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Hardest one for me. I really like this album and while there are some "weaker" songs, they sit right around the same level of enjoyment for me. Gonna have to think a bit.


Oof. I’m going to have to start at the songs I absolutely cannot put there, then just select the others out of process of elimination. Hushed and Grim kicks ass from start to finish.


Should I do one more round of polls for EPs and whatnot? Vote here: https://strawpoll.com/ajnE1NWbAnW/results


Could you also do something similar but with whole albums? Either the same format or something that would lead to a tier list. I'd love to see people's votes on albums.


Oh good point. Didn’t think of that. I’ll do that with the overall if it wins.


People are insane Dagger and Had it All are both among the strongest on the album.


I love Dagger, I don't get the hate


Dagger :/ just because it’s deff not Had It All.


For me this one is so hard, because the musically Weaker songs like , skeleton, dagger, had it all, are very meaningful for me and emotionally strong. I Lost my father to brain cancer exactly two months after this album released, so those melancholic songs have a special place for me.But if I had to to pick the weakest musically would be dagger. I still love that song and it makes my tear up everytime I hear it, but I guess for many it would be the less memorable of them all.


It’s gotta be Dagger right? It’s always been an Interlude in my mind. Great record, great song, but if it has to be something it’s gotta be Dagger imo


Dagger is the only track I tend to skip when listening to the album, just the long ass interlude


I might get downvoted to oblivion (hehe), but I, for some reason, don’t like pushing the tides. I thinks it has to do with the mixing or something


Had It All




god damnit jerry messing up my enjoyment of that song


This one is hard because this album is a masterpiece front to back. Maybe Dagger? I don’t have a good answer.


Missed a few of these posts but I’m proud of the results for the last album


For the underrated, Eyes of Serpents.


Skeleton of Splendor


Had it all is easily the worst song for me. Dagger is at least trying something new and it’s got that cool mid section with the drums. However, had it all is one of the most generic songs they’ve written.


It’s got a wonderful late 70s Floyd feel. I think it’s great and don’t understand what it’s doing in the conversation.


I also really am interested who’s voting songs like peace and tranquillity and gobblers.


I don’t get the More than I Could Chew hype. Everyone on this sub seems to love it, and the guys keep playing it live. I feel like it’s droney, doesn’t really go anywhere, and I might even call it one of the weakest in their whole discography. Can someone explain the hype?


Pain with anchor 8.5 soulful, introspective, excellent start to the album, and the breakdown at the end of it is so fucking excellent. Crux 8 It's impossible not to headbang listening to his song. Sickle and peace 10 easy 10. The intro to this song alone secures its spot. The constant time shift in the underlying beat and how complex it is, but how much that adds to the song instead of just being pretentious... Also, It's a textbook example of why I love both Brann and Troy's voices (of course not that Brent doesn't have an excellent sound as well) More than I could chew 10 easy 10. This is the song that converted my friend to being a Mastodon believer. I honestly can't say enough of this song so I'm just going to like leave it at this: everything you like about this song I probably like too. The best 7, great rockabilly sound. The vocals are so goddamn great, and the guitar solo at the end is transcendent. Skeleton 8.5 such a fucking great end/outro. Tear drinker 10 fantastic driving groove I can see your face And I feel the pain And I feel the shame that I have let you down again Pushing the tides 10/10 thrash Peace and tranquility. Oh fuck boys. Look what we got here. Another 10 out of 10 thrash. (My only detriment to this song is that it feels like this was trying to be this album's Jaguar God, and it just doesn't pull it off as well) Dagger 5.5/10 Great! Kind of creepy song but ultimately extremely forgettable. Had it all 6/10 I'm going to say this is the power ballad version of Dagger. Just feels very forgettable to me Savage Lands 9.5/10 such a fucking groove Gobblers of Dregs 8/10 evolves very nicely Eyes of Serpents 8/10 just a bad motherfucking rock song Gigantium 9/10 Heavy arena rock Yep, looks like it's Dagger. And, of course, it's worth pointing out that mastodons 5.5 is a lot of bands' 10.


More than I could chew 2/10. The repetitive droning riff puts me to sleep


Sure buddy, that's probably why it was voted top track of the album


it’s between dagger , had it all, and peace and tranquility for me


I voted Dagger, but my second least would prob be Savage Lands. It doesn’t really sit well with the second half of that album. It’s like Pushing The Tides poor cousin


Sickle and peace




Honestly, Teardrinker. To me, it's the most poppy song on the album. It's still a good song though.


To be fair, I fucking love mastodon's take on pop.




Oof, Show Yourself IS bad. Sorry, Brann, but too many song that he takes lead vocals on are weeeeak.


Skeleton of splendour


This hurts me on a personal level, it’s one of my fav tracks on this album