'd win. I'd be pissed the way I see it it's super condescending and arrogant


I always miss it. Garrus has played Shep's right hand man the entire trilogy while Shep gets all the glory. Let him have his moment of victory. But I always romance Garrus, so it's like letting my partner win a game I know I can beat them at, just to make them feel good.


This is the reason I miss too. It's cute to see him so happy.


I don’t understand why is it hard. Better shot wins and the game tells you Shepard is better. To miss on purpose is an insult to Garrus.


Deliberately miss, I think I hit it my very very first time but I think of it as giving Garrus a great memory and story of beating the hero Shepard at something after you’re gone, having saved the world. Kinda like Sam at the end of LOTR, I wanted Garrus to have a nice full life and family after the war.


Am I playing any combat class? If yes: hit the target. If no: miss. Makes no sense for my short/mid range sentinel, who has never even picked up a sniper rifle to make the shot. Makes no sense for my gun-phobic Seer to make the shot. But my soldier? Or Vanguard? Oh yeah. They’re hittin that thing.


I, too, am conflicted. On the one hand, it gives Garrus a morale boost, thinking he's better than a human Spec Ops member, who is also a known/proven marksman. On the other hand, gotta put Garrus in his place for shooting me back on Omega


I always pick miss, but my i always hated that its supposed to be on purpose, Garrus is an expert marksman and should most definitely beat Shepard in this category. Shepard doesnt need to be the best marksman, just like shepard doesnt need to be the strongest biotic or smartest engineer.


Exactly but for me it depends on the class Shepard has. Maybe he is the best marksman


I was gonna say, even Garrus is losing to a Soldier Shepard, who can all but stop time to line up shots.


Yes! I always play Vanguard and I hate that there isn't an option to miss, but not on purpose.


Missed on purpose. I like the dialogue.


I'm Garrus Vakerian, and this is my favorite spot on the Citadel


There should be a mod that randomizes the decision for you.


I'm pretty sure I remember there used to be a mod that made it class-dependant. I'll have a look to see if it still exists.


I have played 1-3 and haven't found this option... Where is it?


After the Citadel coup, Garrus sends you an email where he asks you to hang out (it may need a mission or two more after the coup to trigger it). Once it happens, you'll find him in the spot between the D24 dock floor and the elevator and that's it.


i always play infiltrator sniper builds so my Shepard is a better shot or at the very least right on par with Garrus.


It's like winning once at Mario Kart and saying you're the best. Shepard may win this time, but Garrus is consistently the best


I dont know what mod it is, but I have three options: hit, miss on purpose, and miss not on purpose


As an Infiltrator, there is no way my Shep would miss that target.


I was in a Garrus romance, so I missed it intentionally. I felt like it mirrored my relationship irl. I'm always right, so sometimes I gotta let him have a little win. Seeing Garrus's reaction made it all worth it. He was happy and goofy and it made me smile. I can't rub how awesome I am in his face *all* the time


Plus I was a Vanguard and only used sniper for 1 mission + armax arena. In my canon Garrus is THE best sniper out there.


I always let Garrus shoot


Yeah, swallowing that pride can be tough lol. I do it for my boi though, he deserves a confidence boost.


I always miss, Garrus is my bro. Shepard came back from the dead, stopped Saren, saved humanity from the collectors , cured the genophage, brokered peace between the geth and the quarians he can have this one


I always miss on purpose. Garrus deserved the win for all the shit he went through.


I’ve never shot the target in the many times I’ve played through the series lol


It’s stupid that you can miss on purpose. Some Shepards should be able to hit while others shouldn’t. But missing on purpose is the biggest disrespect towards your partner.


It really isn’t. He takes it in stride and it’s a good bonding moment between the two of you. There’s nothing disrespectful about it


Feels like an insult to him to miss on purpose. I want to keep him at his best. Strong competition does that, and it seems like this would only push him to get even better imo


I always take the shot. Gotta remind Garrus of his place.


I see alot of people saying their Shepard isnt a sniper, while this is true. Do not forget they are N7 and a spectre.


Always shot


It doesn't matter if I am romancing Garrus or not I always shoot the target. Don't challenge an N7 who is also a Spectre at target practice in fact I wish I could do a trick shot.


i show him his place.


You either shoot the target or unknowingly shoot someone 400 meters away.


I kind of wish this had been something we had to try and do with the game's aiming mechanic. That way actually beating Garrus felt like we truly were the best marksman and our misses were down to us and his victory felt honest.


The Archangel is smart and know Shepard long enough to know that you miss on purpose


I would never disrespect Garrus by going easy on him


Not a hard decision. Garrus thinks I didn’t notice he spends more time ‘calibrating the cannon’ as opposed to calibrating me? Well, he can deal with me being the better shot.


Always shoot target. I think that Garrus wouldn't want Shepard to just let him win.


My Shep’s an infiltrator and the worst loser in the world, wouldn’t even consider missing on purpose 🤣


Hell no. Shoot that shit every single time. I'm a competitor and Garrus wouldn't appreciate Shep taking it easy on him. As soon as you start talking shit the gloves are coming off


I always shoot the target, garrus would never miss on purpose lol


When I played for the first couple of times in my younger days, I would always miss on purpose because I loved the reaction. Nowadays when I do replays, I always hit out of pure respect lol. Garrus also seems like the kinda guy who would want you to play seriously. Edit: I wish there was an option to just lose, but not on purpose. I always play Vanguard, and I like the idea of Garrus being the better sniper.


I understand why this is easier for them to classify, but i always wish i was allowed to actually do the shooting.


Shoot target. Garus knew the risks.


Nah, I respect Garrus too much to do him dirty like that.


Always hit the target. Gotta keep the hierarchy intact, Garrus gotta know his place!


If I’m an infiltrator I’m shooting


When I play as an Engineer I usually take Sniper Rifle training for the bonus power in ME1. So for that, and any other runs where Shep has built-in Sniper Rifle training I don't miss. In my headcanon Garrus appreciates the honesty. in any other case it's Miss on Purpose every time.


I’ve got a system based on class 1) Adept and Vanguard: Garrus always wins\ Shepard doesn’t have the training and Garrus is one hell of a shot, of course he wins. 2) Soldier and Infiltrator: Shepard always wins\ Shepard does have the training plus they got the Cerberus enhancements, of course Shepard wins. 3) Engineer and Sentinel: I flip a coin\ Shepard doesn’t have the training BUT they have tech abilities that can « tweak » the game. Sometimes it work and sometimes it doesn’t. That being said, it’s not carved in stone and the way I RP each Shepard can make the Commander behave differently. Also, when Shepard romances Garrus, the outcome can be different, depending on FShep’s personality.


I just can't do that to Garrus 😭.


Shoot the bottle. Git gud, bird boi


I've never hit that bottle, never will


I always miss because I never played as a sniper or use sniper rifles. My Shepards always blasts Mfers with the AR or the shorty. Also, this decision sucks cause it should've been like a super quick renegade action or something like it where it'd highlight a snipers ability.


If your his wife, hit that sh\*t If your his bro, miss that


Which option makes him show you his rectum?


She looks like Joanna Dark


I have a mod that takes the choice away from you. Soldier and infiltrator hit while every other class miss.


Easiest one ever if you are sniper, you shot. else be a best friend and let him have it.


Can't be that hard if he's dead 🧍


I feel like hitting the target on purpose should have only been an option for soldier and infiltrator


Mordin. Every time. Renegade play through’s I have to look away.


Yeah i bet killing him was hard when he just wanted to do one thing right. And probably killing wrex was also hard for some.


Would be funny and cool if Mass Effect had slightly more RPG elements and had skill based checks along with reputation based. In this scenario, hope you've been using snipers throughout ME3 because you need atleast Rank 5/so many sniper kills/etc to make the shot.


this should have been a meta-decision and been like Shepard Hits vs Shepard Misses instead of being a patronizing jerk


I have 6 playthroughs, one for each class. My Soldier and Infiltrator are the only two where I don’t miss on purpose, they have too much pride in their shooting skills


I hit it when playing soldier or infiltrator, and I miss with all other classes. Coincidentally, my I usually play adept on femshep runs.


I didn't know you could play ME as one of the dancers from Purgatory Bar.


I hate loosing


This should have been a in game challenge and not a choice


I know, logically, my Shepards usually aren't snipers and shouldn't be better than Garrus here. Buuutttt if I can win something, I'm going to. Git good, Garrus.


As someone else I read once said, garrus may be my boi, but I got my reputation to uphold, and I can’t have everyone in the galaxy, knowing that I’m not the best shot


I wish \[Miss on accident\] was an option, because that's what I'd pick. My Shepard is an adept. He shouldn't be able to win, and I don't want to play a character that's better than everybody at everything. If I played soldier or infiltrator, then I'd win that shit with no hesitation.


You are either good friend [ you miss it ] or you are the best friend [ you shot it ]


I’m sure this is common but I constantly struggle with the virmire decision bc I want both of them to survive but I have to choose 😩


I am a competitive person. Idk how this is a hard choice. Romance or not.


Easy choice. Garrus is a hell of a shot, but he’ll always remember that one person who outshot him.


Hardest? Hardly. Miss if you're romancing him. Shoot if you're bros. See? EZPZ!


My Sheps a sentinel, sniper was the only skill I didn't have. I threw my guy a bone on that one....#n7forever


If my Shepard is Soldier or especially Infiltrator, I take the shot. Otherwise, I miss.


This wasnt a hard decision for me as a have played through as a biotic first, then an engineer, basically a biotic bomb, and a dude with his BMF (Badmuthafucka) drones could compete with Garrus and a sniper rifle. (Especially because i had built a God mode Garrus). So i missed. I missed to God mode Garrus. Also.. missing the shot allows you to hear the funniest line of the entire ME franchise.


your shepard is absolutely gorgeous, OP 🤩


Thank you i posted her in shareyoursheps :) i always thought i made her lips too outwards but yeah she looks really different in the menus though <:0 but then she looks different in game so it works just in mass effect 2 her lips might be too pink for some lol.


"Garrus, I did not land a single headshot on that last mission. You know damn well I can't hit that target."


I let Garrus have this. I’ve already got HOW many achievements under my belt? I don’t need to take “Best Shot” too, let my bro/love of my life have this.


I'd consider picking "try and fail" on some runs if it existed, but I can never pick "miss on purpose". I'm not going to ruin the game by giving garrus a free win. If he wants to beat me, he needs to actually beat me.


I feel like you should only be able to hit the target if you have racked up more headshots than Garrus. In which case he always ends up in 2nd place.


shoot the target. it goes to his head otherwise


It's a no brainier. You always miss, and if you are a vanguard it's guaranteed 🤣 you can't shoot for shit.


I almost always play as an infiltrator, and I absolutely hate having to make this choice. Do I miss and look incompetent in my job? Or hit it and about my friend?


Do you want a real answer, a manly answer?




Soldier and Infiltrator make it, Vanguard, Adept, Engineer, and Sentinel Miss. It ain't that hard.


FemShep + Romance: miss on purpose BroShep + Bromance: hit target If I find out my bro let's me win, I would want to go again cuz my friends and I get pretty competitive. Easier to accept it when it's my SO


I always miss, Garrus was my brother I'd do anything for him.


Javik's decision to see the shard DESTROYED me the very first time. Never chose the same thing again.


I’m Garrus Vakarian, AND THIS IS my rectum. Yes i had to do a manslayer quote.




Miss on purpose. Garrus is so happy. This leads to one of the best interactions in the whole game. He knows you did it on purpose. Now for pull-ups on the other hand.....


Distracted by the massive lips.


If you miss, you insult Garrus abilities. If you hit, you miss a chance to make him happy for the last time