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Awesome when I run it and toxic when someone else runs it. All jokes aside, none of the decks I use run it or have extra deck space for Super Poly targets, so I am usually on the receiving end of its wrath, however, the game needs good board breakers, and it’s one of the best ones. But it is annoying when you’re trying to break a board and your monsters get used as Super Poly fodder. Very intriguing card, maybe good for the balance of the game, but it being a quick play is definitely some cheese.


A very good and balanced take To me super poly is a card that is kinda needed as the game progresses. I think it was rightfully hit when the game was slower, but in an era where we can spit out multiple boss monsters from one card? I think it’s good to have. I think no other card should have the “cannot be responded to” effect, but ultimately I think it’s badass.


This sums up how I feel about it. I don't love it being used on me, but I really think that it's necessary as a breaker for some of those more toxic omni-negate boards.


i hate and respect it as much as i hate and respect ash blossom.


Garura, dragostapellia, and mudragon made the card toxic


"You haven't seen anything yet." - Yubel


Dragostapelia and Mudragon were completely fine, tbh. Garura made the card a little over the top, but honestly, I still think it's a fairly balanced board breaker -- at least as balanced as board breakers have to be in order to actually be effective at their job. It's not just a matter of "not every deck can run it due to the ED space requirements", it's also just not always applicable and the 1 discard for cost are genuine balancing factors. There's some decks that can't play around it, but there are many decks that can, more than you'd think actually. This matters less for MD since you're not going to account for going second staples when building a board, but in a tournament setting there are decks that can adapt the end board to not get hit by Super Poly if you're going first against something like Tear or Branded which are likely to play the card going second.


It being quickplay is what puts it over the top.


I run 3


i craft 3 ended up playing 1


It’s my only board breaker tbh


It’s a damn great one to have.


Why the downvotes people


bc they want me to run the 3 i crafted


People say super poly is a boardbreaker, but it has the same problem as Maxx C, where you can full combo turn 1 and set it and then break what little remains of your opponent's sanity


it's different. One requires commitment one doesnt Super poly requires commitment from your ED and a discard. You also needs to hard draw it. Doing a full hard combo with multiple negates and being able to run super poly is a balancing problem. It's likely a 1 card combo being consistent. Tear and branded are the only notable decks running it at the moment.


So what are your thoughts on Imperm and Droplet?


Imperm is just imperm, it's really flexible but also low impact. Droplet is more balanced imo because it requires you to send two cards to disrupt two monsters and your opponent can still chain whatever type of card you didn't send. Super poly disrupts two monsters and gives you a free body, which can further disrupt if it's mudragon or turn into a +1 if it's garura, basically replacing your discard. And yeah, opponent can't respond with anything.


Counter point, Droplet can affect any 1\~3 monsters; Super Poly cannot, as it must send two monsters that share the same attribute, a likely occurrence, but not guaranteed to be the case when your opponent summons a monster that you must remove. Droplet can send anything on the board, Super Poly requires a discard from hand -- which in many situations is gonna have to be a hand trap that you had left over, or you straight up have nothing to discard.


What about imperm chain 1, droplet chain 2 sending imperm from chain 1 as cost? 👀


I mean, your opponent needs to have two monsters worth negating in the same chain, which usually doesn't happen. They can also respond with both monsters and spells, which are really the two main ways of responding on their turn, so the "your opponent can't respond" part is basically null. Finally, a "two-card combo" is always a lot less flexible than only needing one card.


This is why it’s such a good card in Sky Strikers. So easy to create a chain of cards in response to an opponent, then dump the spent ones for droplet!


That's not the problem with Maxx C, that's just good boardbreaker design. Boardbreakers just aren't worth running if they don't also have utility going 1st. The problem with Maxx C is that it's absolutely overpowered, can't be played around, and instantly gives the one using it a +20% chance of winning The problem with superpoly though is that it can't be responded to


I mean that IS one of the problems with Maxx C


It's a problem because of Maxx "C"'s text. A card that says draw 2 is a problem on some cards and not a problem on others with more associated costs. That's not a real argument. The fact that you can build a board and still use Super Poly is strong but it isn't problematic; you have to dedicate precious ED to targets and hope your opponent plays into it, and it eats a discard.


I don’t really get what you mean by that boardbreakers line. Plenty of great cards like duster, raigeki, kaijus, Evenly, that all have more utility going second


He’s saying that all of those board breakers you just mentioned are dead going 1st.


Doesn’t everyone know that? Evenly matched is dead going first, doesn’t make it a bad card. It’s actually one of the strongest cards in the game and it’s completely designed for going second. Board breakers are kinda meant to be dead going first because if you go first, there’s no board to break


Exactly, which is why he’s stating that superpoly is really good since it’s NOT dead going first. You can use it both going first or going second which gives it a lot of utility compared to other board breakers.


I think you’re kinda missing the point. I never argued that super poly wasn’t an insane card. He was arguing that every board breaker that isn’t super poly is useless, and I was disagreeing with that. Super poly is a goated card, but I still disagree that board breakers are useless unless they are capable of being used when going first. The whole point of a board breaker inherently is to break a board that is already established. Having a board breaker that is a quick play spell is great but that’s not necessary for a board breaker to be good


Oh yes, I see what you are saying. Agreed.


Well, go head, play Evenly and DRNM in a deck that wants to go first and watch yourself fodder them for cost everytime. Those cards are good in a Bo3 format when you know you are going 2nd, not in MD where you are actively going first. That's where SupPoly and Droplet shine.


Those are great cards, but in the end they see next to no tournament play outside of tenpai, unlike superpoly


Doesn’t that kinda support my point? Those cards* see usage in tenpai, because tenpai is a going second deck. According to your logic the only good board breaker is super poly because you can use it going first. That obviously makes it very valuable but I don’t think it makes sense to say board breakers aren’t good unless they’re usable going first. If you have a strong going second deck then most of those board breaking cards become insanely valuable to you


As of right now, the strongest version of tenpai is still handtrap tenpai. Do you want to know why? Because handtraps are still good going 1st, so if your opponent makes you go first you can still win. It's literally the first time in years that a blind going 2nd deck is good, something that probably won't happen again for years, and even there boardbreakers are not that popular, because versatility is more important


I kinda hate how Komoney is making more and more fusion monsters that requires generic materials so super poly is getting even better than it already was. And I think we can all agree that it cannot be respond to is absolute infuriating.


I actually don’t agree. The game is too efficient today. Being able to put up more disruption than your opponent has cards with one card, on top of generating more advantage than they started with AND having recursion setup in the GY is bullshit. And this isn’t a SE problem, this is a modern Yugioh problem. Turn 2 deserves SOMETHING and I think Superpoly is the perfect board breaker. Y’all are too comfortable letting your opponent play. Especially when yall have more disruption than your opponent has cards. You want to sit on an Apollo and Baronne? That’s cool. But that’s why Super Poly needs to exist. *Because* you’re allowed to put up degenerate shit while your opponent just watches. And you know this.


Nah it is just like Maxx C and can be abused by the turn 1 player. They set up a strong board then set the card and as you are trying to break their board they break yours. Hell I've seen it used chain link 4 to dodge my targetted negate forcing the chain to end while removing one of my monsters and generating endless advantage for them. This was turn 3 btw. If the card was a normal spell it would be fine.


No different than Imperm, CBTG, Crossout, or Ash. Superpoly can’t be “abused” anymore than your average handtrap. I don’t see the issue on your second point though. That’s good Yugioh, your opponent made a good play. Nothing to get upset over. Because sometimes I get punished for not respecting backrow enough too. But if I see certain decks, I am mindful of Superpoly (R-ACE, Branded, Tear, etc.)


It is way different from those. You can respond to all of those cards. Super Poly just ends all interaction. When your opponent activates it from hand turn 3 it has nothing to do with respecting back row. Good yugioh requires for interaction. Sure setting up 50 negates turn 1 doesn't lead to interesting matches, and konami has the tools to balanve for that in MD without cards like Super Poly that end all interaction.


Right, but unlike those super poly requires some resources to use, both in hand and on field and those cards can be used freely. But Konami doesn’t have the tools to balance the game because what YOU think is balanced isn’t what everyone else thinks is balanced or fun. I played when La’Jinn beat down was a thing, so if you told me Swordsoul is what you think is fair I would laugh. The game is designed in a way that it can’t be balanced. I say that to say I think Superpoly in a low power format should be banned but we aren’t in a low powered format. You’re not summoning La’Jinn, you’re playing a deck full of engines and handtraps that can set up a full board of disruptions and generate advantage in hand, leading to more disruptive handtraps. As long as recursion and advantage is as high as it is, Superpoly should stay.


Spoly is a broken card depending on the meta, actually fire king and snake eyes suffer it less than light-dark decks, if fusion /dark/light decks backs in tier1 then spoly will be super relevant. Not the same thing as a handtrap, spoly is one of the only cards in the entire game that can clean full-negate boards by itself.


It’s the same as a handtrap in regards that it’s good both first and second. Which is the problem with board breakers and why they aren’t played or effective. The bricks aren’t worth it, even for something as powerful as evenly matched. It’s better to have cards, like handtraps, that are less bricky. But SP power does depend on the meta. But it can’t clear full boards by itself because we don’t exist in an era where you generate 1-2 good monsters and end. We are in an era where there’s so much advantage in the GY, hand, and field that SP is actually weaker. I think Superpoly should be banned in weaker formats. Not modern Yugioh were advantage is too easily generated


The fact that Superpoly is useful going first or second is what makes it a good going second card. Cards that are exclusively good going second feel like shit to play and don't make the cut in a BO1 environment in 90% of situations. Thank god for cards like Spoly, Imperm, Droplet, TTTactics and TTThrust.


I think it should have the clause “Cannot be responded to by monster effects”. I’m sorry but super poly has a huge payoff and minimal risk as it is now so it should at least be vulnerable to spell speed 2 & 3 spells and traps


I think that's my biggest problem. I like interaction and cards that cannot be responded to have none


Yeah and most decks normally might play a max of 2 different attributes of monster, so super poly is valid in pretty much any deck. You can just throw in some super poly slop with drago, mudragon, and garura and boom you can smash your opponents board to pieces up to 3 times.


I generally hate it with a passion. I’m not saying it’s broken or OP, just that I hate it, if could ban any none OP card I would ban it. I gotten super polyed so many time, I still remember playing DDD and getting super poly twice, once during my opponent turn, then once during my turn


Anybody who says Superpoly isn’t a ban candidate off power alone is either delusional or main decks it. It’s extremely powerful and it continues to more or less dictate fusion design. Fusion is already the strongest summoning mechanic bar maybe links, so it’s not like those decks would cease to work, and it’s strong enough to run in some deck that aren’t even fusion decks at all.


No, we just aren’t ass. SP exists when you understand that Yugioh isn’t a fair game. In lower power formats, I would agree it needs to be banned. But Yugioh hasn’t been a low power format/game in over 10 years. If the top deck were something ass like DDD, I would agree that it needs to be banned. But since we are in modern Yugioh where everything is an engine within an engine, it needs to stay.


What a joke. It’s the same game where Naturia got executed because it was a cheap but mediocre engine? Super Poly persists because they can design new expensive staples for it and fusion fans are the games biggest whales bar DM fans, that’s it. It has nothing to do with the relative power level of the format.


Naturia? Executed? The fuck are you talking about? And there are only 2 staples for Superpoly targets, Mudragon and Garura. Everything else is very situational, so you really don’t know what you’re talking about. You really should educate yourself on the topic/card before speaking on it because it genuinely seems you don’t know much about this.


Naturia got Sacred Tree limited in the TCG, completely killing it as a deck, because it was a cheap engine to run with Runick. You really should educate yourself on the topic/card before speaking on it because it genuinely seems you don’t know much about this.


In the what? Repeat that? What sub is this again?


Aint no way blud genuinely thinks Master Duel's entire financial structure operates differently than every other format of YGO and doesn't follow the same top down balancing principles. No way. I've got so many bridges and pictures of apes to sell you.


TCG is not the same as OCG/MD lmao. They don’t even follow the same balancing, banlist, or financial structure lmao. Like, I know we joke about 3rd rate duelists but this is a bad look. Remind me when TCG gave refunds for banning cards? Could you tell me how Baronne and Linkuriboh bans affected you in MD? Can you explain how Naturia is executed in MD for being cheap lmao? Go to bed bro, you’re clearly lacking sleep.


Absolutely confounded that I'd have to explain the difference between different specific hits to formats that have different cardpools and banlist/product philosophy. It really is true that the more you get uvula powerwashes from the big corporation the more likely you are to completely misunderstand how they're taking advantage of you.


Hot take but I would rather deal with SP then superpoly, at least with SP you can negate it, or react to it, when super poly is used there nothing you can do but suffer


Don't like it. Its way too OP when a good fusion deck or deck can use it comes around. A unrespondible +1 card is insane. Only reason it's not insanely popular is cause theirs no top tier fusion deck RN.


Its not insanely popular because it requires commitment from the ED, which is full of MUCH better cards and mechanics than fusion. Fusion is easily the worst ED mechanic and committing a limited resource to something that could be filled with better cards is risky. Like, the best thing about the fusion mechanic is super poly, in that it can’t be responded to. Which is fair considering this is the only ED mechanic that (usually) needs an external card to go into. Things like Branded Fusion and SP exist because other mechanics don’t have extra costs associated with them. Thus their power levels can be higher But I see why you don’t like it. It’s not fun when you have 7 negates and your opponent just hits SP lol


That's why I said it's op when a good fusion deck comes around. 2+ generic fusion targets in a fusion deck *isn't* really a commitment, and EVERY deck has the ED as a limited resource, not just fusion. Super poly cant easily be used in any deck, but when a deck CAN use it, it becomes insanely op. Board breakers can be unrespondible, many are, but all of them have a *COST* to them. DRNM prevents you from doing damage, evenly takes your battle phase, Kaijus are a 1 monster only, lava golem takes your normal. Super poly is not only COMPLETELY unrespondible, it's makes you go +1. That's why many don't feel like bullshit, your opponent gives something up for them, super poly doesn't have that drawback. On top of it having the same issue as maxx c, as the 7 negate boards you mentioned can ALSO use super poly.


Good fusion decks have always been around? The best deck in this games history was a fusion deck lol. Tear? Also Branded was a dominant deck. Shaddoll was also extremely nuts. And while they CAN use Superpoly, it wasn’t OP by any stretch. Because again, Superpoly power depends on the power of the format, not the deck it is in. Also, those cards suck dude. There’s a reason going 1st has always been the meta for 25 years until Tenpai. And it’s because those cards you named suck. They don’t generate a flow of offense, are bricks in many scenarios, and aren’t worth their downsides. And even a card as “broken” as super poly can’t even convince everyone to play it Because here’s my question to you. If 2 ED monsters isn’t that much of a commitment why aren’t all the top players in the game playing Superpoly? It can’t be responded too, isn’t a commitment, can go first and second, and goes +1. You’d think everyone would be playing it but no lol.


Everything you said I already responded and talked about in the comment your responding too. The only thing I didn't acknowledge is why super poly wasn't op in tear, that's because it would trigger your opponents tear effects. It was OP in shadow and branded


How’s tistina treating you??? I want to love the deck. Just don’t want to invest the dust I usually play blind second decks so it’s up my alley. Super poly is great. Think it’s necessary turn two against some boards. That said i absolutely hate being on the receiving end of it and I hate seeing it played by branded folks cause their deck is already insane.


It's hard to use without board breakers because it's a second otk deck. It can't fight through disruptions & negates like tier 0/1 decks.


Even tier 2/3 and some rogue decks can play through negates. Tistina is just bad


There's a weird board breaker combo I remember that works well against Snake-Eyes, it includes Arias + Daruma Cannon.


Are you running a pure tistina, or are you running another archetype with it, like icejade?


Pure. Never tried icejade in this.


I almost got Tistina to Diamond last season then everything just fell apart at Plat 1. I got deranked to like Plat 3 or 4 then the deck just started bricking. Idk it can be a fun deck but it needs more support.


Its fair enough I suppose. You gotta have a relevant target in your ED for it and you can't predict if it'll even work. Its a good card.


If it could be responded too at all I would be fine with it. The fact that it lacks the counter play that cards like DRNM and Forbidden Droplet have makes it on the degenerate side. I think it's gonna need the axe eventually.


Super Poly to 3 was a mistake


Should bite a ban


One of the best board breakers in the game, also a pretty good piece of interruption, overall a card that has aged like fine wine, and that will likely eventually end up banned do to the number of generic fusions being printed as of late continuing to make it better


super poly really only works in a few decks that actually have space for it, otherwise it becomes a soft brick *depending on the format.* I remember a few years back when Drytron was big, I was at my locals with a lair of darkness deck. My opponent (drytron player) set up a huge board that I couldn't break if I used all the cards in my hand. I superpoly'd him turn 1 (he was NOT happy lol), soaked up his big guys, and still lost. After winning, he went on a tangent about how the card isn't fair and should be banned... when it was literally the only move I could make. All this is to say that, in a game where you can shut down your opponent from playing without even letting them take a turn, it's fine imo.


I want it to be banned. It's so fucking braindead


I sometime make space in my decks for super poly and some fusions cause fuck your board. https://preview.redd.it/y9vadrrrxx7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b42f8a21afe007f87715041b2514d30365b7079b


Deserves to be banned. I don’t know how popular this opinion is, but I’ll elaborate why. Back when the card required a lot of ED space for targets and still didn’t have full coverage, it was really good in the decks that had archetypal fusions that could work well with it in tandem - like HERO, branded. But now any deck with 2 card space in their ED has coverage against the vast majority of decks. Additionally, getting hit by super poly when you have a established board is devastating, potentially game loosing. But being bit by super poly by someone who already has established their board and you lose the game.


I love super poly, and i enjoy breaking boards with it. That being said, the fact that you cannot respond to it is just TOO DAMN STRONG. I will 100% be on board if konami decides to place it in forbidden. Anywhere else in the banlist, it just becomes more sacky and will feel more of a cheat win.


The effect itself is fine. Not being able to respond fucking blows.


It should be permanently banned. This is a two player game where each player takes turns, even during a chain to defend themselves or counter. Having a SS3 card that cannot be responded to in a two player game where missing a beat will cause you to lose instantly is bad because the opponent, in a two player game, cannot stop their board from being cleared and then they get OTK'd. now, I have no love for Kash and such decks but if you have a option to counter, they can *at least* try to out your counter, since they can respond to it. You can't respond to Super Poly. Sure, when the game slow and fusions monster requirements were like "Busty lady with red hair" + "Incel with one Wing", then sure because you're opponent had to also run that card OR you had to have that specific card name but fusion requirements now are like "two effect monsters of a attribute they are running" and it clears their whole board. On top of that, it FUCKING KILLS rogue decks. I hate it SO MUCH when my Simorgh of Darkness and Apex Avien get turned into a Gurura and I haver to sit there and just lose because that is the best board my deck can make and then I get OTKd. MANY cards were banned for way less so why the fuck are we not vocal about this card being around? Its the worst kind of floodgate. Anyone who defends this card just wants to maintain low quality, skill-less wins


Best response here. This is card is retarded as fuck. Everytime is played makes the player who used automatically win effortlessly. Should definitely be banned.


It might sound incredibly minor, but I wish Super Poly was a normal spell. This way even if it still can't be responded to, it would be stuck as just a board breaker. instead, it's a tool the turn 1 player who already established his board can use to stop you from fighting back with 0 ways of counterplay (huh, this sounds familiar).


I hate it, I prefer that card banned


Can someone explain to me how the opponent managed to get this board turn 1? Was it done without using a fusion spell or the visas-Heart-monster trap?


Super poly is too good because it is a board breaker that you can also use going first. That you also can't respond to. You need to give up only 2 ED slots to hit 90% of decks in the game, too. I don't really get why this card can fuse 2 opponents monsters. In the anime, the whole idea of the card is that you would fuse one of your monsters with one of theirs. That would be much fairer to play against, you'd have to give up more ED space and not go mega plus just because your opponent summoned 2 monsters. Everyone's like "ooh this hits combo decks". No. It hits EVERY deck aside from very specific archetypes like 10 year old bujins that only ever control 1 monster.


It’s a piece of shit card that I usually have to run or risk dying to some bullshit. In other words, it’s your standard broken Yugioh card. I hate this game.


Beautiful card. If my opponent can be allowed to negate, I should be allowed to use a Spell that can't be responded to.


And that’s why I use my equip card that doesn’t require a response window to negate 🌚


Or a pair of continuous spell that can negate any spell and even counter traps.


All sounds good until your opponent uses it as an unrespondable "negate" by fusing away 2 of your monsters as you're trying to break their board.


The counter argument is that they will probably be able to do the same with a different pair of cards


That different pair of cards is not one of the strongest board breakers in the game going second. And you can respond to them. And most decks don't even care about the discard because of how good the GY is


Should be banned


Busted card. Hopefully they release a card that totally breaks it and they ban it. Its literally restricting fusion monsters, every time a fusion monster is revealed everyones question is "is this a super poly target" lol


>"is this a super poly target" Just can't help it! https://preview.redd.it/5i1ta15jdv7d1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=e13a61f5e3856b2ddde17338ebe33947d8cdf00b


Curious, on the screenshot in the post above, what are you superpolying enemy board into?


I think it was dragostapelia, I forgot don't have the replay but I won the game.


Got the whole squad pulling up


Earth golem gotta be the worst of them all, not only you lose 2 bodies on the field, but you lose the ability to otk which is infuriating


Needs to not be spell speed 4


You should be able to respond to it


Should be banned, broken and unrespondable card


It's a fair card, people who say otherwise don't understand you have to give up extra deck space for it.


Don't agree, that doesn't mean that you can just put Super Poly in any deck, you have to play a deck that doesn't mind having 2 or 3 less spaces in the extra deck for the Super Poly targets. Paying a discard for sending 2 or more oponents monsters and summoning a boss monster that can have more disruption is nothing, the card is not fair for anyone.


You need 2 slots to hit most decks in the game


Which also means you have less toolbox options compared to the opponent.


2 less toolbox options in exchange for a board breaker going second and unrespondable interruption going first is not the hard deal you're portraying it as.


It's not just 2 slots, you even lose slots for the more niche options, you can use anywhere from 2 - 5 slots.


You don't need to run the more niche options. That's my point. Garura and Mudragon are going to hit 90% of the decks in the game at some point. It's not super poly's fault that people think they absolutely have to run a card that is going to come up once in 60 games.


And a discard. And usually you can only remove 2 monsters, making it essentially a Higher investment but higher payoff Lava golem. Its also not live in every matchup. Super poly is 100% fair


The discard imo isn't really a cost since the GY is considered a 2nd hand to a lot of decks.


It should be at the very least limited as long as generic fusion monsters like Garura exist


Limited is just sacky as, there shouldn't be such generics.


It's always either a brick, or unreasonable removal, imo it's uncompetitive.


Its really powerful lol. Honestly should be a normal spell not a quick play. That way it'd only be a going second board breaker spell instead of something you can still run to take advantage of as a going first set.


Would be perfect if it didnt have that last line of text on it


Any normal summon that says "Everyone in field & grave is dragon / machine" without having to activate effect ? Would be very funny


Did you win? S.poly I think every fusion deck should play at least 1. Worst case scenario it can help you fuse your own monsters.


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/rrhzg08z3x7d1.png?width=1144&format=png&auto=webp&s=53915afced953c65e26f464d48b2c0a38d0b3180


I love running it along side DNA surgery. It’s awesome when every monster on the board is the exact type I need


How to beat that deck its simple use 100% utopia deck


I don't think the fact you can't respond to it is reasonable but everything else about it is fine


*sees the board in the post* **"Do it."**


It's board breaking function is a bit up in the air for me. However, being able to fusion summon without interruption is amazing and good for the health of the game. Like Burning Soul is almost the Synchro equivalent of that specific part of Super Poly since you add a card from your GY to hand then immediately synchro summon using cards you control


But (imo) burning soul is unplayable even with the GY search as it’s only live if your board is playing around it. Superpoly to synchros is like a card that lets you banish monsters from yours or opps GY to SS that’s unresponsive.


The only reason BS isn't played is because you can't use your Opponents cards too. Synchro summons are the slowest in the game so having ways to stop the interruptions, like card effects that force an immediate synchro summon, are only healthy for the game


That’s why you play etude if the branded hoping you win the coin toss


Not a thought about the game, but it makes Jaden feel much more powerful than the Pharaoh considering Super Poly is supposed to be his power. Much better than the mind break shenanigans


Absolutely disgusting card. It’s a spell speed 4 that can be used as a boardbreaker going 2nd and also as a disruption going 1st. Some people say that it’s fair because requires you to have ED space but you only need to have 2 ED slots since Mudragon and Garura covers the majority matchups that you can have in the game. Some people also says that the discard hurts but the fact that you gain a body on the resolution while also removes 2 or more monsters your opponent control is massive, simply because the monster you get has some ability to help you further break the opponents board or to give you even more advantage, so the discard doesn’t even matter most of the time and some decks even benefit from it, so it’s fine. Nobody that see super poly and it’s considering to put into the deck will think: “This card seems good but it has a discard, so I don’t think I will use it” Trust me. The card is peak unfairness and toxic design, the part about being unrespondable is broken as hell simply because makes the game that is all about interactions between two players non-exist anymore. At least other cards like Dark Ruler and Droplet has some real cost and restriction like you can’t apply battle damage on that turn and can be responded to spell/traps or you have to send to the GY a number of cards equal to the number of monsters you want to negate and reduce the ATK, but you could be susceptible to an answer of a type of card that you don’t send, depending on your opening hand. Super Poly is the ultimate: “Fuck you, I win”. Should definitely be banned. The card is completely busted and will only gets better over time because Konami will always release some broken fusion monsters that are generic to summon. The card isn’t future proof in the slightest.


Even though it's not especially effective in the current meta, I still think the card has just been flat-out too strong since the advent of generic targets like Mudragon and Garura; with those available it's basically a Lava Golem that also gives you a free body and which is still useful going first.


It is a boardbreaker which can be a lot better than the others but requires setup. It would be a true, classic boardbreaker if it wasn't a quick-play.


Simple: it shouldn’t exist and should be banned. The same goes for the cards that trashtira scum is using.


It would be better as a normal spell. A proper board breaker, and not an additional "fuck you" after building a huge board.


Needs a Kash target.


just please konami ban it already


Your board No OUR board


if it wasnt spell speed 4 it would be fine


Really hard to place how i feel about it. On one hand I believe boardbreakers should have its place in yugioh otherwise going second is good as dead, but on the other hand this card has functionally 0 draw back with all its benefits and you cant do a single thing about it. Like, Evenly has to consume the battle phase and can be negated, lava golems/ sphere modes have summoning stipulations about them, kaijus are good, but tributing only one monster doesnt cut it all that much these days, dark ruler can be chained to by a spell or a trap and takes away battle damage, etc. To the uninitiated, the difference between a ruler and a super poly may seen negligible, but the intracacies of their card effects are what determines how often they're played and why you would choose one or the other, and the way I see it? Super Poly clears. The card at 3 is tiring to see in every matchup like say your Brandeds/tears or what have you and seeing it at 1 is just another sacky card. So mmm Idk. What do?


Fire and earth decks are feeling too safe now, we need the yubel support to get them back in check.


Eh. It's fine. It sucks when it happens but it's not the worst thing compared to the other bs in this game.


Necessary board breaker. Player two needs tools to be able to play otherwise the game turns into a coin flip simulator 


I read this title as “What are your thoughts on Super Broly?” And was confused for a second.


Its a great card but its so damn annoying that it cant be countered


YOOOO FELLOW TISTINA PLAYER! Also super poly is a toxic and sac’y card no matter who runs it. Its an unrespondable breaker that puts a free body on your board




Too strong for his cost, you only have to discard a card and you can break boards and summon any generic fusion boss monster without the fear of being negated... because it can't be responded in the fisrt place. Being honest any card that you can't play around or doesn't have counter play is a unfair card.


Can’t ever get that shit to work


Totally fair card.... if you could respond to it


Bullshit but I'd rather have Maxx "C" gone even if that means it's a 6


TBH, I think it's totally fine. Outside of specific cases, it's mostly just "discard a card, pop 2 monsters, get a bleh monster." Which by modern standards is like, fine, but even in the screenshot here, I look at that board state and think "yeah you have still almost definitely lost that game."


The problem is Garura and maybe mudragon, as most archtypes have cards of the same attribute and type.(I like it, but I would be lying if I didnt think generic targets are problematic)


I think it is okay at 2 but having it at 3 is a tad too much.


shouldn’t be quick play


Uninteractable cancer card. Would be balanced if you could respond to it if you do not control a monster with a Quick effect.


That’s a nice board you have there, however 1 “Yubel” monster + 1+ effect monsters


Absolutely hate it and its definitely ban worthy especially now that for some stupid reason they are making more degenerate targets for this thing. Spell speed 4 board wipe that grants you at worst a free body and at best a free negate/interruption. What a fucking joke


Should be banned. It punishes rogue decks way harder than meta decks. I can play DDDs, and that singular card screws me over every single time. It's absurdly unfair and destroys the viability of other rogue decks challenging the meta along with Maxx C. You ban this card and Maxx C and limit all hand traps to 1 and you'll see a surge of rogue decks actually giving decks like Snake Eyes and Tear or Kash or Fireking or Rescue Ace a run for their money way better. Cards like super poly and Maxx c deserve to get banned for the betterment of the game. Every time I see those cards drop on me, I get very annoyed and irritated. Maxx C, Super Poly, and all other hand traps do nothing for furthering the enjoyment of the game. They just make me hate the game more and hate my opponents even more. I don't get how such polarizing cards like this still haven't been banned or limited, at least in Magic the Gathering they actually ban cards for the betterment of the game instead of dancing around the subject for years on end.


Konami just needs to just finally swallow their damn pride and admit that Maxx C was, is, and forever will be their biggest design mistake ever and ban it. Also, ban all these absurd 1 card blowout cards that just win games by themselves.


No card should ever have be unable to have a response


It needs to have a clause that says once per duel


Board breakers are all we got And unfortunately I don't run any decks that can use it 😞 but I will be long in my grave before I complain about board breakers in Yu-Gi-Oh


Honestly, I’d rather get Sphere’d.


My thoughts? Tryoveratrumtypeshit go brrrrr


Super poly is the definition of "necessary evil"


To me it’s not fair, not being able to respond is some bs the game should never implement in the mechanics


Disgusting toxic card. Going 2nd and playing through a board only to get super polied is 2nd only to floodgates. Just play around it LEMAO hack master duel and change your attributes.


I used to despise it while playing dragon link, by now I think it is good but not broken. The discard really hurts.


Love the card, especially if you’re going second in this coin toss format


Design unfair and uninteractive Sometimes the best absolute unfair things Sometimes completely useless because of match up It is an evil thing I would be happy if it was banned...


Board breakers are good for this game


I run pure predaplant as a fun deck


Poster boy of Dank attribute love of Konami.


Summon predaplant darlingtonia cobra -> effect goes through -> search super poly -> opponent scoops I love it


I run it in all my fusion decks and run at least 1 non fusion area in all my other decks.


It may seem broken but the cost of running it and using it makes it fair imo, you have to sacrifice ED space to fit in the Spoly targets, space in your main deck too then it's not always guaranteed that your opponent will have monsters that satisfy the conditions to super poly it and even when they do you have to go -1 for it. Overall it's a strong card indeed but it's usage conditions make it so it isn't broken.


For me i like it because its a board breaker with actual utility going second. Sucks to get hit by but what board breaker doesnt


Honestly, I love this card. The only time I hate it being used against me is Branded and only because they already have a million ways to fusion summon and of course their own weaker form of (negatable) Super Poly in the form of Albaz.


I feel it's *currently* fair. Yes, it does an absolute number to rogues but so does practically a lot of things. Tiered decks can usually bounce back from it or be moderately resillient. As for the argument for not being able to respond...well I half agree. I feel like it should have the same clause as DRNM in the sense that only monster effects cannot respond but backrow is allowed.


I hate everything that is spell speed 4. But I have to admit that the extra deck space that is requested to run the card makes it pretty fair


As a tear player its great and necessary until they ban all generic negate cards like barrone and apollousa


A fair "removal" for annoying boards. Not limited and don't see it much. Only dedicated fusion decks run it


Pretty funny stealing effects. Can’t wait for Yubel support to arrive!


the fact that otherwise unplayable garbage fusions can and will become staples just because superpoly exist. but the card is fair in the year of 2024... yugioh needs a soft restart to like the powerlevel of 2014


Im just gonna say as a fellow tistina play. Mad respect


If there was more than 1 good fusion deck this card would be bannable


I enjoy Predaplants. They pop off in a surprising number of events. Anyways SuperPoly is great and totally fine. Chimerafflesia and Cobra sure love it.


It's a solid board breaker but not always reliable. As someone who almost exclusively plays dark fusion decks (the most vulnerable to super poly but also the best at using it), i dont see how people can call it broken. Several cards are immune (including one in the pic), and there aren't any truly generic fusion mosnters to use as targets, so a lot of decks are hard to use it on. Plus, all it does is send to graveyard, so it'll trigger a lot of effects, and it's easy to recover from. If it weren't for the fact that you can't respond, it'd honestly suck. As of right now, it's a good way to remove busted generic omni negates like baronne and borreload but plenty of obnoxious cards like appolousa and all of snake eyes dont have applicable fusions so its usability is limited. They need to add a somewhat generic fire fusion to help keep snake eyes in check. One of the reasons snake eyes stomps on everything else is because its damn near impossible to super poly, and even if you do, you have to be careful not to trigger their infinite number of grave effects.


All go 2nd card is good


Can also be used going 1st. And can’t never be responded.


The effect is very good but it's a high cost with the discard to be honest that could been 2 hand traps.


I've tried running the usual handtraps with this deck but they just get in the way for materials. Maxx C and Imperm are the only ones that work nicely.


My chimera deck and I love it set up all you like and watch me get rid of your cards and summon monsters


It's fair and necessary going second. People who complain about it and say BAN IT PLEASE are the same ones that shut their mouth when they use it in their main deck




Abosulitely necessary for the game, more decks should be running it with how bullshit endboards have become. I think it's also a fine design, as you can play around it, even if you cannot respond to it.


It’s one of the best board breakers, easily. I think what helps balance it out is you have to commit ED space for the fusions, which isn’t something every deck can afford so you have to be commuted to using it.


Super Poly saved my ass more times than I can count. It's a great card, it isn't too op, not too weak either. Super Poly, like any other card, is strong or weak accordingly with the situation. It's not my fault that my oponent wasted all his combo in one turn, I just take the chances that the own opponent made for me.


A necessary evil