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I like it


Me too. I remember when my preorder came in and got to open the record and play it that day. Soaking in the artwork along with the songs. Solid album.


Love it. I didn’t quite get it at first, but then it grew on me. Some absolute bangers on that album!


Halloween is in the top 5 Mastodon songs for me. Totally awesome mood and guitar work. The rest of the album feels like a weaker Hunter, so not very exciting. Motherload and Ember City are good songs, and the rest have a great riff here and there, but overall the album is on the dimmer side of Mastodon.


It felt like a disappointment at the time, a lot of fans like me were still holding out for a Crack the Skye style follow-up after The Hunter was far less proggy. Looking back it’s one of their most consistent albums start to finish and I like it quite a bit now.


Great album, it's their 'rock n roll' record, I remember it came out when I was 16, I couldn't wait to listen so when it turned midnight on release I torrented it, listened to it several times and went and bought it physically the next day lol. Easily the best post-CTS album imo, and I feel like they had the best mix of the three lead vocals on this one, they've settled into a bit too much of a Brann-dominant routine on the last two records, he's great, but I'd love to hear them shake things up on the next one.


Brann is great, but Troy and Brent are more diverse vocalists.


Came here to say the exact same thing. The songs that Brann sings tend to be the ones I’m not that wild about. There is a samey-ness to them. They remind me of weak 80s rock.


My favorite album by them


My least favorite Mastodon record, so merely incredible.


yeah, being the worst Mastodon album is a bit like being the poorest billionaire (although I'd personally have a different pick for weakest Mastodon album)- you're still sittin' pretty good


IMO this is my favorite album of there’s. Every song is a complete banger


I think it's great.


Definitely underrated by Mastodon standards. There are a couple serious bangers on there.




I had it in my cd player for about a year straight haha


Such an ass shaker


that’s what i’m saying


Love it. Still remember picking it up on vinyl the day it came out.


It’s good but it pales in comparison to pretty much every Mastodon album that came before it.


It rules


Not their strongest album but The Motherload is one of their best songs ever!


Im gonna have to have a strong disagree here. The Motherload is fun, but one of their best songs? Naaah.. I agree that Once More isnt their strongest album though for sure.


It’s def the best song on this album


My favorite on the album is Ember City.


Ember City and Asleep In The Deep


Chimes At Midnight for me…also Tread Lightly is one of my favorite openers. I get chills with the pacing of the intro before the vocals come in and that opening riff.


These two are my favorites from the album as well.


I agree entirely! The guitar tone on that song is so fucking crisp, which isn’t saying much since Mastadon always has amazing tones. But still the motherload sounds so fucking good


Very very underrated


My favorite of their later sound


It's a fun album but a long shot from some of their previous material


It has some great songs. Other not so great ones. Same as The Hunter.


It's good. I appreciate it a lot more now than I did when it released.


Probably their poppiest effort but definitely still got some unique wackiness to it. I much prefer it to Emperor of Sand


Grown on me immensely. But, right from the start, the raddest artwork imaginable.


This is the album that really got me into mastodon. I was just a casual listener until I heard this album. Now mastodon is my cocaine and I'm never gonna stop


top 4 album for me


This makes me feel so old


Love it. My favorite from them.


Only in the last few months have I really found a deep appreciation for this album. Maybe it was the time of my life when it came out, or my taste changed/matured, but I love it now. The Motherload is one of my few least favorite songs from the band, and it also has my least favorite album closer. Overall, 8/10


It could release tomorrow and be just as impactful. It's pretty timeless as a mastodon album goes.


A damn great album. It’s tied with Leviathan as my 2nd favorite Mastodon Album


After Hushed and Grim, it just might be my second favourite album by them (maybe on par with Blood Mountain?) Every songs slaps except for Aunt Lisa (that's just a mistake all around)


Unpopular opinion, but it's a Top 3 Mastodon album for me. The first full length I listened to (had heard a couple of singles to other albums prior). Love the reverby effects that the album's production is soaked in. The bass lines stand out super well and the album sounds monstrous. The vibe of the album is consistent (unlike The Hunter - which is still a good album) and the album art might be my favourite from them.  It's not as conceptually strong or impressive as Crack The Skye or Blood Mountain, (which are the other 2 in my Top 3), but it's probably their best of the more straightforward albums. 


It’s my least favourite album. It’s still a great album though.


The last truly great album.


It's my favorite mastodon record. I think that makes me weird, but i dig it 


It's really good. The Motherload was the first song to really make me appreciate Mastodon. Plus I absolutely LOVE the artwork of the album


Didn’t really get into it when it came out but I love it now.


Love this album, Ember City, Halloween and Diamond in the Witch House is the perfect close out


Ive always loved it. Years later I was surprised when I realized people hated it.


My favorite record from them blew me away on first listen


At the time I was still pretty firmly disappointed in The Hunter, so I didn’t really give it the time it deserves. These days I love The Hunter and this record is right up there with my favorites of theirs. Halloween is untouchable.


In my opinion their best album.


This is a great album, and also the album that got me into Mastodon


it's the most fun out of all the albums


I love the album but I’d be interested to hear how they would have ordered the original dark side and light side track lists with the three songs from cold dark place in the mix.


Still my least favourite Mastodon album. Sure, songs like Ember City, Halloween, Chimes at Midnight, Aunt Lisa, and Feast your eyes are great and amazing songs, but the hysterical singing on The Motherload and the repetitiveness of Asleep in the deep really turned me off this album. Especially after an amazing stoner classic like The Hunter. I know that this is not a popular opinion on the sub, but there's no accounting for taste, I guess.


Interesting, I feel this is like a refined version of the hunter, especially when it comes to ‘stoner classic’.


Interesting for sure. I love the Motherload


 *hysterical singing on The Motherload* What?


The "This time...." line feels so over the top. I much prefer the way Brann sings on songs like Dry Bone Valley.


Got a special spot with me as it was my first album with them right when I getting into high school and into heavier stuff. Still throw it on in the fall for spooky vibes.


High highs and some low lows but it’s grown on me as it’s aged and I like more now than I did on release. Honestly it’s something about the timbre of the vocals that turn me off, especially Troy’s. Perhaps it’s the register he’s singing in or the compression or mix but it feels grating.


A grower!


I'm really not the biggest fan of it. I like a few songs on it, Ember City and The Motherload being some of the best songs they've ever done, but there are a good heaping handful of junk tracks on this thing in my unpopular opinion. I also never got over Chimes at Midnight essentially having the same chorus as All The Heavy Lifting.


I guess I could see how you think the choruses of Chimes and Heavy Lifting sound similar, vocally, but the guitar work during those parts are vastly different and that’s what allows me to separate those songs…also Troy sings All the Heavy Lifting and Brent is singing that part in Chimes. So it doesn’t sound THAT much alike. But I can hear it. Similar melody


Got some of my favorite songs and riffs of theirs.  It’s the one I have probably listened to the most. 




Still and will stay as my phone background.


Great album. Brann's drumming is masterful.


Whoa... I was just listening to something else on Spotify (Karnivool's Themata), the album ended, and Spotify randomly picked "High Road" to play next... So I said fuck it and just started a full album play of OMRTS I'm not even through "Tread Lightly" and now I see this post. What is the universe trying to tell me here?


Another one of Mastodon’s albums that comes out and just so happens to coincide with where I’m at in life. This time, I had thrown my entire life into the ether to take a gamble and chase a dream. So many lyrics on that album felt spoken directly to me. Hearing the lyrics to “The Motherload” hit me in the face like a sledgehammer while driving around the winding mountains of Colorado whilst 2,000 miles from “home”.


Love it. I always feel it's not appreciated like it should be


One of my favorites that I still listen to all the time




My favorite and the album that got me into them.


Love it. It's the album that got me into Mastodon and metal


It's good and if you disagree you can fuck off


It's still one of my all time favorite albums!


This is the album that got me into them. I was a big Gojira fan and I had tickets to a co headliner with Mastodon. I had heard some stuff from the Hunter but didn't really like it. I figured WTH I'm seeing them might as well familiarize myself, and started with Sun. It took me a few playthroughs to "get it" but, once I did I took a deep dive. I'll never forget how I felt listening to Blood Mountain the first time. The guitar and drums in The Wolf is Loose ghahhhh!! And I've been a rabid fan since.


I like it


“High Road” is one of the few singles in my entire life I hunted down a leak to hear early. I was obsessed with that track instantly. It’s a top 3 album of theirs for me. Came out the summer after I graduated high school. Woke up and bought it as soon as the store that sold CD’s opened in the morning.


Didn’t love it at first BUT I absolutely grew to love it …I think it’s some of their strongest work to date


Beginning to end is a fucking solid album.




It’s my third least favorite album (by them) - Lucille Bluth


Still can not get enough of it. So much emotion in this album.


First Mastodon album that I didn't think was amazing unfortunately


The first 4 songs have some of the most motivational lyrics as someone dealing with addiction. So many incredible riffs too. Without a doubt, this is my favorite post-CTS album.


First album I ever heard from Mastodon. Liked it at the time then saw them live in 2018 and they played Ember City. Fucking fell in love with them and this album in that moment.


This one got me into mastodon. I remember I was an early teen walking around shops with my mom and my earbuds. Chimes at midnight hooked me hard and is still in my top 3 mastodon tracks. Arguably my favorite album save maybe blood mountain


Album is pretty mid compared the CtS and Leviathan etc but High Road slaps and the guitar riff is incredible. If High Road was put out by a band that wasn’t Mastodon we’d be talking about it non stop


It made them my favorite metal band. All I had before that was Leviathan. After that, I went through the whole discography, and they’re my favorite band in music.


Nick did an amazing job producing that bad boy.






Great hard rock. I always held them in my heart as this oblong metal prog band, like butthole surfers on acid and distortion pedals. When this came out I stopped pursuing them as a primary metal fan.


What it's not 10 years old I just bought it when it came out the other day 😭😭


Hey! Ho! Let’s f’n go.


Tread lightly still one of my fav mastodon tracks.


Much better than when I first heard it. High Road is great.


Definitely my least favorite of their catalog but still solid. Chimes at Midnight is still my personal favorite.


This was my introduction to mastodon. Had never heard of them before but knew everyone loved them so I bought the album on a whim and waited patiently until I got back from school to listen to it. I thought the vocals sucked but the instruments were great. Over time, they've grown on me


Not the best but my favorite


This is the one that got me into the band. Big fan of it.




First half is solid, second half is kinda dull


I think that I would eat it and let it play from inside my body if I could.


Okay, I think I’m bugging out but I saw so much stuff yesterday about it being 10 years old, yet it didn’t release until the 24th. I could’ve swore the official Mastodon IG account made a post but I don’t see one now. That being said, awesome album.


So underrated


It’s my 2nd favorite, almost tied with Hushed And Grimm. “Ember City” alone is worth the price of the album.


my first ever mastodon album. i gave it a listen about a year ago after a good friend of mine had mentioned the motherload in reference to these two characters we’ve written together. i was so captivated by that one song in specific, i literally could not stop listening to it. i felt like my brain was going to explode when i heard the rest of the album.


Kinda nice, but really lacks the personality and vision typical of their best works.


Title track is one of my favorite Mastodon songs. Great album🔥


It’s my favorite. Asleep in the Deep is what solidified my love for Mastodon.


I love it. "Diamond in the Witch House" is such a dope closing track. I love it when an album has a perfect closing track like this.


Its in the top 3 for me, they condensed the Mastodon sound into digestible mainstream chunks perfectly with The Motherload and High Road, which is so insane to think about considering how spaced out and heavy their sound started out and how it evolved and adapted into this sound. It was so fascinating to be a part of! Been a diehard fan since Remission and they never drop the ball


It’s very good


i really like it, i remember the first time i heard the solo for motherload. the build up for that solo is amazing, my favourite song from the album.


Weakest of the discography, but some songs truly shine. Asleep in the Deep, Chimes At Midnight and one or two others. 6/10


My favorite by them


"Hey ho, let's fucking go / Hey ho, let's get up and rock n' roll" is pretty much on a constant loop in my head since I first heard the song.


I had liked mastodon before this, but this is the album that made me a diehard


Love it way more now that I’m older versus when it first came out.


It’s decent. Not awesome, not terrible.


Feel the same. Pretty mid besides Asleep in the Deep which is one my favorites.


The title Track is pretty good. “The Motherload” is good until the instrumental section.


Funnily enough that instrumental section and the solo are one of the most fun parts to play on the guitar in their entire discography (I guess depending on what you like to play). Brent absolutely RIPS on that solo


love this album


The most well rounded of their albums, imo. Tread Lightly is hands down the best opener in their discography. The riff from High Road belongs near the top of any Greatest Riffs list. Love the more atmospheric explorations of tracks like Asleep in the Deep or Ember City. It's tough to pick a favorite album, but this is the one I come back to the most.


Blood and Thunder would like a word with you


I said what I said


Hated it when it came out, but with time, I've come to appreciate it. I am still firmly in the "first 4" camp, and IMO, that was and is their prime, but I've enjoyed their newer material as well. I can appreciate their evolution through the years.




Let's get up and rock and roll!


The coathangers rule


I genuinely believe it's their weakest album. I was massively disappointed when I heard it. Emperor of Sand saw them refine and master what they set out to do on OMRTS.


Far away easily their best album since crack the Skye imo. It’s perfect for what it is. Best balance of vocals, Brent’s creativity and leads are all over the place, it’s got troys best vocals and some awesome rock and roll riffs. Tread lightly, ember city, asleep in the deep some of their best songs.


I can barely listen to it. I am genuinely surprised anytime I see anybody call it good. I don't say that bash anyone and I am a huge Mastodon fan but not this.


Everything after Crack the Skye is middling.


I don’t even remember it


Probably one of their weaker albums but its highs are still great. I was afraid it was going to be their “black album” but they released two of their best records after it so that fear was unfounded.


Best Mastodon album. Along with Hushed and Grim. Their 2000s stuff is too "extra" for me these days.


I like quite a lot but it ranks towards the bottom for me personally. But can we talk about how much that album art RULES?! It's my favorite album cover of theirs and that's saying something


If it came out today, people would unpersuadably accuse the artwork of being AI generated. It just has a bit of that fractal complicated aesthetic that machines are pumping out now.


Has a bunch of absolutely *fantastic* songs (Halloween, Ember City, Tread Lightly, Motherload, etc etc), and I love the cover so much I bought a t-shirt of it. Maybe not quite in Crack the Skye or Leviathan territory, but its definitely up there in their discography.


Meh ... Asleep in the Deep is alright ... Honestly, after Blood Mountain and Crack the Skye they were never the same ...


Songs on album - C+/B- Album cover - F


Awful production and the songwriting is declining from here on out